Scalable Multicast Protocol for Communication in Large Groups Project Report

SCAMP stands for Scalable Multicast Protocol for Communication in Large Group, this paper discusses about a new multicast protocol for communication with in large groups over internet. Most of the protocols build either shared tree or source based tree. Source tree are one which the node sending the data are supposed to be their root, source based tree are been used in data delivery. Source tree are been initiated by the receivers. It also helps in reducing the traffic in different parts of the network.

While shared tree, routers in the Internet act as root of the trees and distribute the data between the members of the group which lies in this tree. The shared is also used for signaling process, it provides information on source to all other members in the tree. One of the main advantages of source-based trees is that they support high data rate and they support sparse group, the advantages of these two are taken together in the SCAMP.

SCAMP protocol builds both of the shared tree and the source based tree. So in overall these protocols helps in reducing the traffic over different parts of the network, cut down the processing cost of the router and also make use of the bandwidth by subdividing the load over the network. Multicasting in IP network allows the transmission of IP diagram to a set of host from a multicast group. The end-to-end delay in source based trees is almost half of that in a shared tree.

Since SCAMP protocol builds source-based trees for the delivery of data packets. A brief study about the modes of packet delivery and an overview of the existing multicast protocols in this paper so a new protocol which are able to support high data rate and sparse as well as dense multicast groups are been proposed through SCAMP in this paper.

Download Scalable Multicast Protocol for Communication in Large Groups Project Report.

Automatic Fuzzy Ontology Generation for Semantic Web Project Report

The main purpose of semantic web is to create the universal medium for the purpose of exchanging the information by inserting the documents within the semantics on internet within a specific manner. The Semantic web is having many capabilities through which they will be able to integrate the day to day trade mechanisms, daily updates associated with intelligent agents. Ontology can be considered as the domain concept that is capable of reading the different formats and it includes different resources such as individuals, characteristics, sayings as well as associations. Ontology is widely accepted technique that is been utilized as the specific standard knowledge resources for the purpose of supporting semantic web.

Ontology is widely used in Semantic webs for getting efficient information retrievals from the actual source system. In order to identify the improbability of the information ontology as well as web fuzzy logics can be associated together which is so called referred to as fuzzy ontology as the predefined hierarchy concept. Designing the hierarchy for the specific domains is not such a simple task and this proposed system will introduce a FOGA- fuzzy ontology generation framework which is capable of producing the automatic fuzzy ontology for the purpose of identifying the uncertainty of the information. This FOGA framework involves three different elements in it such as Fuzzy formal concept analysis, Concept hierarchy generation as well as Fuzzy ontology generation. The actual reasons for ontology enhancement towards the new data will be identified. In order to produce the ontology within the database the fuzzy logic technique will be used in this proposed system.

Hardware specifications

This system needs Intel Processor IV processor with 128MB Ram and 20GB hard disk along with 40x Samsung CD drive with 1.44 MB floppy disk including 15 Samtron color monitor with mercury keyboard and Logitech mouse.

 Software Specification

This system needs an operating system of Windows XP/2000  and the language required to perform the tasks are J2sdk1.4.0.

Download Automatic Fuzzy Ontology Generation for Semantic Web Project Report.

Distributed Cache Updating For Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Project Report

Security of the data and prevent the loss of data being sent via router  is very important .The main aim of the project Distributed Cache Updating for Dynamic Source Routing Protocol is eliminating the problem of loss of data packet during the packet are being transmitted from the router by using the protocol. In the existing system the TCP/IP performance is being lowered due to loss of data, router failures, congestion in the network due to bad weather and also no track of the information about the failures so it becomes difficult to recover the data.  In this case if failure occurs the data packet have to sent again and this increases the time for receiving and sending of data.

