HIET Integrated Library Management System

Introduction to HIET Integrated Library Management System:

The main aim of HIET Integrated Library management system is to arrange a platform for the college libraries to change their functioning by adopting a digital medium which means computerizing their functioning. So far in India, the small and medium scale college libraries hold paper records, which require a lot of maintenance and even the search for the important information proves to be a time consuming task. 

HIET Integrated Library not only makes the long process simple but also keeps the proceedings of the library moving fast. It would help in increasing the library’s efficiency from top to bottom, that means from data entry to record maintaining. The chief aim of this integrated library is to facilitate its members and users with searching and reserving the books which are given by other users and requesting new books. 

This library originated in order to fulfill the needs of small and medium scale libraries. All the requirements for the smooth working of a library are met with software which involves making data entry for new books, search and update book records, registering a new user, editing and deleting records etc. The administrator can access the user login and book history when required. The software allows the  librarian to form new user groups and edit their access levels and functions and it also enables the users to keep a track of the books issued and fines due. It also enables them to select the books and magazines of their choice. 

Hardware Requirements:

The Hardware requirements of the system are CPU equivalent or above Intel Celeron 800 MHz, a RAM 256 MB or higher and a Hard Disk of minimum 4 GB. 

Software Requirements:

The Software Requirements are JAVA(jdk 5.0 onwards), any Windows OS(XP or later), Microsoft Access as the data base and Microsoft Word for Documentation.

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Mysql Project for Students on Report Programs Code Generator Tool Project Report

The main aim of ‘Report Programs’ Code Generator Tool system is to produce code assisted by necessary features and the user needs to provide some input related to the application. Those collected inputs would be saved on to the tablets and an ASCII file would be developed on the basis of the information gathered.

All batch programs consenting to a particular logic would be imposed with a similar structure by an automated code generator. Based on limited user inputs, the generator would produce the highest amount of program code. It would not only assist in decreasing coding time of programmers, but also extend the productivity by letting the programmers to concentrate on the application logic. This would lead to decrease in development costs and make code maintenance easy.

The Lexical Analyzer would examine the ASCII file and the necessary information from it would be gathered in data structures and they would be used to produce the required code. As soon as the entire data is extracted from the file, four files would be generated by the chief control file. These four files comprise the code required for the depicted features of main flow. In order to complete the application, the application specific code needs to be assimilated.

The Project modules include Input module, Interface module and Code generation module. The Database layouts include table layouts, namely Program table (PGM_TBL), Input table (INPUT_TBL), Field table (FIELD_TBL) and Report table (RPT_TBL). Output layouts include extract ASCII file structure. The information gathered from the front-end screens is used to create the ASCII files and that data is present in the tables too.

Download Mysql Project for Students on Report Programs Code Generator Tool Project Report.

School Website Project Modules

School website project is implemented in asp.net platform using C# programming language. This project consists of two modules administrator module and student module.

Administrator Module:

The Administrator is the owner of this website who maintains this website. He is user who uses this website for the registration of Students updating all the future events into the websites that should be accessible o the students. Administrator is also responsible for creating online quiz and also to dump the eLearning topics in to the “The High School” website. He is provided with a login user ID and Password with which he will be allowed to browse to through the website. Depending upon the role the website will be redirecting to the corresponding pages. Administrator is the whole and sole responsible person of this website and he is the only one who can insert any data into the database. 

 Student Module:

Second role available in our school website is Student. Student role is the end user role of this “The High School” website. The student can register himself into the “The High School” website. Once the registration have been done he will be provide with a user ID and password with which he can login in to the school website. Here the student can view his profile, update his profile, Learn new concepts, and participate in the existing online exams. Apart from all these he can get updated of the events both academic and curricular activities that have been going on in the school such that he can plan accordingly to participate in those events if interested.

The student is restricted to view his own profile and to update his own profile if felt necessary. View of other students profile is completely prohibited as it may lead to security issues and may disturb the main intention of this website. Insertion of data from student login in strictly prohibited other than creation of his profile i.e. registering himself into the school. He is provided access to all the learning courses as well do not want to restrict his leaning interest to one particular group to which he actually belongs. 

School Website Project Proposal

“The High School” is a School Website Project created for students to have an online interaction with their school activities. This website has been developed using Microsoft Visual studio 2008 .Coding has been done by using C# language of the Dot Net Framework.

The data base server we used for storing data of this website is Microsoft  SQL Server 2008.Since C# is object oriented, simple to implement, modern in look and provides type safety we have opted C# as compared to other languages available in Microsoft dot net frame work. This language is specially meant to develop huge enterprise applications.

