Placement Management System C# with XAML Project


This application is designed to develop a Placement Management system to assist the placement officer’s to maintain the student data and sort them according to the percentage criteria required for the company and student can review his/her data overcoming the drawbacks of the existing system.


The purpose of this application is to develop an Application which facilitates the officer’s to maintain the student data and sort them according to the percentage and even delete the records and student can review his/her data overcoming the drawbacks of the existing system.


In the current scenario People Store the data of the students using some applications and sort them manually so filtering the people is a difficult task as there will be lots of students in the organization.


The major problem in the current system is that filtering the data is a manual approach and needs lots of time and a man can make mistakes while sorting.


The application aims to overcome the drawbacks of the existing systems in the market and implement a few additional features.

The proposed systems consist of 2 different modules namely Admin and Student; each module has a different set of tasks to be done.


The purpose of this application is to develop an Application which facilitates officials of the placements in the educational institutions to manage their student records. Using this Application Placement officer can add data of the students and even filter the students according to the criteria required for the organization and student can see his/her complete profile.


The product includes a few functionalities that help the admins to get the sorted list of students easily and effectively.

These functionalities include:

  • Administrator Panel to add/review/sort/delete student records.
  • Student Panel to review his/her data


This application contains three modules.

  • Admin Module
  • Student Module.



Admin Panel facilitates the officer’s to register a student, review the complete data, sort the data according to the percentages, and delete the data

Each Functionality is obtained by clicking the particular links


The Student Module facilitates the student to review their own data by entering their roll number.

These are the Modules covered in this Application.

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Placement Management system Class Diagram

Architecture Diagram:

1) Test Case for Software Installation.

Test Case ID:       1
Test Case Name Software Installation Test
Purpose: To check whether the required Software is installed on the systems
Input: Run the Windows 8 SDK in Visual Studio.
Expected Result: Should Display the Integrated Development Environment
Actual Result: Displays the IDE  for installing the Software
Failure If the Software is not installed and configured accordingly then the system will not work
Remark Success

 2) Test Case for Running Application.

Test Case ID:       2
Test Case Name Application Run Test.
Purpose: To check whether the application runs on the local machine
Input: Run the application
Expected Result: Application should run on the local machine.
Actual Result: Application is running
Failure Could not run the Application (Force Closes).
Remark Success

3) Test Case for Selecting ADMIN.

Admin Case ID:       3
Test Case Name Choosing ADMIN Module.
Purpose: To check whether the application chooses the selected module and loads pages accordingly.
Input: Click on ADMIN link.
Expected Result: The pages from ADMIN Module are loaded.
Actual Result: The pages from ADMIN Module are loaded.
Failure Module will not be loaded.
Remark Success

4) Test Case for Selecting STUDENT Module.

Test Case ID:       4
Test Case Name Starting a Student Module
Purpose: To check whether the application loads the pages from the selected Module.
Input: Click on STUDENT link.
Expected Result: The pages from STUDENT Module are loaded.
Actual Result: The pages from STUDENT Module are loaded.
Failure The pages from STUDENT Module will not be loaded.
Remark Success

5) Test Case for Checking Database.

Test Case ID:       5
Test Case Name Testing the Database.
Purpose: To check whether the application stores data according to security constraints.
Input: Select ADMIN Module.
Expected Result: Successful List of Registered STUDENTS.
Actual Result: List of Registered STUDENTS.
Failure Display POP-UP alerting NO DATA FOUND
Remark Success

6) Test Case for Viewing Data in student module.

Test Case ID:       6
Test Case Name Viewing Student Data
Purpose: To check whether the application loads the student data according to Roll Number Entered by Student.
Input: Roll Number
Expected Result: Student Own Data is Loaded
Actual Result: Student Own Data is Loaded
Failure Student Own Data is not Loaded.
Remark Success

Output Screens:

  1. Application Entry
  2. Main Window Opened
  3. Admin Selected
  4. Popup for Complete Details
  5. Popup of Invalid Credentials
  6. Admin Module Entry
  7. Add a Student Clicked
  8. Popup of Successful Registration
  9. Review Database clicked
  10. Select People Clicked
  11. Sorted People According to Percentage
  12. Delete Students Details Clicked
  13. Popup of Delete Result
  14. Admin Logout
  15. Student Clicked
  16. Popup of Student Not Found
  17. Student Page Entry
  18. Student PageTo see Your Data Clicked
  19. Logout Clicked


The end result will be an application that will help the TPO’S to manage the student data very efficiently. The officials can sort the data in time whenever there is an urgent requirement. Using this Application Placement officer can add data of the students and even filter the students according to the criteria required for the organization and student can see his/her complete profile.


