Drowsiness Detection using OpenCV Project


The new way of security system which will be discussed in this project is based on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Passenger security is the main concern of the vehicle’s designers where most accidents are caused due to drowsiness and fatigued driving in order to provide better security for saving the lives of passengers Airbags are designed but this method is useful after an accident accord.

But the main problem is still seeing many accidents happening and many of them are losing their lives. In this project we are using the OpenCV library for image processing and giving input as user live video and training data to detect if the person in the video is closing their eyes or showing any symptoms of drowsiness and fatigue then the application will verify with trained data and detect drowsiness and raise an alarm which will alert the driver.

Existing system:

There are various methods like detecting objects which are near a vehicle and front and rear cameras for detecting vehicles approaching near to vehicle and airbag systems that can save lives after an accident is accorded.


Most of the existing systems use external factors and inform the user about the problem and save users after an accident is an accord but from research, most of the accidents are due to faults in users like drowsiness and sleeping while driving.

Proposed system:

To deal with this problem and provide an effective system a drowsiness detection system can be developed which can be placed inside any vehicle it will take live video of the driver as input and compare it with training data and if the driver is showing any symptoms of drowsiness system will automatically detect and raise an alarm which will alert the driver and other passengers.


This method will detect a problem before any problem accord and inform the driver and other passengers by raising an alarm.

In this OpenCV-based machine learning techniques are used for the automatic detection of drowsiness.


  • Operating system: Windows 7.
  • Coding Language: python
  • Tool: anaconda, visual studio code
  • Libraries: OpenCV

Students Marks Prediction Using Linear Regression


Education institutions use new technologies to improve the quality of education but most of the applications which are used in colleges are related to service and development there are web applications that are helping students to take online training and tests. There are very few methods that can help teachers to know about student’s performance. Considering this problem machine learning techniques are used to predict students’ marks based on previous marks and predict results. Linear regression models are used to predict student performance and predict the next subject’s marks.

Problem statement:

Education institutions use web applications for training students and checking performance based on marks but there are no specific steps followed for predicting students’ performance and taking measures to improve performance.


Design a machine learning model for the prediction of students’ marks and take measures to improve student performance. The linear regression algorithm is used to train the model and prediction.

Existing system:

Researchers had done work on the automation of grading techniques in which previous marks were used to give grades to students.

Algorithms like association rule mining and apriori algorithms are used for classifying students’ marks.


Existing methods mostly work based on marks obtained from exams.

Algorithms are used for classifying students based on marks. 

Proposed system:

The dataset of other subject marks is taken as input and the data set is processed with labels and features then test split is performed on the dataset and then the machine learning model is applied to the dataset then the prediction is performed.


Before the final marks of all subjects are evaluated prediction can be performed.

Using a machine learning process automation of marks prediction can be done. 


  • Operating system: Windows XP/7/10
  • Coding Language: python  
  • Development environment: anaconda, Jupiter 
  • Dataset: students mark the dataset
  • IDE: Jupiter notebook

Student Coding Assignment Evaluation Using API Project


Data mining in educational institutions is helping to analyze students’ details and provide an effective evaluation system in a short time. With the advancement of new technologies, the student evaluation procedure has changed from manual correction to automating the process of correction and analysis. This student coding assignment evaluation system using API is designed to evaluate students coding correction process through the automation process.

When a student submits an answer to a student’s question online faculty will evaluate coding by sending data to API and get results or error messages. By checking these messages faculty will give marks to students. This process is done through a web application that is developed in a python programming language.  

Problem statement:

Students assignment evaluation is a time taking process for faculty which required a manual process of checking each line of code and giving marks to students. 


The coding evaluation process can be automated by using available code-checking API which can be integrated into the college assignment assigning website. Using this process evaluation is completed with just in a click and faculty can give marks based on results.

Existing system:

  • A manual process was used for checking assignments and evaluating results.
  • Data mining techniques were used for evaluation which uses previous coding datasets and predicts results that are not accurate.


  • Faculty must check each line of code to evaluate coding and give grading.
  • The time taken for the evaluation process is high.

Proposed system:

The student online coding evaluation system provides an automatic coding checking process through which faculty can assign coding assignments and get results from students and compile code in click and check results and give marks.


  • The entire process of assigning to evaluation is done online and coding evaluation is done in one click.
  • API is used for checking errors in code and giving grading.

