Airbnb User Bookings Prediction Project Synopsis

Airbnb User Bookings Synopsis

1. Objective of work

The main objective of this project is to predict where will new guest book their first travel experience. 

2. Motivation

This project helps Airbnb to better predict their demand and take consequent informed decisions. Earlier a new user was overwhelmed with the various choices available for a perfect vacation or stay.

By predicting where a new user will book their first travel experience the company is better able to inform its users by sharing personalized content with their community. It will drastically decrease the time to first booking which will increase the company’s output and help them gain popularity among its user and an edge over its competitors in the market. 

3. Target Specifications if any

Predicting where a new guest books their first travel experience. 

4. Functional Partitioning of the project

4.1 Research and gaining knowledge

Undertaking various courses and familiarizing ourselves with the working process of Data Science problems. Exposure and exploration of the Kaggle website, understanding kernels, and datasets. Learning the prerequisites: programming in Python, and Pandas along with Machine Learning algorithms and data visualization methods.

4.2 Frequent Discussions and Guidance

Frequent discussions with our mentor along with his guidance in the same will allow us to work in the right direction and take informed decisions.

 4.3 Applying the knowledge gained

After much exposure to this field and gaining the knowledge, we will now apply our skills to real-life problems and contribute to society.

5. Methodology

5.1 Using the Kaggle platform

In the test set, we will predict all the new users with their first activities after 7/1/2014.In the sessions dataset, the data only dates back to 1/1/2014, while the user’s dataset dates back to 2010. Taking the help of the Kaggle platform for testing out datasets as it is not feasible to have a large dataset say 1TB be stored in a local machine.

5.2 Working on the dataset

 Using the dataset and studying various patterns of users’ first booking after signing up with Airbnb from different countries. Next plot out the observed and collected information. We can then apply various Machine Learning algorithms and calculate prediction scores. Finally, choose the algorithm with the highest score to recommend to users which are from that country the destinations that have been frequently used by travelers belonging to that region.

5.3 Submitting our work on the Kaggle platform

The result can now finally be uploaded on the platform and be used by Airbnb to better connect with their users.

6. Tools required

6.1 Kaggle Kernels

Kaggle is a platform for doing and sharing Data Science. Kaggle Kernels are essentially Jupyter notebooks in the browser that can be run right before your eyes, all free of charge. The processing power for the notebook comes from servers in the cloud, not our local machine allowing us to experience Data Science and Machine Learning without burning through the laptop’s battery and space.

6.2 Dataset

Airbnb will be providing us with the dataset, which would contain: Airbnb will be providing us with the dataset, which would contain

  • csv-the training set of users
  • csv-the test set of users
  • csv-web sessions log for users
  • csv-summary statistics of destination countries in this dataset and their locations
  • csv-summary statistics of users’ age group, gender, and country of destination.
  • csv-correct format for submitting our predictions

7. Work Schedule

(a) January

Enroll and start the course on Machine Learning using Kaggle. Start recapitulating the basics of Python and its various libraries such as NumPy, pandas, etc.

(b) February

End course and start analyzing the dataset

(c) March

Start coding and implementing various algorithms for the prediction

(d) April

Pick the final algorithm by trial and test and finish coding

(e) May

Appropriate documentation and upload our solution

Churn Prediction /Analysis Project using R and Tableau

Churn Prediction /Analysis on the given set of datasets The objective of the Churn Prediction /Analysis Project:

To obtain a Logistic Regression Model of the Insurance data which includes various attributes of customers mentioned in the dataset. This model will allow us to predict customers who will stick on with Allianz or in turn, renew their existing service plans (Churn=0) and customers who will not (Churn=1). Therefore, this model will help us to make a decision to retain the customers (churned) who will look for other Insurance companies.