Lets have look how the proposed system helps us to eliminate all the above stated drawbacks. the proposed system is being designed to maintain a Cache Table by the routers which will contain the information of the routing path. This table will contain all the information regarding the routers through which the packet will travel through will sending and receiving the information.  Every router will maintain its own cache table and contain the information about its neighboring router. In case if any router fails during the transmission of the data the cache algorithm removes this router and routes the information to the destination router through other router in the network. This algorithm helps to reduce the time in sending and receiving the data. If at any stage any  important data packet is being lost and, cache algorithm helps to track the router from where the data packet is being lost and send that particular data packet again to the destination. The algorithm used contains some modules which are as follows.

a.)    Route Request

b.)    Message Transfer.

c.)    Route Maintenance.

Cache Updating

Download Distributed Cache Updating For Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Project Report.

Efficient And Robust Detection Of Duplicate Videos In A Large Database

Project Objective:

The main objective of the project Efficient and Robust Detection of the Videos is to check for the duplicate videos. This will helps user to maintain the security of his data or videos. The proposed system helps to check whether one video is same as the other video. The method being used to verify the similarity of the video is it checks the similarity of the frames being shot of both the videos and if they are found to be similar it tells us that the videos are similar. The project approach is mainly on finding the duplicate videos by calculating the distance between the frames have been shot but it will also consider the fact of the order of the frame and the alignment of the frames. Edit distance is the another factor that has been considered to check the similarity between the two videos. Edit distance tell us how many number of times the video has been edited and so that you can decide then similarity of video. The number of algorithm is being used to find the similarity of the videos but we will be using the query algorithm to check equate the video similarity.  This methods follows some steps which are as follows.

a.)    Extraction.

b.)    Mapping.

c.)    Refine search.


In this first  step of the algorithm it extracts the sample video and the main video in frames as per the respective frame size  and then stores them in the location selected by the user.

b.)    MAPPING:

Mapping is the second step of the algorithm after the video images are extracted algorithm needs to compare the stored frame to equate the similarity. So in this step the first image of the sample video and the main video is being equated and check whether they are equal or not.


Refine search is the third step of the algorithm. After the Extraction and Mapping the images from the previous step are filtered and then again compared for the similarity between them.


Software requirements are the IDE to be used for the project is Visual Studio.Net 2008. Language to be used is the framework used will be .NET FRAMEWORK

 Hardware requirements for the project are processor required is Pentium IV 2.4 GHz. Storage devices required are RAM 1 GB and Hard disk 160GB.

 Download Efficient And Robust Detection Of Duplicate Videos In A Large Database .

A study on Sensor Nodes Attestation Protocol in a WSN Project Report

A study on Sensor Nodes Attestation Protocol in a WSN Project Report covers detailed explanation about project. Here we provide introduction to topic.

Sensor networks are been widely used in different fields of applications like fire monitoring, pollution monitoring, machine measurements of industries, wild environment management etc. WSN- wireless sensor networks can be considered as the wireless networks associated with wires that embraces different types of nodes called sensors arranged into a single architecture. Basically sensor nodes must contain different types of functions such as wireless communications as well as sensing activities. Because of some security problems related to routing process the wireless sensor networks are limited with some radio frequency channels which are not linked with any sensor nodes for physical security within a specific topology.

 For this reason, the hardware restrictions within the topology networks is the main reason that is allowing the wireless sensor networks to become more vulnerable towards different types of adverse effects. In order to overcome this problem, there is a necessity of incorporating all the nodes present within the system i.e. use of hirechary approach which performs the information sharing between two different nodes.

Every sensor network has it own sensor nodes which are capable of performing sensing process within appropriate sensing locations which is allowing the hackers to enter the attack the wireless sensor networks in an easier way. Because of presence of more vulnerability within the networks, the total network sensors that are present in the network are adversely affected by the attackers. For this particular reason, securing wireless sensor networks is happened to be vital task for the developers. They are trying to use two different types of steps through which in the first step they are connecting the relation between the sensor nodes present within the networks. In the second step, sensor node attestation is performed through which the total activities taking place in the wireless sensor networks can be easily identified and solved. 

Download A study on Sensor Nodes Attestation Protocol in a WSN Project Report.

A Linux Device Driver for USB to USB Direct Link Device Project Report

A Linux Device Driver for USB to USB Direct Link Device Project Report covers detailed explanation about project. Here we provide introduction to topic.