System requirement: 

Programing language: python

Framework: Flask

Database: MYSQL

API: for compiling code

Cyber Bullying Detection Using Machine Learning Project


Cyberbullying is the process of sending wrong messages to a person or community which causes heated debate among users. Cyberbullying is mostly seen on social networking sites where users reply to post with bullying words to threaten or insult other users. Cyberbullying is considered a misuse of technology. According to the latest survey done all over the world data day by day, cases are increasing on cyberbullying.

In order to solve this problem many natural language processing techniques are proposed by various authors which are time taking and not automatic. With the advancement of machine learning and artificial intelligence, models can be created and automatic detection can be implemented. To show this scenario live chat application is developed in python programming with multiple clients and one server and the Naive Bayes algorithm is used to train the model on a Twitter dataset using this model live detection of cyberbullying is predicted and alert messages are shown on the chat application.

Problem statement:

Social networking and online chatting applications provide a platform for any user to share knowledge and talent but few users take this platform to threaten users with cyberbullying attacks which causes issues in using these platforms.


To provide a better platform for users to share knowledge on social networking sites there is a need for an effective detection system that can automate the process of cyberbullying detection and take decisions.

Existing system:

  • Techniques like unsupervised labeling methods which use N-gram, and TF-IDF methods to detect cyberbullying are used which use the youtube dataset to detect attacks.
  • A support vector classifier is used to train models for detection.


Techniques that are used in the existing system are not automated they need time to process requests and update responses.

Social networking and chatting sites require automated detecting and processing methods.

Proposed system:

Cyberbullying detection is designed using machine learning techniques. The Twitter data set is collected with features and labels and the mode is trained using the Naive Bayes algorithm the trained model is applied to a live chatting application that has multiple clients and a single server. For each message, cyberbullying is detected using the model and then alert messages are posted on chat boards.


The cyberbullying detection process is automatic and time taken for detection is less and it works in a live environment. 

The latest machine learning models are used for training models that are accurate.

Software Requirement:

Programming language: python

Front End GUI : tkinter

Dataset: Twitter cyberbullying dataset

Algorithm: Naive Bayes

COVID-19 Data Analysis And Cases Prediction Using CNN Project


Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) is creating panic all over the world with fast-growing cases. There are various datasets available that provide information on the world affected information. Covid has affected all counties with a large number of cases with a variety of numbers under death, survived, and affected. In this project, we are using a data set that has county-wise details of cases with various combined features and labels.

Covid data analysis and case prediction project provide solutions for data analysis of various counties on various time and data factors and creating models for survival and death cases and prediction cases in the future. Machine learning provides deep learning methods like Convolution neural network which is used for model creation and prediction for the next few months done using this project.  


With the increase of COVID-19 cases all over the world daily predictions and analysis are required for effective control of pandemic all over the world


By collecting data from Kaggle and new York datasets data preprocessing is performed and data analysis is performed on the dataset and a machine learning model is generated for future prediction of cases.


  • The prediction was performed on COVID-19 cases based on different machine learning techniques which are based on an x-ray data set collected from COVID-19 patients.
  • Disease prediction from x-ray images is done using deep-learning techniques.


  • The data set used for predicting disease is different compared to the one we are using for this project.
  • Image processing techniques are used.


Using the data set pre-processing is performed on the collected data set and various steps for the deep learning model are performed and prediction of cases is done then data analysis is done on various factors.


  • Data analysis and prediction are performed on textual data
  • Deep learning models are generated for predicting future cases.
  • Data analysis is performed for various factors.


  • Operating system:  Windows XP/7/10
  • Coding Language:  python
  • Development Kit:  anaconda 
  • Programming language: Python
  • IDE : Anaconda prompt

File Security Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in Cloud


Data security in cloud computing is a mostly researched topic that has various solutions like applying encryption to data and using multi-cloud environments. But still, there are many issues related to data security. In this project, we are using ECC digital signature method to sign the signature of user data while uploading to the cloud and use the same digital signature to download when required.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a modern family of public-key cryptosystems, you can use an Elliptic Curve algorithm for public/private key cryptography. To be able to use ECC; cryptographic signatures, hash functions and others that help secure the messages or files are to be studied at a deeper level.

