Palm Vein Biometrics CSE Project Report

Introduction to Palm Vein Bio metrics Project:

In this modern techno savvy world, the chances of an unauthorized access is much higher. Most companies hire security systems that may include normal authentications such as an ID and biometric systems to guarantee authorized access to their premises. Biometric systems uses various anatomical info’s like iris, fingerprint scanning or capture behavioral patterns like handwriting , voice recognition etc. The image pattern of the palm vein captured by the scanner is stored in the database. Palm Vein patterns are unique for every individual as his fingerprint or iris.

Present Biometric System Disadvantages:

In case of fingerprint scanner, it would be impossible to authenticate a person who has lost fingers. If the finger has mud or other external factors in it, then the scanner may not work.Facial recognition system may fail if a human face is subjected to a change in shape, style or size. A person’s voice can also be duped leaving voice authentication systems vulnerable.


• Palm veins are broader in size and its blood vein patterns are complex in structure, this makes it unique for each human being and thereby provides more security while authentication

• Skin characteristics independent

•Is a non-contact technology

The first step in using this technology is to keep one’s palm parallel to the device at some distance. Using Infrared (IR) technology the device then would take a pic of the palm veins with reflection and transmission methods. The sensor in the device generates an image of the pattern of the veins in the palm and stores into a database digitalized and encrypted. For storing image various processes takes place such as binary zing the vein image, detecting the edges of the palm and noting the key points for the curvature of the fingers. Vein extraction is done by 2D Gaussian function .

Download Palm Vein Biometrics CSE Project Report and reference documents.

Data Mining Techniques to Automate Software Testing Project Abstract

Introduction to Data Mining Techniques to Automate Software Testing Project:

The data mining models in tested software can be utilized for recovering missing and incomplete specifications, designing a minimal set of regression tests, and evaluating the correctness of software outputs when testing The study of feasibility of the proposed approach a novel data mining algorithm called Info-Fuzzy Network (IFN) to execution data of a general-purpose code for solving partial differential equations.

Data mining models of software testing can be utilized for recovering incomplete specification, desinig a regression test and evaluating the software outputs when testing new, potentially flawed releases of the system.

A successful test of software should make a problem while testing software. The tests that do not gives any faults are useless. While testing a large system, the test of the entire application (system testing) is usually preceded by the stages of unit testing and integration testing.

Different task involved in Data mining are been divided into four types:

The Association rule in learning database, Searches for relationships between variables.

Clustering in Database, Task of discovering groups and structures in the data.

Classification, Hear the information are scanned and distinguished into predefined classes

Regression helps to find a function which helps in modeling a data in database with the least amount of error and also identify any of the visible patterns and trends in the database.

This paper also discuss about some of the topics like, Uses of Data mining in various field of computer science. Info-Fuzzy Network Structure, Info-fuzzy network has an tree-like structure, where the same input attribute is used across all nodes of a given layer (level).input-output analyses with info-Fuzzy Networks, The IFN algorithm is trained on inputs provided by RTG and outputs obtained from a legacy system by means of the Test Bed module. As indicated above, a separate IFN model is built for each output variable

 Download Data Mining Techniques to Automate Software Testing Project Abstract.

Efficient Broadcasting In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Abstract

Introduction to Efficient Broadcasting In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Mini Project:

MANETs is an self-configuring infrastructure less network in mobile devices connected by wireless. The main objective of Efficient Broadcasting In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Mini project is to determine a small set of forward nodes to ensure full coverage.

The use of laptops (802.11/Wi-Fi) and other wireless devices needs an efficient broadcasting with guaranteed coverage, which is successfully met by this project.

A framework is used to model inaccurate local views in MANETs, where full coverage is guaranteed if three sufficient conditions, connectivity, link availability, and consistency, are met.

 Mobile ad-hoc network is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links Nodes in mobile ad-hoc network are free to move and organize themselves.  The path between each pair of the users may have multiple links and the radio between them can be heterogeneous. The popular IEEE 802.11 “WI-FI” protocol is capable of providing ad-hoc network facilities at low level, when no access point is available. However in this case, the nodes are limited to send and receive information but do not route anything across the network. Mobile ad-hoc networks can operate in a standalone fashion or could possibly be connected to a larger network such as the Internet. Mobile ad-hoc networks can turn the dream of getting connected “anywhere and at any time” into reality. Typical application examples include a disaster recovery or a military operation. This project works on different routing algorithm for getting full coverage and efficient use of this network.

Three solutions are proposed to satisfy those conditions. An minimal transmission range that maintains the connectivity of the virtual network constructed from local views. Then, two transmission ranges, one for neighborhood information collection and the other for actual data transmission, to form a buffer zone that guarantees the availability of logical links in the physical network. Finally, a mechanism called aggregated local view to ensure consistent local views. 

Download Efficient Broadcasting In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks computer science mini project abstract from this link.