As the Requirements Changes day to day, we also need to give extensions to the application in the form of versions.

A few changes that can be expected in the future are:

  • A student can request for updating his/her data to the officials
  • Automatic deletion of record after the student is passed out from college
  • Admin can approve a request from a student panel
  • Admin can set Password Dynamically

Download Placement Management System C# with XAML Project Report Documentation.

Complaints Resolver Application .Net Project


Customer Complaints resolver is a web application which we can find the solutions to the problems we have raised and registered in the application. In this Final Year Project, we have 3 modules

  1. Admin
  2. Servicemen
  3. User

In Daily life we get a lot of problems for the devices we are using so each and every time we cannot make the way for the shop, then in this application user can find the solutions to the queries.


Admin Will login into the application with the default username and password. After logging admin can view the registered user details. Admin can add servicemen by giving service id and all the necessary details, he can also view the status of the user complaints, admin can view the complaints given by users and then admin will assign the users complaints to a serviceman. Admin can view the feedback provided by users.


A serviceman can log in with the admin given username and password and he can view the complaints assigned to him by admin then he will respond or send solution according to the query.


The user will register by providing all necessary details and then he will log in with the username and password after logging user can send the complaint by giving user-id and complaint description user can also give the feedback of how the response provided by the serviceman.

UML Diagrams:

Data Flow Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Existing System:

In Existing System user needs to contact the persons for each and every problem he got, this is annoying and wastes a lot of time. We may not get the best solution in some cases.

Proposed System:

The proposed system, the user just needs to register into the application and then using the username and password and then just describe the problem and then submit the rest is dine by admin and serviceman. The user will have the least amount of work and if he is not satisfied with the solution he can give feedback to admin.

Database Design:

Download Complaints Resolver Automation System .Net Project Code, Project Report, Output Screens, UML Diagrams, etc

Employees to Employer Conference .Net Project


In this Employees to Employer Conference project, we will provide an enhanced way of communication between team members and employees working for an organization.

There are 2 modules

  1. Admin
  2. Employee


Admin will login into the application by giving the default username and password and admin can create the branches by giving its id and he can also add departments for respective branches and add employees for respective branches and departments that are added by admin. Admin can view the added branches, Departments and employees of all branches. Admin can delete the employees.


Employee will login into the application by the admin given user-id and password and selecting the department, after logging in an employee can view his profile and also add the documents required for any type projects which are made in the organization. While uploading documents he can give the description for what kind of this document is. He can also enter into the conference and discuss with the other team members in the respective branch and department about the project details. Employee can also view the list of documents uploaded by him.

Existing System:

In the existing system communication between employees is lacking which leads to a non-healthy environment and may decrease the growth of the organisation so the above mentioned will be sorted out with this application. 

Database Tables:

Database tables for Employee, branch, Data and Department

Data Flow Diagrams:

Proposed System:

In Proposed System admin will create the employee and branches and departments and employees who are in the same department and same branch can login into the application by the admin given username and passwordand they upload the documents required for projects and enter into conference and discuss about the on-going project.

UML Diagrams:

Class Diagram:

State Diagram:

ER Diagram:

Download Employees to Employer Conference .Net Project Source Code, Project Report final Documentation and PPT Presentations.

Road Transport Authority RTA Information System .Net Project


Road Transport Authority is a C#.Net based web application which enhances the use of RTA Services with ease. In this .Net Project there are 3 Modules

  1. RTO
  2. Employee
  3. Apply For LLR (User)


In This Application RTO Will add the employees with details the employee can login by the given username and password. The employee can add the LLR details received from the user. An employee can also renew the LLR of the users. The employee can also generate the payment against issued challan.

Employee performs the following Functions

  • Issue of Challans
  • View Renewed LLR Details
  • View Renewed PL Details
  • View Registered Vehicle Details
  • View New LLR Registrations
  • Can Also view the registration details Monthly Wise


RTO Can add the employee details and can view the registration of vehicle details and issue of LLR and PL Details and renewals of LLR and PL. 


