Automated Network Administration Tool a Java Project (ANAT) is an innovative tool for managing the network automatically and executing the commands on the Gateway machines and restricting access to server machines on the network for different users in the network.
Now a days, there are many tools available for network monitoring and management.
But ANAT provides a unique way of managing the network, that is, automatic network management based on the three main constraints like time, host, and user. This automatic administration relieves the administrator from his usual tedious task.
It is an innovative tool for managing a network automatically in the absence of an administrator. In Automated Network Administration tool an algorithm is developed for the purpose of automatically managing the network based on the criteria like Time, Host and User. This algorithm will restrict the access of the user to applications or resources on a system according to the access control rules set by the administrator.
As a part of network management packet filtering, packet blocking etc. are done. Firewalls are activated and deactivated and Packet redirecting is developed according to the requirement of the Network administrator. Now a day, the task of controlling the communication across the network is very tedious.
Network Monitoring Tools:
There are many network monitoring tools available today which monitor the network host but which cannot restrict the network access based on the three constraints i.e. time, host and user. In the existing system, a network administrator will have to write all such rules in the firewalls of the respective Bastions separately.
There is no network management or controlling tool, which completely holds the necessities discussed above. The administrator has no tools currently available, which can be used to update the firewall written for a business firm. The proposed system is for a network which consists of different servers connected to a gateway machine and the clients connected to the bastion server through a hub or switch.
The proposed system is expected to rectify all drawbacks of the existing system. The administrator should be able to control and monitor the whole network from a central Bastion. There will be provision for writing the firewall rules in a central Bastion.
The network administrator can write new policies and rules for existing users and for new users, which is accomplished by a well designed user interface for administrator. Even though we have completed this software tool with all our efforts successfully, it is still having some limitations like the disability to restrict the client to client communications, controlling multiple network clients etc.
Hence the system is highly user friendly and is well efficient to make easy interactions with administrator of the network.
download Project Report of CSE Automated Network Administration Tool a Java Project .
hi, i used your project for my minor project in b-tech , now i would really like you to help me get familiar with the basics of the networking stuff that is taking place in your project. kindly point me towards some book or information source that would help me get familiar with them easily!! thanks
please, your help would be highly appreciated!!
Please send the source code for the same