The purpose of implementing the ‘Student Database Management System’ is for the ease of maintaining student-related data on an institution, our system does serve this purpose and also is a means of communication between the students/parents and teachers during times when physical contact is not possible or when it is necessary to convey an important message quickly, due to this system a lot of paperwork, maintenance, space, time are all reduced for the purpose of handling large student data.
The goals achieved by this project are:
Centralized Database.
Reduced paper works and Stacking of files.
Easier Searching, Updating, and Storing the Details
User-Friendly Environment.
Along with the existing features, additional features can be added in the future, Like:
Handling admission details in a more detailed manner by Adding a payment feature through our site.
Extension of the current system for the entire institution.
Better interaction between the parents and the teachers.
Storing the records of co-curricular activities.
Assigning and reporting the assignments and many more.
Output Results:
Welcome Page with Register and Login Page
Teacher View
Teacher Home Page
Admit, Update Student’s details for a Specific Class
Fetch or Search the Student Details Using the Student ID
Admit or Add new Student Details to the Specific Class
Add or Update the Subject with its Instructor’s Details
Announce Upcoming Events and Circulate the Same
Update Attendance for each student in the Class
Update Internal Assessment Marks for each student
Update Exam Marks for each student
Student View
Student Home Page
View any Recent Announcements made by the specific Subject teacher
View Subject Details and Contact information of the subject teachers
View Internal Assessment Marks for each Subject
View Final Exam Marks for each subject
View the Attendance details
Database Support: MySQL 5.7
Web Browser: Google Chrome
Coding language: PHP, HTML, CSS, JS.
Server Deployment: Apache Server, MySQL Server.
Download & Deploy the complete Student Database Management System Project PHP & MySQL Code, Project Report, and Execution Steps readme file.
Hospital Database Management System Project using PHP & MySQL developed under the Database Management System Course study, It is DBMS based application that can handle different workflows related to a hospital using MySQL and PHP. The main aim of developing this project is to develop an online web-based system that registers, stores, and alters the data related to the day-to-day hospital operations to have some meaningful conclusions.
System Requirement Specification:
We have used Netbeans IDE 8.2 software to configure PHP/HTML/CSS scripts on our localhost webserver. The operating system was Windows 10 / macOS Catalina. The web browser is Chrome with PhpMyAdmin as Front-end and Back-end Integration. We deployed our web server on localhost using Apache(built-in server) using MAMP/WAMP (MacOS/Windows Apache MySQL PHP. At Least 8MB of disk space is required. We can implement Hospital Database Management in modern browsers like IE7+, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and Opera that support CSS and HTML frameworks.
1) Managing Patients Information:
For deriving the age of a patient, given the DOB, we have created a function followed by a procedure
To get an overview related to the blood groups of all the patients present in the database
To get the details of the patient who has the maximum number of appointments in this hospital
To display the patients who took appointments on the weekends
To get information about the patients who took an appointment during the current month
In our database, we have a table for all the patients in the hospital, and then a separate table for indoor patients. However, we do not have a table that shows the details of outdoor patients.
At last, we have generated a bill for a visit of a patient, which includes a patient’s visit charge, doctor charge, medicine charge, etc. And generates the total amount to be paid.
2) Managing Doctors’ Information:
To get information about the most famous doctor/s among the patients
3) Managing Appointment Related Information:
To get the trend of appointments for each weekday
To display patient-wise appointment details
To display year-wise appointment details
4) Managing Department wise HODs:
For identifying a HOD of a department
5) Managing Staff, Rooms, and Medicines related to Information:
6) Managing Admin/Login Details:
We have created a simple login and user registration system using authentication from Admin User Table.
There are some functionalities like creating a new administrator, logging out, and password change.
As a matter of Privacy Policy we don’t save ‘password’ directly but instead, store the HashCode corresponding to it
7) Managing other information:
If Contact no. is not a 10-digit number then a trigger will display an error message
The online project report submission and evaluation system enables the student to submit their project report online without submitting any physical file. Before the submission, the student needs to update their progress to the system and the lecturer can view their progress and give comments online.
The online project report submission and evaluation system is providing an online discussion and document sharing for students and lecturers. The pre-existing systems didn’t have the functionalities such as notifying the student when he/she is being added to the project group, online automatic generation of the certificate after the completion of the entire project, and many more which are being implemented in this version of the system.
The proposed system will take away the biggest risk out of the picture i.e. the manual transmission of all the tasks related to the project report and also the design is formulated in such a way that the impersonation will be reduced to a greater level. With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing.
What is new today will be old tomorrow. Our system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment.
A special feature has been inculcated into the system as a result of which the notifications will be received by the faculty as well as the students on their respective registered mobile numbers. The faculty who will be added to the portal as well as the students who will be allotted to them will all get an individual notification that they have been allotted under which group and to which project they have been entitled. No submission is permitted by the system after the deadline has been crossed. The upload report button will be automatically disabled by the system itself so that no reports can be uploaded once the deadline has been crossed.
The system provides online processing of the reports.
Accurate results can be obtained.
The proposed system is used to reduce chaos and manual errors.
By viewing the reports the management can improve the institutional facilities.
As society is developing and new trends are emerging in the education sector every coming day.
The ‘Online project report submission and evaluation system’ approach is all about managing project reports online for institutional and educational practices
Intelligence is used for the automatic generation of the certificates once the project report has been finalized or the deadline is crossed.
The motivation is to propose an intelligent system that can be implemented in any organization.
Use Case Diagram for the Proposed System:
With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing. What is new today will be old tomorrow. The proposed system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment. The electronic marking of student project reports will save a lot of time, effort, and energy as well as expenses. It will also be more accurate and reliable for both the students and their instructions. In all, it will be a great help at the institutional level.
This application can be implemented in various situations. New features can be added as and when required. Reusability is possible as and when required in the proposed system. All modules are flexible. A very useful functionality from which the students could benefit would be if the system had a forum where any discussion could be opened that is related to the project. In the future, a useful feature that can be added is a platform to upload the student’s projects (like applications) to their instructors by the students.
Software Requirements
Front-end Design: JS, CSS, HTML
Back-end Coding: PHP, MySQL
Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or later.
The Attendance Tracking Management System maintains the information about the attendance of the students in primary school. The system also maintains the record of all the students and faculty in the school. The records are maintained to maintain the attendance of students. The Attendance Tracking Management System shall be developed using client/server architecture and will be compatible with any Operating System. The front end of the system will be developed using HTML and CSS, and the back end will be developed using PHP and MySQL.
With the increasing number of students and the courses, the departments, faculties, and the students are facing issues like:
The attendance is taken manually by the faculty.
Data in the attendance list might be inaccurate due to deception.
Faculty needs to manually analyze the number of absentees and the percentage.
It is very time-consuming and the result of the calculation might be inaccurate.
Data loss may happen and the whole attendance process is prone to human mistakes.
The proposed software would allow the following functionalities:
It enhances the speed of performing attendance task easily.
The entire student’s attendance data will be stored and managed properly and effectively.
The system enables the lecturer to add, view, delete or make changes accordingly.
The system enhances the calculation process to be more accurate and fast.
The system will help to analyze all the data inserted and then verified whether every student is following the university attendance policy or not.
The attendance will be marked period wise and the reports of the students will be generated.
The Attendance Tracking Management System for students is to be developed. The system would allow the following functionalities:
It enhances the speed of performing attendance task easily.
The entire student’s attendance data will be stored and managed properly and effectively.
The system enables the faculty to add, view, delete or make changes accordingly.
The system enhances the calculation process to be more accurate and faster.
The system will help to analyze all the data inserted and then verified whether every student is following the attendance policy or not.
The attendance will be marked date wise and the reports of the students will be generated.
Overall Description
• The ATMS maintains records of attendance of students and details of students, faculty and courses in the school.
• It is assumed that the students have already admitted in the school.
• It is assumed that the students are already enrolled in the courses.
• The system administrator will receive the lists of the admitted students (course wise) from the academic section.
• The establishment section will provide the list of faculty appointed and courses offered in the school.
• The ATMS maintains and views the attendance of students enrolled in the course offered by the school.
• It allows the faculty to mark the attendance of the students in his class.
• It allows the student to view his attendance.
The administrator/DEO will have to maintain the following information:
To maintain classes throughout the semester, Academic Institutions follow a course/ lesson plan that informs about the order in which classes shall be held. Daily reports are generated and are periodically cross-validated with the lesson plan, such that any inconsistencies can be identified and managed; doing so aids the institutions in reaching course deadlines effectively and in completing curricula without any hurry or stress. This report is known as Daily College Class Work Report Book. A typical Daily Class Work Report requires three candidates, a Report book, and a Lesson-plan document.
A Lesson-plan is created by Academic In-charges, after considering various factors such as potential holidays, with the aim that it must be followed for a stress-free administration.
Each page of a Daily College Class Work Report Book has a table with rows about the hours in a day and columns about the days in a week. Each table cell has two boxes, one for the subject details and another for the topic discussed in that subject; and between table cells, there is an additional space provided for remarks related to the above cell. An additional column is provided for the signature and details of the Class Representative.
These candidates consist of a Class Representative (a student), a Class In-charge (or a mentor), and an Academic In-charge. The CR (Class Representative) notes down the details regarding the classes conducted and the topics discussed on the Daily College Class Work Report Book and forwards it to the CI (Class In-charge). The CI verifies the report for errors and in turn forwards it to the Academic In-Charge. They cross-check the report with the lesson plan and make relevant remarks wherever necessary.
Login Module:
Authenticates the user details and based on the account type, it redirects to an appropriate module
Academic In-charge Module:
Presents a unique page for the Academic In-charge, wherein they can select a class in their respective departments. During the beginning of a New Year or semester, it allows for Academic In-charges to create and upload new schedules, Lesson plans, and other such data.
Class Representative Module:
Allows Class Representatives to add or modify details relating to classes that have occurred, during the semester.
Reporting Module:
The data, entered by the CR, will be stored in the database and a report will be generated. This report will be displayed to the respective CRs, Class In-charges, and Academic In-charges. The report will have an option for approval and also an option that allows for In-charges to notify lower-level members to make respective changes, in case of any inconsistencies. This module is incorporated in the ‘Home page’, where Class In-charges and Academic In-charges can access other data such as Lesson-plan, and Schedule details.
this web-based Snippet Visualization System is to provide a visualization-based technique for web search results based on textual snippets. This project was developed with PHP, javascript, Ajax, and MySQL Database. Here Students can download the complete project code, and report PPT.
Many internet users search for some query and as a result, they get a ranked list of URLs.
The user could get disappointed with this related search.
Hence, we are developing a system that is focusing on retrieving search results in thumbnail form.
Users can interact with more results in a single view.
It affords easy navigation and is straightforward to interpret with the user.
To perform pre-processing of collected data.
To perform similarity identification and ranking of the snippets using the k means algorithm.
To perform optimization of the snippets for visualization purposes.
To analyze the performance of the proposed system via experimental evaluation of results.
System Architecture
1. Collecting information:
It is the first step where the system will collect data from a custom search engine and store it in a database for further processing. Data is stored in the form of text, URLs, and descriptions displayed on each web page.
2. Pre-processing:
It is the second step where each entry returned from a textual query is processed and its term frequency vector extracted.
3. Similarity Identification:
Multidimensional projection techniques may be employed to generate visualizations that favor the perception of groups of similar documents. Such methods typically represent documents as points in a two-dimensional visual space, where neighboring points correspond to documents with similar content. However, points only convey information on neighborhood relations.
4. Ranking:
Snippets collected in similarity are then ranked in this module using the following algorithm.
• Text-based ranking algorithm.
• Weighted page ranking algorithm.
5 . Optimization:
This module Optimizes the placement of the snippets to avoid overlapping while preserving data neighborhoods as computed by the projection.
For the implementation we have used different web technology ie., PHP, javascript, ajax, and open-source databases i.e., MySQL
We introduced the Snippet visualization technique to visualize the collection of the textual result returned from the webpage.
The system collects URLs from webpages displayed as a result of a search query and stores them in the database.
After storing the data in the database it will display all collected text, URLs, and descriptions on the server side.
Then it starts preprocessing the collected URL. Hence it is useful to the system to do further task. Finally, preprocessed data as output is displayed.
The HR Management System is a simple academic web-based mini-project created with PHP & MySQL databases. The primary goal of this Human Resource Management System PHP project is to build a web application that helps the organization manages its human resources.
There will be the main module named the project module in the human resource management system application. It Records of all employees in the organization are stored in the application MySQL backend along with their skills and abilities. When a new company-based project is assigned to an employee team, the project module creates a new file. Details of project team members and the estimated completion date of the project or deadline will be set.
The project manager in the application should update the assessment of team members in the application. This rating is used by the application to make recommendations for promotions. The final decision on employee future promotions is made by the senior manager.
The second module of the application is the hiring module that can be used in the new employee hiring process in the company. This module provides information on future projects and progress in current projects, based on which it predicts the demand for talent.
The third and final module of the application is the Employees module, it will be available to all the employees to view their salaries and permitted leave details. Using this HRMS web application, all employees can easily check the information and ask questions at any time on the Human Resource Management System page. Top management can also use this system to access employee records and performance statistics of the employees to improve the organization’s standards.
The gym management system developed by PHP is an excellent solution for gyms that are increasing the number of members or serving elite customers. This solution helps to identify users and manage their membership in a timely manner.
In its operation, each member is issued a membership card valid for a certain number of gym sessions or for a certain period of time or a combination of both, depending on the payment policy. Upon expiration of the period or number of sessions, the machine will notify the member of the renewal fee.
Thus, the system reduces inconvenience and disputes between members and the management of the gym. You can also create multiple monthly, weekly, daily, and session reports.
1. Add different gyms.
2. Add payment areas.
3. Add members to the gym.
4. Add different gyms.
5. Look at different gyms.
6. See payment areas.
7. Look at the members in the gym.
8. Look at different gyms.
9. Update and delete any gym valuables, fees paid, gym details, and coach information.
The aim of this project is to create a Restaurant Management Database (RMD) is an online application for restaurant management. This system wakes to provide service facilities to restaurants and to the customer. The services which are provided are food ordering, reservation of the table by the customer through the system online, menu information management, and report.
The main goal of this project is to make the customers satisfied to get the food from anywhere
To develop the online ordering and reservation system in restaurants.
To develop a user interface for an online restaurant management system to provide online menu information for customers to order
Project requirement
The basic requirement is to make the customers log in and order their favorite food online. To do so they need to look at the menu. Thus, there must be a menu with quantity and price options. Thus, these basic requirements are addressed for now.
Mission statement
The objective is to help the customer to order food online and get them delivered through an interactive application.
The application should support customer registration
Registered customers should gain access through username and password
There must be an interactive menu with all details
Customers should be allowed to browse the menu
Customers can place an order by adding the menu item to the cart.
Interview Questions
What tables are needed for the system?
How will we ensure that there are no duplicate records in the database?
How will the customer know whether the item is available or not?
What navigational options are good for customers?
How do secure customer payment information and personal information?
ER Diagram
Product ID
Product name
email id
product details
delviery status
duedate & time
date time
table choice
Output Results:
Admin Dashboard:
All Orders Details Page:
Restaurant Management Table booking Admin Page:
Popular Dishes Page:
Here you can freely download the complete Restaurant Management System project Source code with both MySQL and MSAccess database code, User Manual Report.
Efficient management of student-related information becomes challenging for any educational organization when the volume of data and operations over that data increases. Information systems and database systems are the needed tools that help in the efficient management of such large volumes of data. These systems not only manage the data but even help in the easy retrieval and processing of useful information.
This project work vision is thus to come up with an efficient database management system that is capable of maintaining student records for an educational organization.
Project Objective
The objective of designing and implementing such a database management system is to manage the student records in a proper and organized manner, enable data flow and information flow among various activities related to student information processing, and secure the student data.
The project scope is as follows:
To come up with an efficient database management application for student record management.
The application shall help to add student records like their personal information, fees-related information, scholarship-related information, course-related information, and marks-related information.
the application shall allow to edit or delete any student record based on authorized permission
The application shall allow generating reports like marks statistics, feed duellist of students, etc.
The application shall have access based on authorization and role-based authorization shall be enabled for read and write processes.
The key information like payment, and a password shall be stored in encrypted form for security purposes.
Value proposition
This database application shall help the educational organization to keep track of all the student records and manage them in a more efficient manner. It shall reduce the number of manual errors, do the student record processing task in quick time and thus reduce human effort. It shall enhance the student and teacher experience in generating reports and getting key notifications.
Technical development plan
The existing system makes use of excel based records. These are file-based systems. The biggest challenge in this system is that there are more duplicate records due to the lack of any control mechanisms that control duplicates. Database management system makes use of a primary key that is unique and it is capable of identifying any unique record. Thus, it is a way of eliminating duplicates.
The existing system is not user-friendly to use as they lack user-friendly APIs. With supporting scripting languages like PHP, CSS, and Java Script it is possible to come up with an interactive GUI. Such GUI helps the user to do the tasks in a more efficient manner.
Thus, the proposed system shall make use of the following:
Front end: PHP
Back end: MySQL
Web Server: Wamp server
Operating system: Windows 7 and above.
Development Methodology
The application development shall adopt the Rapid application development methodology and develop the application in a small set of tasks. The objective shall be to come up with a rapid prototype and iterate it as per the testing results. The development process shall begin from starting from system requirements, system design, coding, testing & debugging implementation & maintenance. It shall be an iterative process.
The development tasks shall be small manageable tasks. This shall make project monitoring and management easier.
Requirements Analysis
The first functional requirement of the project is to have an application capable of adding and managing student records.
Thus, the application should allow Admin to do the following
Add student: to should allow the admin to add student details like name, enrolment id, contact address, course enrolled, subjects, date of birth, address, gender, and other details.
Activity diagram depicting adding or deleting student
Figure 1: Activity diagram depicting adding or deleting student
Manage student: to allow the admin to view student records, delete existing student records, and edit or update any existing student records.
The application should allow the admin to add marks, manage marks and generate a result
The admin can add subject or course details.
The application should allow the admin to generate lists of students who have not paid fees and those who have availed of scholarships.
Manage user records and change passwords
Students can do the following:
The application should allow students to register,
view result and download result
Conceptual diagram
Student record system overall architectural diagram
Figure 2: Student record system overall architectural diagram
Tasks of Students and Admin are explained in the figure below:
Figure 3: Task in detail
Interview Questions
With front-end designer:
What entries are needed for a student form wherein details can be entered?
What entries are needed for the resulting form so that admin can add marks for the students?
What entries are needed for the course and subject form?
With back-end designer:
What columns should be used for a student table, result-in table, course table, user table, and fees table?
Which column should be the primary key to help in unique row identification?
How to connect the front end and back end?
Student table:
first name
last name
Date of birth
Contact no
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (100)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Course table:
Course name
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Subject table:
Subject name
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
User table:
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Result table:
first name
last name
Marks obtained
Total marks
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Varchar (30)
Student Record System Application Manual
Software required: Wamp Server, MS Access, ODBC driver, and Windows 7 or above operating system
Extract the Zip file as an SRS folder.
Install Wamp server
In the www folder of the Wamp server Copy and paste SRS complete folder
Open the Wamp server and start all the services
The SRS folder has a database file named srms.mdb file.
Open odbc driver by clicking on data sources.
Click Add and select Microsoft Access Driver .mdb and accdb.
Enter the Data source name as srms and select the folder path where the srms.mdb file is i.e. C:wamp/www/SRA/srms.mdb
Click finish and see that the srms.mdb is listed as the new database.
Now open a web browser and type URL localhost/SRS
This shall open the home page
The admin can enter the application through username and password as admin and admin
From the dashboard the admin can navigate to any sections like course, fees, subjects, students, results, etc.
For example Admin wants to add a student
The student form opens wherein the student details can be entered.
In this way results, courses, subjects, etc can be added and updated.
On the student end, the student can enter the application through the Roll number as a password and select the class from the dropdown list.
On entering details if the results are not ready you get
From where the result file can be downloaded.
Download Student School Record Keeping System Application Database PHP, MySQL, and MSAccess Project Code and Database.