Designing Equipment for Substation Monitoring and Controlling

AIM:        The main aim of Designing Equipment For Substation Monitoring And Controlling project is to design equipment for monitoring and controlling a substation. The purpose of this project is to overcome the draw backs of over voltages, over currents, temperatures.

DESCRIPTION:                      In this project mainly we are using a micro controller, and an ADC. Here ADC is used for monitoring voltage, temperature and current. According to the set values which are fixed in micro controller, the voltage levels, current levels and temperature levels are monitored and these are controlled through microcontroller in such a way that if voltage is increased or decreased then the relay is operated that is  transformer is tripped. In the same way when temperature is increased the blower will on and when temperature is decreased the cooler is on. And all these values will be fed to the pc through serial port network.even this can be controlled manually through PC. Hence the substation is monitored and controlled.

download  Designing Equipment For Substation Monitoring And Controlling embedded system Project .

Capacitor Bank Type Power Factor Control System

Capacitor Bank Type Power Factor Control System Project AIM:

        The main aim of Capacitor Bank Type Power Factor Control System project is to design an equipment which controls the power factor by using a bank of capacitors. 


                     The block diagram mainly consists of a microcontroller, zero crossing detector, inductive load, capacitive load, zero crossing detector and capacitors. Here we are using bank of capacitors. Since these are bank of capacitors they are operated sequentially. There are two keys, key1 and key 2. When a key1 is pressed signal is sent to the microcontroller and inductive load is operated and relay is operated for resistive load and tripping occurs. In the inductive load the current is lagging because inductor always opposes the sudden change in current. In order to identify the inductive load here we are using choke. Hence when inductive load is operated the micro controller sends and the capacitors C1,C2and C3 are operated sequentially.

Here we are using a bank of capacitors. So depending up on the load the capacitors are made on. Say for eg when a large amount of load is dealt then all the capacitors are made ON. when a medium amount of load is dealt only two capacitors are made on and when small amount of load is dealt  only one capacitor is made ON. When key 2 is pressed resistive load is operated and relay is operated for inductive load and tripping occurs.When the resistive load is operated then the current is leading and hence it sends signal to the micro controller and the microcontroller sends signal further and the relay is operated and tripping occurs. Here in order to identify the resistive load  bulb is used. In alternating current, the zero-crossing is the instantaneous point at which there is no voltage present. 

download  Capacitor Bank Type Power Factor Control System embedded system Project .

Mobile Operated Field Motor Control System

Mobile Operated Field Motor Control System Projects AIM:        The main aim of Mobile Operated Field Motor Control System project is to obtain field motor control  by mobile phone. 

DESCRIPTION:          The block diagram mainly consists of micro controller, opto coupler, triac and GSM modem. GSM modem consists of a sim card. When an sms is sent to the GSM modem the modem reads the sms and it is sent to the microcontroller. This project uses OPT coupler for finding out shortest path for optical signal transmission between the elements of the circuit mainly elements used in the project are transmitter and receiver, Before transmitting data electrical signals are converted to light beams transferred, then converted back to an electrical signal, there is no need for electrical connection between the source and destination circuits.

The microcontroller sends signsl to the optocoupler and it sends signal to the triac and the triac is triggered and hence the induction motor is controlled.

download  Mobile Operated Field Motor Control System embedded system Project .

Remote Smoke, Temperature Data Acquision System


     The main aim Remote Smoke, Temperature Data Acquision System project is to design an equipment for acquision of data such as smoke, temperature  from remote places.


      Basically this is a PC based remote data aquision.this equipment is used to detect the smoke accumulated and temperature in remote areas. This block diagram mainly consists of a microcontroller,an ADC,serialport,and temperature and smoke sensors. When the sensors detect the smoke and temperature these are given to the analog to digital converter. Hear the data is converted in to digital format and these data is given to the microcontroller. The microcontroller sends this data to the serial port where the data is transferred serially and this data is then given to the PC. Hence by just simple circuit we can acquire data of remote places easily.

 download  Remote Smoke, Temperature Data Acquision embedded system project .

Current Monitor and Control for Home Appliances


    The main aim of Current Monitor and Control for Home Appliances project is to design an equipment which protects the home appliances from and over currents.


            The block diagram here mainly consists of a microcontroller, analog to digital converter, voltage sensor and current sensor. The current sensors keep continuously monitors the currents. When over voltages  or over currents are  detected it gives the data to the ADC where the data is converted to digital form and this data is given to the micro controller. So when this or over current occurs the the microcontroller makes the relay to operate and tripping occurs and hence the load is made OFF. The current values are displayed on the LCD and it also displays which load is OFF for the period of time. This can be easily applied for home appliances. Hence over current protection is obtained easily.

download  Current Monitor and Control for Home Appliances embedded system Project .

