Latest CSE Project Idea on Detection of Routing Misbehaviour in MANETs

MANET (Mobile Adhoc Network) is a collection of mobile nodes which are responsible for communicating with each other via wireless links directly or using other nodes such as routers. Depending on its application MANET may vary from small static network to large-scale, mobile, dynamic network. There are two types of MANETS: closed and open. In closed MANET all mobile nodes will cooperate with one other to achieve a common goal whereas in case of open MANET, different nodes will be having different goals and where they share their resources for ensuring global connectivity. 

A sel_sh node is a node which refuses to share its own resources. And may refuse to forward data packets for other nodes in order to conserve its own energy. Techniques such as watchdog and pathrater are introduced to detect the effects of routing misbehaviour. The watchdog technique is responsible for identifying the misbehaving nodes on wireless medium using passive overhearing whereas pathrater technique is used to avoid use of misbehaving nodes in any future route selections.

The routing misbehaviour may be responsible for reducing the performance case when nodes participate in routing discovery and maintenance process but they refuse to send the data packets. To make the detection more efficient and accurate we use the proposed 2ACK scheme. 

The 2ACK technique is based on simple 2-hop acknowledgment packet that is sent by the receiver of next hop link. One advantage of the 2ACK scheme is its flexibility to control overhead with the use of the Rack parameter. The 2ACK scheme can be used as an add-on technique to routing protocols such as DSR in MANETs. This scheme was implemented above the DSR. This scheme was implemented and used combine with other schemes of routing. 

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