Stores Management System Project

The ‘Stores Management System’ is targeted to automate the almost all of the processes mentioned above to reduce the clerical labor of the staff working in Stores both technical and as well as Accounts departments using the software Industry’s latest technologies and cost effective tools there by providing the better control to the management by avoiding manual errors etc.., 

In this project modules under study are Material Issues module, Reports module.requisitions and Inter stores issues i.e. material issues to other stores based on inter store requisitions. For these two operations, we have to issue the gate passes for both types of operations. 

Stores Management System ProjectConclusion:

We have been given the problem of automating the material of stores in APCPDCL

(Andhra Pradesh Central Power Distribution Company Limited) at APTRANSCO. Earlier the materials of stores have only been automated. In our project “STORES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ” we have automated the stores of the central power distribution company limited. 

In Issues module, we have tracked the information regarding the issues of the receipts for the material that have been stored in the stores of the central power distribution company limited at CPDCL. This information can be easily made available to all the stores throughout the AP through intranet/ Internet. 

As a result of this automation, manual workload is reduced and data retrieval becomes easy. This project can be helpful for centralization of information regarding the stores of APCPDCL at APTRANSCO.

Hardware requirements


Processor                                   :                  Pentium IV

Speed                               :                  1.7 GHz

Memory Capacity            :                  1 GB

Hard Disk Capacity                  :                  80 GB

Monitor Make                           :                  HP


Processor                                   :                  Pentium IV

Speed                               :                  1.7 GHz

Memory Capacity            :                  256 MB

Hard Disk Capacity                  :                  20 GB

Monitor Make                           :                  HP

Software Requirements

Operating System                     :         Windows 2000 Professional

Web Server                               :         Apache Tomcat Web Server

Database                                             :         Postgresql

EnterpriseApplication              :         J2EE, JBOSS

Implementation Architecture     :         MVE,

                                                           3 Tier using Servlets, JSP

Scripting Languages                  :         Java Script

Programming Language            :       Java

download  Stores Management System Project Report.

Remote Controlled Switch with Secret Code Lock Project

Remote Controlled Switch with Secret Code Lock Project

The project work designed with two microcontroller units is a unique one; it can be used for many applications. The main advantage of using this system is to maintain the privacy, so that un-authorized persons can not operate any electrical gadget or any iron safe (which is equipped with this system) unless they know the password. The new technology implemented in the system is, that the lock can be opened or closed automatically through remote. 

The data transmitting card contains a small keyboard (which is interfaced with microcontroller) generates code, a six digit code corresponding program is prepared for microcontroller, since the program is pre-defined, pass word can not be changed. The data delivered from the controller is modulated with 38 KHz frequency produced by the timer IC, and it is transmitted via infrared LED. The controller accepts all the keys data and transmits as it is. In the receiver this data is decoded with another microcontroller, the data received through 38KHz demodulator is fed to microcontroller, the received data is compared with pre- defined program, if the data is correct then the controller energizes the relay, other wise energizes the alarm,  which indicates that it received wrong code. TSOP 1738 is used as demodulator, this is a miniaturized receiver generally used for remote controlled systems, and the output of this device can be fed to controller directly for decoding.

Security Issues and Countermeasures for The Congregate Networks Like VoIP

This Security Issues and Countermeasures for The Congregate Networks Like VoIP thesis work was done in-depth to analyse all the concepts of VoIP technology and the information discussed in the following chapters to create a good outline and to discuss the design of VoIP technology in terms of conceptual model and gather the features that could be useful for projects, with parameters that are already tested.

This thesis work involves a five-heads model, for providing answers or related information to various types of technical and business queries which are considered to be crucial for explaining the topic. Initially focusing on the theoretical overview of VoIP technology, analysis basic components of VoIP security, varieties of threats to businesses when adopting VoIP, best practices security measures and finally simulation of VoIP project.

There is a demand and growth for signaling systems and this uses the data networks to transfer the voice calls. The main part of the signaling system architecture is the VoIP calls to VoIP. For the signaling protection there is mandatory module .

download  Security Issues and Countermeasures for The Congregate Networks Like VoIP project.

Energy Efficient Virtual MIMO Communication for Wireless Sensor Networks

Energy Efficient Virtual MIMO Communication For Wireless Sensor Networks project explains about a new technique in a wireless sensors network where energy is most efficiently used. In this paper we will explain virtual MIMO with fixed variable rates. Here we propose efficient routing related to virtual MIMO. Simulator is used to compare output of Virtual MIMO with SISO where MIMO performance is better than SISO.