The approach is taken for this Project:

First of all, start, there are around 21 variables in the given dataset. Before building a model we need to identify the most significant variables out of these 21. So, first, we need to do some preprocessing of the data. As part of pre-processing, we need to make sure that the data contains only numeric values and that the data is fully available. Out of these 21 variables,   there were 3 variables (Phone number, Area Code, etc.) that can be removed as they are not relevant to our prediction at this moment. Also, there were some data missing in certain rows. So those rows were omitted (using na.omit function in R). Then the significant variables can be found from this data. The following steps were carried out:

  • To start with, the data was divided into 2 sets namely the Training dataset and the test dataset with a proportion of 80:20.
  • Created fit0 taking “Churn” as the dependent value and rest as the independent values
  • Similarly, Fit1 was created
  • The iteration continued and created Fit2 where we got the significant variables. This was done using the step function.
  • Hence finalized the model Fit 2.
  • The next step is to predict the values for the training data using predict function. The predicted values are the probabilities. Using the view () function we can see the probability values
  • Converted these predicted values to “0” and “1”.
  • The threshold needs to be set and the advisable one was 0.5
  • Got the best accuracy rate with this threshold. Hence proceeded
  • So based on the predicted values, compared them with the actual values using the Table function.
  • Post this, a confusion matrix was created and the accuracy was 86% for a 0.5  threshold
  • Plotted ROC Curve to determine the area under the curve.
  • Plotted a KS Plot as well (just to understand the percentage of responders).

Also, the aim of this Churn Prediction /Analysis project was to visualize this in Tableau using the “R Integration with Tableau” feature. The following steps were carried out:

  • Using the finalized model in R (fit2), created one named Final_model (Prediction) in Tableau. This was created with the help of a confusion matrix
  • Created a graph using variables Churn (Actual Churn), Predicted Churn(Final_model), Accuracy, and Customer ID to identify the churn
  • For the Odds sheet, created a filter with all the measure values & threshold parameters.
  • A model created with R code with all variables (significant ones).


Based on our predicted Model Fit2, We can conclude that 307 customers will not churn and there is a chance of 63 customers to get churned.  This is based on an accuracy of 86.13%. Therefore the Telecom Company (Service Provider) should contact these 63 customers to retain them by providing any attractive offers.

Regression Analysis on Fuel Economy Project


The aim of this project is to identify the dependency of different variables with respect to the Fuel economy of a Car. In the attached excel I have done the regression Analysis considering the best suitable variable as an independent variable against the dependent variable FE.


  • Used Excel “ Data Analytics” to carry out the entire process
  • To identify the best suitable variable, performed “correlation” in Excel and concluded that Engine Displacement is the best one
  • Post this, carried out regression Analysis using Excel function
  • Also, plotted a scatter plot against this to represent the trend line
  • Based on the P-value of regression analysis, the hypothesis was accepted /rejected
  • Divided the entire data set into 3 parts by random sampling method
  • Considered the 3rd set of data as the Test dataset and the first 2 as the Training data set
  • Calculated MAPE value based on the predicted value and actual value.


We could understand that the FE is related to Engine Displacement.  From the Scatter plot, we could identify that the best Fuel Efficient car has got a very less Engine Displacement.

Hospital Patient Medical Records Information Project App


Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have great potential to improve health in all countries by enhancing access to health information and making health services more efficient. Mobile applications (apps) and other related software can also improve the quality of services and reduce their cost. The aim of the Patient Medical Records Information project was to enable health care practitioners such as doctors and nurses working in hospitals to be able to retrieve patient medical information remotely on any mobile device.

In this Patient Medical Records Information report, I will outline the research I conducted in choosing various technologies. I will discuss the problems I encountered and the solutions I came up with to overcome these issues in creating the specific application. I will also discuss the many technologies I used in the creation of the app including a data model representing the design.

The architecture of the solution

The overall structure of the solution is that the mobile app is being created for the hospital to maintain patients’ records and keep nurses and doctors up to date without carrying heavy paperwork around with them. The technologies I used to create this app suggested by my supervisor were Ionic, PHP, Angular JS, JavaScript, and MYSQL.

PHP provides integration of general-purpose programming and web-development scripting language. It is suited for server-side web development, and scripting and is used for professional websites. AngularJS is used for dynamic web apps and allows you to use HTML as a template language extending HTML’s syntax to express the application’s components clearly and concisely (, 2016). I chose both PHP and AngularJS because I had very limited knowledge of how they work and I wanted to improve my knowledge and skills in using them and they were also free. 

JavaScript is a programming language used to make web pages interactive (Chapman, 2016) and MYSQL Database is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (Search EnterpriseLinux, 2016).  Both of these programs were chosen because my supervisor requested me to use them and they were also free to use. Finally, Microsoft AZURE Cloud storage is open cloud storage, flexible, enterprise-grade cloud computing platform (, 2016). I decided to use this platform as my supervisor provided it to me free of cost I researched it and I found a lot of information online to help me complete this project.