The user can simply for LLR by giving all necessary details and then clicking on submitting we are taken to the challan payment page after successful completion of payment we should write the Test for Learning License. After Exam completion, the result will be shown.

UML Diagrams:

Object Diagram:

Activity Diagram Renewal of Learner License And Permanent Licence:

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Existing & Proposed System:

Nowadays we see that using the internet has grown a lot so we need to implement everything online to provide fast and efficient services to the public or users. Users in the earlier days must visit the RTO office to complete the registration of a newly Brought vehicle or to apply an LLR or Pl, which takes a lot of time. Using this application, the RTO and Employee can register the vehicles Using their applications. In this application, we also provided and LLR Test to written online, but in practical to write an LLR we must go to RTO Office and register and wait for a long time. The Whole process is made Simple By this application.

Now in this application generating or extracting the user details are just matter of time because everything which is registered or added is made to store in a centralized database so extracting the details and generating the monthly reports was easy. Previous days we used to maintain or write the records manually, so to search the details or providing the monthly reports was a big task. 

Data Dictonary

  • Table Name: Challana details
Column Name Type Size
cno nvarchar 50
name varchar 50
amount nvarchar 50
ianame varchar 50
Ides varchar 50
Vfrom Varchar 50
Vto Varchar 50
  • Table Registration details
Column Name Type Size
regno nvarchar 50
regdate varchar 50
nameofapp varchar 50
sdwof varchar 50
age varchar 50
Add1 varchar 50
Add2 varchar 50
city varchar 50
state varchar 50
phno varchar 50
nameadd varchar 50
typeofveh varchar 50
date1 varchar 50
chassisno varchar 50
engineno varchar 50
Seatcap varchar 50
Fuel varchar 50
  • Table Name: LLR details
Column Name Type Size
Img_pk Int 4
Img_title varchar 50
Img_stream Image 16
Img_type Varchar 50
llrno Varchar 50
ldate Varchar 50
name Varchar 50
swd Varchar 50
dob Varchar 50
bg Varchar 50
a1 Varchar 50
a2 Varchar 50
City Varchar 50
State Varchar 50
Phone Varchar 50
Mark Varchar 50
Vfrom Varchar 50
Vto Varchar 50
Type Varchar 50
  • Table Name: Admin
Column Name Type Size
Id nvarchar 50
Password nvarchar 50
  • Table Name: LLR Exam
Column Name Type Size
Examno Varchar 50
Ans1 Varchar 50
Ans2 Varchar 50
Ans3 Varchar 50
Ans4 Varchar 50
Ans5 Varchar 50
Ans6 Varchar 50
Ans7 Varchar 50
Ans8 Varchar 50
Ans9 Varchar 50
Ans10 Varchar 50
name Varchar 50
Edate Varchar 50
chalno Varchar 50
  • Table Name:Addemp
Column Name Type Size
Id nvarchar 50
Password nvarchar 50
Name varchar 50
Address varchar 50
phno varchar 50
  • Table Name: Renewal of LLR and PL
Column Name Type Size
llr nvarchar 50
dateofiss varchar 50
dateofren varchar 50
typelicence varchar 50
name varchar 50
sdw varchar 50
dob varchar 50
bloodg varchar 50
Add1 varchar 50
Add2 varchar 50
city varchar 50
state varchar 50
phno varchar 50
Ident1 varchar 50
Ident2 varchar 50
vfrom varchar 50
vto varchar 50
chano varchar 50
amount varchar 50
  • Table Name:Result
Column Name Type Size
aname nvarchar 50
examno nvarchar 50
cno varchar 50
edate varchar 50
marks varchar 50
result Varchar 50


In all the above advantages we must use this application for fast completion of Process and secure payments using challan details.

Download Road Transport Authority RTA Information System .Net Project Source Code, Project Report

Paint Editor Application .Net Project

This is a Paint Editor Application tool where the user can create amazing designs on his own very easily.

In this editor/application with the following features This is similar to paint application but with the added features.

