Online Pharmacy Management System Java Project


The main aim of developing this application is to supply the medicines all over the country by just a single click and to reduce the time consumption. Online pharmacy is a web-based application. The user can post requirement for medicine. TUser can purchase medicine online. Medicine is provided at your doorstep by the nearest associate store. The prescription is mandatory for ordering medicine. As per the prescription, the user can search medicine and useful information. This application provides information for daily consumption of medicine. This application provides user login to the customer. And admin can get the all expired medicines information and he can able to see all orders information of clients.

Existing System

The customer goes to the shop and purchases the medicine required. So a lot of time is wasted and the person gets tired. If he wants to exchange the product, once again he goes to the shop and replaces them. The complete process depends on the physical interactions.

Proposed System

The Online Pharmacy is easy to use and order. The customer selects the required medicines and orders them by a single click. Before it, the customer needs to create a login account and fill all the details like name, address, any id no…Etc.  The client can able to view the status of the medicines. The business goal for the application is to provide the medicines to all the people & admin will provide the supplier details.

System Design:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:

 Our Application provides the following things:

  • To provide login facility to the customers.
  • To provide a list of all available medicines to the customers.
  • To update all the list of expired medicines.
  • Medicines are delivered at your door-step. 



He can able to add the new medicines information which are visible to the clients. And he can view the expired medicines information .and he can able to update the medicines status .he is behaves like the manufacturer of medicines and he will add the supplier details to the client. 


User should follow the some authentication process. He can able to logging into our application by providing valid user name and password .after that user can able to search the medicines and he will order the required medicines information through online.

Online Pharmacy Output Screens Below:


User Home:

User Main Page:

Enter Details Page:

Admin Home:
Admin Main Page:

Users Details Page:

View Orders Page:

Cluster Disease Analysis with Mapping System Java Project


“Cluster Disease Analysis with Mapping” is a web application developed in java. This project enables users to analyze the details of the disease. Users can analyze the diseases based on the location, disease, and location and can view the cluster of the disease details. This application provides easy and various ways to analyze the diseases. In this project, users can analyze the details of the disease based on the cluster which gives results based on the disease, sub-disease, and location. This system allows users to make a comprehensible analysis on diseases and get a quick estimation.

Existing System:

In the existing system, the process of analysis is a time taking process. No proper information about disease and patients is provided to the uses. In the existing system, there is more chance of data misplacement and mislay of data. In this system, all the collected disease and patient data are maintained in records which take a lot of time and physical effort in searching and modifying the data.

Proposed System:

The proposed system provides the smart and easy procedure in analyzing the details of the disease and patient. In this system, all the collected data is maintained in the database where this is no possibility of losing the data or misplacement of data. In this system, data can be searched and modifies very easily without any time waste and physical effort. This system maintains accurate and provides differed ways to users in searching the details of the disease.



Admin needs to give valid username and password to get logged into the application. Admin can add the patient by entering all the details of the patient like personal details, disease details, and location details.


The user needs to fill the registration process to get username and password. The user needs to give unique username and password to get logged into the application. The user can search disease based on the location. Users can search by location and disease details. Users can view details of the disease by using the cluster search.


“Cluster Disease Analysis with Mapping” is a web application which satisfies the need of users by efficiently searching the details of the disease and patient which helps users to analyze the disease without any time waste and without any physical effort. Our project enables users to know the details of the disease and analyze it from anywhere and from anywhere.

Image Encryption and Decryption using Blow Fish Algorithm


Generally, we send many pictures to our friend’s relatives and others. The photos that may contain personal information so keeping them to at most secure is the important thing. So in this project, we implement the idea of encrypting and decrypting the image using BLOWFISH algorithm.

Encryption Process:

Data image as a plaintext and the encryption key are two inputs of the encryption process. In this case, original image data bit stream is divided into the length of the block of Blowfish algorithm.

Decryption Process:

The encrypted image is divided into the same block length of Blowfish algorithm from top to bottom. The first block is entered to the decryption function and the same encryption key is used to decrypt the image but the application of subkeys is reversed. The process of decryption is continued with other blocks of the image from top to bottom

The Single Module Present in the application is


In this application user will register and log in with the username and password, after logging in the user will upload the image which is to be encrypted and then after encrypting the user will get a secret key to the user registered email id using the key and encrypted image

Existing System:

The existing system for this project the text information is encrypted by ASCII values or any special characters. In the existing system, didn’t use the safely sent the encrypted information into the mail. The hackers easily access that information. The encrypted text is didn’t restrict any secret key. So that information easily decrypted. Two common drawbacks of the visual cryptography scheme (VCS) are the large pixel expansion of each shared image and the small contrast of the recovered secret image

Proposed System:

Blowfish to be a publicly available cryptographic algorithm with the potential to replace DES. Blowfish is a 64-bit symmetric block cipher that uses a variable-length key from 32 to 448-bits (14 bytes). The algorithm was developed to encrypt 64-bits of plaintext into 64-bits of ciphertext efficiently and securely. The operations selected for the algorithm were table lookup, modulus, addition and bitwise exclusive-or to minimize the time required to encrypt and decrypt data on 32-bit processors



Fig: Home Page

This page shows the default view of the Image Encryption and Decryption application and showing the number of modules present in it.