The clients who are the doctors and nurses wanted to be able to log in to a mobile app to retrieve information in relation to patients. Firstly the doctors’ requirements were to be able to see all of the patients registered to him/her and the associated patient information. Nurses wanted to be able to log in and see all patient files and associated information as they worked with all patients. The second requirement was that once the doctor/nurse logged in to the mobile app they would have the ability to update the patient records for example blood pressure, heart rate, types of medicine, etc and they could also add notes or remarks. When the remarks and related updated information is added to the mobile app it then updates all the medical history and notes related to the patient. Furthermore, once the doctor/nurse checks the patient’s information in the future the patient’s information will be updated which makes it an effective and efficient method in contrast to multiple physical files.

The Hospital Patient Medical Records mobile app itself is written in AngularJS and JavaScript and through the HTTP requests the mobile app sends the requests to the PHP and the PHP then retrieves the data from the cloud MYSQL and transmits the data back to the mobile app.

Class diagram and Data Model

Through the HTTP requests the mobile app sends the requests to the PHP and the PHP then retrieves the data from the cloud MYSQL and transmits the data back to the mobile app. I designed the mobile app using these technologies as it was a requirement of the project given by my supervisor.

Technologies used

The technologies used included:

  1. JavaScript
  2. PHP
  3. AngularJS
  4. MYSQL Database
  5. Microsoft AZURE Cloud storage 
  6. Ionic

I chose both PHP and AngularJS because I had very limited knowledge of how they work and I wanted to improve my knowledge and skills in using them and they were also free. 

JavaScript and MYSQL Database were chosen because my supervisor requested me to use them and they were also free to use. I utilized Microsoft AZURE Cloud storage as my supervisor provided this platform to me free of cost and I researched it and found a lot of information online to help me complete this project.

Problems Encountered/Solved

At the beginning of the Patient Medical Record project, I was overwhelmed with the task at hand as I didn’t know where to start or what to do, so my project supervisor guided me and gave me advice about how to commence the project and what to do to begin.

The first time I tried to retrieve the data from the database it took me 4 days to retrieve it. Subsequently, I spoke to one of my colleagues and my project supervisor and did some research online and I figured out how to retrieve the information more efficiently and effectively.

Time management was an issue because I had many assessments to do and I left work late and I was running out of time in the end. For example during the Easter break, I had numerous projects due so I found it difficult to allocate time to all of the different assessments. I also wasted my time using a Google database called Firebase at the beginning of my project but later on, I decided not to use it because of the project requirements, and as a consequence, I wasted 2 weeks.

Also in relation to time management, I didn’t anticipate how time-consuming the research from the project would be. E.g. it took me a number of days to understand PHP and learn how to write a PHP script that could talk to the database. AngularJS was never taught in college so I had to take the time to teach myself. Although I completed the project in the allocated time I learned the importance of organization and prioritizing work.


Mobile technologies are emerging as a powerful tool for health information transfer including making patient information portable and accessible. I gained a lot of experience from using the 4 technologies and I believe I have the capability of using them if needed for future projects or for employment purposes.

I am also aware of how to solve specific problems and how to research these problems e.g. in relation to database retrieval or how to successfully manage my time. I recognize that I can overcome difficulties and achieve my goals successfully by being persistent, organized, and patient. Although working in isolation on individual projects it is important and is a necessary part of employment it is important to seek advice or guidance from superiors or colleagues that may shed light on an issue or provide a new perspective.


In terms of further developing the Hospital Patient Medical Records Information Project App, it could be linked to local GPs, pharmacies, and other health care providers so there is a complete holistic picture of the patient and his/her medical history. I would also have managed my time better as I was under severe pressure and time constraints and this may have affected the quality of the end product.

Citizens and the Municipal Authorities Connecting System Project


Citizens & Municipal Officials Connecting System is a project that is designed to facilitate the citizens and the Municipal Authorities to simplify the process of complaint filing and management. It consists of a mobile application for the citizens as well as an ASP.NET web application for the Authorities. The citizens can file complaints through the app and the authorities will get those complaints and assign them to the appropriate officer.

The officer will then solve the complaint and notify the administrator through the system, the administrator will then change the status of the complaint. The user can track all of this through their mobile app from their dedicated section to view the complaint status.