Features Below:

1. User will be able to create an empty page
2. On click of a text icon in tool box, User will be able to create the text at any place on the page.
3. On click of an img icon in tool box, User will also be able to import images on to the page.
4. On click of a ‘+’ icon in tool box, user will also be able to add new page.
5. User can do all the manipulations on the new page for text and images.
6. User will be able to duplicate the page on clicking the “duplicate page” button in toolbox.
7. User will be able to edit the text, move the text, rotate and be able to scale it.
8. User will be able to create multiple copies of the text.
9. User will be able to change the color of the text, by clicking on the text and choosing the color.
10. User will be able to change the font, style (like bold, italic), theme (TimesNewRoman, Calibri) of the text.
11. User will be able to browse through the local file system and select desired image and be able to import it onto the page.
12. User will have the ability to import multiple images on to the page.
13. User will also be able to make multiple copy/copies of the imported image.
14. User will be able to move, rotate, and scale the images.
15. User will be able to move the objects forward if there is another object on top of them. For eg: if there is a text on top of which there is an image. If user wants the text to be displayed on top of the image, he can select the text on click on fwd. button on top of the page.
16. User will be able to move the objects backward if there is another object on behind them. For eg: if there is a text behind an image and the user wants the text to be displayed on top of the image, he can select the image and click on bkd. icon on top of the page, to move the image backward.

Though the requirements seems to be very simple, we need to create a brand new Windows application using .NET and exhaustive testing needs to be done.

Technology: .NET

Contents of output package: exe of the developed application, clear documentation and readme file.


1. Welcome to Paint Editor Application

2. It allows you to do major functionalities similar to paint application.


1. Downloaded folder contains 2 files

2. Both should be placed in the same folder to run the application.


1. Create New Page
2. Open

3. Save

4. Delete, Redo, Undo

5. Cut, Copy, Paste

6. Insert, Move, Scale, Rotate image files.

7. Insert, Move, Scale, Rotate Text.

8. Change Font Size, Font Family, Font Colour and basic font functionalities (Bold, Italic) for TEXT.

Download The Paint Editor Application .Net Project Source Code

Airline Catering Services .Net Project


India has a major market where there is a strong demand for top quality in flight catering services. A complicated system like airline catering needs to consider various issues. It is the independent international system which provides a collaboration work made easy by chef and administrator.

Project Scope

Airline Catering Services software provides a better user interface in the catering system. Here we maintain all the details of the chef and we maintain the all the goods available in the store. This makes the chef work more reliable. Apart from this Airline Catering Services application we also maintain transport details we have different vehicles to carry different food materials.

Communication interfaces:

System Design:

Study of Existing system

“India is a major market where there is a strong demand for top quality in-flight catering services”. A complicated system like airline catering needs to consider various issues. Till now this type of system is not yet integrated to provide automated catering services.

Technical architecture:

Proposed system

Airline catering services is the independent international airline caterer services which provides a collaboration work made easy by chef and administrator. Transport and Retrieval System have been devised manually, making the entire material handling/stacking process completely mechanized.

Using this Airline Catering Services application administrator can get the details such as number of passengers traveling in the aircraft, the items to be packed for the airlines, what type of food Items (veg or non-veg), beverages that are to be supplied. He can send the required information for administrator.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram for User:

Sequence Diagram for Admin:

Sequence Diagram for Chef:

Database design:


Functional requirements

The following modules are present in this Airline Catering Services application:

  • Administration System: In this module admin can send all the details required to other members. Details like number of passengers travelling in the aircraft, the items to be packed for the airlines, what type of food items (veg or non-veg), beverages that are to be supplied will be configured.
  • Chef: The chef should have the details like number of dishes to be prepared. He will plan what are the items and beverages to be purchased from the vendor. He has to take care of each and every goods that is required for the chef, and he has to maintain each and every flight timings and what the food to be served for that particular airline he has to maintain all that details
  • Care taker: He is responsible to transfer the goods from the transporter to airlines. He plays a major role, he has to maintain all the records of what all the goods he delivered and at what time he received the good. He has check whether the food is good or spoiled during the traveling.

Database tables


Column name Data type Length Allow null
Id int 4 0
name varchar 50 0
email varchar 50 1


telephone varchar 50 1


address varchar 150 1


pin varchar 50 1


city varchar 50 1
status char 10 0

TABLE NAME:  Chef_Orderproducts

Column name Data type Length Allow null
chefProductsId int 4 0
ProductsOrdered varchar 2000 1
OrderId int 4 1
ChefEmpId int 4 1

TABLE NAME:  roles

Column name Data type Length Allow null
role_Id Int 4 0
role varchar 50 0

TABLE NAME:  Flightdetails

Column name Data type Length Allow null
FlightId int 4 0
FlightName varchar 50 1
FlightTimings varchar 50 1
Deliverytime varchar 50 1
Reporteename varchar 50 1
Reporteephno varchar 50 1

