Session Tracker Project in Java

The Objective of Session Tracker Project in Java is to give a sample project to work on real life projects. This application program helps us to build a larger more on robust application.

Session Tracker Project in Java

   The objective is to provide a real life scenario and help us to create applications using the software and hardware tools. 

The objective of Session Tracker is to develop a System, which maintains all the information related to various Records. Session Tracker automates all the process and the activity of the Student related to their Knowledge. This can help in reducing the time taken for performing various activities related to data flow from one department to another.  


Session Tracker is a Relational Database Management System

(RDBMS) project. In this project all the data is stored by using SQL SERVER 2005 as  backend, and Jdk 0.6 technology as front end, for designing user interfaces.

The system should be able to keep information related to:- 

  1. Student’s Details. 

2. Teacher’s Details. 

3. Searching the student record by Student Id. 

4. Searching the Teacher record by Teacher Id. 

5. Update Details of student and Teacher. 

6. Deleting the records. 

7. Admitting date. 

8. Exam. 

9. Result. 

10. Price Details. 

11. Payment Details.

Customer Requirements 

The customer wants the application to include the following tasks:- 

1. The application is to hold the Student /Teacher information who take admission. 

2.The Search should be on id Base. 

3. The details should include the Contact details, Personal details, and as well History details of Student. 

4. Administrator can see the all details like Student/Teacher details,Payment Details,price details,result also. 

5.There should be separate login for the user. 

6.Administrator should be Print the Payment Receipt.

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