It implements all major capabilities of the asymmetric cryptosystems: Encryption, Signatures, and Key Exchange The main advantage is that keys are a lot smaller. With RSA you need key servers to distribute public keys. With Elliptic Curves, you can provide your own public key.

In python, the above-described method can be implemented using the   ECDSA Algorithm. 


  • Using public key cryptosystems with both public and private keys can give security for data compared to single key encryption. In this project, the ECC algorithm is used for securing data to the cloud and uploading data to the cloud.

Existing system:

  • AES and DES are mostly used cryptographic algorithms for securing data. These methods are used in most of the applications which use single keys for encryption and decryption.


  • These methods are old methods that are used in most applications.
  • They use a single key for encryption and decryption.

Proposed system:

  • In a cloud environment data security is very important as data is stored in third-party servers there is a need for effective multi-key encryption techniques like ECC algorithms. In this project, we are using the ECC algorithm in python language and using the cloud to store encrypted data.


  • The time taken for the encryption process is less
  • Multiple keys are used for the encryption and decryption process.


Software Requirement: 

  • Operating system: Windows XP/7/10
  • Coding Language:  Html, JavaScript,  
  • Development Kit:  Flask Framework
  • Database: SQLite
  • IDE: Anaconda prompt

Online Rental System or Universal Rental Capture .Net Project

Download the complete Online Rental System or Universal Rental Capture .Net Project code, Full Report, PPT.


It will make web implementation different for different cities. Instead of delivering products from a single rental exhibition, these visits act as mediators between the user and the owner of the rental exhibition. There is no prohibited sale to our customers on our website. Rental show owners want to launch their product on our website and then they can easily register on our website with personal information and credit card numbers.


The application provides the supplier with additional repair services to repair or remove their products. Customers do not need to register on our site with just one request and location instructions on our site. We are responsible for communication between customers and suppliers and maintain the database. It also has an ecological module that accepts customer feedback. The application provides another function in “Transport Services”.

There are many online rental systems. But not all products are available in one place. At the same time, many are trapped in the same city. This means that the car rental system is only implemented in online transactions with cars. At the same time, many of them do not provide the right relationship between the customer and the supplier. At the same time, existing rental systems are limited to a supplier, which means that products are available in the rental space.

 Existing System:

If someone wants to buy a house in a particular city from their home, how is that possible? If you go to another city, but if you want to rent a product before you reach your goal, how is that possible? So the answer to these questions is through our website.

There are many marketing systems online. But not all products are available in one place. At the same time, many are trapped in the same city. This means that the car rental system is only implemented in online transactions with cars. At the same time, many of them do not provide the right relationship between the customer and the supplier. At the same time, existing rental systems are limited to a supplier, which means that products are available in the rental showroom..

Draw backs:

  • It is limited to individual products and cities.
  • Tune There is no good relationship between user and supplier.
  • Products are limited to a room in the exhibition rental area..


A basic system is a web-based system that customers can use anywhere in the world. The system can deliver more products in stores in different locations.

The direct market enters into the system with this system without a targeted approach. You can pay to advertise your rental product by announcing your credit card number.

The proposed system can accept all types of rental products, compatible with the system broker so that sellers upload their product images to the system. The customer communicates directly with this product image and receives relevant information about the rental product.

The proposed system receives an online request from the customer to have the trading system deliver each product for its intended purpose. Here plays an important role. The administrator can obtain product information for each product and specific vendors using this system..


  1. Registration
  2. Advertise product
  3. Data base maintenance
  4. Searching and Booking the product
  5. Verify Bookings and Intimate to Vendor
  6. Authentication

Vendor Registration Module:

Marketers complement the web by providing personal information and the type of success. 

Advertise Products Module:

Once you have entered the link to the sales page, you will sell your product and add a product form and provide relevant information about the product, such as identification tag, availability date, rents, etc. and save the product image..

It consists of following sub modules:

  1. Update Product
  2. Delete Product 

Update Product Module:

The supplier can update existing product information, such as rental agreement, date of preparation, etc. through product identification. 

Delete Product Module:

The seller can destroy his existing product by identifying the product. 

Data base maintenance Module:

Information provided by the company, such as product information, personal information, etc. And client-supplied data, such as answers and book information, will be stored in a database of webmasters.

Searching and Booking the products Module:

The customer, when he arrives at the place where he or she is looking for a product, if he or she receives the required product, just fill out the booking form and use the database..

