Patient Information System VB.NET Final Year Project With Code

The main objective of this Patient Information System VB.NET Final Year Project With Code is:

If Lab technician:

 (i) Enter login: l0001

      Enter Password: ibmer4

(ii) Then his home page will come with the following privileges:

(a)            My Details

(b)           Tests

(c)      View Medical Tests

(d)           Logout

                (iii) When the lab technician clicks the My Details button then his personal details are displayed so that he can make any modifications (if any) and update his details.

  (iv) When he clicks the Tests button then different buttons like cytology, urine test, xraypns, xraychest, and gynecology are displayed.

                               When he clicks the Cytology button then another form is displayed allowing the lab technician to insert the test reports of a particular patient.

                               When he clicks the Urinetest button then another form is displayed allowing the lab technician to insert the test reports of a particular patient.

                                When he clicks the XRayPNS button then another form is displayed allowing the lab technician to insert the test reports of a particular patient.

                                 When he clicks the Gynecology button then another form is displayed allowing the lab technician to insert the test reports of a particular patient.       

                                 When he clicks the XrayChest button then another form is displayed allowing the lab technician to insert the test reports of a particular patient.

                           (v) When the lab technician clicks the View Medical Tests button then another page is displayed where he has to enter the login id or regd no of a patient ( for ex:1) in order to view the names of the tests that are to performed to that patient.

                           (vi) When he clicks the Logout button then he is directed to “xyz.html” i.e., the home page. If he wants he can login again.

6) .If Administrator

 (i)Enter login: a0001

     Enter password: ibmer1                          

 (ii)After entering into his homepage he will get the following privileges:

                                 (a)Doctor details

                                 (b)Staff details

                                 (c)Infrastructure details

                                 (d)My details


  (iii)When he clicks on My details he can view all his details. He can update them if needed.                

   (iv)After finishing his work the administrator can logout of his account by clicking on Logout.     

   (v) When he clicks on the Infrastructure details he will get two options Add details, Update details.

               If he wants to add new infrastructure details he clicks on Add details, then he enters the infrastructure name, and quantity.

                                     If he wants to update the infrastructure details he clicks on Update details, then he enters the infrastructure name and submits it. When he submits he gets the name of infrastructure and the quantity of it. Then he modifies the quantity.

 (vi) When the administrator wants to add, delete, update the staff details he clicks on Staff details. When he clicks on the Staff details he gets three options Add, Delete, View staff details.

                                      If the wants to add new staff, he enters their details by clicking on Add.

                                      If the wants to delete any staff details he clicks on Delete. When he clicks he enters the LoginID of staff and the corresponding record will be deleted.

                                      If he wants to update the staff details he clicks on View staff details. When he clicks he enters the LoginID of staff and the corresponding staff details will be displayed and he can update them.

 (vii) When the administrator wants to add, delete, update the doctor details he clicks on Doctor Details. When he clicks on the Doctor details he gets three options Add, Delete, View doctor details.

                                       If the wants to add new doctor, he enters their details by clicking on Add.

                                       If the wants to delete any doctor details he clicks on Delete. When he clicks he enters the LoginID of doctor and the corresponding record will be deleted.

                                       If he wants to update the doctor details he clicks on View doctor details. When he clicks he enters the LoginID of doctor and the corresponding doctor details will be displayed and he can update them.

7) If Web Administrator: 

(i)Enter login: w0001

    Enter Password: ibmer3                                      

(ii)Then his home page will come with the following privileges.        

                                             (a)My Details

                                             (b)Prices and Packages



(iii) To view the personal details click on My Details. If you want to change any details, you modify it and click on update.

(iv)To change the costs of Packages click on Prices and Packages. Then you will get the page with the following options

                 (a) To add new package and its cost click on this particular link then you will get a page with 2 fields Package Name and cost. Enter the package name and its cost.

                  (b) If the package cost changes Click on this particular link then you will get a page with a field asking for which package you want to change the cost. Then enter the package name and click on submit then you will get a page with 2 fields Package Name and cost. Enter the package name and its cost.

(v)To add any FAQS click on FAQS. Then you will get a page with two fields Query and solution. Enter the query and solution and click on submit.

(vi) To logout from your account click on Logout.

Download Patient Information System VB.NET Final Year Project With Code

Patient Management System .Net Final Year Project With Code


Front End:  HTML, Visual Studio

Back End:  SQL Server

Middle ware:  VB.Net

IIS is used to run the project.

Our project is “Patient Management System”. The databases in our project are

  • patient1
  • patientbox
  • patbox
  • profile
  • doctor
  • mtest
  • staff
  • appoint
  • cost
  • fixappt
  • package
  • freq
  • infra
  • urinetest
  • xraypns
  • gynaec
  • cytol
  • xraych

1. Open xyz.html page.

2. Click on Login

3. If Patient

 (i)Enter login: 1

     Enter Password: ramyab

 (ii)Then his home page will come with the following      privileges

                                             (a)View Profile

                                             (b)Health Details

                                             (c)Fix Appointment       

                                             (d)Pose a Query

                                             (e)Complete your Profile



(iii) To view the personal details click on View Profile. If you want to change any details, you modify it and click on update.

