Distributed Networks Project abstract on Mobile Agent Based Fault Tolerance System

Distributed networking is widely used these days and apart from the list of advantages provided with the distributed networks, there are few limitations across these networks and the key among them are faults that occur frequently across the networks.

Among these faults link failures and switching the mode of distributed networking are important to be considered and there are many fault recovery techniques across the literature and most of them are static in nature and can’t detect the dynamic link failures across the network.

The main aim of this project is to evaluate the role of mobile agent based fault tolerance system for the distributed networks and to make this proposed application, a simple java based application is used. Swings framework is used to create the user interface and Oracle SQL is used as the database to handle the tables.

Two servers and a master server are created and each server can handle two clients and the faults like link failures and distributed network off are inserted in this project and from the results it is clear that the mobile agent can handle the dynamic link failures and improve the overall performance of the distributed network.

This paper is written and submitted by sai

Distributed System Research Paper

Aims and Objectives 

Following are the aims and objectives of this research 

Aim:  To develop a hierarchical based dynamic mobile agent to monitor the faults across the dynamic distributed systems 


Following are the research objectives 

  • To review and critically analyze different mobile agent based fault tolerant monitoring systems for dynamic distributed systems and evaluate the gaps in the literature
  • To design a hierarchical wireless sensor network using java swings concept
  • To develop a dynamic mobile agent based fault tolerant monitoring system using java that can collect the statistics from different nodes of the wireless sensor network
  • To develop a SQL database to maintain the routing tables and store the collected monitoring information.
  • To test the application against the aim of the project and evaluate the results 

Project plan

Task Description Start Date End Date Duration
Project Introduction  Following aspects are covered for this task 

  • Problem definition and motivation
  • Aims and Objectives


    1 week 
Literature Review  Following topics are covered under literature review 

  • Introduction to distributed systems
  • What is fault tolerance and mobile agent based monitoring
  • Different types of faults across the wireless sensor networks
  • Existing techniques to handle these faults and their limitations
  • Proposed system


    3 weeks 
Design  Following design aspects covered 

  • Front end design covering the model of wireless sensor network
  • Business logic design that describes the actual coding logic used
  • Database design which deals with all the tables and stored procedure used in this application


    2 weeks 
Coding  Following modules are coded in this project 

  • Front end code using java swings
  • Business logic code
  • Database coding using JDBC connectivity programming


    4 weeks 
Evaluation of results  Following tasks are included in this section 

  • Testing the outputs
  • Bug fixing
  • Evaluation of results against the aims and objective of the project


    1 week 
Final Thesis preparation        1 week 


  This paper is written and submitted by sai

Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Object Software Modularization Project Report

Introduction to Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Object Software Modularization Project:

In most of  the cases  entire code of  a system is usually divided into only two modules .These modules contain  a very large code so the system  performance analysis takes much time and may not be accurate .some of the earliest contributions to software metrics  deal with the measurement  of code complexity and maintainability .

From the standpoint  of code modularization ,some of the earliest software metrics  are based  on the notion of  coupling  and  cohesion .Low inter module coupling , high intra module cohesion  and low complexity have always  been  deemed  to be important  attributes of module software.

Modern software dictates that  large body of  software  be organized into a set of modules .The  module captures  set of  design decisions which are hidden  from other modules  and interactions  among the modules  should primarily be through  module interfaces .In software engineering parlance , a module groups  a set of functions or a subprograms and data structures  and often implements one or more business concepts .This grouping may take place on the basis of similarity of purpose or on the basis of commonality goal.

In our project the each file is divided into a single module, this division helps in the easy maintenance and analyzing .The metrics are applied to the different version of same software system. Finally the metrics were able to detect the improvement in modularization in keeping with the opinions expressed in the literature as to which version is considered to be better.

Download Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Object Software Modularization Project Report.

