Distribution Management System Project PPT is useful for computer science students to understand about project design. This PPT consists of screen shots of the project.
In this module we try to authenticate all the users/administrators entering the site. This module is placed in the Home page of the site which is the first page for those who entering the site. Here in this module for Users and Administrators we ask for Userid and password and check them with the database. If they both match then they are allowed to browse the site otherwise entry is denied for them. If anybody forgets the password he is given help by reminding of his password after verifying his details. For customers we give the user level as ‘C’ which means they cannot access the database and other administrative tasks. For administrators the level is ‘A’. These are given the full power to access the site. For visitors who are entering for the first time are asked to give their details before moving further for future reference.
This is the module in which a user builds a computer for him virtually with the help provided if necessary. The specification of the system depends on the user and his budget. He will be given different types of choices for each component that is needed to build a personal computer and he has to choose the one that best suits for his purpose and which is under his budgetary control.
He is provided with the help like what components are necessary to build a system, what are their uses and properties and what are their prices. The total price of the system is shown on the screen when each part is selected and the overall price is also shown. According to this total cost he can change specification of his system.