Dynamic load balancing in distributed systems in the presence of delays project Abstract:
Dynamic load balancing in distributed systems in the presence of delays project is a cse project which is implemented in java platform. In this project we analyze processing rates at each nodes and there performance as well as delay in transition at each node is studied accurately and provide solution with dynamic load balancing method. Initially we work on developing one shot load balancing policy and extend its features to distributed load balancing policy which will handle both incoming external loads at each node.
Performance of dynamic load balancing methods are compared with existing methods by considering the average completion time per task and process rate of each system based on random arrivals of the external loads.
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Have you done any project regarding these distributed systems till now..? please i need it urgently.. mail me umamahesh320@gmail.com
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Have you done any project regarding these distributed systems till now..? please i need it urgently.. mail me umamahesh320@gmail.com
sir plz send me the LBSample$ class file..itz not opening
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