C Program Structure

C program structure:-It should have main function. Its programming is modular function. It has a component of each statement and function. It is a case sensitive language i.e. all the alphabets must be written in lower case.

Approaches of language: – C language has four approaches i.e. procedural, logical, artificial intelligence and object oriented.

Program in C: – For saving a program press ALT then F then S then a dialog box will appear and save the file with .c extension. To compile a program press ALT then ‘c’ it includes all the library files in it and for running a program press ALT then R and then it starts linking a program. Compiling and running both can be done by pressing ALT+F9. After running program it creates three files i.e. source (.c), object file (.obi) and executable file (.exe).

                        To give output we use ‘printf()’ function which is predefined in C library. It has format specifications i.e. ‘\n’ for new line and ’\t’ for tap space. It has four type of data type i.e. int, char, float and double. Operators in C language are assingment, conditional, auto increment and decrement, relational and logical operators. It has a ‘for’ loop ‘while’ loop and a ‘do…while’ loop. It has function which contains statements to be executed and this function can be user defined. In it we have to include header file because it contain definition of some pre-defined function. Some function has the ability to call itself that are called recursive function. It has array which is collection of similar elements. It has a pointer which represents address of data element. It can also handle file by opening, closing and doing editing in it.

Stack: – It is a set of elements in which insertion and deletion of elements is done from the one end. Insertiation is called PUSHING and deletion is called POPING and it follows LIFO principle.

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