Efficient Broadcasting with Guaranteed Coverage in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Abstract

Introduction to Efficient Broadcasting with Guaranteed Coverage in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks:

Efficient broadcasting with guaranteed coverage in mobile ad hoc networks project explains about concept of ensuring full coverage using small set of forward nodes. Initially we study different methods in which every node is efficiently updating information to its neighbor node in timely manner. Then we move to implement moving nodes in broadcast process and considering different impractical cases for updating consistent local views.

A frame work is developed to deal with impractical conditions in MANET which should provide good coverage, connectivity, consistency and link availability in ad hoc network.

In order to provide solution for above mentioned properties we develop a step by step procedure. In first step a minimum transmit ion range is established for construction virtual networks from local views. Then we use two transmit ion range one transmit ion range is for communication between neighbor nodes and other range for collection actual data transmission to establish a buzzer zone through which guarantee links between nodes are established in the physical network. Finally we propose a method called aggregate local view to guarantee consistent local views. By using two techniques wu and di’s coverage conditions for mobile nodes using network broadcasting.

Students can find more information on related projects seminar topics from this site for free download. Final year and third year computer science students can download project source code and paper presentations.

Download efficient broadcasting with guaranteed coverage in mobile ad hoc networks project abstract from this link.

Mobile and Online banking Java Project Report

Introduction to Mobile and Online banking Project:

Mobile and online banking project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to develop a online banking system and mobile banking system through which users can transfer money through online and manage banking details like mini statements, detailed statements, fund transfer. In present trend online banking usage had increased rapidly because of high security and encryptions techniques used in data transfer and providing security for users and second reason is banks don’t want to lose potential market. 

Along with online banking mobile banking users are also increasing as we see most of the banks is providing apps for online banking. There are many mobile banking services like m-banking, WAP-banking, SMS-banking or wireless banking. Technologies used in mobile banking are short message services in short SMS, wireless application protocol (WAP). As the scope of mobile users and banking is increasing from day to day life new technologies are emerging in mobile banking as we see in Japan introduced services based on I-mode. Mobile banking applications can be accessed by different mobile devices, Smart phones, IPADS and personal digital assistance. Along with these technologies in Germany client server based applications are developed which are similar to home banking applications. This system works by installing client application on mobile devices or PDA.

This project has lot of scope for further development as stats says in future maximum number of internet users are from mobile and PDA. Other feature that creates scope of mobile banking compare to home banking is mobility. In terms of security mobile banking provides standard encryption techniques. In present market ICICI, HDFC and many top banks are providing apps for android and I phones for using mobile banking from mobile and PDA devices.

Students can find more online banking related projects with source code on java and from this site for free download.

Download mobile and online banking system project report from this link.

Web Based Meeting Scheduler Project Documentation

Introduction to Web Based Meeting Scheduler Project:

Web based meeting scheduler project is implemented in java platform using MYSQL database as back end application. Main aim of this project is to develop a online application through which users can easily communicate and schedule appointment for online meetings.  This application is designed for organizations where communication between employees , project leaders and clients are important.

This application is implemented in eleven modules admin, login, user management, host meeting, meeting room booking, view minutes, conference bridge call booking, cancelation of meetings, view meetings and notifications.


Using this module user can manage meeting rooms, lock and unlock users account and arrange meetings and host meetings.


In order to use this application uses should first register with application by filling online form and get unique username and password. Using these details users can use remaining module features.

User Management:

This module is for users to manage their account information like changing user name and password and registering new users and other security features. Security is provided for user passwords and if users miss three login failures account will be blocked.

Host Meeting:

Using this module user can arrange meeting schedules by taking basic details like data, time , subject , agenda and comments. For every new meeting user is provided with unique id which will be useful as reference. Using this meeting id booking rooms and other operations are inter linked. User will be provided with new screen for booking and bridge calls.

Meeting Room Booking:

Using this module user can book room from meeting room. User is providing with available and booking rooms details and user need to fill online form for online booking.

Other module details are explained in the project documentation which can be downloaded from below link.

Download Web based meeting scheduler project documentation from this link.

KTR an Efficient Key Management Scheme for Secure Data Access Project Report

Introduction to KTR an Efficient Key Management Scheme for Secure Data Access Project:

KTR an efficient key management scheme for secure data access project is implemented in java platform using MS ACESS as back end application. Main aim of this project is to develop a efficient method for secured wireless broad casting service using key management techniques. Wireless broad casting is mostly used service for providing service for maximum number of users. In this system data accessing must be restricted based on different services and packages of services. In order to provide secure and efficient service key management techniques like logical key hierarchy, broad cast encryption techniques and rekey operations are used. In this paper we propose KTR to handle different services like subscriptions and user activities effectively.

Advantages Of Using KTR In Wireless Broadcast Service

KTR supports all of the available services in wireless broadcast service.

Key management is easy in this method where users can use single key for different subscribed programs instead of different keys for different programs.

