A Fully Distributed Proactively Secure Threshold Multi signature Scheme CSE Project Abstract

Introduction to A Fully Distributed Proactively Secure Threshold Multi signature Scheme Project:

The main aim of this abstract is presenting secure and efficient way of Threshold multi signature scheme. The fundamental properties are defined in this scheme consist the all properties of the multi signature and thresh hold group signatures.

Existing System:

For the generation of digital signature more shareholders are required.  The shareholders must contribute equally to produce valid digital signatures.The scheme consist the all properties of the multi signature and thresh hold group signatures. Existing multi signature schemes are single-signed.

Proposed System:

The system proposes new threshold multi signal scheme without Trusted Third party. It is based on the based on a round optimal, publicly verifiable DKG protocol. The protocol can be easily incorporated and maintained.  It is very secure.


The modules that are included in this project are

  •  Signature

 Signature Generation

 Signature Verification

  • Cryptography



  • Message Transmission



Signature Generation: The signature is generated by long-term private key. It is generated for the group of members. The encryption for the protocol participant is performed using an appropriate publicly verifiable encryption scheme. The generated signature is broadcasted to all the members. 

Signature Verification: The member’s group signature is collected for generation of signatures. The individual signatures are authenticated by the clerk. Invalidation can be occurred due to participant’s signatures. The protocol can be aborted due to less number of participants. 


 Encryption: The encryption process is used to encrypt the secret messages and they are converted to cipher form.

Decryption: The original message is decrypted by the key by this the original message can be retrieved.

Message Transmission:

The encrypted message is transferred to the group members. This message will be decrypted at other end by the key.This module having two sub modules they are

i) Unicasting

ii) Multicasting.

Download  A Fully Distributed Proactively Secure Threshold Multi signature Scheme CSE Project Abstract.

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