This system is a significant improvement over the existing system of complaint filing and management, and hence we believe that our project can make a significant contribution to the modernization of the governance procedures.


Citizens & Municipal Officials Connecting System is a tool designed to function as a platform for the citizens to communicate with the Municipal corporation authorities and replace the old method of writing letters and e-mails as they are a time-consuming mode of communicating with the authorities.

  • Background

In this age of rapid urban development and internet connectivity, the gap in communication between the residents of a city and the Municipal Corporation that runs the city should be reduced to a bare minimum.

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been much progress in that area or it has been very slow because this topic hasn’t been seen as a priority by the authorities even with all the technological advancements, due to which the citizens have suffered as they are yet to see a channel of communication that is as fast and as up-to-date as the technology of today.

  • Objectives

The objective of our project is to provide solutions to both – the citizens and the municipal corporation. We aim to provide the citizens with a platform, which they can use to communicate with the authorities.

Another objective of the project is to provide the municipal corporation with a tool – which they previously didn’t have – to manage all the complaints that they receive, freeing them from the responsibility of managing all the heaps of files that are present in their office.

The most important of all the objectives is to save the time of the Municipal authorities so that they can focus on multiple tasks in a single day and utilize their time more efficiently. Other secondary objectives include creating awareness among the masses about the digitization of the traditional paper-based administration – which is regarded as time-consuming – as we are moving toward the idea of a Digital India.

  • Purpose, Scope, and Applicability

The following are the purpose, scope, and applicability of the city reporting system that we are going to develop.

  • Purpose

The project has been undertaken by us to simplify the communication process between the authorities and the citizens by removing the unnecessary and time-consuming formalities that are in place right now and putting in its place a new system that uses an entirely new channel of communication – the Internet and the mobile phone.

Since the citizens can directly communicate with the authorities, it saves a lot of their time as they don’t have to follow a certain protocol anymore, the authorities will forward their query or complaint to the appropriate officer in charge and make the whole process hassle-free for them.

This way the authorities also don’t have to deal with all of the extra paperwork like forms and letters resulting from the old method of registering a complaint, all they have to do is to forward any complaint that they receive to the appropriate officer and that officer will take the necessary steps needed to solve that particular complaint.

  • Scope

The scope of our system ranges from the citizens that will use the system to report their grievances, to the Municipal authorities that will use the system to then manage those complaints and solve them.

This offers us multiple avenues where we can simplify the process of complaint filing and complaint management for both the parties involved respectively.

Citizens can have various problems, like waste disposal, water supply, sewage, drainage problems, waterlogging, etc., through the mobile application they can just simply click a picture and post a complaint, which will then be forwarded to the concerned officer. Thus we are building a single platform that can be used to resolve a wide range of issues about most of the departments in the Municipal Corporation.

Thus we can say that our project is not just one dimensional in terms of its scope we have tried to cover as many areas as we could, and we have also tried to make our project scalable so that we can build upon the existing architecture instead of building a new system entirely from scratch.

  • Applicability

The citizens here can file their complaints in a matter of a few clicks instead of making a personal visit to the local Municipal Corporation office due to which the transportation time and cost of the citizen are saved and the paperwork is also reduced making the whole operation an environment-friendly one.

The Mobile app can also help people with certain physical disabilities to file complaints without having to worry about traveling to the Municipality office and properly handling the paperwork or documentation and going from table to table, to find the right officer to submit their complaint since the app can do both the things for them so that they don’t have to take all the trouble by themselves.

Municipal officers that have been assigned a complaint through the system will need to provide a proof-of-work that they have solved that particular issue and not just click solved on the screen and think that their job is finished, in this way we are promoting accountability of the officers towards the citizen.

ER Diagram:

ER Diagram


Existing System

Till now most of the complaints are filed physically or via emails, which in the case of emails require multiple email IDs too, for the relevant authority of a particular department. This might take a lot of time and effort for finding the authority first, for a particular kind of complaint, and then find an email ID of the department.

Due to these multiple channels of communication, the authorities also find it difficult to track every complaint since the users might file their complaints through the medium of their choice, this leads to confusion among the authorities as there is no central system that manages all of the complaints in a single place

Proposed System

This system will not only save the time of the complaint filers but also allow them to track their complaint and their status at regular intervals of time. Once the complaint is solved, the user gets the update on their phone..