Using this technique broadcast security is increased by identifying minimum set of keys that must be changed.

In existing system when user subscribes to different services for each service different key is provided and there are chances of overlapping of programs in terms of users. The second issues in existing system is single key is shared between multiple programs, in this case key management and security is a critical issue. Key reuse is also a serious problem in some cases when user subscribes and unsubscribe to any program.

Here we provide detailed explanation on logical key hierarchy, broadcast encryption techniques and rekey operations. Students can download full project report, block diagrams, dfd diagrams, class diagrams, paper presentations.

Download KTR an efficient key management scheme for secure data access project documentation from this link.

Server Tech/Safe Internet Project Report

Introduction to Server Tech/Safe Internet Project:

Server tech safe internet project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to develop a web server which works on java platform. Using these web server users can create dynamic web applications with personal user experiences. This application works on sever side for improving performance web applications.

In present trend usage of internet and websites has increased in every filed from banking, automobile, communication and entertainment.  Internet usage had moved from general surfing to online transactions where lot of money transactions is carried out from e-commerce, banking…etc sites. As the users is increasing quality of client server requesting mechanism need to develop with new methods. In present trend most of the systems work on middle ware applications which provide high reliability, scalability, fast database accessing, pooling, caching.

Main purpose for developing this proxy server is to provide a tool for dynamic creation and serving of web content which can support database, SNMP supported tools. This application consists of many inbuilt components which are useful in different range of applications.

In existing system for accessing information each system should connect to internet where each terminal should be connected with modem which is easy for large organizations but in this case it is not possible to look at each terminal data and type of virus and hackers connecting to that terminal. In order to overcome this problem we develop proxy server which will not directly connect to web address directly it will take data from cache. Proxy server acts as a firewall, it will look after its cache before downloading any data from internet and provide solution for security and restricting virus.

Students can download entire project report with class diagram, DFD diagrams, data flow diagrams, paper presentations from this site.

Download Server tech safe internet project documentation from this link.

Multiple Routing Configurations for Fast IP Network Recovery Project Source Code

Introduction to Multiple Routing Configurations for Fast IP Network Recovery Project:

Multiple routing configurations for fast IP network recovery project is implemented using java swing as front end and JFRAME builder are tools used. Main aim of this project is to develop a efficient network model for reducing link failures by implementing multiple routing configurations. In present scenario internet is the common place for every communication system. Because of issues in routing protocol network link failure has became as serious issue. In this paper we propose a effective model for reducing link failure problems. MRC can be implemented by slight modifications to existing solutions. In this project we analyze result of existing system and proposed system in terms of scalability, back up path lengths, and load distribution. Using MRC congestion in traffic is reduced and also distribution of recovered traffic.

Proposed system works effectively for recovering link failures with a single mechanism for handling both node and link failures and recovery can be performed without knowing the basic root cause. By implementing MRC model additional information on routing is updated which will help to route packets when their link failure in the network.

In existing system network wide IP  re coverage method is used for  handling link failures which is a time taking process and followed by routing instability. In this process packets are dropped because of invalid routes. In order to solve this problem researches had proposed effective methods.

Students can download full project documentation, paper presentation, dfd diagrams, data flow diagrams, UML diagrams, class diagrams, system testing, implementation and more related documents with entire project source code for free download.

Download multiple routing configurations for fast IP network recovery project with source code from this link.

Monitoring the Application-Layer DDOS Attacks for Popular Websites Project Source Code

Introduction to Monitoring the Application-Layer DDos Attacks for Popular Websites Project:

Monitoring the application layer DDoS attacks for popular websites project is developed using AWT swing as front end and MYEclipse as back end database. Main aim of this project is to reduce distributed denial of services attacks on websites using an access matrix in which Markova model is proposed to describe dynamics of access matrix.

Distributed denial of service is one of the serious issues in internet which causes damage to server and also restricts development of new internet services and loss to websites. These attacks are carried out at network layer and cause issues like ICMP, SYN and UDP flooding. These attacks use large amount of bandwidth and deny services of the attacked system. Other form of DDOS attacks are like using large amount of data by pulling image files form server systems and collapse server.

In proposed model hidden Markova model is proposed for dynamics of access matrix and trace DDOS attacks. In this method we use web traffic data for analyzing for analyzing traffic. Though they are many algorithms are proposed to reduce distributed denial attacks but FAST ICA algorithm is used in this system because of its good performance and fast coverage while calculating parameters.

This application is developed using N-Tire architecture model and 2 –Tire client server model can provide best solution for rapid prototyping. Distributed application design and architecture systems are implemented in N-tire architecture because of security, availability and scalability, manageability, easy maintenance and data abstraction.

Students can download full project documentation, paper presentation, database details, project source code and project abstract, dfd diagrams, data flow diagrams, class diagrams and flow graphs.

Download Monitoring the application layer DDoS attacks for popular websites project from this link.