Development of Advanced Embedded System for Home Security Using GSM

Development of Advanced Embedded System for Home Security Using GSM project is to detect theft and provide best security system. Fire alarm is used to communicate with house owner over wireless medium. At the same time information is informed to fire station using a GSM interface.The authorized person can also alert the known people. , which provide the security for homes. In this project we are going to develop an embedded system, which will protect the home from fire accidents and thefts through GSM communication. 

In this project we are using 8051 based microcontroller for  provide the security to homes.In this project global position system is used for communicate using remote commands which will communicate with micro controller. One of the main features of this micro controller project is to detect theft and provide best security system. Fire alarm is used to communicate with house owner over wireless medium. At the same time information is informed to fire station using a GSM interface.The authorized person can also alert the known people.

download  Development of Advanced Embedded System for Home Security Using GSM embedded system Project .

Implementation of Obstacle Avoidance and IR Control Functions for Omni Directional Mobile Robot

   In our Implementation of Obstacle Avoidance and IR Control Functions for Omni Directional Mobile Robot robot we are using 8051 based microcontroller to control the IR sensor and robot Motors. Robot can move in any direction. But when any obstacle comes in front of the robot , IR sensor sense that obstacle and send appropriate signal to the microcontroller. Once the microcontroller receives IR signal then it itself having program  to give necessary control instructions to motor or it will send that IR detection signals to personal computer  using  wireless link of IR. PC having program will provide  appropriate control signals to microcontroller using IR wireless link. After receiving this signal at microcontroller, it direct that signal to the motor. In this project we going use 8051 based microcontroller. 

Main functionality of embedded system is to sense obstacle distance and then analyze the control signals to drive the motors to change the direction for the robot. IR interface is also provided on the robot to give some control signals from the Personal computer attached with IR enabled circuit. 

download  Implementation of Obstacle Avoidance and IR Control Functions for Omni Directional Mobile Robot Project .

Solar Tracking System for Optimal Power Generation Embedded System Project

AIM: Solar Tracking System For Optimal Power Generation Embedded System projects main idea is to develop a efficient solar panel which uses sun rays as energy and generate maximum power.The main use of this project is to provide solution for solar systems for generating maximum power from the solar panel by grasping maximum sun rays for a entire day. This system use rotation solar panel which will rotate in the direction of sun.


In present situation everyone is facing the problem with power cuts which is creating very much trouble to the people. So, to solve this problem we have a solution that is sun. Yes by using sun radiation we can get power i.e., the solar energy using which we generate the power. Though there are many energy sources like wind geothermal and wind. Among these sources solar energy is easy and cost efficient energy source. Which can full fill house needs.By using this project we are going to improve the efficiency of solar system. 


  1. For controlling Renewable Energy sources
  2. For House hold purposes
  3. For industrial requirements
download  Solar Tracking System For Optimal Power Generation Embedded System Project .

Mobile Operated Scada for Industries Embedded System Project

The main aim of Mobile Operated Scada For Industries Embedded System project is to develop a system, which keeps control of the various equipments, and will control the operation of these equipments in industries. different equipments automatically and to gain the remote access of different units using the Mobile technology.

The system is designed with a micro controller, a temperature sensor, smoke sensor, buzzer, DTMF decoder and a GSM mobile to control Material packaging and boiler sections. This project enables the user to control the process control in industries remotely using a mobile. 

This system employs DTMF decoder to interface mobile with microcontroller. The temperature of boiler is sensed using temperature sensor and is controlled. The presence of fire is detected by smoke sensor and alerts using buzzer. Apart from these processes material packaging system can also be controlled using connection established mobile phone. This project finds its place in industries where process control is needed remotely with some security and authentication. 

This project basically employs a mobile phone for controlling which got interfaced to microcontroller through DTMF decoder. Whenever the user dials from mobile a connection being established, the user can control the packaging and boiler sections from his mobile just by pressing corresponding keys. And also he can enable or disable supervisory and alert systems in industry using his mobile, remotely. 

download Mobile Operated Scada for Industries Embedded System Project .

Development of Advanced Embedded System for Water Level Controll In Tanks

Generally motors are on and off manually due to which human control was necessary, which is time consuming and not efficient. This result in the over flows in turn leads to wastage of water, material and non-availability of water in the case of emergency. 

The simple implementation here makes Development Of Advanced Embedded System For Water Level Controll In Tanks system automatic, i.e. it off the motor when the water level in the tanks goes high and on as soon as the water level reaches a minimum level.  These levels would be determined by some sensors placed in different places in the water.

This application is developed using a 8051 micro controller and uses c as programming language. Flash magic software is used to load code in to micro controller.

download  Development Of Advanced Embedded System For Water Level Controll In Tanks .