Requirement Analysis

  • Problem Definition

Nowadays it is important that if a user is using a mobile app, they have to be provided with accurate information/guidance and proper security of their data should be implemented, to create trustworthiness between the citizens and the government. Authentication and verification of users have also become mandatory now.

  • Issues

Some of the issues that the citizens face with the current system are as follows

  • Time Consumption: Travelling to the office of the Municipal Authorities and filing the complaint physically is a time-consuming process as it involves hopping from table to table.
  • Dealing with Paperwork: Another problem with the physical method is that involves dealing with a lot of paperwork. The citizens have to fill out various forms to file even a single complaint.
  • Lack of accountability: Municipal officers in the past have been accused of not being accountable to the citizens, through our project we are promoting accountability among the Municipality officers.
  • Requirements specification

Here we are going to develop a system that acts as a communication channel between the citizens of a locality and the Municipal Corporation of that locality the main objective is to provide a common interface between the citizens and the authorities so that they can communicate trustfully, at ease and without any inconvenience for both the parties involved.


  • The user can file a complaint by logging in to the app
  • The user will be requested to create and register an account by filling out all the details that are required
  • A complaint ID will be generated when the user files a complaint it will be unique for every complaint the user files
  • The user can track the status of all their filed complaints through a separate tab called ‘complaint status’.
  • The administrator will be able to delegate various complaints to an officer under him.
  • The officer can change the status of the complaint assigned to him once he has solved the complaint

Design & Development of Disaster Safety Android app

A Disaster Safety Android app that helps people inform you about everything that is nearby by using help centers before and during an accident. Also, a PHP-based website to enter data on the server-side and work with the android application successfully. The Disaster Safety mobile app also gives you the location of all your friends and family that have been accessed by the user. The app can store offline maps and information about help centers also comes through messages and is displayed on the map.


India being a disaster-prone country suffers a lot of casualties every year not because of the lack of resources but because of the lack of information on these resources. This app brings the resources to you, even when you are in the middle of nowhere and knows nothing about what to do in such a situation, Disaster Safety app can save your life.


  • It works in offline mode and saves the data.
  • It not only works at the time of disaster but also in various situations like you are any kind of trouble or your phone is lost.
  • Gives the news and the guidelines about the various disasters.
  • Can track the location of your friends and family in danger.
  • Notifies you when your friend or a family member is in danger.
  • Saves a lot of power consumption as works offline.
  • Locates the nearby relief centers, hospitals, and police stations not only by internet but also through SMS.

Database Model

admin user















































































































Design & Implementation of Library Management System Java Project


In every institute or city, there are libraries. A lot of software’s are being made in the past to manage the library system so that easy and proper functioning of the library can be there. This project aims at building such a project by implementing some of the functionalities that have been present in the older software’s using the content and the knowledge.

Giving a brief overview of the project is that this will be a core java project. The information regarding the books and members of the library is stored in the database. Very basic and user-friendly screens will be there for a good user experience and for the most part it will be implementing some easy and necessary features of the library management system.

functionalities :

  • Very friendly user interface.
  • Easy to issue and return books.
  • Easy to search books.
  • Adding and deleting members will be easy.
  • Adding and deleting books will be easy.
  • Can view all the members of the library
  • View all the books in the library

For accomplishing these functionalities very easy screens will be provided. Complex features of the general library management system will not be implemented but this system will be very useful for the staff in the library rather than the students. This will be small software implementing some easy features of the library management system in practice.


The software Library Management System has the following main modules.

Insertion to Database Module  – Easy insert of books and members
Search Facility system  – search for the book
Deletion to Database Module – Easy to delete books and members
Issue Books  – Easy to issue books
Return Books  – Easy to return books and  charge fine on members and other basic operations

ER Diagram

ER Diagram

System Requirement and Specifications


This specification document describes the capabilities that will be provided by the software application ‘‘Library Management System’.

The system aims at providing the Library of an institute with better functioning and easy to issue the books and return books and many other facilities that can reduce the human work to an extent.


 The software product ‘Library Management System’ will be an application that will provide information regarding the current situation and presence of books in the library and also very specific details of the library. Various functions can be performed like updating the number of books, issuing the books and adding and deleting members, etc.


