Efficient Class Oriented Evaluation Of Multiclass Performance Models Project Source Code

Efficient class oriented evaluation of multiclass performance models project Description:

Efficient class oriented evaluation of multiclass performance models project is a cse networking project which is implemented in java platform. This project is used to implement a efficient queuing networking model called COMOM which works with multiple classes in network. In present networking system queuing models are mostly used for capacity planning and performance evaluation in multiclass systems.

IN existing system queuing network work on Mean value analysis model which works for only limited user sessions but there are many scenarios where several classes are useful. In order to solve this problem in this paper we propose efficient class oriented evaluation of multiclass performance model.

Here we provide database files, code for different peers, Main server, compile file, base paper and entire project source code with compiling file.

download efficient class oriented evaluation of multiclass performance model project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Active Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Networks Project Source Code And Project Report

Active Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Networks project Abstract:

Active Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Networks project is a cse networking project which is implemented in java platform. Here we provide entire project source code with execution procedure provided in how to run file and project documentation along with paper presentation.  Main objective of this project is to provide a solution for different types of attacks that basically occurs in mobile ad hoc networks.

Mobile ad hoc networks works on different nodes connected with each other inside the network and these nodes changes as per the requirement. LAR protocol is one of the mostly used protocols for this communication. In this paper we discuss different areas where attacks are caused in network and security issues in present network.

download Active source routing protocol for mobile networks project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Online Defect Tracking System Project Source Code And Project Report

Online defect tracking system project Abstract:

Online defect tracking system project is useful in organizations as intranet application which is used to logging in defects by programmers and testers in to system which can be viewed by other project mates and project managers and allot them to employees for fixing this problem.

This method will reduce work load which is included in manual paper work process. This system is entirely automated so it will be easy to look after previous works without any delay.

Online Defect Tracking System Project

For further improvement in this system we integrate Customer relationship management system in to existing application which will make this system more powerful.

download Online defect tracking system project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Client server protocol implementation project source code and project report

Client server protocol implementation project Abstract:

Client server protocol implementation project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a gateway protocol for improving routing mechanism and updating routing tables on different connected gateways and nodes in the network. At present most of the internet works on client server technology where clients are servers are connecting through gateways which will route packets form source to destination based on ip address provided in packet. Gateways are key for any client server model; gateways need to communicate with nodes in side network and other gateways by updating routing table.

Download  Client server protocol implementation project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Congestion Control Using Network Based Protocol Project Source Code And Project Report

Congestion Control Using NETWORK BASED PROTOCOL project Abstract:

Congestion Control Using NETWORK BASED PROTOCOL project is a cse networking project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a new model called congestion avoidance mechanism called CRF for controlling congestion in network and improve efficiency of communication without any time delay.

In present network congestion is important factor where researches are working to reduce congestion and increase scalability and robustness in network communication.  CRF will control and restrict unwanted traffic before they enter the network and communicate with routers which are located at borders and restrict unwanted traffic.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report and paper presentation.

download Congestion Control Using NETWORK BASED PROTOCOL project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Data Transmission Using Multi-Tasking-Socket Project Source Code And Project Report

Data Transmission Using Multi-Tasking-Socket project Abstract:

Data Transmission Using Multi-Tasking-Socket project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to explain importance of multitasking socket programming in network communication when dealing with large amount of data from different sources. In this paper we propose a new model in which feedback system is created. When there is any break in socket connection users is informed with connection loss information and similarly packet delay and packet loss information is send to user in the form of feedback message. This method is not avialble in regular methods which is developed in this project.

Detailed explanation about this project is provide in how to run file and installation procedure is provided in the file.

download Data transmission using multi tasking socket project source code in java and project report with ppt.


Effective Transmission Of Data Through RBPH For Group Communication Project Source Code With Project Report

Effective Transmission of Data through RBPH for Group Communication Project abstract:

Effective Transmission of Data through RBPH for Group Communication is a cse networking project which is implemented in java platform.  Here we cover topics on pragmatic general multicast protocol which is a combination both router features and protocol.

This method is used to reduce problems that are caused form protocol reliability techniques when working on loss IP networks. PGM method is basically applicable for one to many applications but it can also be used for many to many by using multiple sessions. Main intention of this design is to improve scalability and network efficiency.

Project implementation details are provided in project report and execution procedure is provided in how to run file.

download Effective Transmission of Data through RBPH for Group Communication project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Routing Simulator Project Source Code And Project Report

Routing simulator project Description

Routing simulator project explains about implementing a routing analyzer system for testing performance of network and finding out path failures and which path is followed when crash Accor in a network. In real time scenario it is not possible to test algorithms and implement best one. Using these routing simulators we can increase performance of routers and links. This system will be useful for networking engineers to efficiently analyze performance and design networks.Input for these simulators is given form different statistics of the routers and links.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report and reference documents.

download Routing simulator project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Net Survey Simulation System Project Report With Java Source Code

Net survey simulation system project Description:

Net survey simulation system project is a cse project which is implemented in java programming language. Main aim of this software application is to provide easy understanding of information of every protocol at receiver end when packet is sniffed and protocols functionality at different levels of communication in OSI layer. In existing system we can analyze packet information using packet sniffers which do not provide information of each and every protocol separetly and it is hard to understand captured packets. Using this method we can clearly understand data at each protocol.

Detailed explanation on Net survey simulation final year project is provided in project report and reference documents.

download Net Survey simulation system project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Dynamic Load Balancing In Distributed Systems In The Presence Of Delays Project Source Code

Dynamic load balancing in distributed systems in the presence of delays project Abstract:

Dynamic load balancing in distributed systems in the presence of delays project is a cse project which is implemented in java platform. In this project we analyze processing rates at each nodes and there performance as well as delay in transition at each node is studied accurately and provide solution with dynamic load balancing method. Initially we work on developing one shot load balancing policy and extend its features to distributed load balancing policy  which will handle both incoming external loads at each node.

 Performance of dynamic load balancing methods are compared with existing methods by considering the average completion time per task and process rate of each system based on random arrivals of the external loads.

download Dynamic load balancing in distributed systems in the presence of delays project source code in java and project report with ppt.