Fraud and Corruption Control Java Project


Fraud and Corruption Control is a project which is developed to maintain the flow of money released by government, and internal control corruption with involvement of budget officer, department officers, districts commissioners, contractors to citizens, CCTBM investigates complete transparency.


Fraud and corruption is a web application  which will guarantee transparency in budget allocation, distribution and utilization. Fraud and corruption control management is an integral component of effective corporate governance.

This application satisfies the requirement of transparent and accountable process. This application operates to protect the user as a good citizen and helps to reduce the livelihood of financial loss or reputation damage by the staff.

This application informs people about how and who has utilized the money and for what purpose. This creates an online platform where people can get a complete information about budget of the year.

People can know all the development works undertaken. This project will provide an encourage to the citizens to actively participate in Corruption control through budget and to maintain the  transparency and flexibility in system.


The main objective of this project is to maintain the flow of money released by government, and intern control corruption.



Administrator can generate reports .shared documents and media library that can help in active learning of a student are provided. Administrator will provide users valid use rid and password to login by creating their individual profile.

Citizen Module:

User should be able to create new account, log in to their existing  accounts which will give them the authority to use the services provided by the system.

Software Requirement:

Language                                :           Java

Web technologies                   :           JEE (Servlets/JSP)

Front-end Design                    :           Html, CSS, JSP

Database                                 :           MYSQL 5.0

Scripting                                  :           JavaScript, Ajax

Operating System                   :           Windows/Linux

17 Replies to “Fraud and Corruption Control Java Project”

  1. Can you send me whole documentation of your project which make more clear about these project, please send as soon as possible.

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