:  Food_Type

Column name Data type Length Allow null
foodTypeId int 4 0
foodType varchar 50 1
description varchar 150 1
status bit 1 1

TABLE NAME:  ItemImages

Column name Data type Length Allow null
imageId int 4 0
imageName varchar 50 1
imagePath varchar 50 1
IsActive bit 1 1


Column name Data type Length Allow null
ItemId int 4 0
itemName varchar 50 0
itemDescription varchar 150 1
itemCost float 8 1
ItemTypeId int 4 0
imageId int 4 1
foodTypeId int 4 1
categoryId int 4 1
ItemTempId varchar 50 1
IsActive bit 1 0

TABLE NAME:  Item temperature

Column name Data type Length Allow null
ItemTempId int 4 0
Temperature varchar 50 1

TABLE NAME:  Itemtype

Column name Data type Length Allow null
ItemTypeId int 4 0
ItemType varchar 50 1
description varchar 150 1
status bit 1 1

 Software :

  • Language : Microsoft C#
  • Microsoft ASNet
  • Runtime : Microsoft Framework
  • Environment : Microsoft Visual Studio IDE
  • Web server: Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Database : Microsoft SQL Server
  • Operating system : Microsoft Windows

6.2 Test cases:

Test case number #01
Module Airline
Description Registration
Input Provide the details in the registration page for the airlines
Expected Output Request for username and password to be entered
Actual output Request for username and password to be entered
Test case number #02
Module Airline
Description registration
Input Provide the login details
Expected Output Displays a message that registration is successful
Actual output Displays a message that registration is successful
Test case number #03
Module Airline
Description login
Input Provide the login details and select the user option in dropdown
Expected Output Displays catering services home page
Actual output Displays catering services home page
Test case number #04
Module Airline
Description Home page
Input Click on about us link
Expected Output Displays the catering management information
Actual output Displays the catering management information
Test case number #05
Module Airline
Description Home page
Input Click on contact us
Expected Output Displays the address of catering services
Actual output Displays the address of catering services
Test case number #06
Module Airline
Description Place an order page
Input Select the food timings and food type
Expected Output Displays the item name, image, description and quantity information
Actual output Displays the item name, image, description and quantity information
Test case number #07
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Click on orders link
Expected Output Displays the flight details, order details and delivery time
Actual output Displays the flight details, order details and delivery time
Test case number #08
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Click on orders and view
Expected Output Displays the order details previously entered and  the items ordered
Actual output Displays the order details previously entered and  the items ordered
Test case number #09
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Click on orders and accept
Expected Output Request to select the chef to whom order has to be assigned
Actual output Request to select the chef to whom order has to be assigned
Test case number #10
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Select the chef from the drop down list
Expected Output Displays the particular chef information
Actual output Displays the particular chef information
Test case number #11
Module Admin
Description Home page
Input Click on submit
Expected Output Displays a message that the order has assigned successfully
Actual output Displays a message that the order has assigned successfully
Test case number #12
Module Chef
Description View order
Input Click on order link
Expected Output Displays the order item details and order status
Actual output Displays the order item details and order status
Test case number #13
Module Admin
Description view status
Input Click on order status
Expected Output Displays status as product ordered by chef
Actual output Displays status as product ordered by chef
Test case number #14
Module Chef
Description if the order is ready
Input Click on chef inprocess order link
Expected Output Click on completed preparing food link
Actual output Click on completed preparing food link

Output Screens shots

  1. Login
  2. “User” home page
  3. Select Food as per our choice
  4. Place Order
  5. Admin Login
  6. “ADMIN” check for orders with respective of flight details , food types. He sends order information to “CHEF”
  7. CHEF logins and check his orders and prepares food .


This  proposed  project  “Airline Catering services” is  analyzed ,designed , developed and  tested in the specified  period  of time  using the Advanced Microsoft  .Net technology   to automate the general operations held in a catering system

Track Machine Management for Railways .Net Project

Railways is a big organization which need to maintain the details of different things like tracks and their material so it is tedious job to maintain all these details manually,in order to overcome this problem track procurement management system is providing the successful tools and techniques to a broad range of activities like maintaining  inventory of the material needed for tracks like bolts,nuts,joints etc…,the project mainly contains the modules like material purchasing,material issuing, stock maintenance, zonal issuing,monitoring of track machines.

