A Concurrency Control Protocol for Clipping Indexing Project Source Code Report

Introduction to A Concurrency Control Protocol for Clipping Indexing Project:

A concurrency control protocol for clipping indexing project is developed in java platform using MYSQL as back end database. Main aim of this project is to implementing efficient concurrency mechanism for multi dimensional databases. In present scenario usage of multi dimensional database is seen in many applications in order to provide fast querying or searching capabilities R-tree mechanism is implemented but it does not work efficiently with multi dimensional database systems because of problems in R+ trees can be indexed in multiple levels. In order to solve this problem in this paper we propose concurrency protocol for R+ tree variants with object clipping which is also called as granular locking for clipping indexing.

Using this concurrency protocol we can provide efficient operations like dead lock free, serialization and improve consistency.

This application is developed in five modules login registration module, detecting dead lock module, eliminating dead lock, query processing.

Login registration module:

Main functionality of this module is to provide security for users and allow users to register with application for using other modules. User is provided with unique username and password.

Detecting Dead Lock:

This module helps in finding out deal locks in the network and analyzes critical information.

Eliminating Dead Locks:

Using this module we can prevent is avoiding dead locks.

Query Processing:

This module helps in normal query processing.

 In this project we provide entire project documentation with UML diagram, class diagram, object diagram and state diagram, sequence diagram, database, video file and project source code for free download. Students can use video file for understanding project execution

Download concurrency control protocol for clipping indexing java project from this link.

Flexible Rollback Recovery in Dynamic Heterogeneous Grid Computing Project Source Code

Introduction to Flexible Rollback Recovery in Dynamic Heterogeneous Grid Computing Project:

Flexible rollback recovery in dynamic heterogeneous grid computing project is implemented in java platform using MYSQL as back end database. Main aim of this flexible roll back recovery project is to implement two effective mechanisms called theft induced check pointing and systematic event logging protocols. Main functionality of this protocols is to solve network problems like packet crashes in network, reduce problems in reliability and increase  efficiency in packet transmission in wireless networks. In existing wireless networks which work on grid and cluster are not reliable. Main reason for this problem is node failure and requirement of dynamic configuration over extensive runtime.

In this project we mainly deal with above mentioned protocols which work on data flow graphs, which will provide best recovery method in heterogeneous systems and multithreaded applications. In this method we can recover data even under different number of processors.

In present scenario GRID and cluster architecture is playing important role in developing parallel applications. Because of computational nodes, high storage, inter connectivity between networks and other factors maintaining reliability in these networks is a challenging task.

This project is developed in four modules login registration module, node analysis module, and node selection module and transmitting data.

Login/Registration module:

Main functionality of this module is to provide authentication mechanism for user for accessing different modules on the project. User is provided with unique username and password through this module.

Node Analysis:

There will be a cluster of node analyzing which is efficient node

Node Selection:

Using this module use can select node from the cluster.

Transmitting Data:

 Using this module we can transmit data by selecting user specified node.

Here we provide flexible roll back full project report, database, database tables, video file, and entire project source code for free download.

Download Flexible rollback recovery in dynamic heterogeneous grid computing project java project from this link.

Evaluating the Vulnerability of Network Traffic Using Joint Full Project Source Code and Report

Introduction to Evaluating the Vulnerability of Network Traffic Using Joint Project:

Evaluating the vulnerability of network traffic using joint project is a networking related project which is implemented in java platform. For every wireless communication network systems security and data integrity are the key factors for providing efficient service and reducing risks that are caused form unauthorized users. In existing wireless communication networks security at node level is very poor it is easy to hack cryptographic keys from memories. This type of attacks are normally  seen in wireless  communication systems because of unattended operations of wireless nodes and not implementing tamper resistance related hardware systems inside network. In order to solve node attacks issues in network we propose a class route vulnerability metrics by combine analyzing routing protocols and key assignment protocols. In this project we use GNAVE algorithm for illustrating node capturing attacks and compare results of GNAVE algorithm results with existing node capture strategies. In order to distinguish between existing and proposed performance we test performance using simulators.

