PIC Micro controller Data Acquisition System Project Report


The debugging of an electrical circuit can be done by knowing the voltage , temperature and current information. By providing the data acquisition system in the power supply  we can know these values . this paper concentrates on developing a data acquition system which measures the voltage from 0 to 50v, current values up to 50 amps and finds temperature on the ambient and load.

Construction of data acquition system:

The current voltage and temperature sensors are used which gives the sensed information during the working of the circuit the sensed information from the sensors is fed to analog to digital converter, which is a 14 pin package. For monitoring the process a pic micro controller is used. From the available pic microcontroller’s we need to select the required one which has a 4adc channels and counter timer and quart. For the pic microcontroller to operate accordingly we have to provide it with the data. The internal oscillator frequency is set to 4mhz for its working. The baud rate at which the data is transmitted is 9 bits in which one bit  is used for stat or stop information and the other 8 bits are used for data information. To control the sampling rate timer is used and by polling the overflow bit are controlled. The micro chip on the pic microcontroller provides environment for compiling coding setting up and controlling programs. The flash memory of the pic can be reprogrammed by using the interface ide of usb. By using RS232 and max232 the transfer of digital data is possible in between the pc and thru registers of the microcontroller.

 Conclusions’ and Future scope:

Here the complexity of the project increases due to selection of the pic microcontroller other than a normal microcontroller. The data acquisition system can be further developed by the use of high resolution ADC converters. Here the chances of crashing occurs when the captured data is plotted on a excel sheet, which can be overcome by use of high integrated capture display programs.

Download PIC Micro controller Data Acquisition System Project Report.

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