Download Btech Project on GSM MODEM & PIC16F877A Controller

Automation of devices is the need of the hour today and it’s everyone’s desire to have remote access to their devices. This Download Btech Project on GSM MODEM & PIC16F877A Controller has designed a SMS supported controller through which a device can be switched ON/OFF by sending an SMS. This project can be implemented in homes, offices etc.

download-btech-project-on-gsm-modem-pic16f877a-controllerDigital displays have become a common sight in shopping malls. Also in railway stations, bus stations, information such as ticket details and platform number are displayed digitally. However in order to change any information digitally, one needs to connect to laptop/PC to alter any changes. Since everyone today owns a mobile phone, changing information digitally is managed just by an SMS.

                   The SMS controller designed in the project GSM modem and PIC16F877A controller is based on the system of sending and receiving SMS which is communicated over a GSM network. Once the SMS is received it has to be processed to execute the task required.

For performing the desired task, the prime requisites are availability of a GSM network and a microcontroller. The function of GSM modem is to decode the SMS instruction to the microcontroller. The microcontroller after detecting the message will gather information from the GSM network and carries out the required task.


          This project can be implemented in schools, offices, colleges etc. It’s primary advantage being that it is  relatively cheaper mode and allows SMS retention when the network is busy. This project provides  fresh and creative outlook for remote control processing. This is the age where cellular communication is dominating. The IF and RF remote controllers have a very limited range for its field of operation. This project is a step ahead and provides a wide and extensive range of operation which extends globally covering a wide host of operations.

Download Btech Project on GSM MODEM & PIC16F877A Controller.

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