This school website is developed using three-tier architecture so as to follow standard coding policies. Website was developed by implementing almost all the available concepts such as master pages, style sheets, layers etc.

As far as the roles of The High School are concerned, there are two roles in this website that uses it. They are as below

  • Administrator
  • Student

Customer Portal for a Mutual Fund Company Project Report

PMS is a mutual fund company with assets under management of over crores. It receives customer transactions and complaints through paper forms, it maintains information about all the schemes on database servers located in its highly secured data centers.

In order to perform various financial and non financial transactions without visiting the branch offices of PMS it is made web based, the financial transactions will be stored in database and are processed overnight in batch mode. The following are the requirements of the portal

Registration: while opening a mutual fund account PMS issues a  personal identification number PIN for the folio number mentioned in the application. A user can invest in mutual fund schemes of PMS and each will have a separate folio number

Mapping facilities: User can either update his or her portfolio or create a family portfolio

Own portfolio: System will automatically create own portfolio for the user using folio number and PIN entered during registration.

Family portfolio: A user can create a family portfolio, he or she can map several folio numbers. But each folio should contain a valid PIN number.

Download Customer Portal for a Mutual Fund Company Project Report.

Customer Relationship Management Abstract

Introduction to Customer Relationship Management System Project:

Customer Relationship Management Automotive Repair Enterprise is a web application aimed to provide various services. This service is maintained by most of automotive companies. The present system raises certain problems like difficulty in assigning services to the service team, difficulty in generating bills for the service provided, inefficient in managing break down details and the manual system gives us very less security for saving data and some data may be lost due to mismanagement . However the enterprise cannot reckon on manual system.        

The proposed new system contains many activities that try to automate the entire process by keeping database integration. This provides rich user interface to interact with the application that are provided. It also provides remainder facility to the employee. It collects information from the service center and generates breakdown bill. The services to the service team are easily assigned. All the service details are providing to client and normal users and authentication is provided to all the users. It also facilitates complaint and response feature.

Implementation of this new system is done in five modules. First module is User Authentication module. In this module holds four different types of users. The users are Administrator, Employee, client and general users. This module provides authentication for these users. Second module is Vehicle Management module; in this the administratortakes the information regarding vehicle color details, Fuel left in vehicle details, Vehicle Brand and company details. Third module is Service complaint module, in this module the client raises complaint about their vehicle and the administrator enters the information about client vehicle. Each client is given a unique vehicle id so that it would be easy to identify vehicle and its complaints. Based on this vehicle id service complaint details are entered. Fourth module is Vehicle Breakdown Management module. In some cases the vehicles Breakdown on their way, in this case the client consults the online employees of the service.

Client raises the breakdown details of their vehicle. That vehicle is given unique vehicle id and breakdown id. The details of breakdown area and landmark are taken. The fifth module is reports; in this module the system holds various types of reports like Employee Profile Report, Client Vehicle Status Report, Client vehicle breakdown Report, Service Type Report, Service Complaint Report and Breakdown Bills. With these modules the proposed new system overcomes the problems of old system and ensures security. 

Download Customer Relationship Management System Project Report.

Online Crime File Management Java Project Report

Introduction to Online Crime File Management Java Project:

Online crime file management is a web based application that provides a facility for reporting crimes, complaints, missing persons etc. Any number of persons can simultaneously access the server by making a login. The server can be any web server. An SMTP server has to be maintained for temporary storage of emails and jar files to enable chatting facilities.

In the current process when a person has to make a complaint he or she has to go to a nearby police station. This process has many drawbacks like it consumes lot of time, man power, consumes large amount of  work, lacks attention etc.

The online crime file management overcomes all the above drawbacks in the current system. It either reduces or eliminates the  drawbacks and provides a user friendly environment. Following are the advantages of online crime file management they are

  • Ensures data accuracy
  • Reduces damage to machines
  • Minimum data entry
  • Time management
  • Greater efficiency
  • Better service
  • User friendly

The modules employed are

Visitors: Visitors can login into the site and can see the updates made by admin and users. 

Users: Users has the following functionalities

  • Add complaints
  • Add crime reports
  • Add missing persons
  • View missing persons
  • Edit complaints
  • Edit his account
  • Can view complaint status

Administrator: Administrator has the following functionalities they are

  • View and reply to users complaints
  • New admin
  • View and reply to users crimes
  • Add, delete and view missing persons
  • Add and views FIR

Admin had many more functionality compared with other modules

Download Online Crime File Management Java Project Report.

Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Object Software Modularization Project Report

Introduction to Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Object Software Modularization Project:

In most of  the cases  entire code of  a system is usually divided into only two modules .These modules contain  a very large code so the system  performance analysis takes much time and may not be accurate .some of the earliest contributions to software metrics  deal with the measurement  of code complexity and maintainability .

From the standpoint  of code modularization ,some of the earliest software metrics  are based  on the notion of  coupling  and  cohesion .Low inter module coupling , high intra module cohesion  and low complexity have always  been  deemed  to be important  attributes of module software.

Modern software dictates that  large body of  software  be organized into a set of modules .The  module captures  set of  design decisions which are hidden  from other modules  and interactions  among the modules  should primarily be through  module interfaces .In software engineering parlance , a module groups  a set of functions or a subprograms and data structures  and often implements one or more business concepts .This grouping may take place on the basis of similarity of purpose or on the basis of commonality goal.

In our project the each file is divided into a single module, this division helps in the easy maintenance and analyzing .The metrics are applied to the different version of same software system. Finally the metrics were able to detect the improvement in modularization in keeping with the opinions expressed in the literature as to which version is considered to be better.

Download Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Object Software Modularization Project Report.

Corporate Recruitment System

Corporate recruitment system is a web based tool that has come into existence to reduce the gap between job seeker and job provider. It makes the recruitment of required skilled employees easy and faster as especially in fast growing IT companies that grown on trend technologies the recruitment should be done fast. The existing recruitment procedure is time consuming so there is a need for efficient recruitment process such a process is our corporate recruitment system. The corporate recruitment system is designed using java web technologies like servlets, JSP, JDBC, JavaBeans, Java Scripts, HTML and windows XP server with a hard disk of Intel Pentium III , RAM of 128MB and a CD drive

This system is designed on a number of different modules

  1. Registration of job seekers and job providers: Both parties should register in the system .Separate forms are provided for both the job seekers and job providers.
  2. Advanced search option for  job providers: System provides a database to the job providers that contains all the data about suitable candidates
  3. Job provider’s module: Administrator maintains all site users.
  4. Listing jobs for job seekers: new jobs are updated by the job providers
  5. Sending mails to job seekers: When any of the job provider selects a job seekers profile that particular person will be intimated by the administrator.
  6. Conducts online tests: CRS also conducts online tests as designed by the organization that recruits the job seekers. Here the job provider provides a password to job seeker
  7. Generation of reports: CRS allows job providers to generate reports based on tests or on any of their requirements.

Through this corporate recruitment system process certain business requirements are also met they are

  1. Search capabilities
  2. User friendly
  3. Tracking management
  4. Value added service
  5. Security

In CRS structured analysis is also carried out that allows user to understand a newly designed system. It is a detailed step by step investigation of related procedures to see what must be done and to determine the best way.

Download Corporate Recruitment System  Report.

Compressing Bitmap Images Project Report

Introduction to Compressing Bitmap Images Project:

This project is about compressing the bitmap file to a RLE file format. Compressing the files into smaller saves the storage space on the hard disk and also the transferring the images over the Internet  through emails etc becomes fast and easy .The RLE file obtained by compressing  bitmap file can be decompressed to get the original bitmap file. Here not only bitmap file formats but some other file formats can also be compressed by employing the some concepts of algorithms. 

The term bitmap was a throw backs from when monitor could display one other color besides black for two color data files that stores an image, each bit in data file represent one pixel a 1 meant pixel was on, a 0 meant pixel was off. 

A bitmap store the information a computer needs to recreate a picture. For example we can see a beautiful colorful scenery on the computer screen as  screensaver but the computer looks at it  as Zeros and ones it is what the  computer does with those zeros and ones that enables it to produce original images. The bits and bytes in the bitmap tell the computer what color a pixel of the image has to be painted. 

Usually BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF are the mostly known file formats. Among these BMP file format was the native bitmap file format for windows as it closely matches the format in which windows stores the bitmaps internally.

Files are fairly simple to compress but some file formats like GIF are difficult to compress. The default extension of windows DIB file is .BMP.

Being the oldest image formats the bitmap is called as the mother of all image formats as all the images in one or the other way are compressed forms of bitmaps only. It is wise to store uncompressed  large bitmaps to smaller forms and thus the other file formats like JPG, GIF are developed but the core of them is bitmap because while displaying these files must be decoded to bitmaps as it most closely resembles the way the images are displayed on the screen.

Download Computer Science Project Topic on Consumer Gift card Program.