This project is developed in five modules network module, key assignment module, adversarial module, route vulnerability module, circuit theoretical model.

Network module: This module works on client server module in which application works on two different hardware client and server. Server is a high configured hardware system which will respond for client’s requests.

Key assignment module: This module functionality is to measure security in wireless network as the function of two protocols routing protocol and key assignment protocol.

Adversarial Module:  This module helps is evaluation traffic related information in a network  and analyze weakly secured connections in a network. Using this module we can mount a node capture attack.

Students can download Evaluation the vulnerability of network traffic using joint entire final year project with bibliography, hardware and software specifications, implementation, screen shots, system design, system study and system testing documents with project source code of each module for free download.

Download  Evaluating the Vulnerability of Network Traffic Using Joint Full Project Source Code and Report.

A Routing-Driven Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based Key Management Scheme for Heterogeneous project source code

Introduction to A Routing-Driven Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based Key Management Scheme for Heterogeneous:

Routing driven elliptic curve cryptography based key management scheme for heterogeneous project explains about concept of developing a efficient sensor based systems using heterogeneous sensor networking model called as HSN. This system works on key management cryptographic techniques which is important factor for security in communication networks. Each sensor nodes share these keys without any issues of where they are located, because of this method large amount of load should be handled by nodes. In many to one traffic method data from different nodes are send to base station which causes problem of load sharing and only few amount of data is shared between neighbor nodes.

Considering these issues in existing system we develop a routing driven key management scheme in which cryptography keys are shared between neighbor nodes for effective communication. Key management scheme works on elliptic curve cryptography and this method provides an effective method to handle security, load, power management a less communication.

In present scenario wireless communication and sensor communication technology is mostly used in military, household, environment, health care related applications. But in existing system every sensor node has same capabilities which cause poor fundamental performance limit and scalability. In order to overcome these issues we propose heterogeneous sensor networks.

In this project we provide entire project source code and database. This project is implemented in java platform using mysql server. In order to run this application initially sql server setup should initialized and run run.bat file and enter nodes in the cluster and then cluster header interface is displayed where user should enter cluster name and cluster node and register to generate password key. Detailed explanation of project execution is provided in video file.

For more information on this project students can download project abstract, source code and video file from below download link.

Download Routing driven elliptic curve cryptography based key management scheme for heterogeneous full project.

Mobile AD-HOC Networks Project Testing

Mobile AD-HOC Networks Software Testing is investigated the quality of service or product under test. It is check the verifying and validate the programme which we write on the programs. The main intent is checking the application/programs/product for software errors or bugs. Testing view indicate the unique view of the software to appreciate of millstone of the risk in it for implementation.

Different kind of testing methods involved in different software developments. But, finally software development to give the after developing the code or writing the code or application giving the total thing to software testing and also before giving to client or customer  to verify all coding which write for application.

The main aims to software testing is failure of the software errors discovered then check it and correct the errors  Testing is investigating the quality of the software provide the good services under the test and it is take the process to verifying and validating the pogrom/application/product.

There are lot the testing technique is available in the market depending upon the client or user requirement choose the testing mode in this final year engineering project report.

Main aspects of the testing the examine the code and the coding executing different kind Environment if it don’t happened which aspects to fill do ,which cannot do the scope of the code, what are bugs to occurs and which one need to support to the system.  The testing also check what are the input has taking what is the output gone, before starting the test case we can analysis the entire system.

Download Mobile AD-HOC Networks Computer Science and Engineering  Engineering Project Testing Phase.

Efficient Monitoring Algorithm For Fast News Alerts Project Report

Introduction to Efficient Monitoring Algorithm For Fast News Alerts Project:

Efficient monitoring algorithm for fast news alerts project explains about concept of improving RSS feeds quality by updating latest information to users in very less time. In present scenario there is fast increase of use of XML data for delivering on web. Every web site want to be in contact with their users by updating latest news that are posted on their site by using RSS feeds. As the RSS feeds starts growing web logs and search algorithms take reference of all these feeds and discover different RSS sources. In this project we explain about how to reduce resources used by RSS aggregation services. With this project we will provide a new method for RSS feeds which is different from existing RSS system.