Fig: User Registration

In this page, new users will register the Image Encryption and Decryption application by entering all necessary details.

Fig: User Login

In this page, the user will log in by giving username and password.

Fig: User Home

This page shows after the successful login and showing the basic functionalities that user can perform in this Image Encryption and Decryption application.

Fig: Encrypt Image

In this page, the user will upload the normal image to encrypt the image.

Fig: decrypt Image

In this page, the user needs to upload the encrypted image and secret key which is sent to user mail id.

Software Requirements:

 JDK 1.8, NetBeans 8.0.2, MySQL5.5, SQLYog

Online Test Management Application Project Synopsis

Online Test Management:

Online test application will provide an Online platform wherein students will attend online objective questions. Grades will be provided as per the number of questions that were answered correctly. This concept will use an admin panel as the backend for loading the questions and also identify whether the student has selected a correct answer or not. Questions will be segregated on the basis of different subjects.

The option will be there to add subjects also. Admin panel will be saving the data and communicating with DB via web service or API.  It will have a flow wherein a subject will be selected and that will load respective questions. Once all questions are answered result will be published there and then.

A student can see grades as per the number of questions that were answered correctly or will calculate the marks for all correct answers and show percentage of marks.

The whole process of conducting the test and checking them and then grading them was a tedious manual process and time consuming too. This whole process can be avoided by adapting to a new online text conducting application that will allow  a easy to approach UI wherein students can save their answers and also being graded much faster and their by publish results soon.

This software will also be secured as it will provide code match system which admin will provide to the student which each of them has to enter to start the exam. Student will also register themselves to appear to this exam. After successful registration admin will approve the registration and then the student will login to the online application system. We can also implement time constraint check for the completion of the exam after which student cannot attempt any question.

User Types: Admin and Student



  • Subject: Will have the option to add subjects for which questions will be uploaded.
  • Questions: This module will select a subject and then add questions to it along with correct answers for the same. This actually helps in checking whether student gave the correct answer or not. This part is basically admin panel which manages the question and answer that are save in DB and then provide instant results too.
  • Student: Admin will approve student registration for attending test online. Will also post results for different subjects for which student has appeared.
  • Grades: Admin will define grades as per percentage of correct answers given by the student. All those calculation are taken care in this module.


  • Exam: Once logged in a student will have set of questions which will be objective and he or she has to select the correct answer. It  will be a UI with questionset being loaded on the basis of the subject selected.
  • View Result: This module will be a UI where in result will be shown in a grid grouping them subject wise. Grade and percentage of marks will also be shown for the student who has appeared for the exam.

Contact Us: Will show info related to contact numbers and also search filters.

Future Enhancements:

  • We can provide email notifications and SMS integration. This will require web service or API integration with SMS providers and SMTP configuration to handle emails. It will notify students once results are posted by admin.
  • Add Blogs that can be posted by students.
  • We can plan a social platform in the same application where in students can chat with other registered students. Can also like comment and share posts from other students. Admin can also post info and students can access it. Post pics and share them too in groups created by students.

Software Requirements:

Technical Aspects:
Database: Sql Server 2008  and more
Language: C# and Asp
Framework: .Net
Front end: HTML, CSS, Javascript

It can also be done in Php, MySql as the back end with other frameworks

Hardware Requirements:

Intel Core processor
RAM 4GB and Above
HDD 100 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
64 or 32 bit OS Windows 8 and above

Online College Voting System Java Project


This system provides an online tool for the students to vote on different questions posted by admin. In this system, there will be two main pages to be able to access: Admin page and user Page.

From the Admin, page administrator will be able to design the voting application and upload new questions on different topics which are relevant to college students. From the Voting page, the user will be able to view all questions and vote for the interesting question.

According to the login credentials, the system will determine if the user is Administrator or the user and open the pages given access to the user credentials.

Modules Implementation:


Admin can log in with username and password and upload information like questions and four options for each question.  Admin can view answers given by students in graphical view in percentage.


The user will log in with student roll number and view all questions posted by admin and student can vote for all questions.


In the existing system, there are no specific websites dedicated to colleges who can participate voting from any location. There are many applications on e-voting for political parties but there are very few web applications which are used for voting or general questions or college-related topics questions. 