The details about the books and the members are provided by the Library head.

Overall Description:

The ‘Library Management System’ will have the capability to maintain information about the library regarding issues of books members of the library and fine and the students and many other things.

Product Perspective:

The application will be window-based. Very easy to use and good searching methods are provided to make it easy to search books and members.

System Interfaces:

The system has a very friendly interface and the java language provides the ease with which anyone can use it.

User Interface:

As the system will start there will be a menu where there will be some choices for the user about the management.
Each screen will have a title describing the things that can be done there. Most of the screens have an admin password box where an admin password is needed to fill. For general users, there is the option of searching the books only.

Product Description:

Normal users and students, cannot do the changes in the database. Only the admin using its password can change the contents of the database. Most things required a password. So it is designed for the admin to keep track of the records of books issued and other things.

User characteristics:

Educational level: He should be comfortable with the English language.
Technical Expertise: Should be comfortable using the general-purpose application on the computer.
Constraints: The whole system is user-driven. There are no warnings in the system if there is a decrease in copies of a book. The searching of the books and members is also very limited and no partial searching is there. The admin password can be changed only after doing changes in the code. As it is just a prototype so it lacks many features of the exact library management system.

Future Scope

As the project lacks many features like good searching of members and books, partial searching, and searching regarding many other fields. The details of the members are also very less. So this project can be extended very easily in the near future to make it more efficient and with more user-friendly frames and screens. Icons can be added to this project to look more attractive and very friendly. More modules can be added to make it do more work. More admin IDs and passwords can be added so that more Admins can use them and each admin can be provided with a different set of authority to change the contents of the database. More functions can be provided to the admin like changing passwords and fine to the library members. 

Online Medical Shop DBMS Python Mini Project

This project is based and innovated on an Online medical shop, wherein we store all the details about the customers, the stock of the medicines, orders, and payments and also the project will include a page wherein the user will indicate the symptoms and will get a probable disease and the prescribed medicine.

The project is aimed to modernize and support existing small business owners. In the age of technology where online medicine is dominated by e-commerce giants such as 1mg, net meds, etc. We wanted to develop a solution for small business owners as well.

The existing Medicinal systems have the provision for any user to book a request for a particular medicine through e-commerce. And further, the traditional methods to visit the medicinal centers for mere inquiry are time-consuming and monotonous and the non-availability is disappointing.

The data relevant to the processing of the request may or may not be manually stored or be captivated in a file system that is prone to manual errors, inconsistency, redundancy, and difficulty in retrieval. With our system, the availability can be shown so, even if a customer wants a pickup of his/her medicine. they can do so without any problems. Our model also has an integrated web scraper, which is an innovation we have come up with. This scraper can scrape medicines off the net for data warehousing.

This system maintains the storage details of all the customers and medicines that are stored in the shop. The system will keep track of the orders made and the payment details. NoSQL will be used to store future suggestions and customer reviews.

The main part of the project will be a part where the customer will be able to select his/her symptoms and medicine will be referred to them. Along with the expected disease. We also would integrate Web Scraping of all the medicines related to a particular disease entered by the user to store it in our database.

Software Requirements

• Language support required: Python 3.5 or later, HTML5, JS, CSS3
• NoSQL database required: MongoDB
• Relational Database required: MySQL
• Windows 7 or 10 /Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, 64-bit /Linux: RHEL 6/7, 64-bit (almost all libraries also work in Ubuntu)
• Heroku and pip are preferred for deployment and installation of packages (such as Django,asgerif, mongoose, etc) specified in requirements.txt
• A web browser support is needed.

If using the software through deployment, no language support in your machine is required.

Conclusion & Future Enhancement

This project was successfully built and completed. The project is an online medical shop with two categories of users (admin and customer) who can update inventory and place orders respectively. We have also added a web scraper as an innovation to this project. However, there are a lot of changes and addition of functionalities that can be done, which we intend to do after peer and faculty review.

Some of the enhancements are :

  • Listing of products linked with images to generate a more shop-relevant UI
  • Remove some programming language constraints
  • Online Deployment
  • And changes that our faculty and peers suggest.

In the end, we would once again thank our college, examiners, faculty guides, and teachers to help us finish the project within the speculated timeline.

