E2M Conference asp.net Project Presentation

Paper Presentation Title: E2M Conference asp.net Project Presentation

Abstract: This Technical Seminar presentation explains about how E2M project works with ASP.net & SQL. It follows the introduction of the project, main objectives of the system, about previous application on this project, features of present developed E2M system, Block diagram with developed modules, software requirement specification and requirement gathering at software side and also with hardware side to well execute, providing future enhancements with good conclusion.

This E2M Conference project is a web based system works with asp & C#, minimum 50 GB hard disk space and 3 GB RAM needed to develop it. We have developed and implemented this project in our college CBIT to share thoughts between students and lecturers.

Employee to Management Project in ASP net with Source Code

 E2M Conference project Manager List web form:


Employee to Management Project in ASP.net with Source Code

Project Title: E2M Employee to Management Project in ASP.net with Source Code 

This Project explains about the internal communication between the employees and management in a corporate organization. Administrator login page provides login credentials for all administrators, moderators and super moderators.

Other features added in the administrator web form are home page details, employees information, providing company information and finally given feedback form. After admin login successful he/she has rights to add branch details, college details, department details, add employee details, and also he/she can view the branch list, department and employee list added by him or other moderators. Coming to the adding branch Id form where admin can add branch identification number, branch name, branch address, and finally adding mobile number.

Coming to the adding department web form where admin can add department ID number, department name under branch ID. Coming to employee web form where admin can add employee name, employee number, address, password, age, gender, phone number, email id, badge id, branch id, department name and many more.

Employee login for contains employee username and password provided by admin and after successful login to the system he/she has to send messages to the admin like management and share documents like home work, examination papers, etc. The main feature of this application is providing chatting facility and providing online conference application to share their views and information without wastage of time.

E2M project adding employee to the database.


Web enabled communication layer between employees and Employer Project report

Project Title: Web enabled communication layer between employees and Employer Project report. 

The main aim of Web enabled communication layer between employees and Employer Project report is to provide efficient communication system in offices. Now a day all companies are using this tool to basic interaction between staff.

This project has developed with asp.net and works on intranet and internet. Main applications included here are send information; send files like text files, document files and rich media files. This computer system mainly useful in engineering college to share information like exam details, fee details, student details between teachers, head of the departments, college chairman, management and also with examination branch.

The Previous system has lots of problems like wastage of time and loss of important information while sharing. This present project provides accurate information without time delay and no manual efforts needed. Microsoft Visual studio 2010 needed to deploy this application. 

Find the below asp.net source code for employees and Employer Project report adding branch web form written in asp.net programming language:

Web enabled communication layer between employees and Employer Project report with documentation and source code.

Credit Information and Fraud Prevention System documentation

Introduction to Credit Information and Fraud Prevention System:

Title:    Credit Information and Fraud Prevention System


The proposed project is a web technology based product that can be implemented for any financial service providers/organizations. This system provides facilities to register loan repayment history, credit payment details of persons. 

This system lets any kind of financial company to have an account for login and checking for the credit history of a person. So, this system provides credit information sharing between financial organizations to decide about the applications of the credit seeking person.

Functional Requirements

  1. Customer and Financial Organization Registration
  2. Manage loan types like personal loan, car loan, etc
  3. Display customer report and customer loan payment report
  4. Manage interest rates
  5. Generate loan sanction report
  6. Request for loan
  7. Maintain application status
  8. Display loan payment information like EMI, pending balance, if any
  9. View current interest rates
  10. Maintain users feedback
  11. Manage personal information
  12. Accept/reject use’s loan request 

Non-functional Requirements

  1. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details) should be provided.
  2. 24 X 7 availability of the application
  3. Application should be accessible over Internet.
  4. Better component design to get better performance at peak time
  5. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension.      

No. of Module

  1. Administrator
  2. Manager
  3. Customer
  4. Authentication
  5. Reports
  6. Registration
  7. Communication 

No. of Users

  1. Administrator
  2. Manager
  3. Customer
  4. visitor 

Out of scope 


Generic Technology Keywords: Database, User Interface, Programming

Specific Technology Keywords: Asp.Net 3.5, C#.Net, MS SqlServer-05

Project Keywords: Presentation, Business Object, Data Access Layer

SDLC Keywords: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing



            Operating System Server: Windows XP

            Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server-2005

            Client: Microsoft Internet Explorer

            Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2008 (Framework 3.5)

            User Interface: Asp.Net with Ajax

            Code Behind: VC#.Net

Hardware Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium or More

RAM:  512 MB Ram

Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

Retail Automation for Fuel Management ASP.Net & SQL Project Abstract

Project Name              : Retail Automation for Fuel Management

  1. Front End                    : ASP.NET, HTML, C#.Net
  2. Back End                    : SQL Server 2000
  3. Team members            : 3
  4. Duration                      : 6 months 

Project Description 

            The main objective of developing Retail Automation for Fuel Management project is to offers an effective and easy way for billing, Daily stock, and many other valuable features to ensure your time is well-spent in Shopping malls, Business areas. Fuel Management System uses an intuitive point-and click interface, which puts all the power of the system at your fingertips. Fuel Management Software provides help that will guide you through all your tasks. This web application works with Fuel Management and developed with ASP.Net with SQL Server.

