Object Detecting and Following Robo Abstract

Object Detecting And Following Robo Project deals with object sensing and Following Robot is based on 8 bit Microcontroller. Path of the robot will be on the line we draw on the floor. Here we are using proximity sensor for detect the objects. Internally it consists of IR sensors. The infrared sensors are used to sense the object. When the infrared signal sense the object then the robo follows the object. This project is implemented using a 8 bit micro controller.

 In this system infra red signals are used to transmit information to micro controller. Micro controller will receive signals from sensors and drives the motor. In this application two stepping motors are used.

download  Object Detecting And Following Robo Abstract .


Distance Education System A C# Project

The project Distance Education (Learning) System is a web-based application, which deals exclusively with the online training programs for the employees of the company. It basically list-outs the available courses and time in which courses has to be completed.  It even eases the task of the company to review the courses and the training done by the employees. The company can assess the performance of each employee by the online exam conducted for the course.

   Only the employee of the company can access the system. The registered employee is provided with the online study material covering that particular course along with the corresponding question bank. 

In our system, employees are given the flexibility to change the password and can write any type of test (level test, entry test, final test) for 3 times. If the employee is unable to complete the training with in the stipulated time, then they can request the administrator to increase the training time period. The employees can even directly write the entry test for any level. They can view the study material of the completed levels of the registered course.

Current System

The training Department of the company administers training functions and is headed by the Administrator (Training). The training is organized based on a training directive issued by the management. The administrator of the training is based on diverse media of delivery. Whereas the classroom based, instructor – led programs form the principal module of delivery. The company is also interested in promoting and developing self-learning based on distance education concept. The company has, for this purpose acquired a library of  Books which are maintained on server for this purpose.

The whole process is now manually controlled. This requires intervention by the training staff at frequent intervals. It is proposed to automate this function together with the management of training function.

Proposed System

The study material available online can be in the form of documents on a server machine which can be accessed simultaneously by many users. All the permanent employees should be able to access all kinds of study material irrespective of the employee’s designation or field of expertise. No person other than the employee of the company should be able to gain access to the system.

The employee logs in to the system and selects the subject of interest. Depending on the course selected the employee is allotted a fixed amount of time during which he/she is proposed to complete the self – paced training. Once the allotted time has elapsed, the employee is not allowed to access the training program. The employee may request the Training Administrator to extend the time period for the training.

download  Distance Education System A C# Project.

A Low Cost Microcontroller Implementation Of Neural Network Based Hurdle Avoidance Controller For A Car-Like Robot

A Low Cost Microcontroller Implementation of Neural Network Based Hurdle Avoidance Controller for a Car-Like Robot projects main idea is to develop a cost efficient robotic car using micro controller which is used to control hurdles in its travelling path. This project is implemented using multi layer feed forward propagation algorithm.

          In this project we are using six sensors which are placed at all directions of the car this sensors are used to detect the obstacle from all directions and it automatically move away from the obstacle without any manual support, by using the driver motors present in the car moves the car tangentially inorder to reduce the time and also the distance. Here each and every sensor acts as neurons for the detection  of an obstacle. 

SOFTWARE: Embedded ‘C’

TOOLS: Keil uvision, Flash magic.

TARGET DEVICE: Microcontroller

APPLICATIONS:. Using  this technique in cars.

ADVANTAGES: low cost and avoids accidents.

download  A Low Cost Microcontroller Implementation of Neural Network Based Hurdle Avoidance Controller for a Car-Like Robot.

Development of Remote Waste Gas Monitor System

Development of Remote Waste Gas Monitor System project uses two wireless technologies GSM, GPS. As GPS wireless technology will be used to find the location and GSM wireless communication will be used to send the message to the control.

Atmospheric pollution is getting increasing day by day. And air pollution is one which is causing lot many health diseases. And motor vehicles and factories are two major factors which are polluting the air. As industries are getting increasing the pollution also increasing and lot many industries are releasing the waste gases into the air and causing the health diseases to the people.

LPC2148 micro controller is used in this project which is one of the widely used micro controller. which the current dominant microcontroller in mobile based products and software development Tool as Keil(IDE) and flash magic for loading hex file in to the microcontroller.

download  Development of Remote Waste Gas Monitor embedded System project.

Design and Development of Mobile Phone for Blind/Old People

Design and development of Mobile phone for blind/old people Project Abstract

Now a days as the technology is getting updating day by day which is making the educated people to easily operate the mobile phone. But it becomes somewhat critical for blind/old people to operate the mobile phones for calling to specific person. This project “Design and development of Mobile phone for blind/old people” will provide an easy method for the blind people to call to specific person. In this method we are having small keypad for selecting the switch to call to a specific person. MIC and speakers provides for speaking and listening facility.  The main advantage of this project compared to the normal telephones or mobiles phones as we are interfacing with microcontroller it is possible to monitor and control the devices also.


Design and development of Mobile phone for blind/old people program will be written in the Embedded C language. Using the Keil IDE and loading of the hex file will be done by using the flash magic. 

Final Year Project on Account Tracking System


      The Account Tracking  System validates the user details and checks for the access permissions. The access to the various modules of the System is provided based on the privileges of the users.


       The following is the scope of this project. The following modules will be developed as part of the final product to be delivered to the organization. The detailed scope for the below mentioned modules will be provided in software requirements specification document.

            Basically this project consists of four modules.

