Sales And Management System Project

Final year students of cse or IT who are interested in developing sales and market related project then Sales and Management system project information will be a best choice. The main idea of this application is to computerize sales functionality and provide option for market Analysis for a Management company. This software will help to manage marketing information. Sales-And-Management-System-Project

Information for Management organizations.

Sales and management software will provide services for a marketing company for a better marketing of their products. In present competitive marketing business it had became hard for MNC companies to provide consistent marketing solutions. There is scope for developing management application in order to increase company market. Also it is important to update product sales details from time to time on marketing aspects is a key for any company to increase their revenue. 

This project is developed for computerizing of entire marketing statistics. This application is developed in different modules where each module is functioned at different levels to perform their work. In marketing organizations always there is a gap between marketing personals and managers so this application will fill that gap by making this application go online which can save time and increase sales automatically. 

This application is developed with different modules by considering different levels in a marketing company.

Modules Information for Sales And management system project

Module 1 or Level 1: In this module marketing manager will assign tasks like product costs, decide sales targets for their employees for every product. 

Module 2 Level 2:From level 1 information is moved to Level 2 where regional managers will take up the task and allocate work to field engineers by modifying cost, tax and other information. 

Module 3 or Level 3: In this module field engineers will take decisions on the sales of products and submit product to dealers and update daily sales information to their site which can be analyzed by regional, general manager. 

For more information on Sales and Management system project  project you can download project report from this site.

Btech Chemical Project Report On AMMONIAM Plant

This Btech Chemical Project Report On AMMONIAM Plant is about the Ammonia Plant Chemical Project report. The project starts with Introduction and continued with the explaining about Names of Ammonia and Ammonia Production. In addition, the report consists of properties of Ammonia which contains Structural, Physical, Chemical, Thermodynamic, and Hazardous of Properties.


Ammonia is the important basic chemical of the world, marking with materials such as sulfuric acid and sodium carbonate. In the fertilizer field, anhydrous ammonia itself has become the major supplier of the fertilizer nitrogen in India and it is also important inter mediate in production of more complex chemicals. Ammonia is applied straight to the soil from tanks containing the liquefied gas. It is a very wrathful source of nitrogen that is important for plant growth. The report also defines the uses of Ammonia.

The main function of ammonia is to supply nitrogen in a comparative form. Ammonia is unique in that, unlike the other basic chemicals, the main constituents, nitrogen is readily available without need for transport and in unlimited quantity.

The history of ammonia production cannot be separated very well from the larger subject of nitrogen supply to the fertilizer and chemical industries there was no synthetic ammonium, dependence was placed unnatural and waste product of various kinds. The methods contains of various kind of process which help for AMMONIUM PRODUCTION. This project report also provides the brief description of LINDE Ammonia concept (LAC).

Btech Chemical Project Report On AMMONIAM Plant Conclusion:

In this project report an attempt is made to provide an complete description of AMMONIAM Plant and production of ammonia has been found to be more economical than either fixation by plants or production other nitrogen compounds. Ammonia is also used in the construction of certain dyes and applied in the dyeing and scouring of cotton, wool and silk. 

Download Btech Chemical Engineering Project Report On AMMONIAM Plant.

Chemical Project Report On Production Of Ammonia

This Chemical Project Report On Production Of Ammonia report is about the Production of Ammonia which is produced by Department Of Chemical Engineering. The content of the report are Desulfurization, Partial Oxidation of Hydrocarbons, Carbon Monoxide Shift Conversion, Gas Purification, and Ammonia Synthesis.

The report also contains the flow diagrams of ammonia production and complete details about Manufacturing Process. Today ammonia is the second largest synthetic chemical product; more than 90 % of world consumption is manufactured from the elements nitrogen and hydrogen in a catalytic process originally developed by FRITZ HABER and CARL BOSCH using a promoted iron catalyst discovered by ALWIN MITTASCH.

Ammonia is a combine of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH3. It is a colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odor. Ammonia contributes significantly to the nutritional needs of terrestrial organisms by serving as a precursor to food and fertilizers. Ammonia, either directly or indirectly, is also a building block for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. Although in wide use, ammonia is both caustic and hazardous. In 2006, worldwide production was estimated at 146.5 million tones. It is used in commercial cleaning products.

Ammonia, as used commercially, is often called anhydrous ammonia. This term emphasizes the absence of water in the material. Because of its many uses, ammonia is one of the most highly produced inorganic chemicals. Dozens of chemical plants worldwide produce ammonia. The development of the synthesis of ammonia from its elements is a landmark in the history of industrial chemistry.


For the major part, ammonia production in the next 15 to 20 years will rely on the classic ammonia synthesis reaction combining nitrogen and hydrogen using a catalyst at elevated temperature and pressure in a recycle process. Thus further progress may be confined to minor improvements of individual process steps, catalysts and equipment design. Most new technology developments will mainly reduce investment costs and increase operational reliability.

Download Btech Chemical Engineering Project Report On Production Of Ammonia.

.Net Project on Citizen Card System

Computer science students who are interested in developing government related projects then developing .Net project on Citizen Card system project will be one of the best options for you. This type of applications is upcoming projects in India. As this project is gaining interest in India now days, citizen card system project will provide scope for students to prove their knowledge. .Net-Project-on-Citizen-Card-System

Citizen card system projects main idea is to provide a identity card for every Indian with different identification number this card is designed in the way that it is easy to carry. This type of project is upcoming in our country but this project had already successful in countries like U.S.A …Etc. citizen card system is compulsory in some circumstances mainly for increasing security for a county. 

Citizen card system will not compulsory but if this project is implemented it can make life much comfortable. Using this system there will be no need to carry driving license, passport …etc, identification related documents where ever you need them. Identification card will provide entire information about your documents. 

This application will maintain data of every citizen starting from documents issued by the government to fraud details. Anyone can know your information before they can work with you. This procedure will increase security for every individual in a country. 

Model citizen card will look like this. 

While issuing citizen card user should submit his full name, photograph, age, date of birth, address and other security details. Entire data is maintained through centralized database. 

Citizen card system application can solve problems like

1) Stop Infiltration

2) Easy Identification of Person

3) Stop corruption

4) Stop Tax Evasion

5) Maintain the history of every person.

System Requirement Specifications for Citizen Card System project

Hardware Requirements:

  • PIV 2.8 GHz Processor and Above
  • RAM 512MB and Above
  • HDD 40 GB Hard Disk Space and Above

Software Requirements:

  • WINDOWS OS (XP / 2000 / 200 Server / 2003 Server)
  • Visual Studio .Net 2008 Enterprise Edition
  • Internet Information Server 5.0 (IIS)
  • Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)   version 3.5
  • SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition.

For more information on Citizen System project you can download project report from this site.

Design of Road Side Drainage Civil Engineering Project

A need for the development of better drainage system has always been a subject of discourse. The DESIGN OF ROAD SIDE DRAINAGE CIVIL Engineering Project provides information on easy and result-oriented ways for construction of road fences and the most budget-oriented road side design with proper drainage system(s). The project stresses the importance of implementation of the strategies or the techniques for proper construction of the drainage system(s) with respective to concerns of the users or the habitants.

Need for the proper road-side drainage systems:   


 Improper drainage in any form as surface or subsurface or cross drainage can create a great difficulty for the habitants. To a larger extent, poor drainage system can affect the structural integrity and sanitation facilities which the users or the habitants are used to. If the roads are properly designed then only the related problems such as pumping or accumulation of mud in diurnally busy areas or Hydroplaning etc can truly be rooted out and which if neglected can continue to create havoc for the users. If there can be created any efficient way for easy removal or elimination of water then this may provide myriad benefits to the users. 

This project also shed light on types of road-side drainage which is based on the structure of the constructional properties of the roads. It also speaks of the importance of effective and reliably implemented techniques for easy execution of the road side drainage system(s). Hydrological and Hydraulic analysis for perfect elimination of the flaws in executing the designing strategies of the surface drainage is also very clearly presented.