Process Capability Baseline Dashboard ASP.Net & C#.Net Project Report

The main objective of Process Capability Baseline Dashboard final year web application is to develop an automated tool for developed software projects. This Project can provide us the total efficiency and capability of the project report. Mainly This project involves in Quality control and Quality Assurance while project analysis and designing phase. The main advantage of this Process Capability system is to reduce the manual efforts and creates all automated process for present and future work space in all software companies. This can be evaluated with the help of CMM Level organizations. Once you go through with this app then no need to think about the quality of the product and output.

 This Process Capability Baseline (PCB) Dashboard Project has been developed with ASP.Net & C#.Net Programming technology under SQL Server, make sure IIS server should be installed before going to run this project. Main modules included in this application are Administrator Modules, Metrics Calculation Module, Reports Generation Module.

This Project Output Webpage Provides below features:

  1. Domain Details,
  2. Project Type Details,
  3. Technology Details,
  4. Project Details,
  5. User Creation,
  6. Role Mapping,
  7. Module Mapping.
Download the Process Capability Baseline Dashboard ASP.Net & C#.Net Project Report, Paper Presentation, Seminar PPT, DFD Diagrams, Abstract, Main Project Documentation.

Students Marks List Line Chart Project in Asp.Net & VB

Project Name: Students Marks List Line Chart

Project Client: Siddhartha Higher Secondary School

Software Requirements: Asp.net, VB Script, SQL Server 2005, MS Excel

Developer Responsibility: Project Requirements, Project Analysis of the functionality, Coding with ASP.Net, Created and maintained various Graphical User Interface. 

Project Description:

The main aim of this Students Marks List Line Chart Final Year Project is to create automate tool with the help of ASP.Net and VB to Help Students and Teachers in Primary Schools aas well as Higher Secondary Schools. This Web Application helps school students and parents to view the rank card through online. The main feature of this project is providing online rank card where parents can see all exams marks in a single window and other main thing is they can compare their child marks with themselves and other high scored marks using DYNAMIC LINE CHART. The high scored marks get filtered by each subject wise, Class wise, Teacher Wise. So this helps to compare the student’s knowledge absolutely. The line chart is created by vb Programming Technology. It’s generating to each student on spot. This can be the mini project for all Engineering Students.

Lodge Tracker management System project in VB & ASP.Net

Project Name: Lodge Tracker management System

Technology Used: Asp.net, VB Script, MS Excel

Developer Responsibility: Analysis of the functionality, Coding, Created and maintained various GUI Screens for the Applications to maintain all process related documents. 

Project Description:

The main objective of developing this Lodge Tracker Project is to maintain the lodge details, room reservation (AC or Non AC), room details and Staff details. Modules included in this web application are admin and user registration. Admin maintained whole Lodge Tracker system and permission to employees. Once the new customer arrivals the lodge, the employee of the lodge maintained customers records and other details.

Once the guest checkout the room user that produced bill payment slip and get balance amount. Admin takes all responsibilities and permission to access the whole System. They check out the account of lodge daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis and take report to the authority. This project can be used as mini project for Third Year B Tech Students and it was developed in VB and ASP.

Cable Management System Source Code

We are providing VB Source Code for Cable Management System. Mainly this project useful for Cable operators in villages and Rural areas.

Computer Science Engineering Students can take this Cable Management System project as their final year mini project or major project to help cable operators and customers.

Reports Source Code for Cable Management System:


MCA Project on Cable Management System

This Cable Management System Web application developed for MCA Final Year Students, This VB Project Output contains Area Master Web Page where admin can add Area Code and Area Name for new cable connection.

Customer Web Page contains Customer issued card number, customer area, name, address, monthly amount details, Joined date information, Customer Status, Monthly Charges, Form Collection, Providing List of Areas.

This Project was executed under Visual Studio 2005 tool. hardware requirements should be minimum 10GB hard Disk Space, 1GB Ram Space to execute the project.

Find the below added source code for Form Collection VB file.

To Insert new Record in collection table: