Hospital Management System .Net Project with Source Code

  • Name of the Project: Hospital Management System .Net Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  ASP.Net 2.0, C#.Net, SQL Server.

Project Description:  The main objective of developing this Hospital Management System final year .Net based web application is to provide efficient management services in the hospital.

The previous hospital system was full of draw backs like writing patients information on books so sometimes they can lose the important information.

This developed project is fully automated and any user who doesn’t know about computer can operate it easily.

This hospital management system consists of patient’s personal information, patient disease information, and type of ration card they submitting for free hospital service like white card or pink card under various government schemes, Hospital staff information, doctor information, total number of rooms information and available room information, emergency ward information, ambulance information.

Pharmacy information, laboratory information.

Hospital Management System ASP.Net & C#.Net project abstract, Project Report, project documentation, project source code, database File, project ppt.

52 Replies to “Hospital Management System .Net Project with Source Code”

  1. sir please tell me how to buiid a project hospital managment in have no time, please tell me quickly

  2. hi there
    can you please send me the project code in C# or java and the data base, i will really appreciate

  3. Please send me the project details with source code in C#, .net or java. Any language which you have with the documentation work and materials with it.
    Hope you do the needful.

    Thank you,

  4. please sent me the database design of global medifile project in and sql…….. its urgent….!!!!!!

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