The project provides a better and an efficient way to judge the lay out proposals for road side drainage and thus will also fulfill all requirements of an ideal drainage system. The problems such as the presence of potholes, development of water-logging conditions, or problems related to erosion or corrugation should not be overlooked when designing road-side drainage. 

Download Design of Road Side Drainage Civil Engineering Project.

Civil Project Report On Wind From Sun Power Plant

This Civil Project Report On Wind From Sun Power Plant is about obtaining wind using sun power. Wind from the Sun is a new method for producing energy from solar and wind. Energy from sun light is converted into heat by a large solar collector. The solar collector heats the air above it and the heated air rises. Cooler air moves to replace the rising warm air and the cycle begins. Continually solar collector heats the air which rises and is replaced by cooler air. The warm rising air decreases the air pressure above the collector.

The rising warm air over the collector has a lower air pressure than cold air over the land of the collectors. A large diameter pipe or “air duct” connect lower air pressure in the middle of the collector, a higher air pressure, a short distance from the collector.  Air moves from high to low air pressure through the air channel.  Inside the air duct, convert pressure-staged wind turbines of the wind mechanical energy into electricity.

This energy can be harvested by wind turbines. A Wind from the Sun power plant would simulate this same type of system that occurs in nature, but with a greater degree of control and certainty. This will result in a more reliable wind with a higher average wind speed.


In conclusion we can say that, this type of system produces some power. The sun warms the collector, which heats the air. The higher the air temperature, the air expands, causing the air pressure. Air must be from high to low pressure through the air duct and past the wind mills on the production of energy to move. A sea breeze works much the same way and produce significant winds. Alternate Design of the report is to increase efficiency, place air channel so that one end is over a large body of water. The water will be much cooler than the collector and will increase the air pressure difference along the air channel.

Download Civil Project Report On Wind From Sun Power Plant.

Java Project On Defect Tracking System final year cse or IT finally year students who are interested in developing web based reliability related software project then Java project on defect tracking system application can help you. Defect tracking system projects main idea is to provide alternate solution for software companies for tracking defects in coding, at different testing levels of a project. Defect tracking system will save time and also provides overview on coding standards on their coders. Java-Project-On-Defect-Tracking-System

Defect tracking system will be use full for coders for finding out their mistakes in project code and for managers to assign work to his team and analyze coding standards of the completed project code and helps Software Company to improve quality of their product. This application has report generation option through which analyzing and work allocation is made easy. 

This application helps software organization in tracking employee skills and coding standards of their project on daily basis. This application is a web based application which is accessible by entire organization. 

This project has lot of scope to replace existing system followed by software organizations. This application will save time, increase security and provides better performance with well designed database.

Software Requirement Specification for Defect Tracking System.

Software Requirements

Operating System              :           Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris

User Interface                :           HTML, CSS

Client-side Scripting         :           JavaScript

Programming Language          :           Java

Web Applications              :           JDBC, JNDI, Servlets, JSP

IDE/Workbench                 :           Eclipse with MyEclipse Plug-in

Database                      :           Oracle/Access

Server Deployment             :           RetHat JBoss AS

Hardware Requirements

Processor                     :           Pentium IV

Hard Disk                     :           40GB

RAM                           :           256MB 

Defect Tracking System project report contains. 

System Analysis

Software Requirement Specification

System Design


Coding & Implementation…. and more. 

For more information on this project you can download bug tracking system project documentation from this site.

Empire State Building CIVIL Final Year Report

This Empire State Building CIVIL Final Year Report is about Empire State Building. This report starts with introduction of Empire State Building, Designers of building, New York City climate conditions, site maps, Technical Data, THE TECHNOLOGY OF CONSTRUCTION, Plan layout, Facilities.