This project is about the maintenance of Railway tracks of particular region.

UML Diagrams:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram for Employee, Administrator, Manager & Supplier:

Data Flow Diagrams:

And this project consists of four modules.

  1. Admin
  2. Manager
  3. Employee
  4. Supplier


  • Views the details of manager,employee, Supplier.
  • Updates,deletes details.
  • To view the details ,admin should login

  • Admin logins by using user name –admin
  • User type admin
  • Views the details of manager,employee and supplier.
  • These details are stored in database using MS-SQL server 2000 where these data is stored in the form of Tables.
  • Similarly data is stored for manager,employee in database.
  • Admin can add new shipping address Requirements
  • When admin wants to add new shipping address
  • He can by filling the add new shipping address form


  • Orders material requested by employee
  • Gets the information of material supplied to employee from supplier.
  • Logins by using username,password and Type-manager
  • He can view his personal details, employee details and supplier details.
  • He gets the details of the material supplied to the employee.
  • He can delete employee details from database
  • Approve material
  • This information is given to manager by employee.
  • Received material information is forwarded by supplier
  • When supplier delivers material to employee.


  • Third module
  • Logins by using user type-employee
  • Views personal details, supplier details, received materials, requested materials.


  • Sends material to the employee directly
  • Gives information of the material delivered to employee ,to the manager.
  • i.e both manager and employee can view received material
  • Delivers the material from shipment
  • He can view personal details, requested material and send material


Operating System      :        MS Windows

Languages                   :        Asp.Net with C#

Database System       :       MS-SQL Server

Download this Track Machine Management for Railways .Net Project Source Code & Database.

Time Sheet Management System .Net Project

The main aim of developing this Time Sheet management System .Net Project is to provide automated work Time sheet for allocated projects all employees in the organisation.

The main Users are Employee, Manager and Admin.

Employee functionalities:

where employees can login with their credentials and view their details, modify existing details, enter new time sheets, view time sheet, update time sheet, delete sheets

Manager functionalities:

Where manager has actions like release, update, view, change & allocation time sheet functions.

Admin functionalities:

Where admin can add employees, approve time sheets, create projects, view projects, create employee id’s, project billing actions, etc.

Database Tables below:

Project Table:


Column Name Data Type
UniqId int
ProjectId Varchar(50)
Project Name Varchar(50)
Started Date Varchar(50)
Estimated Date Varchar(50)
Client Name Varchar(50)
Client Location Varchar(50)
Address Varchar(50)
Poc Varchar(50)
PO Varchar(50)
Scope Document Varchar(50)
Estimated Cost Varchar(50)
Types Varchar(50)
Pay For Manager Varchar(50)
Pay For Employee Varchar(50)
Technology Required Varchar(50)
Data Bases Varchar(50)
AssgineTo Varchar(50)

Employee table:

Column Naame Data Type
UniqId int
EmpId Varchar(50)
First Name Varchar(50)
Last name Varchar(50)
Password Varchar(50)
Gender Varchar(50)
Phone Number Varchar(50)
Email Varchar(50)
AltEmail Varchar(50)
Experience Varchar(50)
Date Of Join Varchar(50)
Address Varchar(50)
City Varchar(50)
State Varchar(50)
Country Varchar(50)
Pincode Varchar(50)
Position Varchar(50)
Status Varchar(50)

Timesheet Table:

Column Name Data Type
TimeSheet Id int
EmpId Varchar(50)
Date Varcar(50)
Analasys Requirement Varcar(50)
Preparing Functional Design Document Varcar(50)
 Preparing High Level Design Varcar(50)
  Preparing  Loe Level Design Varcar(50)
   Writing Code Varcar(50)
  Preparing Tcehnical Design Document Varcar(50)
Analasys & Fixing Bug Varcar(50)
Unit Testing Varcar(50)
System Testing Varcar(50)
 Integrity Testing Varcar(50)
Preparing Test cases Varcar(50)
Totaltime Varcar(50)
Status Varcar(50)


Column Name Data Type
Allocated Id int
Allocated By Varcar(50)
Project Id Varcar(50)
Project Name Varcar(50)
Allocated To Varcar(50)
Status Varcar(50)


Column Name Data Type
Uniq Id int
Project Id Varcar(50)
Emp Id Varcar(50)
Total Work Hrs Varcar(50)
Payment Varcar(50)

Download the Time Sheet Management System .Net Project Source code

College Visitor Management System .Net Project

Abstract: “College Visitor Management System” is a process of managing the information of the visitors visiting the College campus. For any organization maintaining the information of the visitor is a very major issue. This system will replace the manual maintenance system and will help the authorities to keep track of the visitors visiting the campus.