Constructing And Testing Of Polynomials Predicting Software Maintainability Abstract

Introduction to Constructing And Testing Of Polynomials Predicting Software Maintainability:

In non object oriented software system module modularization quality is calculated based on modules without using classes. Theoretical validation implies conformance to a set of agreed principles. Re-organization of millions of  lines of code residing in thousands of files in hundred of directories into modules , where each module is formed by grouping a set of entities such as files , data structures, functions and variables.

In this project we set design principles for code modularization and produce set of metrics that characterize software in relation to those principles. Some metrics are structural, architectural and notions. The structural metrics refer to inter module coupling based notions. The architectural metrics refer to horizontal layering of modules in large software systems.

This project makes use of three types of contributions cohesion, coupling and complexity of metrics to modularize the software. Modularization algorithm is based on the combination of coupling and cohesion metrics .Finally two types of experiments are made to validate the metrics using open source software system they are                                                                       

 1. Apply metrics to two different versions of the same software system

 2. Experimental validation consists of randomizing a well-modularized body of software and seeing how the value of the metrics changed. Our project thus provides metrics that seek to characterize a body of software according to the enunciated principles. 

Download Constructing And Testing Of Polynomials Predicting Software Maintainability Abstract.

CSE Networking Project on Low Power Design of Precomputation-Based Content-Addressable Memory

Introduction to CSE Networking Project on Low Power Design of Precomputation-Based Content-Addressable Memory:

Content-addressable memory (CAM) is a special type of computer Memory used in certain very high speed searching applications such as such as lookup tables, databases, associative computing, networking and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). It is also known as associative memory/storage/array.The application performance can be improved by using parallel comparison which reduces search time and leads to high power consumption. In this paper, we propose a Block-XOR approach to improve the efficiency of low power precomputation- based CAM (PB-CAM) When compared with ones-count PB-CAM system, the experimental results presents practical proofs to verify that our proposed Block-XOR PB-CAM system can achieve greater power reduction without the need for a special CAM cell design which is flexible and adaptive for general designs.

In the existing system a CAM, functionalmemory which compares the input search data with the stored data. Once matching data are found, their addresses are returned as output which involves vast comparison operations with high power consumption.

The proposed system uses new parameter extractor called Block-XOR which reduces comparison operations by a minimum of 909 and a maximum of 2339.which achieve the requirement. 

The software’s that are used for Simulation –Modelsim SE 6.3f,

                                                     Synthesis- Xilinx ISE 9.2i and

                                                     Hardware used is Spartan 3E.

 Download CSE Networking Project on Low Power Design of Precomputation-Based Content-Addressable Memory .

Secured MAODV Project Abstract

The Secured MAODV Ad hoc network communications devices can be Laptops, PDAs, Pocket PCs etc. Ad hoc networks are used for data transfer, sharing of information between students in a classroom, during disaster relief for disasters like earthquake, floods, soldiers in a battlefield and so on. 

                        The passing of information in these networks happens through network packets being routed in the network. This routing in ad hoc networks is trivial, and happens in two ways – proactive, which is a table driven routing and reactive, where routing takes place on-demand. Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector(AODV)  Routing protocol, one of the reactive routing protocols,and hard state protocol has become popular in the past few years. The multicast version of the AODV or MAODV which is used for routing to a selected group of nodes within the AODV network group is being enhanced in this project to provide more secure routing in this project.

                       There is a lack of centralized network management functionally in ad hoc networks.  These networks tend to be vulnerable to a number of security attacks in the form of data loss, privacy issues, interference eavesdropping, session hijacking and so on. Also countermeasures are not embedded, so external mechanisms are used. Authentication access control, encryption& digital signatures, biometrics verification are some preventive measures. Countermeasures beyond the prevention line are intrusion detection system, cooperation enforcement mechanisms etc. in one network. Here misuse and anomalies are detected and selfish node behavior is reduced.