 1.      Project Tracking.

2.      Resource Tracking.

3.      Personal Tracking.

4.      Task Tracking. 

Introduction To Account Tracking  System:

The Project Information consists of all the information about the particular project that includes Project name, duration, cost, start date, end date etc.,.The operations are performed in the similar way  as the User information operation does. Here projected is the primary key.

Project-Resource will have ability to enter tasks related to the project. Tasks include task name, duration, start date and end date .Privileges on the tasks create, update and delete for the current week. 

New Project

Task Creation will be consisting of the task name, resource-id, create date, end date, project id and task description. For a  particular Resource-id and its associated Project-id  a task name ,task id ,creation date, end date and its description will be entered in the Resource Task Creation form to create a new task. Which will be entered in the task table. In this Task Creation we are not considering the Status field, because the Resource (him/herself) is creating a new task after completion of the Task assigned by the PM-TL. 

View/Modify Project

In the Resource Task Updating the Project-Resource will be updating the tasks in the update task form by  hyper linking the loginid. which will be directed to the Updating form that doesn’t contain the Task id Depending up on the taskid  the updating will be done to the remaining fields which are in the form. After submitting the form, the updating will be reflected in the task table. 

Resource Tracking

In the Resource Task Updating the Project-Resource will be updating the tasks in the update task form by hyper linking the loginid. Which will be directed to the Updating form that doesn’t contain the Task id depending up on the taskid the updating will be done to the remaining fields which are in the form. After submitting the form, the updating will be reflected in the task table.

In the Resource change password operation only the resource that entered can change the old password with a new password to provide more security for the information .The user is provided with a confirmation password field to confirm the new password field. If the password field is not confirmed by the user then the password will not be changed a warning will be displayed If the password field is confirmed the user can login with the new password.

Resource Task Creation will be consisting of the task name, resource-id, create date, end date, project id and task description. For a  particular Resource-id and its associated Project-id  a task name ,task id ,creation date, end date and its description will be entered in the Resource Task Creation form to create a new task. Which will be entered in the task table. In this Task Creation we are not considering the Status field, because the Resource (him/herself) is creating a new task after completion of the Task assigned by the PM-TL. 

Time  Tracking  

 The Task Information consists of the tasks assigned to the user and  it consists of all the information about the user and the project. The Assigning task consists the  project information and resource information .After selecting the particular project  it displays the associated resources  of that project then we select one of the resource  and assign the task to that resource after giving the task description . 

Personal Tracking

            This subsystem enables the project resource to enter the task of the project. The entire project task includes the task name, task duration, task start date, task end date.

Simulation With VHDL and Code Generation

Simulation With VHDL and Code Generation Project explains about new simulator which can load different modules. This simulator is used to simulate hardware modules explained with java. This application is used with the combination of MIPS processor with EISLAB.

This paper will explain about developing a syncsim simulator which is integrated with VHDL and java and a c compiler. This system will generate code with the existing MIPS model.

EESIM is the old model simulator used for SYNCSIM which uses hardware models which makes used of VHDL and c compiler. This simulator generates code which is compatible with MIPS model.

download  Simulation With VHDL and Code Generation Project.

Wireless Electrical Appliances Control System Using IR Communication

Wireless Electrical Appliances Control System Using IR Communication projects main idea is to develop a wireless remote application which can handle home appliances like washing machine …etc. This application can be mostly useful in industries, hospitals.  This system uses works on Infra red radiation as wireless system.

TV remote is used for IR radiation transmitter to control appliances. TSOP receiver is used in this application. This projects works on two micro controllers, one micro controller is used as master and other works as slave.

Receiver will send signals to master micro controller and Infra red signals are send to slave micro controller which will send information to LCD display.

Master micro controller will handle load using a driving circuit. On or Off of the system will be controlled by the stepper motor. On and Off will depend on the direction motor will rotate.

download  Wireless Electrical Appliances Control System Using IR Communication.

Useful Links:

Wireless Equipment Control Using Microcontroller

Digital Sound Recorder With AVR and Data Flash

Digital Sound Recorder With AVR and Data Flash project explains about new application which will store audio files, play audio files using micro controller using analog to digital converter. This application uses flash memory to store data.

This system will explain in detail about how analog and digital converter is used for sound recording, Pulse width modulation is used for audio play back. SPI is used for accessing flash memory. Other applications that would require are temperature loggers, mobile answering machines and digital voice records.

Flash memory used in this application works at 2.7 volts which is a SI flash memory. Data flash memory is a 16 bit memory. This application works with two data flash memory. Data is written continuously to data flash memory. 


• Digital Voice Recorder

• 8-bit Sound Recording

• 8 kHz Sampling Rate

• Sound Frequency up to 4000 Hz

• Maximum Recording Time 4 1/4 Minutes

• Very Small Board Size

• Less than 700 Bytes of Code

download Digital Sound Recorder With AVR and Data Flash.

Electrical Final Year Project On Simple Fire Alarm

Simple Fire Alarm projects main idea is to provide solution for industries, theaters, shopping complex and many other public places from fire damages. In recent years there are lot of fire accidents in india because of very less fire security measures implemented. In order to solve this problem we are providing a fire alarm application which will detect smoke and start alarm so security can take precautions to save lives of public.

In this paper we are providing a circuit diagram with detailed explanation about its functionality which can be implemented as final year project for electronics or electrical students.

In existing system there are very few fire alarm systems implemented in industries, shopping malls, movie theaters ….etc.  This application can be implemented with a low cost and works efficiently. 



download  Simple Fire Alarm project.