USB is referred to as universal serial bus came into existence in the year 1996 and its second version was released in the year 2000 which is capable of transferring the data with 480 Mbps speed. The product cost is less with higher rate of data transfer and gained more importance in this computer world. Nowadays this USB interfaces are allowing the users to connect different devices to the PC’s and every operating system will support this device. By using Linux there is no possibility for data transfer but by using this USB cables different types of data transactions can be performed between two systems. The operating systems related to Linux are not capable of providing the access through remote among the two PC’s but the file bandwidth is been used in order to transfer or share the files between two different computers or laptops which can be easily performed in operating system of Windows.

The main objective of this study is to create a system that supports USB remote access to transfer the data and files between two different systems and it includes two stages such as Kernel Module which is known as USB driver as well as user interface. In Kernel module phase the device driver will be designed which is called direct cable for connecting the two systems which suits best for operating systems of Linux. The low level system designed in this part will allow the users to transfer accurate, reliable and genuine files transfer among the systems. In this user interface stage, users can access the USB device remotely which provides transparent data access to the users in which the client server will be used that have three resources such as server side program, client side program as well as GUI QT.

Hardware Requirements:

  • USB Direct link cable
  • Intel P4 processor
  • 128MB Ram

Software Requirements:

  • Linux Kernel 2.6
  • GCC
  • QT

Download A Linux Device Driver for USB to USB Direct Link Device Project Report.

Analyzing Network Traffic Dynamics through BADABING Project Report

Analyzing Network Traffic Dynamics through BADABING Project Report covers detailed explanation about project. Here is the introduction to this project.

Generally there are different types of network protocols as well as network systems which are been used for the purpose of evaluating and measuring the traffic dynamics of networks among the two different hosts. This study deals with the evaluation of loss measurement methodology which is developed by making use of a special tool for measurements called BADABING. By using this tool the fixed probes will be shifted from a single measurement location towards its mutual host in which the entire probe packets as well as the reports are been gathered by target system.

Existing System:

The existing systems based on this process, the probability of the Poisson arrivals will be analyzed and measured. In the existing systems different types of los measurements will even be calculated for identifying the network properties which are not totally reliable and true. The network tomography which is totally based upon the multicast as well as the unicast probes are even considered to be non-effective and reliable.

Proposed System:

This proposed system will the users to identify and measure the characteristics of end to end packet losses in a reliable way which are more accurate that even allows them to identify the effect of bottleneck queue. The measure losses of end to end probes will be identified clearly which follows different types of geometric distributions that allows the accurate trade off among the networks and will even identify the accurate measurements of probes within the same time period.

Software Requirements:

This system needs three software’s such as Java Swing, JFrame Builder as well as Windows XP operating system.

Hardware Requirements:

In order to develop this system efficiently there is a necessity of three different hardware’s such as Pentium IV processor, 512 MB Ram as well as 80GB Hard Disk. 

Download Analyzing Network Traffic Dynamics through BADABING Project Report

Modelling and Automated Containment of Worms Project Report

Modelling and automated containment of worm’s project report covers detailed explanation about project. Introduction of this project is explained below.

Internet is been widely effected with some type of worms known as Code Red, Slammer as well as Nimda which are caused because of some own codes done by the developers. Many research works are been carried out in order to identify the effects of those worms and to clash against those worm attacks. Among the total number of existing models related to worm attacks, Stochastic Branching Process Model is having its own significance in propagating the internet worms. This model is been aimed for the purpose of identical scanning worms which are been further comprehensive towards other different types of scanning worms over the internet.

A special resource called Containment Strategy will be developed within this process which is capable of securing the spreading of worms. This application will illustrate whether the spreading of worms can be stopped or not and it will even evaluate the results that identifies the span of uniform scanning worms. In this going process, there are different types of containment schemes that include uniform as well as local scanning worms which are been evaluated and authorized by making use of simulation through which the data present in the system will be secured from different threatening worms.