The Empire State Building is the tallest building in the world for 40 years. It was built in New York (USA), took over American cities like Chicago and New York to the highest skyscraper. The Empire State Building has been named by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

empire-state-building-civil-final-year-reportThe Empire State Building remained the tallest man-made structure in the world for 23 years before it was surpassed by the Griffin Television Tower Oklahoma (KWTV Mast) in 1954. It was also the tallest free-standing structure in the world for 36 years before it was surpassed by the Ostankino Tower in 1967.The world’s longest record of the Empire State Building was held to hold the tallest building (for structural) for 42 years until it was surpassed by the North Tower of the World Trade Centre in 1973.At present The Empire State Building is the 15th tallest in the world.

The Empire State Building was designed by William Frederick Lamb of the architectural firm of Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon. To achieve this they decided to use steel frame as the basic construction technique. The building was completed in one year and 45 days. Its original 64 elevators are located in a central core; today, the Empire State Building has 73 elevators in all, including service elevators. It takes less than one minute by elevator to get to the 86th floor, where an observation deck is located. The report finally explain the about the different kind of Facilities available in Empire State Building.


This report describes the complete view of Empire State Building, which will help for future research and understanding of it design and structure.

Download Empire State Building CIVIL Final Year Report.

.NET Project on Online Missing Vehicle GPS Tracking System

Students who are interested in developing sms related application then .NET Project on Online Missing Vehicle GPS Tracking System can help you. The main aim for developing this project is to interconnect information between public, police department linking with RTA for finding out the information of the stolen bike with a single automated sms and provide quality and fast services to public. .NET-Project-on-ONLINE-MISSING-VEHICLE-GPS-TRACKING-System

Now a day’s bike stolen cases are increasing day by day. Finding out stolen bikes had become tough task for police why because culprits may leave stolen bikes where ever they want. Police department will send a constable with chassis number and license number to RTO office where RTO officials will accept letter from police and send information after one or two days and then police will inform to the bike owner this entire process takes more than a month or more. This application is developed to solve this problem. 

As the technology is growing day by day new applications can be developed for solving this problem. 

There is scope for integrating new applications in to RTo for better service, Police department and public which will help in fetching instant information of the stolen bike owner’s information, FIR details and submit them to requested police official. Police official will request information to RTO with license number and Chassis number based on the request return sms will be received with all details of the owner within a short span of time.

The same application can also be used by general public before purchasing a second hand bike by just sending license and chassis number details about the bike can be known along with owner information. So using this application can reduce vehicle thefts and reduce work load for police and public, case can be solved in a short time.

 Application Development: System Requirements for gps tracking system project

Windows Operating System

 Front-end: Microsoft .Net Framework and Visual Studio (Express Edition)

 Back-end: SQL Server Database

Mobile Phone and Mobile Phone Simulator applications.

Water Sample Testing Civil Project

The purpose of this Water Sample Testing Civil Project is to find out, how the water sample can test. The report starts with introduction and ends with conclusion with experiment report. The report defines the detailed information about water testing with various examples. The report also explains about the quantity of the samples and types of the samples. The Sampling Methods consists of Manual sampling, Automatic sampling and Sorbent sampling, which explain the details of water testing.

The physical and chemical properties of drinking water vary from top to bottom of the depth of the earth, and the time from morning to night. It is therefore difficult to obtain a truly representative sample. We need water for different purposes; we need water for drinking, industry, irrigation, swimming, fishing, etc. Water for various purposes requirements for the composition and purity, and each body of water must be tested regularly to confirm the suitability.

The types of analysis could change from simple field testing for a single analytic to laboratory based multi component instrumental analysis. The analytical process demands sampling and sample storage since changes in composition of water do not stop once the sampling has been taken. Screening is done to ensure that water reaches the laboratory, the same composition as it has occurred during sampling.


The purpose of this project is to better understand environmental impacts of our actions on the local streams and rivers, the scientific studies of water quality and the understanding is to make the significance of the results. Water analysis and monitoring is a very important aspect of water conservation and protection. Water is a vital resource that runs more quickly over time. To ensure continued supply of safe, clean drinking water, we must work together as a community to protect and to this vital resource.

Download Water Sample Testing BE Civil Engineering Project.