Supermarket Management and Billing System Java Project

The project is on Supermarket Management and Billing systems. The supermarket is a huge shop where we all can find a lot and lots of products may whether grocery or fashion or utensils etc. in the various categories in different departments. Also, there is a huge number of staff in different positions. It has to keep all the records of its staff so that the employee management would be effective. So, to make such problems easier to handle we have developed this system that not only keeps authentic data may that be of transactions into and out of the supermarket or that be the information of its employee.

The manager module in the software helps to keep information of employees and the cashier and the data entry operator module helps to keep records of transactions inside and out of the supermarket.  The barcode scanning system in the software help to run the transaction process fast and effectively.


The Supermarket Management and Billing System, a desktop application, is developed to provide all the facilities and services required in various shops like shopping centers, mini-mart, fancy shops, etc. The main objective of the system is to provide efficient transactions with minimal error.  Bar code scanning technology helps cashiers with faster and more efficient billing. Cashier, manager, and data entry operator are provided with their own authorization account so that only the authorized person can perform their respective jobs. Users in the system: –

  • Cashier: a – person who handles the transaction
  • Data entry operator- enter the products imported into the store as well as update the details.
  • Manager- supervise all the activities going on in the shop

Statement of Problems

  • Manual data entry takes much more time than the barcode method.
  • The manual calculation can generate errors while buying or selling goods.
  • More time consumption for any transaction and findings of the products.

Objective and Scopes

  • To provide an efficient and effective billing methodology.
  • To keep a record of every business transaction
  • Maintain the stock management and the billing system
  • Reduce the time consumption for every process in the buying and selling of goods.

Database ER Diagram:

Database ER Diagram


The project is to do with the concept of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) with Java and relational database with MYSQL and for the excess printer for the billing process we use Visual Basic Script (VBScript).  Taking into account the statements of the problem, we developed a system that not only helps in maintaining precise transactions but also keeps track of every business that has been done. There is the provision of a login module for individual employees as per their job title after which they will be provided with their respective job functions. With the help of the software, they can achieve a better working experience along with consistent precision.

There are various organized tables which makes the software very effective. The shop assistant module is the symbol of modern business techniques. It is a customer-friendly module. The manager has an organized manner of employee management such as addition or removal of cashier or data entry operator or shop walker. S/he has access to the profile of every employee in his hand at any time of necessity. Logs module helps him/her to analyze the customer’s choice. Furthermore, the automation in the billing system helps the cashier in their transaction in a very precise manner. The use of barcodes makes it easier for making bills and the automatic calculation prevents them from simple mistakes.


Supermarket Management and Billing System are developed for the professional handling of the supermarket’s sales and buying as well as the management of the whole supermarket. It is very easy and useful application software that increases the productivity of the business.

Our project on Supermarket Management and Billing systems has been implemented successfully. We take this opportunity to express our sense of indebtedness and gratitude to all those people who helped us in completing this project.

CSE Minor Project on Data Analysis of IT Sector in India using Big Data

Statement about the Problem:-

The IT industry is continuously growing in India, but there hasn’t been any tool yet that can analyze this sector’s growth with such a large dataset with immediate results. Such a problem can be addressed using a tool that can fetch any analysis-related query on huge datasets and can give immediate results.

Why is the particular topic chosen?

This topic finds its relevance in the analysis of growth of the IT industry of India to judge the increase in the number of IT companies in various states and at the central level too.

This tool would be able to handle huge sized datasets of companies which normally are found to be difficult to access in a fast manner to fetch relevant results

Objective and scope of the project

Using a dataset of companies to:

  • Observe IT growth in India for the past few decades in terms of various factors such as Sate wise growth to understand the development needed in the same.
  • Understand private and public sector growth of industries in India.
  • Understand the capital investment involved in various sectors of industry and many more.

Methodology/Process description:-

Dataset of companies which is huge in size will be first accessed through Cloudera software using Hadoop technology.

Using this technology, various queries would be coded down to use the dataset to give back all the results needed in minimal time.

Those results would then be converted into graphical representation to study the growth.

Required Resources :


  1. Cloudera
  2. Eclipse

What contribution would the project make?

  • This will help in studying the IT structure of India.
  • Various parameters needed to decide future steps to be taken for improvement in various states can be figured out using this analysis.
  • Analyzing growth patterns of various industries in India.
  • It is ultimately creating a tool that would be able to handle any big size of industry data and would give much faster statistical results than normal processors.

