Franchise Management System Project Source code in ASP.Net

This Franchise Management System Project developed in  ASP.Net programming and MS Access database. Now a day all business organizations are expanding their business worldwide with the help of the Franchise system, where anyone can hold the franchise of some business unit and they have to pay minimum percentage of amount to the main business unit.

This Project can helpful for small and medium size companies looking for franchises. Here we are providing Source code for each and every module of the web application. mainly this Franchise Management System can be useful for bachelor of technology and bachelor of engineering students for improving project development knowledge.


Real Estate Management System Project Source code in ASP & SQL

This post explains about how source code works with Real Estate Management System computer Project, This application works as a web portal for real estate classified’s system. where admin can add new real estate ventures, plot details, apartment details, flat details, individual house details, cost rages details, area details and also house rental details.

This web application coded with and Database tables and information stored with SQL Server. This project can works over intranet and internet for customer’s who wants to busy land. Users has search option to search their flat details using search feature.

Database Tables coded in SQL for Real Estate Management System:

Receiver Information System RIS Project Source Code in ASP

The main aim of developing this Receiver Information System final year project is to provide Transport Details, Fire Service Details, Education Centers details.

This project helpful for transport service centers for their daily service to the schools, colleges and other educational institutions, This automated web based tool gives bus numbers, driver names, route numbers, student pass details, arrival timings and also departure timings.

When bus reaches the destination then it can automatically adds receiver information. Here we are going to explains how the inner code works with this project.


Online Medical Support OMS Project

The main objective of this OMS Project is to provide efficient support system in medical halls and hospitals.

This Medical Support system works online and any one can raise their tickets whenever they want any medical support, Here admin can receive all support tickets from all patients and try to resolve the issues as early as possible by sending hospital staff to the customer homes with the medicines. 


Speed Cash Management System Source Code

Here we are providing source code for each module developed in Speed Cash Management System.

Total Source code with supporting executed files attached to this post, before going to download the full project let me explain with sample source code of each web form.


Speed Cash System Final Year Project UML Diagrams

The main purpose of developing this Speed Cash System Project is to provide banking application with quick access to the customers when transferring cash. This Project mainly useful for CSE students in B Tech, BE and MCA level.

Speed Cash management System

The below added use case diagram for administrator explains about how admin functionalities work in this application, administrator having access login field, give chance to register new customers, managing new customers, view transactions between customers, view and generate reports, provide search engine facility to all customers, managing different banks when checks found.


Customer Activities also looks like admin features and can update their profiles, make money transactions, send requests to other customers and more.

Customer Activities

Download Speed Cash System Final Year Project UML Diagrams, Paper Presentation, Seminar Report, ER Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, SRS documents and code with database.

Speed Cash Maintenance System Project Abstract

The main aim of developing this Speed Cash Maintenance System is to provide effective money transfer tool for customers in banking system. This project has implemented on visual and SQL Server. The main advantage of this final year system is to send money with in seconds in intranet and over the internet.

This project looks like user friendly way and any new customer who doesn’t know computer basics can access this tool to send money to small towns and rural areas. The previous developed Cash system worked with MS Access database, so large amount of data storage is not possible and it was available in banking branch offices only.

 Features included in this Computer Science project are: 

  1. Send Money through savings account and current account.
  2. Send money via demand drafts and cheaques.
  3. Add new customers account number.
  4. Can change password, mobile number and other user settings. 
Speed Cash System ER

Find the below added SQL database code written for Speed cash System:


UML Diagrams for E2M Conference B Tech/ BE/ MCA Project

The below Use case diagram for administrator where how admin can add details into database and explains about admin privileges, in this UML diagram admin can add branch, add employee, add department, view branch list, view department list, and view employee list.

Use case diagram for administrator

The below UML diagram explains about how employee module works with all features, here employee has rights to add document, view his profile created by admin, view doc list, can join into the conference.

Use case diagram for employee
The manager module UML diagram explains below:

Use case diagram for manager

The below Sequence diagram for administrator provides total details about each table connected to admin.

Sequence diagram for administrator

The below Sequence diagram for employee module:

Sequence diagram for employee module

The below Sequence diagram for manager module:

Class Diagram for E2M total Project:

State Diagram developed for user login process where any user id and password validated before connecting to the database:-

Activity Diagram for Administrator

Activity Diagram for employee:-

Activity diagram for manager:-

Download UML Diagrams for E2M Conference B Tech/ BE/ MCA Project.

E2M Conference Final Year Project data Flow diagrams

In This Post we are going to explain how E2M project works with DFD’s and how the table connections given between employees and management. Here we have three levels of Diagrams and each one explains in-depth behavior of the application. 

The below top level data flow diagram explains about how the E2M project given relationship with administrator and staff employee.

E2M Conference Final Year Project

The below Level 1 DFD explains about how the connections are given between admin to branch, department and employee and many more sub connection given.

level2 dfd

The below level 2 DFD explains inner behaviour of the tool like profile viewing, conference processing, send message and documents.

level3 data flow diagram

Download E2M Conference Final Year Project DFD data Flow diagrams.

E2M Conference Project SQL Database Tables

We have developed this E2M Conference project with SQL server where we created database tables for employee details, branch information, data and department name. The basic purpose of creating this E2M SQL app is to submit project in my final year as well as useful for my college management in terms of providing good communication tool. 

Find the below Employee table, It contains 12 fields where we have developed sql queries for below:

  1. empno saved with integer data type and it doesn’t allow null character
  2. eNmae saved with varcharacter allows 40 characters and allows nulls inside.
  3. pwd, age, gender, address, phno, emailid, deptno, role details saved as varchar. 


Branch table contains 5 fields below: 

Here we have written sql queries for branch number, branch name, address, phone number, date registration.


 Data and dept tables contain 9 fields below:



Download E2M Conference Project SQL Database Tables.