Energy Efficient Virtual MIMO Communication for Wireless Sensor Networks

Energy Efficient Virtual MIMO Communication For Wireless Sensor Networks project explains about a new technique in a wireless sensors network where energy is most efficiently used. In this paper we will explain virtual MIMO with fixed variable rates. Here we propose efficient routing related to virtual MIMO. Simulator is used to compare output of Virtual MIMO with SISO where MIMO performance is better than SISO.

There are many fields where virtual MIMO is used because of it energy efficiency in network systems. MIMO network consist of many sensors which communicate with each other for transmitting and receiving messages. Energy efficiency is improved because of usage of many sensors and usage of many transmitters and receivers in the circuit increases consumption of power in a circuit.

In order to maintain power management in these circuit optimization techniques need to be implemented. Due to this problem of integrating many antennas, Virtual MIMO concept is implemented for a wireless senor network which will provide energy efficient communication.

download  Project on Energy Efficient Virtual MIMO Communication For Wireless Sensor Networks  project.

Cyclic Redundancy Codes (CRC) For Parallel And Serial Communications

PROJECT TITLE: Cyclic Redundancy Codes (CRC) For Parallel And Serial Communications

INTRODUCTION: As it is easily imaginable, we all would like to have no errors when transmitting data over the Internet or any other media, but defects in materials, interferences and other sources can Corrupt the data, so we have to provide the communication with ways of detecting and if possible correcting those errors. It could be highly desirable to be able to check this in an ccurate and fast way, and therefore many different strategies have been developed in the early years, but almost all were based in performing some kind of mathematical operation over the bits we are transmitting.  In this way, the so-called CRC was rapidly widespread as a good way of checking errors. A mathematical operation is performed over the data that is going to be sent, and the result is appended at the end of the data, thus resulting the packet that will actually be sent. At the far end of the channel, the same operation is made. If the result is the one expected then there have not been problems. Else, the data is corrupted and something will have to be made (this “something” is out of the scope of the CRC generator; it is usually an issue corresponding to the upper layers of the communication protocol). 

There are various methods available for serial (example USB) and parallel (example PCI bus) communication protocols.  With this motivation I would like to study various serial and parallel communications protocols needs for CRC and would like the implement the same.


  • CLK 
  • RSTn
  •  INITn
  • LOAD
  • D(M:O)
  • CRC(N:)


 CRC codes of length n can be generated which detect:

– All single and double errors

– Any odd number of errors

– Any burst error _ n and most larger error bursts

– Sample questions

Download Cyclic Redundancy Codes (CRC) For Parallel And Serial Communications Project Abstract

Design of 7 TAP FIR Filter Using HDL and Analysis Using MATLAB

Design Of 7 TAP FIR Filter Using HDL And Analysis Using MATLAB project explains about a new design of FIR filter to determine control circuits in DSP architectures.  This project can be useful in DSP architecture where different operations using algorithms are time multiplexed in to single functional unit. In order to reduce space in the circuit we need to use multiplexing in algorithms so here in order to reduce space we are running total functional units in a single execution.

In order to check the result of the system Xilinx’s software is used as simulator which is used for simulating VHDL codes.  Inputs given to this simulator are co-efficient of the FIR filter generated by MATLAB.

download  Project on Design Of 7 TAP FIR Filter Using HDL And Analysis Using MATLAB  project.

Design and Implementation of Butter worth Filter Using VHDL AMS

Design and Implementation of Butter worth Filter Using VHDL AMS projects main idea is to develop a system which can be used for easy designing and performance. Using this system it will be easy to simulate entire circuit at each transistor lever before design is conformed. This project helps companies to submit their work in time without and delay.

In order to understand entire process of the transistor-level behavior and variations in between its design and its top level functionality model should be closely absorbed.

download  Project on Design and Implementation of Butter worth Filter Using VHDL AMS  project.

Implementation OF CDMA Signaling Technique Using Mat lab

Implementation OF CDMA Signaling Technique Using MatLab Projects main idea is to provide solution for GSM networks for increasing scope of coverage to rural areas. In present telecommunication industry many networks are not providing services to the rural areas because of few customers and high installment cost.

In order to solve this problem we propose a method called wireless radio network. But there are few draw backs with system by considering Present multiplexing techniques like TDMA. In wireless radio network each area need to devided in to large cells. In this case there will be signal loss and delays by using TDMA.

In order to solve this problem,  CDMA and Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing techniques are used as alternative to TDMA. In time division multiplexing there is high symbol rate which is leading to problems in multi path causing inter symbol interference.

download  Project on Implementation OF CDMA Signaling Technique Using MatLab  project

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Design and Implementation of a Digital To Analog Converter Using VHDL AMS

Design And Implementation Of A  Digital To Analog Converter Using VHDL AMS Project explains about designing a new system through which complex designs can be made easy and feasible. Using these system designers to design model systems quickly and provide best way to simulated chip design and performance at the starting stage of design.

This application will provide users to simulate entire design by dividing each block logically. This process can be continued until final design is finalized. Basically in order to design this type of applications it may take more than few months but by busing this application it can be complemented in weeks which will help companies to reach their dead lines in time.

New analog to digital converter is combined with different digital interfacings and interactions. In old SPCE tools users need to develop different analog and digital sub systems in isolation.

download  Project on Design And Implementation Of A  Digital To Analog Converter Using VHDL AMS  project

Implementation of DCT and IDCT Technique on Image Compression Using VHDL

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DCT compression technique will be perfect for image compression because of it energy compaction property. In most of the images energy is concentrated at low and middle frequencies and middle frequency is visible for a normal human eye .

download  Project on Implementation Of DCT and IDCT Technique On Image Compression Using VHDL  project.

Design of DDR SDRAM Using Verilog HDL

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DDR Ram is advanced version of basic synchronous DRAM. DDR Ram data transfer rate is fast on each clock cycle which will improve the efficiency by doubling the data output of the memory device.

Other features of DDR Ram are it works as a bidirectional data strobe while data read and data write operations.

download  Project on Design Of DDR SDRAM Using Verilog HDL  project.

Design And Implementation OF a PLL Using VHDL AMS

Design And Implementation OF a PLL Using VHDL AMS projects main idea is to develop a model for a phase looked Loop in a top down Mixed signal design flow and provide a simulated result for a structural level development and to make a betterment of its behavior.  This project will help us to analyze mixed signals communicating with different digital components in a large circuit is same as that of expected.

In basic circuits time taken for simulating a circuit is more but with this new proposed system simulation time is very less. VHDL-AMS is mostly used for modeling mixed signal circuits. Cadence Analog Artist is used for simulations and schematic level development. This tool will be easily available for users for implementing a new design.

download  Project on Design And Implementation OF a PLL Using VHDL AMS  project.

FPGA Implementation of USB Receiver in HDL

FPGA Implementation of USB Receiver in HDL projects main idea is to develop a receiver application which works for all applications. This receiver is implemented using VHDL USB2.0.

We will test this receiver by downloading it in to FPGA.

In this project Universal Serial Bus version 2.0 is used which works as a bidirectional serial bus interface. Main purpose of using USB 2.0 is because of its three types of UTMI implementations.

USB 2.0 provide high data transmission rates with different speed rates like it works as Low speed(1.5MHZ) for (LS) and works at 12MHZ for Full speed and 480MHZ for High speed data transmission. USB 2.0 consists of transmitter and receiver where UTMI transmitter will send signals to different USB devices on D+ and D- lines and receiver will receive on the same lines.

download  Project on FPGA Implementation of USB Receiver in HDL  project.