                        This work improvises the security of MAODV. An authentication frame work for MAODV and countermeasures that prevent the impact of the attacks are dealt with. There are four main attacks that are being considered, they are rushing attack, jellyfish attack, neighbour attack and blackhole attack. The nodes that are malicious and found to be involved in these attacks are marked as misbehaving nodes and their role in the network is minimised or removed depending on the location. The implementation is in the form of simulation using NS2. The original MAODV Project Source code and the improvised version are compared based on latency, number of attackers and packet delivery ratio with an emphasis on how security has improved. 

Secured MAODV Project Abstract


  • List of Figures 
  • MANETs
  • Why Simulation
  • Why NS-2
  •  Software and hardware requirements
  • Simulation Environment
  • Simulation Results
  • Statistical Results
  • Graphical Representation of results

Software Requirements of Secured MAODV

  • GNU/Linux based OS (Debian)
  • Bash shell
  • Ns-allinone-2.34(includes ns, nam and xgraph)
  • Gnome C, C++ compiler and other C++ utilities
  • Various Tcl/Tk libraries
  • Perl and Python builds

Hardware Requirements of Secured MAODV

  • Intel Pentium based Microprocessor with min. speed of 800 MHz
  • RAM – 256 MB or higher
  • 20 GB hard disk space
  • 32 bit graphics supported VGA
Download Secured MAODV CSE Project Abstract with Full Documentation.

Efficient Resource Allocation For Wireless Multicast Documentation

Efficient Resource Allocation For Wireless Multicast Objective: 

The internet connectivity has become the important part of our day-to-day lives, people use internet connection at home, offices, on mobile, Laptop etc. There various technologies been provided for internet connection such as Broadband, wireless, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc. Among this wireless is widely use throughout the World as it provides the faster and easier access to the internet. WWW can be accessed from anywhere what you need to have is the appropriate device, will allow the use of Internet.

            This project Efficient Resource Allocation For Wireless Multicast aims at providing efficient resource allocation of Multicast wireless to the user. This will also reduce the cost of the bandwidth for the wireless users. The cost of the bandwidth will be reduced by using the method of finding the Shortest Path. To find the shortest path to the desired resource allocation in wireless connectivity Lagragean Method will be used. The Langragean Method will provide the shortest path to the desired resource in the multicast bandwidth in a wireless network which will allow the faster and easier access to connect to the world through Internet. This will make the surfing, browsing, downloading, and uploading easier. 

Modules of the Project:

This will also have some modules to used. This modules helps us in understanding the Flow and execution of the proposed system. The modules of the system are as follows. There are four modules in the proposed system they are a) Add Node, b) Resource Allocation, c) Source and Destination, d) Lagrangean Path. Let us see the modules in details.

a)      Add Node:

This is the first module of the system in this we specify the number of nodes in network. As soon as nodes are provided the nodes are arranged in cell randomly. According to the capability of cell it accesses the nodes in the network.

b)      Resource Allocation:

Resource allocation allocates the nearest resource current location so that it would provide good bandwidth usage and the access will be faster. 

c)      Source and Destination:

This module helps user to choose the source and the destination node. On selecting the source and destination node the position of the node and the cell containing the node is being stored. We repeat the steps to find the destination node to find the shortest node. 

d)      Lagrangean Path:

This module helps us to find the shortest path of the node by dividing the problem in two sub parts. The first part helps us to find solution to get faster access to the nearest cell. The second part helps us to find out the total bandwidth being used. And then repeating this will help us to find the shortest path to the desired node.           


The input provided to the system is the number of nodes and after that the source and the destination nodes. Thee output of the system will be desired shortest path from the source and the destination mobile provided by user as input. 

Download Efficient Resource Allocation For Wireless Multicast Documentation.

Biometric Systems Project Report

This paper discuss about the implementation of face recognition concept using java. The development of the software which provides authentication for the user is the main aim of the project, by capturing images of the user and comparing the image with the images stored in the database and if the image matches the will be an valid user this idea has been implemented in the software with java as the programming language. 