Verify Bookings and Intimate to Vendo Moduler:

The administrator after logging into the site verifies the client for the latest books. You must then send all the book information to the seller.

Authentication Module:

Authentication is nothing more than to guarantee system security. Here everyone has to log in to the system login page. The login page blocks users with UN approval. The user must provide their login details such as ID and password to access the system. For this reason, the system protects all users’ data. When a user enters an ID and password, they verify the user’s presence in the database. If there is a user, they can be treated as a valid user. Otherwise, the request will be postponed.

Software Requirements:

Database : SQL Server 2008

Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2012

Code: C#.Net

Download The below attached Full Project Source Code, Project Report, Output screens.

Veterinary Website Management System Java Project


Online applications are playing an important role in our day to day life from online shopping to doctor booking which is saving time and helping ineffective management of resources. As of now, there are no applications for online doctor appointments for veterinary systems. In this project java based web application is designed, which as features for booking an appointment by checking the availability of a doctor and then select specific doctor specialization and a form is shown to the user who will fill the form based on animal condition and symptoms and do online payment. Books are conformed by admin and updates are sent to the doctor regarding bookings along with details the user has filled. The project is designed with three modules admin, user, and doctor. Entire data is managed in a centralized database using the MySQL database.

Existing system:

At present, there are many websites that provide online veterinary services but they have only details of doctors and type of treatment. There are no online services like booking appointments, sending patient details ..etc.


  • Websites which provide veterinary services are limited to specific service only
  • Users need to wait for a long time for finding a doctor and getting treatment

Proposed system:

In proposed system website is developed with advanced features for Veterinary purpose which has features of online appointment booking, checking the availability of doctors with timings, Advance patient information updating and online payment.


  • Users can save time by processing through this website
  • Easy to find if a doctor is available based on our required treatment.



Admin will look after the application who will check users and doctors and confirm appointments and send emails to the user. Admin updated user booking status to the doctor online.


The user should register with the application he is basically a person who wants to get his pet to be treated. The user will select the type of doctor and treatment and fill form related to a problem and check the availability of doctors and book appointments and confirm the booking.


The doctor will register with the application based on his specialization and what type of service he provides. A doctor can check booking uses details and check the form which use has filled to know about patient status.


Hardware Requirements

Processor : Intel 2.0 Ghz Or Above
Hard Disk : 200 Gb
Ram : 2 gb Ram.

Software Requirements

Operating System: Windows XP With Sp2.
Language (Front End) Java (Jdk1.5/1.6)
Server: Apache Tomcat 5.5/6.0
Web Technology: Html, Javascript, CSS.
Database (Back End): MySQL
Architecture: 3-Tier Architecture

NGO Activity Portal Project Synopsis

This software portion entitled “NGO Activity portal” is very useful for any non-government organization to develop its social services in a more effective manner. So that they can improve society without any poverty and illiteracy. The module is used to display the nongovernment organization information like their name, place, history of the NGO, when they established their organization, president of the organization, vice president, number of members of the NGO, etc. Past work module is used to display the NGO’s exiting service for society. It deals with the service of their poor people, illiterate people, and how they saved their society with several Natural disasters like flood and rains. On-going Programs is told about the currently running programs of this organization. It supports various programs like Violating child labor’s system, Anti-dowry system, self-help Groups, Rescue of poor peoples, Rescue people’s from various natural disasters like flood, Tsunami, etc. The photo gallery is used to display their collection of photos of their good work done for the society. It tells their organization services in a more accurate way. A student welfare module describes the scholarships for the well-studied students and the students to those who are in slum areas. It also provides school materials for disabled students once in months. It’s a very useful scheme for students to encourage their studies. Feedback is used to get the customers opinions. So that it can improve its functionality in a more accurate and easiest way. Based on the Customer feedback it can easily develop their services for society.


 Generally, all the Nongovernmental activities details like past work and going work details are maintained manually by the organization. But it leads more time to maintain these records and very difficult to find the details for various particulars.

Everything is done manually, so it is very difficult to maintain the records.
It’s also very difficult to find the activities
Long-time process
It takes more time to prepare various events within a short time.


