Introduction to Compressed Telephone Directory CTD Project:
The telephone system is a database system in which all the details of telephone administration are provided to the user .The Compressed Telephone Directory (CTD) is a live project and provide flexibility and a good service. It’s designed using C++ as front end and RDBMS (relational database management system) as back end.
The compressed telephone directory contains two modules they are
1. Registration
2. Evaluation
Registration module: Administration module is a sub module of it. This contains complete information about the telephone exchange like customer details, std codes, telephone number etc. The user can easily enter the data into the fields of form like name, address, age etc.
Evaluation module: Evaluation module contains all the details of the users. Every telephone directory needs to do this process. The evaluation of users used to be a complex and time consuming process in the past days .But now with the help of our project the entire time consumed for evaluation is remarkably less .When the admin enters the telephone number of a user the CDC automatically checks for the details stored on that number in its database .These details are provided by the user itself at the time of registration .If the details are not found the system once again asks to enter the number correctly or displays a message that the details are not found.
The main purpose of designing the project is to make the telephone administration easy, efficient, user friendly, scalable and to provide brief description about the telephone exchange to the users.
Download Compressed Telephone Directory CTD C++ Project Abstract.