In the proposed system, we are developing e-voting system for college purpose which will have features of admin and user. Here admin will post questions based on social topics or subject related topics related to college. Students can log in and vote to topics and view percentage of votes for each question.


  • Operating system: Windows XP/7.
  • Coding Language: Java
  • Tool: Netbeans
  • Database: MYSQL

Student & Faculty Interaction Outside the Classroom Java Project


“Student and Faculty Interaction outside the Classroom” is a web application developed in java. This application enables both professors and users to interact with each other at any time and anywhere. This application makes any time-accurate communication between professors and users. Admin will add all the details of professors and department. Professors can view all the details of the queries sent by users and can upload materials related to the queries. Users can ask queries and view answers and materials.

Existing System:

In the existing system there is no proper communication between professors and users. All the details of users and their queries are maintained in records which takes lot of time to verify and send them response. There are a lot of chances of misplacement of data and sometime missing. No proper information is maintained. Analyzing uses query and sending them response takes lot of time and lot of effort.

Proposed System:

The proposed system all the process is done automatically. All the information is stored in the database which can be easily modified and deleted. Users can ask queries and get the accurate response within not time and without any hard effort. Professors can view all the details of the user’s queries and can provide material related to the users query from anywhere and at anytime. This system maintains good and easy communication between professor and user.



Admin can get logged into the application by entering valid username and password. Admin can add the details of the professor. Admin can add details of the department and can view all the details of the department.


Professor can get logged into the application by entering username and password. Professor can view all the details of the queries added by users. Professor can upload materials.


Users need to fill all the registration details to get login details. Users can get logged into the application by entering unique username and password.


“Student and Faculty Interaction outside the Classroom” web application satisfies all the requirements in maintain proper and easy communication between professors and users. By using this application professors and users can easily get the result in solving their queries.

Online E-Ticket System Java Project


“Online E-Tickets System” is a web application developed in java. This application enables users to book tickets easily from anywhere and at any time without any time waste and without any physical effort. Admin can view all the activities of agent and details of the buses and the offers of on the bus tickets. The agent can add all the details of the buses and can add the details of the offers available. Users can search buses and the offers and can book tickets from anywhere and at any time.

Existing System:

In the existing system, all the process of booking bus tickets includes a lot of time waste and physical effort. No proper information about buses and the offers on the tickets are available to users. No proper data is maintained. Users information and bus information is stored in records which is difficult to search modify or delete.

Proposed System:

The proposed system made the ticket booking process easy and simple. This system made Users to easily get information about buses and the information about offers available on the tickets. This system reduces a lot of time waste and physical effort to both users a and agents in adding the information and in booking tickets. All the information related to buses and the offers are maintained in the database in which we can easily search, modify or delete any information.



The Admin needs to enter valid username and password to get logged into the application. Admin can view all the details of the buses available. Admin can view all the details of the agent.


An Agent needs to enter all the details in the registration form to get credentials. Agent need to enter unique username and password to get logged into the application. Agent can add all the details of the buses. Agent can add all the details of the offers available to the respective buses.


The User needs to enter all the details in the registration form to get credentials. User need to enter unique username and password to get logged into the application. User can view all the details of the buses and the available offers and can book tickets.


“Online E-Tickets System “is a application that satisfies all the requirements of admin, agent and the user. This application makes the process of booking tickets easy and simple.

Online College Bus Record Supervising System Java Project


“Online College Bus Record Supervising System” is a web application developed in java. This application enables students to apply for bus pass online. Admin will add the details of the buses. Students can view all the details of the buses and can select a route to apply for a bus pass. This application also allows students to renew their bus pass from anywhere and at any time which saves a lot of time and physical effort.

Existing System:

In the existing system, all the process of applying for a bus pass and renewing the pass is a very time taking process and takes much effort. No proper information is available. All the data is stored in the records where there is a chance of losing it or misplacement of data.

Proposed System:

The proposed system is an automatic system which allows students to view all the details of the buses and apply for a bus pass from anywhere and at any time. This system saves a lot of time and physical effort. All the information is stored in the database where there is no question of loosing or misplacement of data.



Admin should give valid username and password to get logged into the application. Admin can add all the bus details. Admin can view the details of the feedback sent by students. Admin can change his account password. Admin can view all the buses details. Admin can view all the student’s details with feedback.


Students need to give all the details in the registration form to get login credentials. Students need to enter valid username and password to get logged into the application. A student can apply for bus pass by selecting a route. A student can renew his bus pass by filling all the details in the renewal form. A student can send feedback to admin. A student can change the his\her account password. A student can get bus pass approval to his\her mail.