The proposed system is developed to overcome the disadvantages of the existing specified earlier. This system is being created using PHP and My SQL. Since PHP is our Front-End it looks more look and feels for the web application is very Effective & Security. This look and feel of it is more users friendly and easy to operate on.  We can create dynamic and Interactive user application using PHP.

All the Nongovernmental activities details like past work and going work details are maintained systematically by the organization through the website.
This project is reliable, flexible. So it is easy to store and retrieve the huge amount of data.
Takes less time to do the process.
Speed and accuracy is increased
Fully automated.


Operating System: Windows 7 professional

Front end: PHP

Server:           Wamp Server

Back End: MySQL


Past work
On-Going Programs
Photo gallery    
Students Welfare

Module Description:

 Authentication Module

This module contains all the information about the authenticated Administrator. 

 Past work

In this module, Administrator Add the past work Information using this module. It Contains Information about the Program id, Program Name, Description, Start Date, End Date. It makes easy to integrate Administrator authentication into your web application. Information is stored in your database.

Ongoing Program

This page is handled by the administrator. The administrator has full right to access the entire project. In this module, the admin adds the ongoing program information. This information included the details of the Program id, Program Name, Description, Start Date, End Date. This detail also includes the status details for complete or not. The details are stored in a database. It can view by Admin for reference.

Photo Gallery

This page is handled by the administrator. In this module, the admin adds the photo gallery of program information. This information included the details of the Program id, Program Name, Date, Photo. The details are stored in a database. It can view by User for reference.

Student Welfare

This page is handled by the administrator. In this Student Welfare module, the admin adds the welfare information. This information included the details of the Work id, work Name, Description, Sponsor Name, Announcement Date. The details are stored in a database. It can view by User for reference.


This page is handled by the Users. In this Sponsors module, the volunteer sponsors register his/her information to this web application. This information included the details of the Sponsors id, Sponsors Name, Mobile No, Mail ID, Address, Sponsor Amount. The details are stored in the database. It can view by Administrator for reference.

Paid Ads Website Application Synopsis

Project Statement:

To design and develop a website which will allow customers to register and then watch paid ads through queued ads and earn money. It will allow membership packages to be selected  by the logged in registered customer.

We will support different currencies, membership plans, different forms of payment gateways and wallet payments. 

It will basically have two logins: Admin, User and Vendors

Website Structure:

1. Application & General Site:

Welcome screen with option to register / sign in

About Us

Contact US

Follow Us Social media links


Privacy policy

Terms of Service

Home Page with Logo designing

2. Admin pages:

Admin panel login and forgot password option

Manage Categories and Subcategories
Manage Blogs
Manage Currencies
Manage Ad’s posting

Manage Membership packages
Dashboard for Statistics in admin panel as back end

Module Details:


Task / Modules Page


Initial Planning and Design


Primary Database Design


Admin Panel:
→ Customer Management:
Personal details will be username, Firstname, Last name, email, password, forgot password, secured pin, address, city, state, zip code, dob, gender, referral etc
Ads watched
→ Ads management:
Post Paid Ads
Vendors for ads registration
Vendors plans / subscriptions
→ Manage Payment gateways:

Integrate payment gateways
→ Membership packages:
Membership plans
→ Blog management
Manage blogs
→ Currency management:
Manage different currencies
→ Country management


Website pages:
Home Page with Logo designing
About Us

Contact US

Follow Us Social media links


Privacy policy

Terms of Service



Web Services & DB architecture management


Testing & Bug Fixing

Choice of Technology:

Website: We will use PHP for coding the website and MySql as the application database. With over 80% share in the server side languages worldwide and with the recent addition of features PHP is the suitable choice for this project. Both PHP & MySql are free to use so no licensing cost is involved.  For better organization, faster development and security we will use a PHP framework for development. We suggest the use of Phalcon framework or CA UI Framework which are the fastest framework available.
Or we can also use Dot Net MVC with SQL server. It will require windows server for hosting. We will use a framework compatible with the same.

Software to Use:

HTML5, CSS3, Javascript & jQuery for markup, design and interaction behaviour

PHP 7 & MySQL5.6 as server side programming language and database. Phalcon PHP framework (The fastest framework)
Dot net MVC with ASP and SQl Server as server side programming language and database

Angular or Bootstrap.

Server Requirement

VPS or Dedicated Server

2GB or 4GB RAM, 2 Core CPU, 40GB SSD (Minimum recommended requirement)