Face Recognition algorithms can be sub divided into two approaches, geometric and photometric. Where geometric refers to which looks at distinguishing features and photometric refers to a statistical approach that distill an image into values and comparing the values with templates to eliminate variances. Many of the algorithms include component analysis with Eigen face, Elastic Bunch Graph Matching fisher face, Linear Discriminate Analysis, and the neuronal motivated dynamic link matching. 

Bio metric Systems Pros and Cons 

There are more researches done in this Felds to overcome all the disadvantage of the face recognition system, such as in certain case like giving the system input in 20 degrees off or in other angle such that even if the user shakes his face in front of the camera the system detects a false input such that it does not matches the file in the database, the system also has an poor performance in case of poor light, long hair or any other partial covering on the face. 

Recent Advances in Bio metric Systems: 

Recent improvements in face recognition algorithms such as Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC), High-resolution face images, 3-D face scans has helped in the improvement of the technology. This application provides features like: only authorized users should have access to data and services, 

Bio metric Systems Advantages: 

Bio metrics provide an unobtrusive and convenient authentication mechanism, Uniqueness, No need to remember passwords or carry tokens, Biometrics is impossible to get lost, undergo theft or not remembered. 

Download Bio metric Systems Project Report.

Efficient Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks:The Multiple Copy Case

In most of the mobile network which are of wireless network at many times they do not have the complete path between the source and destination. There are many networks real that follow these conventional rooting methods such as military networks, vehicular ad hoc networks, and wildlife tracking sensor networks. Because they establishes complete end- to- end paths before any data are been send. In the case of flooding based schemes have the high probability of delivery, which wastes more energy.

The dealing with such a networks many researches have been done which can significantly degrade their performance. So that the overhead of the flooding based schemes are been reduced in large. New routing schemes have been introduced where these schemes spray a message copy into the network and routes each copy independently to the destination. It also good performance under large number of scenarios, and also shows how to no of copies to be sprayed and how to distribute these copies between the systems in the network.

Efficient Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks paper also discuss about the topics like delay tolerant networks, ad hoc network, intermittent connectivity and routing. The spray phase can be defined as for every message originating at the source node, nmessage copies are been initially spreadforwarded by the source and possibly by the other nodes receiving a copyto ndistinct relays. Direct transition is performed Ifthe designationis not found in the spraying phase, then each of the nnodes carrying a message copy i.e. it will only forward the message to its destination is mentioned as the Wait phase.

Efficient Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks paper also discusses about the stability of spray and wait. This paper proposes two efficient multi- copy schemes called spray and wait which overcomes the shortcomings of flooding based and other existing schemes.

Attack Scenario Construction and Automated Report Generation in Sachet Project Report

Increased use of internet has led to more cybercrimes like unauthorized use of computer in the network thereby it is necessary to use the intrusion detection system, to protect the information system from the unauthorized attacks and malicious attacks. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is a system that monitors all computers in a network and identifies all security breaches and raises alerts to the administrative system about an cracker is trying to create an unauthorized access to the network. In this paper discusses about the real time and network based IDS.

The main aim of this project is to identify logical relation among the low level alerts and provide a report security issues to the system administrator called as attack scenarios. This module of the project has been successfully tested on a benchmark 2000 DARPA data set. Automated report generations takes all related report generated as mentioned above together and generates an overall picture about the network attacks and present it to the system administrator. 

      There are mainly two types of intrusion detection system: Host based IDS and Network based IDSHost based IDS uses audit logs and system as its data source, while the other network-based IDS uses network traffic as there data source. An assignee on the host which captures intrusions by analyzing application logs, file-system modifications (binaries, password files, etc.)and other host activities is done in the host-based IDS.

The sensors are placed at a the network to identify all network traffic flows and analyze the content of every individual packet and check whether any sort of malicious activities in case of network-based IDS, such as denial of service attacks, buffer overflow attacks, etc. are been occurring in the network these results from IDS are been automatically reported to the system administrator as an overall picture about the network attack.

Download Attack Scenario Construction and Automated Report Generation in Sachet Project Report.