Existing System:

There are many existing systems that can be used to stop the spread of worms which includes the simulations with an association of different models such as randomized epidemic model as well as basic stochastic epidemic model which is complex and hard to get the appropriate results. The trends of worms are been detected but the worm rates are remained same in the system which is leading to scan traffic within the system which can be reduced only by using the filtering of worms.

Proposed System:

The proposed system will make use of the containment strategy and worm containment schemes which are capable of reducing the spreading of worms in the initial stage and it will even identify the host worms and its effect levels. In the proposed system, the fast scan as well as slow scan worms will be identified through which the entire worms present in the system can be detected. 

System Requirements:

The software requirements of this application are Java Swing, JFrame Builder and Windows XP tools.

Hardware Requirements:

The hardware requirements of this system are Pentium IV 2.6 GHZ with 512MB ram and 20Gm Hard disk along with 52X CD Drive. 

Download Modelling and Automated Containment of Worms Project Report.

A Test Bed for Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Strategies for Web Server Systems Project Report

Introduction to A Test Bed for Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Strategies for Web Server Systems Project:

Ever since the dawn of this century the no: of internet users have gone up in the rate of knots. To manage heavy work load is not easy for a web server and as a result it will lead to a response time lag or even crashing of the web server. To balance the load often the web server is mirrored to the other web server in the same cluster near to the client, the size of the cluster may vary from small to large depending on the server. Other clusters should be chosen only if the entire server in the first cluster is full. The most optimum load balancing techniques are those which reduce the client-server communication time to the minimum

Load balancing is categorized into decision and migration base which can be further split as global and local based on the scenario. The request distribution approach is categorized as client based, DNS based, Dispatcher based, Server based and anycast method. The main design goals are compatible components, server side changes only, and better performance at client side, user independent, minimum faults, no overloading or additional over lauding. There are metrics to measure the client-server proximity namely geographical, network distances, RTT, available band width, response time etc. The main two places where load balancing takes place are at DNS and cluster front node.

Target of Design test bed

  • Must project the real time situation in a lab environment
  • Must be common in order to include various policies for the distribution of the request
  • Must be flexible so that no major change in components while modifying
  • State Info of the servers must be transferred correctly so that the policies will be executed and analyzed easily
  • Dynamic in designing so that it do not confine server or cluster no:s.
  • Should throw light on webs server system implementation
  • Understand the impact of parameters and tradeoffs
  • Comparison of new policies and existing policies

Download A Test Bed for Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Strategies for Web Server Systems Project Report.

Qos Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Project Report

Introduction to Qos Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Project:

Qos Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Project Report provides detailed explanation about this project. Here we provide introduction to this topic.

In most of the system services like audio/ videoconferencing, webcasting requires the network to provide a guarantee of the service being provided to the receiver. Thus the QoS guarantees are more challenging in case of Mobile Ad hoc Networks. MANETs is a self-configuring infrastructure less network in mobile devices connected by wireless, which has no fixed infrastructure such as base stations. Wireless networks allow us to use all service access, anywhere, anytime by the system in this network. Mobile AD Hoc networking developments helps to development of different kinds of applications such as those involving audio and video, many of which have stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements

Qos involves two task: collecting and maintaining up-to-date state, To support QoS, the routing protocol should support metrics such as delay, bandwidth, energy, and delay jitter and packet loss ratio. The nodes considered in this network are supposed to be mobile nodes, that is they move independently and randomly in any direction and speed, This help in updating the topology information frequently.

Nodes in a MANET should communicate with each other within a common channel, so as to provide the network topology. This introduces two main problems like interference and channel contention.

QoS routing protocols are been classified based on:

Network topology (hierarchical or location-aware)

Approach to route discover with QoS (proactive, reactive, hybrid or predictive).

Security is a main QoS attribute. Without an adequate security, unauthorized accesses and usages the system may violate the QoS negotiations. The nature in broadcasting wireless networks potentially results in more security and authentication.

This paper has covered the basic concepts in QoS routing in MANETs and the various issues that are needed to be faced during the provision of Quality of Service in an MANET. This paper has also summarized the basic operation, strengths and drawbacks of these protocols in MANET, and how these protocols are been implemented.

Download Qos Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Project Report