There are many fields where virtual MIMO is used because of it energy efficiency in network systems. MIMO network consist of many sensors which communicate with each other for transmitting and receiving messages. Energy efficiency is improved because of usage of many sensors and usage of many transmitters and receivers in the circuit increases consumption of power in a circuit.

In order to maintain power management in these circuit optimization techniques need to be implemented. Due to this problem of integrating many antennas, Virtual MIMO concept is implemented for a wireless senor network which will provide energy efficient communication.

download  Project on Energy Efficient Virtual MIMO Communication For Wireless Sensor Networks  project.

Design of 7 TAP FIR Filter Using HDL and Analysis Using MATLAB

Design Of 7 TAP FIR Filter Using HDL And Analysis Using MATLAB project explains about a new design of FIR filter to determine control circuits in DSP architectures.  This project can be useful in DSP architecture where different operations using algorithms are time multiplexed in to single functional unit. In order to reduce space in the circuit we need to use multiplexing in algorithms so here in order to reduce space we are running total functional units in a single execution.

In order to check the result of the system Xilinx’s software is used as simulator which is used for simulating VHDL codes.  Inputs given to this simulator are co-efficient of the FIR filter generated by MATLAB.

download  Project on Design Of 7 TAP FIR Filter Using HDL And Analysis Using MATLAB  project.

Design and Implementation of Butter worth Filter Using VHDL AMS

Design and Implementation of Butter worth Filter Using VHDL AMS projects main idea is to develop a system which can be used for easy designing and performance. Using this system it will be easy to simulate entire circuit at each transistor lever before design is conformed. This project helps companies to submit their work in time without and delay.

In order to understand entire process of the transistor-level behavior and variations in between its design and its top level functionality model should be closely absorbed.

download  Project on Design and Implementation of Butter worth Filter Using VHDL AMS  project.

Implementation OF CDMA Signaling Technique Using Mat lab

Implementation OF CDMA Signaling Technique Using MatLab Projects main idea is to provide solution for GSM networks for increasing scope of coverage to rural areas. In present telecommunication industry many networks are not providing services to the rural areas because of few customers and high installment cost.

In order to solve this problem we propose a method called wireless radio network. But there are few draw backs with system by considering Present multiplexing techniques like TDMA. In wireless radio network each area need to devided in to large cells. In this case there will be signal loss and delays by using TDMA.

In order to solve this problem,  CDMA and Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing techniques are used as alternative to TDMA. In time division multiplexing there is high symbol rate which is leading to problems in multi path causing inter symbol interference.

download  Project on Implementation OF CDMA Signaling Technique Using MatLab  project

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This application will provide users to simulate entire design by dividing each block logically. This process can be continued until final design is finalized. Basically in order to design this type of applications it may take more than few months but by busing this application it can be complemented in weeks which will help companies to reach their dead lines in time.

New analog to digital converter is combined with different digital interfacings and interactions. In old SPCE tools users need to develop different analog and digital sub systems in isolation.

download  Project on Design And Implementation Of A  Digital To Analog Converter Using VHDL AMS  project

Implementation of DCT and IDCT Technique on Image Compression Using VHDL

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DCT compression technique will be perfect for image compression because of it energy compaction property. In most of the images energy is concentrated at low and middle frequencies and middle frequency is visible for a normal human eye .

download  Project on Implementation Of DCT and IDCT Technique On Image Compression Using VHDL  project.

Design of DDR SDRAM Using Verilog HDL

Design Of DDR SDRAM Using Verilog HDL projects main idea is to find out the problems that are seen in the design and implementation of DDR SDRAM memory controller. This project can be useful as a reference for other applications which are related to DDR SDRAM memory controller. This paper will cover design issues and provide solutions for problems. Information study on this project will also be useful for any design which works on Double Data Rate interface.

DDR Ram is advanced version of basic synchronous DRAM. DDR Ram data transfer rate is fast on each clock cycle which will improve the efficiency by doubling the data output of the memory device.

Other features of DDR Ram are it works as a bidirectional data strobe while data read and data write operations.

download  Project on Design Of DDR SDRAM Using Verilog HDL  project.