Industrial Safety Measures System with Sensors and Webcam Abstract

Industrial safety measures system with sensors and webcam projects main idea is to develop a application which can provide security for industries by using sensors and webcams. In industries like pharmaceuticals and chemical industries contnous monitoring is very important so this application will be very useful for in reality. 

For any application in the industries there are many parameters to be handled. In this project we are concentrating on temperature and smoke sensors. These sensors are fixed at specified locations, for our application to be performed. The Sensors gather the values and sends the information to the microcontroller continuously. The microcontroller receives the values and sends the corresponding values to the LCD to display. This is a cyclic process which performs till our requirement is done.

In order to reach project requirement we need to reach our standards by allotting certain set points for every sensor for monitoring. If the Temperature Sensor crosses its specific Set-Point the microcontroller drives the Fan ‘ON’ and starts cooling. If the Smoke sensor crosses its specific Set-Point the microcontroller drives the Buzzer ‘ON’ and alerts the operator. This is under safety process. In this project we are connecting the webcam for visibility of changing the parameter conditions.

  Applications for this are Industries with heavy parameters to handle, complicated areas where we can’t monitor the conditions manually; these are Now-a-days used in all kind of industrial and commercial complexes.

download  Industrial Safety Measures System with Sensors and Webcam Abstract.

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