Efficient 2-D Grayscale Morphological Transformations with Arbitrary Flat Structuring Elements project Description:
Efficient 2-D Grayscale Morphological Transformations with Arbitrary Flat Structuring Elements project is a 2008 cse project which is implemented in java platform. In this project we implement a algorithm which can effectively compute grayscale morphological operations with arbitrary 2-D flat structuring elements.
This method is independent of total number of gray levels utilized and image content. Arbitrary flat structuring elements out performs existing van droogenbroek and Talbot methods, variation is in the range of 3.5 to 35.1, these values depends upon size and type of image.
Detailed information about this project is provided in base paper and project docuemtation.
download efficient 2-D Grayscale Morphological Transformations with Arbitrary Flat Structuring Elements project base paper pdf, project report and ppt.