“Online College Bus Record Supervising System” satisfies all the requirements of both admin and students in the process of applying for a bus pass. This application made the process of applying for a bus pass, renewing the bus pass and view details of the buses easy and simple. Admin can easily know the details of the buses and students.

Automation of Exam Invigilation System Java Project


“Automation of Exam Invigilation System” is a web application developed in java. This application presents a new automatic process for invigilation system. Admin can add all the details of the faculty and details of students and details of the rooms allocated to the faculty and details of the rooms allocated to students from anywhere and at any time Faculty and students can view the details of their allocated rooms at any time without any confusion. This application gives the accurate information about the allocated room numbers to the respective faculty or student which saves a lot of time an effort.

Existing System:

In the existing system, all the process of allocating rooms to faculty or students are done manually which creates a lot of confusion. These processes take the slot of time and effort. In this system, all the information is stored in records which is difficult to modify, search or delete.

Proposed System:

The proposed system is an automated system in which information is accurate and no worry of data misplacement. All the information will be automatically stored in the database which is easy to search, modify or delete. Information related rooms allocation can be added by admin and can be sent to the respective faculty or student from anywhere or at anytime which saves lot of time and effort.



Admin need to give valid username and password to get logged into the application. Admin can add details of faculty. Admin can add student details. Admin can add room’s details. Admin can allocate faculty by entering details.


Faculty can get logged into the application by entering valid username and password. Faculty can view student’s details.


Student need to give valid username and password to enter into the application. Students can view room details.


“Automation of Exam Invigilation System” is an application which satisfies the requirement of admin, faculty, and students in the invigilation process. This application allows faculty and student find their allocated rooms without any confusion and time waste.

Output Results:

  • Application home page with admin, faculty, and student as modules:
  • Admin needs to give valid username and password to get logged into the application:
  • Admin home page with functionalities:
  • Admin can add details of faculty:
  • Admin can add student details:
  • Admin can add rooms details:
  • Admin can allocate faculty by entering details:
  • Faculty can get logged into the application by entering valid username and password:
  • Faculty home page with functionalities:
  • Faculty can view students details:
  • The student needs to give valid username and password to enter into the application:
  • Student homepage with functionalities:
  • Students can view room details:

Download this Automation of Exam Invigilation System Final Year web application Java Project

Review-Based Rating Prediction Java Project


“Review Based Rating Prediction” is a web application developed in java. This application relates to the features obtained by analyzing textual reviews. In this application the information retrieval retribution to analyze a utility function over a product. A product utility is a measure that shows how much it is preferred according to user’s current context. This context inference is distinguished from the user’s review history and the item review history. Based on the users purchased history and the rating history the present product rating will be automatically predicted. The predicted ratings can generate recommendations that are product-based and will appear at the recommended items list in the product page. This project predicts the rating score that a user will rate an item.

Existing System:

In the existing system, the rating is not generated automatically by the product user have selected. User’s previous history is not considered. Each and every product needed to be searched which takes a lot of time. No previous history is available and no recommendations are available.

Proposed System:

The proposed system is the automated system. This system considers users history and predicts the product rating. Users can get recommendations similar to the selected products which save a lot of time and effort to users. All the details of the users and purchased data will be available. This system compares the similarity with the item reviews and users performance.



Admin needs to give valid username and password to get logged into the application. Admin can add all the details of the category. Admin can add all the details of the product. Admin can view all the details of the products. Admin can view all the details of the purchased products. Admin can view all the details of rating and reviews.


The user needs to fill all the details in the registration form to get login credentials. The user can get logged into the application by entering unique username and password. The user can view his profile. The user can view all the details of products. The user can view all the details of products and can add the products to cart. The user can view all the details of the products in the cart and can purchase the products. The user can view the details of the purchased products. The user can give ratings and can review the products.


“Review Based Rating Prediction” is an application that satisfies the need of both the admin and the users. This application successfully helped to produce better prediction rating scores in comparison to the standard prediction methods for the user while purchasing the product.

Output Results:

Application home page with admin and user modules:

  • Admin needs to give valid username and password to get logged into the application:
  • Admin home page:
  • Admin can add all the details of the category:
  • Admin can add all the details of the product:
  • Admin can view all the details of the products:
  • Admin can view all the details of the purchased products:
  • Admin can view all the details of rating and reviews:
  • The user needs to fill all the details in the registration form to get login credentials:
  • The user can get logged into the application by entering unique username and password:
  • User homepage with functionalities:
  • The user can view his profile:
  • The user can view all the details of products:
  • The user can view all the details of products and can add the products to cart:
  • The user can view all the details of the products in the cart and can purchase the products:
  • The user can view the details of the purchased products:
  • The user can give ratings and can review the products: