- This Website is Provide to the E-Learning in Higher Secondary School.
- This E-learning Website Can be Also Provide Information About Question.
- The User can get the Online Learning about Question.
- This is a static dynamic website designed to E-learning.
- The User can also fill own registration form.
We are very grateful and thankful to professors of my college. who give me a good guidance and gives suggestion about each and every topic which we study and research. They give me guidance about my current E-learning project.
We also thankful to my friends. who give me support to help to complete this project. And solve my all difficulties.
We are taking this opportunity to express our gratefulness to the principal and All staff.
We also express our hearty thankfulness to all out friendly classmate and that entire person who has directly helped us in the preparation of this project.
Thank you to all person involved in this E-learning project.
Drawback of Existing System
- As Current System is Window base So It’s Very Difficult.
- Time-consuming Problem.
- Only One Person is work at a time.
- Difficult to Work For E-Learning Time Duration.
Need for new System
- To E-learning Process Work Is Fast.
- Reduce The Time Period for E-learning.
- Paper work to be Remove.
- Information stored in the database, which provides data security.
Tools & Technology
Software Requirement
1. FRONTEND:- PHP Version 5.2.6.
3. BROWSER:- Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox.
Hardware Requirement
1. Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU.
2. 512 MB RAM for windows XP/windows7/windows8.
3. 20 GB HDD.
Data Flow Diagram
Context Level DFD
0 Level DFD for User
First Level DFD For Admin
Second Level DFD For Admin
Hierarchy Diagram
Data Dictionary
Registration Table
Sr No | Field Name | Field Type | Field Size | Constraints |
1 | User_Id | Int | 06 | A.I/P.K |
2 | Name | Varchar | 20 | Not Null |
3 | Address | Varchar | 50 | Not Null |
4 | Country | Varchar | 25 | Not Null |
5 | Varchar | 30 | Is_Unique | |
6 | Password | Varchar | 20 | Not Null |
7 | Birth date | Date | Not Null | |
8 | Gender | Varchar | 6 | Not Null |
9 | Pincode | Int | 6 | Not Null |
10 | Mobile | Varchar | 10 | Not Null |
User Login Table
Sr. no | Field Name | Field Type | Field Size | Constraints |
1 | User_Id | Int | 6 | A.I/P.K |
2 | Varchar | 30 | Not Null | |
3 | Password | Varchar | 20 | Not Null |
Admin Login Table
Sr. no | Field Name | Field Type | Field Size | Constraints |
1 | Id | Int | 6 | A.I/P.K |
2 | Varchar | 30 | Not Null | |
3 | Password | Varchar | 20 | Not Null |
Feedback Table
Sr. no | Field Name | Field Type | Field Size | Constraints |
1 | Id | Int | 6 | A.I/P.K |
2 | Name | Varchar | 20 | Not Null |
3 | Varchar | 30 | ||
4 | Comment | Text | Not Null |
Add Question Table
Sr. no | Field Name | Field Type | Field Size | Constraints |
1 | Id | Int | 10 | A.I/P.K |
2 | Q_ Name | Varchar | 200 | Not Null |
3 | Q_Category | Varchar | 50 | Not Null |
4 | Q_Cont | Text | Not Null |
Form Design
Home Page
About Us Page- Education Page
- Registration Page
- Contact Us Page
- User Login Page
- Course Home Page
- B.C.A Page
- Page
- B.A Page
- Admin Login Page
- Admin Home Page
- Registration Report
- Login Report
- Feedback Report
- Change Admin Password
- Add Question Page
During the development of E-learning project, We have gone through the following books and websites.
• HTML, JavaScript, DHTML and PHP
• HTML using CSS
Can you send the Source code for that?
Nice content… Really helpful to get some idea about e-learning.
plzz can you send me this project or source code
Plzz can u me source code of this project
pl send me the source code
please send me the source code
Bro I am Student plz send me full project
Please send me full project with source code
please send the source code to
I need the source code how do I get it
i need source code of this project please send me
even i need sourcecode of this project
can you please mail the source code ?
can u send me the source code of this project
i need source code of this project please send me
I need source code of this project
can you please send me source code