The Schedule of the project

  • Identify Statistics needed: (2 days)
  • Data Acquisition: (5 days)
  • Process/Clean Data: (1 week)
  • Exploratory Analysis: (1 week)
  • Designing Queries: (5 days)
  • Creating code: (5 days)
  • Implementing Code & Validation: (1 week)
  • Debugging code: (5 days)
  • Running code and fetching results: (1 week)
  • Graphical Conversion of results: (5 days)
  • Visualize Results: (5 days)

Development of Speech Recognition AI Project with Python


Working on the Speech Recognition Python Project. Design and Development of Speech Recognition AI Project with Python Source code, report, and ppt using NLP, PLP, and Deep Neural Networks.

Speak– The assistant will speak the following introduction, the output, and the following things according to which good is given. It will use the laptop microphone to hear the input from the user and later recognize the voice said by the user and match the code words and if anything matches it will show the output.

Wish Me-The assistant will speak the Message included in the introduction even if it will wish the morning afternoon and even the evening depending upon the real-time based scenario. It will wish the morning from 04HH to 11HH 59MM. It will wish the afternoon from 12HH to 17HH 59MM. It will wish the evening from 18HH to 03HH 59MM.

Take Command– The assistant will take microphone(speech) input from the user and returns string output. It will be sub-divide into many different parts as described below. Listening-The assistant will open the microphone and try to hear what the user wants to convey to it.

Recognizing– The assistant will try to recognize the input spoken by the user and then check the code whether the word that is recognized by the assistant is there or not if the input matches it will show the output otherwise it will speak “Say that again please” this line which means to give the input again by the user. If the word is correctly recognized, it will follow the instructions assigned to it.

Wikipedia– If the word is recognized as “Wikipedia” it will search Wikipedia according to the input given by the user. E.g. if we say Narendra Modi Wikipedia so the assistant will speak “searching Wikipedia Narendra Modi” and then after it “According to Wikipedia…” and the details of that particular person. Youtube- If the word is recognized as “YouTube”, it will open the internet explorer and directly start opening the default web browser by the link “”.

Google– If the word is recognized as “Google”, it will open the internet explorer and directly start opening the Google by the link “”.

Train Information– If the word is recognized as “Train info”. It will fetch the detail from a CSV file and returns the detail of all the train and display them on the terminal. Stack Overflow- If the word is recognized as “Stack Over Flow” it will open the internet explorer and directly start opening the Stack Over Flow website by the link “”.

Play Music– If the word is recognized as “Play Music” it will search the .mp3 or .mp4 file in the default path of the device that is provided by the programmer in the programming. E.g. if we say Play Music so the assistant will search in the path like “D:\\Non Critical\\songs\\Favourite Songs2” and it will play that particular song. The Time- If the word is recognized as “The Time” it will check the real-time from the device and speak the same in terms of “HH:MM: SS”. E.g. if we say the time so the assistant will check the time and if the time is 08:14:21 P.M. it will speak “Sir, the time is 20HH:14MM:21SS”.

Open Code– If the word is recognized as “Open Code” it will search the .java or .py file in the default path of the device that is provided by the programmer in the programming. E.g. if we say Open Code so the assistant will search in the path like “C:\\Users\\XYZ\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\” and it will open the code. Stop- If the word is recognized as “Stop” it will speak “Quitting sir thanks for your time” and the code terminates.


Speech Recognition Project Coding

Algorithms used in Speech Recognition

NLP (Natural Language Processing) & Tokenization
Deep Neural Networks
Discrimination training
WFST Frameworks etc;

The following must be installed-:

1. sudo pip install SpeechRecognition.
2. Sudo apt-get installs python-pyaudio python3-pyaudio or pip install pyaudio.
This is the most important module in your project as it provides the main functionality in our project to convert speech into text.

Future Scope

This specific area of AI ends up being productive in each specialized field. We have additionally actualized this to show how it is valuable in various fields as we have made a little undertaking to exhibit its use in various documented, for example, railroad, looking through feed and so on; Like PCs began to play chess better than human, speech recognition before long will be improved by PCs as well. Critically, that will include some significant information about nature in general and the human mind specifically. So speech recognition is a significant advance in our investigation of natural laws. Our venture can be utilized by railroads and another center point to show distinctive data utilizing speech recognition.