Latest CSE Seminar Reports 2012 on Communication and Invocation in Distributed Systems

Introduction to Communication and Invocation in Distributed Systems:

Communication is a remote procedure application which involves many demands they include client server and end system and group communication. The quality of the communication depends upon the bandwidth and the latency period and the security provided by the service. Different operating system kernels different types of communication primitives like do operation and get request and send reply combination and send receive combination. The initiation of different protocol mechanisms occur through invocation process. In this paper we will see how different communication processes are implemented and the use of the invocation mechanism in the communication service.

Brief on communication and invocation:

Invocation mechanisms involves methods of making a local call procedure and sending messages over the service and remote procedure calling and invoking a method in an object by sending a message. Invocation mechanisms can be either synchronous or asynchronous and this involves the mechanisms of making the code to be executed of the scope of the calling procedure or the communication of the arguments of the code and the return of the data values to the caller.

The invocation mechanisms to make communication across the network they employ thread scheduling and switching techniques. The communication processes include various file operation techniques and marshaling techniques for storage of the data and transfer of the data over the networks.


The communication mechanism is involved in every area of the technological field. Depending upon the requirement different communication methods are implanted to achieve the output. The quality of the communication over the networks varies with the bandwidth and the latency and the security provided for the communication channel.

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