Cable Operator Management System Project in VB & MS Access

This Cable Management System was developed with Visual basic VB and MS Access. Here cable Operator can distribute different TV Channels to all customers depends upon their requirement.

The existing System has some problems like more time consuming, manual efforts required. But the present system follows with full of automation without any manual efforts. This Project can be used as windows based application provides full reports day wise and monthly wise.

This is the simple Source code in VB included in this Cable Operator Management System for Bill Payment:

To Check weather Record Exists Or not if it exits it comes out else records inserted


Cable Operator Management System Final Year Project

The main aim of developing this Cable Operator Management System is to provide web application project for final year CSE students. This .Net based web tool can explain how cable Network works with the help of automated tool. Admin and User module played major role in this project where admin has all management rights to operate the cable network and admin can add new cable network and delete any unused previous networks.

This entire project provides total documentation and project report for all students includes the main purpose of the project, what are the problems in the previous system, solutions for the proposed cable project, future enhancements and scope of the project, Analysis of the project, Software and hardware requirements of the web application, project designing documents, output screen shots for the report, execution process, installation process and finally provides conclusion of the given Cable Operator Management System. This Project was developed with .newt and MS Access Database.

Download  Cable Operator Management System Final Year Project Source Code With Full Project Documentation Abstract, paper Presentation, Seminar Topic and Work Flow Diagrams

Commodity Intelligence System Project Use Case & Activity Diagrams

This Post provides Commodity Intelligence System Project Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, UML Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams, ER Diagrams. These all Diagrams are designed with automated tools and saved in documents, find the documents folder in Commodity Intelligence System main folder.

Commodity Intelligence System Project Use Case & Activity Diagrams.

These are the below Use case and Activity Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram for Commodity Intelligence System Mater Module

Use Case Diagram for Commodity Intelligence System Transaction Module

Use Case Diagram for Commodity Intelligence System Reports Module

CIS Administrator Sequence Diagram

CIS Customer Sequence Diagram

Info Supplier Sequence Diagram for CIS

Activity Diagram for Login Details

Activity Diagram for Administrator

Activity Diagram for Customer

Activity Diagram for Info Supplier .


Commodity Intelligence System Project report Seminar Presentation ppt Abstract in ASP.Net

 This Commodity Intelligence System ASP.Net Project includes Project Seminar paper presentation, Project report with Abstract and ppt. These documents are saved in project main folder.

Commodity Intelligence System Project report Seminar Presentation ppt Abstract in ASP.Net

This entire project contains the below web forms: 

  • Index Home Page
  • Customer Registration Web page
  • Info Supplier Registration Page
  • Customer Login Page
  • Admin Home Page
  • Admin Home Page
  • Location Mandal Entry Page
  • Location Village Entry Page
  • Commodity Category Entry Page
  • Commodity Type Entry Page
  • Commodity Grade Entry Page
  • Commodity Unit Entry Page
  • Market Entry Page
  • Market Commodity page
  • Unit Of Measurement Entry Page
  • Cis Reports.



Commodity Intelligence System Project Source Code

This Commodity Intelligence System Web Application Project with Source code gives total automated tool for final year students. 

Equities and Commodities are mainly useful for business people those who wants to invest money in shares and stacks. This Project Information Supplier Source code provides total explanation about info supplier.

Find the below added Info_Supplier aspx source code where info suppliers web form contains information supplier name, Supplier total address, payment information, business category like broker, retailer, wholesaler or customer, password related details.


Commodity Intelligence System ASP Project Documentation

The main objective of this Commodity Intelligence System ASP Project Documentation is to assist equitable distribution of business-matching supply and demand in minutes benefiting every one in the trade and commodities transaction the opportunity to take control of the Concept as a useful tool to enter a all new paradigm away from their traditional business modes for a prospective and reaping business avenues in Commodity platform thus economies according to their priorities and along a more sustainable path.

The main Page of this Commodity Intelligence System includes About Us page, About CIS page, Sample, register New user, Information Supply and finally Contact Us Web Page.

Find the below Added Sample Source Code for Customer registration in CIS Project where Customer regisration form provides customer name, customer address, city, pin code, phone number, fax number, email id, mother tounge, date of birth, customer age, ocupation, Qualification, join date and finally business category.


Commodity Intelligence System Project in .Net & SQL Database

This Commodity Intelligence System created for Business people those who wants to invest their money into stack or share market.

This automated tool gives user friendly view and explanation from the scratch. This Engineering we application was coded in .net and SQL. Find the below added Commodity Intelligence System Database Tables written in SQL.

Commodity Commodity Intelligence System Project in .Net & SQL Database Tables, Screen Shots, Work Flow, Data Flow, ER and UML Diagrams.

Commodity Intelligence System Final Year ASP.Net Project with Source Code

The main aim of developing this Commodity Intelligence System is to provide automate tool for stacks and share related companies, agents and customers.This Project mostly useful for MBA Students and Commodity Intelligence System was developed with and SQL. Here we are providing the below steps to how to execute the project without any errors.

 How to Run Commodity Intelligence System

1) G oto the SQL Server and create Database name and tables in SQL server, database SQL file can be available at Table script folder where find the Table script file.

2) Change and update data base connection name in web.config file

2) Set as start up page in the project Home.aspx

3) For better understanding the project u can view Table Data word document
in this folder for sample data to enter in to tables thru screens.

4) to add admin details insert one record after creating the data base.

insert into login_form values(‘future’,’Point’,’Point’,’Administrator’,’Yes’)

If you get any Problem With Crystal Reports you Have to change the Sever name in Crystal reports.

1)open the crystal report page
2)goto database fields.
3)Right click Verify database.
4)select the server name & Database name where u stored the database.

Download Commodity Intelligence System Final Year ASP.Net Project with Source Code, Documentation, Project Report, Abstract, Paper Presentation and Seminar Topic.

Taxi Management System .Net & SQL Project with Database

In this Post we are providing total SQL database tables for Taxi Management System. Users can download this SQL file and import to their SQL server directly to run successfully.

The main aim of  Taxi Management System is to create tables for Taxi allocation, taxi maintenance, customer billing details, and many more.

axi Management System .Net & SQL Engineering Project with Database.


Car Booking Management System Final Year Project

Car Booking System was coded with .Net technologies and SQL Server, This Final Year Project main aim is to provide Car & Bus booking Related Services online. here we are adding the car Allocation for passengers web application for car project.

Download the Car Booking Management System Final Year Major and Mini Project Report.

Find the below copy of code for Car Allocation form, This form includes Car Booking Identification Number, Passenger name, Car Type, car Number, Duty Slip Number, Duty Slip Date, Guest passenger Name, Guest Address, Phone number, Car Driver Name