This software is being build with help of ASP.NET. The data of the new visitors visiting the campus will be stored in the database. With this system the visitor’s information can be stored in the database, so that in the future it shall be used for the reference. The data will be stored in the SQL SERVER as the backend. This software will help an organization to do the job effectively and give an all round development of the project.

The major features of the College Visitor Management System are:

  1. The in and out time of the visitors is stored in the database.
  2. Name, address and all other information regarding the visitor.
  3. There will also be provision to retrieve the data from the database for the future references.
  4. The reason for which the visitor is going to visit the campus.
  5. When the visitor visits the campus for the first time he/she needs to register. He/she will be provided with an id so that whenever he/she wants to visit next time they can refer through this particular id.
  6. Appointments of the Visitors with the Faculty will also be stored in the database.

Requirement Analysis


College Visitor Management System

Overview Statement:

The purpose of this module is to store the information of the visitor’s visiting the campus.



System Functions 

Ref # Function Category
R 1.1 Visitor should be able to add his details. Evident
R 2.1 System should be able to save the new visitor details. Hidden
R 1.2 Visitor should be able to get the appointment from the faculty. Evident
R 2.2 System should be able to save the appointment time & intimate the visitor about the availability of the concerned faculty. Hidden
R 1.3 The security personnel should be able to update the IN time of the visitor. Evident
R 2.3 System should be able to inform the concerned faculty regarding the visitor. Hidden
R 1.4 After the visitor had paid his visit to the concerned faculty, the system should save it. Hidden
R 2.4 System should inform the security post that the visitor has met the faculty/staff. Hidden
R 1.5 The security personnel should enter the OUT time of the visitor. Evident
R 2.5 System should be able to save it. Hidden

 System Attributes 

Attribute Detail and Boundary Constraint
Software Microsoft ASP.NET
Hardware Web Camera, PC with 250 GB hard disk & 4 GB RAM.
Network Local Area Network

 List of Use Cases and Scenarios

 Use case # 1 /Maintaining Users

Scenario # 1 / Adding a User.

Scenario # 2 / Deleting a User.

Use case # 2 / Maintaining the Roll

Scenario # 1 / Adding a new Roll.

Use case # 3 / Maintaining Visitor information.

Scenario #1 / Adding a new visitor.

Scenario #2 / Editing the Visitor information.

Scenario #3 / Searching for a Visitor Data.

Use Case # 4 /Maintaining Appointments

Scenario # 1 / checking the appointments of the faculty.

Scenario # 2 / Fixing the Appointment for the visitor.

Use Case # 5 / Maintaining the Appointments details.

Scenario # 1 / Reason of the Appointment.

Scenario # 2 / Faculty/staff member with whom the visitor wants to meet.

Use Case # 6 /Maintaining the meeting details.

Scenario # 1 / IN & OUT time of the visitor, meeting with the faculty/staff.

Use Case Diagram:

Data Flow Diagram:


Form 1 Homepage

• This is the Home Page.
• The user needs to type http://localhost/College/webform2.aspx in order to get this page.
• There is a calendar showing the current date and year.
• There are two hyperlink buttons on this page
• On the left hand side of the form there are 3 hyperlinks
o About NIST

Form 3. New Visitor Entry Page

• When the user clicks the NEW VISITOR button from the homepage this page is displayed.
• The user enters the necessary data in this form and clicks the Save button in order to save the data in the database.
• After the data has been saved the user clicks the Home page in order to return to the Homepage.
• If the user wants to refresh the data entered he/she has click the refresh button.

Form 2. Search Page

• This page is obtained on clicking the SEARCH button from the Homepage.
• The user needs to select anyone of the search criteria.

Form 2.1 Search form where the search criterion is Visitor ID.

• The user enters the visitor id and clicks the search button.
• The entire detail of the visitor is displayed in the data grid.

Form 2.2 Search Form where the search criterion is name.

• The user enters the first name of the visitor and clicks the search button.
• The entire detail of the visitor is being displayed in the data grid.

Form 2.3 Search Form where the search criterion is Place

• The user enters the place and clicks the search button.
• The entire detail of the visitor is being displayed in the data grid.

Form 2.4 Search Form where search criterion is Date.

• The user enters the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format or selects the date from the calendar as shown in the above form.
• The entire detail of the visitor is being displayed in the data grid.

Form 3 Visitor Detail Page.

• When the user clicks the SELECT hyperlink from the data grid, this page is being displayed.
• The user clicks the Appointment button to move to the Appointment page.
• The user may click the Home button to return back to the Homepage.

Form 4.1 Appointment Form.

• This page is displayed when the user clicks the appointment button from the visitor details form or enters the visitor id in the search page and clicks the appointment button in the search button itself.
• The user then clicks the show calendar button to display the calendar.

Form 4.2 Appointment Page showing the calendar.

• The user selects a particular date from the calendar, which is being displayed in the textbox (mm/dd/yyyy format).
• Then the user selects the faculty with whom the appointment is to be taken.
• The image of the faculty is being displayed in the faculty/staff image box.
• Then the user mentions the reason for appointment and selects the timing.
• The user then clicks the save button to display the batch.

Form 5. Faculty Information Page.

• The user may select any of the hyperlink in order to display the page showing the information regarding the concerned faculty.

Simple Intra Network Sniffer .Net Project Synopsis


Intra Network Sniffer is a tool designed for the purpose of searching for files and folders which are shared over a Local Area Network. It is particularly useful in organizations where a lot of folders are shared on individual systems.

Here’s how the application works. We need to specify an IP range. The tool searches for live hosts. It then determines the list of folders shared by each system and looks for files (according to a keyword that we specify).


In the existing system, workgroup list won’t populate or is incomplete.  Says network resources are unavailable or cites permission problem. The system doesn’t understand sharing files among all range of system IP address. There is no interface designed to search the files on a specific LAN. High-level views of the system network activity are not provided by the existing system. In applications ranging from financial institutions to manufacturing facilities, network engineers will find Serial test easy to work with but loaded with features.


In the proposed system workgroup will be populated in the interface completely, by using this workgroup the only administrator will know the architecture of the LAN. The proposed system is a passive and easy-to-use network monitor that helps network personnel understand what is occurring on their communications LANs.

By observing the workgroup range administrator will arrange the IP address range in the proposed system. A high-level view of the system network activity is provided in this proposed system. A good user interface will provide the administrator to watch the network sharing files among the LAN. Whenever a file is transferring between a range of IP addresses, the administrator can watch the file content on its own file mode.

Software Requirements:

  • Visual Studio .Net
  • Internet Information Server
  • Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)
  • Microsoft Visual C# .Net


In the proposed system workgroup will be populated in the interface completely, by using this workgroup the only administrator will know the architecture of the LAN. The proposed system is a passive and easy-to-use network monitor that helps network personnel understand what is occurring on their communications LANs.
By observing the workgroup range administrator will arrange the IP address range in the proposed system. High-level view of the system network activity is provided in this proposed system. A good user interface will provide the administrator to watch the network sharing files among the LAN. Whenever a file is transferring between a range of IP addresses, the administrator can watch the file content on its own file mode.

UML Diagrams:

Use case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:


The major inputs and outputs and major functions of the system follow:
• Specify the IP address range
• Select the File or Folder Type
• Give any keyword for searches like file name or extension
• Open the file in different file modes.


• The search starts for the given IP address range
• Catch the file depends on the file type
• The selected file will be opened depends on the file mode.


In this system, two types of process modules are developed.
• Text Module
• File Module
Text Module
Text module is the method in which the image is uploaded in the required path and then text to be hidden is given in the textbox and a retrieval key is given in the module to retrieve the information from the image while the extraction occurs.
File Module
File module is the method in which the whole file is extracted from a local disk and it is sent to another location by hiding the file and it is extracted to a required location with help of the key.

Project Execution Process:

  • Home Page Before Execution
  • Select a Bit Map Image
  • Add a string for Key
  • Type Secret Message and Hide the Message
  • Save the Hide Message in another Image
  • Extract the Secret Message Using Image (Uploading Image for Message Extracting)
  • Press Extract Button for Retrieving Secret Code
  • Finally, Secret Code Received