By collecting different RSS feeds we analyze general characteristics of RSS system and by using proper resource allocation and scheduling we can improve performance.

For more information on this topic students can download project repot from below download link.

Computer science and information technology students can find more related projects with source code and project reports for free download from this site.

efficent algorithm

 Download Efficient Monitoring Algorithm For Fast News Alerts Project Report  from this link.

Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing Project Report and Source Code

Introduction to Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing Project:

Ensuring data storage security in cloud computing project explains about a concept of implementing a new method to provide security for data in cloud computing by considering different issues like byzantine failure, malicious data modification attacks and attacks from cloud server. In present trend cloud computing is the fast growing technology where most of the IT companies are moving their application software and database to large cloud computing data centers. Cloud computing provides solutions for many problems but there are few key areas in term of security for providing quality of service for users. Cloud computing provides many new challenges for improving security of data from attacks. In this project we mainly concentrate on security issues and explain about using homomorphic token with distributed verification of erasure code data. Using homomorphic token improves security in terms of finding out misbehaving servers, security operations on data blocks including security for updating, deleting and modifying data.

This project is implemented in java platform , students can use use video file to know more about project execution.

For this project we provide entire project documentation, source code, system analysis, sample screen shots, hardware and software specifications, input and output design documents for free download. 

 Download Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing Project Report and Source Code  from this link.

Online Detection and Prevention phishing Attacks Project Report and Source Code

Introduction to Online Detection and Prevention phishing Attacks Project:

Online detection and prevention phishing attacks project is implemented in java platform. Main idea of this project is to implement a anti phishing algorithm called as link guard which works on character based so it can detect known phishing attacks and also unknown ones. Phishing is the process of hacking user’s security information like bank accounts, credit card numbers …etc. In this process users will receive emails with hyperlinks with information like it is sent from banks and when user clicks on links users will be routed to a unknown website which will ask for bank account details like password changes, credit card details. When users enter his details hackers will capture that information at server side and use that information for transferring money from bank accounts. In order to solve this problem we use anti phishing algorithms to block phishing mails.

For this project we provide entire project report, source code in java, data flow diagrams, UML diagrams, architecture design and screen shots.

Computer science and information technology students can find more related projects from this site with source code, ppt and project reports for free download.

 Download Online Detection and Prevention phishing Attacks Project Report and Source Code  from this link.

Real Time Projects Cse

List of real time projects cse:

Students can find address for real time cse projects and know details about latest projects. Institution listed here are experienced in final year b.tech projects on both major and minor projects. Students can contact them by sending mails to them and get quotation on getting project. Real time projects include electrical, electronics, computer science projects.

submit real time projects cse to us.

Links to download real time projects cse:

  1. Shopping Cart project in ASP.Net with Source code
  2. Electronic Land Information Management System
  3. Collaborative Knowledge Management Based Information System
  4. Preventing SQL Injection Attacks in Stored Procedures Project
  5. Online Crime Report .Net project with Source Code

download more related real time projects cse.

Projects 2011 For Cse In Networking

List of projects 2011 for cse in networking:

Download latest collection of projects 2011 for cse in networking, network security with source code and project report,project abstract, ppt and video file for some projects. Projects on networking are implemented in asp.net and java platform and which are part of previous year projects. Students can also find latest projects on other topics.

submit projects 2011 for cse in networking to us.

Links to download projects 2011 for cse in networking:

  1. Integrated Project Management and Controlling System .Net Project with Source Code
  2. Cargo Manager .Net Project with Source Code
  3. Ad Agency .Net Project with Source Code
  4. Teleserve .Net Project with Source Code
  5. Netpod .Net Project with Source Code

download more related projects 2011 for cse in networking.