(iv)To View Health details click on Health Details. And you will get the following options.

               (a)Urine test: If you click on urine you will get the urine test results.

      (b)Cytology: If you click on Cytology you will get the Cytology test results.

        (c)Gynecology: If you click on Gynecology you will get the Gynecology results.

               (d)Xraypns: If you click on Xray pns you will get the Xraypns results.

                (e)XrayChest: If you click on XayChest you will get the XrayChest results.

 (v)If you want to fix an appointment with a doctor click on  “fix Appointment “ .Then the page with doctors name, specialization, date and time will come. You choose the desired ones.

(vi) If u have any queries regarding hospital, doctor etc click on Pose a Query and you write your query there and click on submit .These queries will be given solution by Receptionist.  

(vii)To fill your current health details while joining the hospital click on Complete your profile. 

(viii)To view the responses for your queries click on Inbox

(Xi) To logout from your account click on Logout.

2) If Receptionist: 

 (i) Enter login: r0001

      Enter Password: ibmer5

(ii)Then his home page will come with the following privileges.                        

                                             (a) My Details

                                             (b) Inbox

                                             (c) Fix Appointment        

                                             (d) Logout

(iii) To view the personal details click on My Details. If you want to change any details, you modify it and click on update.

(iv)To View the queries the patients posed click on Inbox.

Then all the queries will be shown.

To view the query click on View Message.

To give reply click on Reply.

To delete message click on Delete

(v)To fix an appointment for a doctor click on  Fix Appointment  .Then the page with doctors name, specialization, date , time and specialization will come. You set the values and click on submit.

 (vi)To logout from your account click on Logout.

 3) If Doctor:

 (i) Enter login: 10003

      Enter Password: hansika

 (ii) Then his home page will come with the following privileges:

(a)        My Details

(b)       View Schedule

(c)    View Patient Details

(d)       Medical Tests

(e)        Logout

(iii) When he clicks the My Details button then his details are displayed so that he can make any modifications (if any) and update his details.

 (iv) When he clicks the View Schedule button then his schedule for the whole day will be displayed.              

(v) When he clicks the View Patient Details button then another page will  appear where the doctor should enter the patient’s regd no(for ex:1) in  order to view the health details of the patient.              

(vi) When he clicks the Medical Tests button then a page will be displayed in which different tests are listed in checkboxes and the doctor can click the tests to be taken by the patient.                

(vii) When he clicks the Logout button then he is directed to “xyz.html” i.e., the home page. If he wants he can login again.

4) If Bill Operator:

 (i)Enter login: b0001

     Enter Password: ibmer2                                    

(ii)Then his home page will come with the following privileges.

                                                      (a)My Details

                                             (b)View Tests


(iii) To view the personal details click on My Details. If you want to change any details, you modify it and click on update.

(iv)To view the tests to be done for a patient and the amount of money to be paid for that tests to be done click on VIEW TESTS . Then it will take you to a page where you have to enter the register number of the patient whose details you have to see. Then it will display you the tests to be performed to a patient along with the individual test cost and overall cost.

 (vi) To logout from your account click on Logout.

Download Patient Management System .Net Final Year Project With Code

College Management System VB CSE Final Year Project With Code

Project Overview:

This project is being designed to provide the information about the colleges in AndhraPradesh.   AndhraPradesh is a state where there are more and more opportunities to those people who wishes to join different courses of studies. This site is being designed to provide that information to those people about the opportunities available in A.P comfortable fashion. The new education policy of Government of AndhraPradesh provides with much more opportunities by increasing the number of seats per course per college, which will provide the much larger opportunities for the education lovers.

 This site not only gives the information about education opportunities available in ANDHARA PRADESH but also the progress of the state in InformationTechnology.

System Specification:

The system on which the College Management System project developed has the following configuration.

Hardware Specifications:

            Main Memory: 128MB.

            Microprocessor: Pentium –III.

            Hard Disk Drive: 4.3 GB.

            Cache Memory: 512KB.

Software Specifications:

            Operating System: Windows 98/NT.

            Front End: Microsoft Visual Studio, VB

            Back End: SQL Server 2000. 

Download College Management System VB CSE Final Year Project With Code

Online Blood Bank Management System ASP.Net Project

Blood Bank Maintenance is under tremendous Pressure in maintaining the day to day work, which is being done manually. This difficulty can be eliminated by computerization.

This project deals with the “Blood Bank Management System and online data acquisition”.

Blood Bank Management System involves the Donor information system, Acceptor information system, Staff information system. Donor information system deals with the organization of the voluntary data. Acceptor information system deals with the organization of the patient (donor) data. Staff deals with the organization of the employee’s data and their responsibilities like updating the remote server, etc.

Online data acquisition module deals with the representation about the IRCS (Indian Red Cross Society), data acquisition that facilitates the users to know the blood stocks at various IRCS blood banks.


The SRS phase consists of two basic activities:

1)      Problem/Requirement Analysis:

2)      Requirement Specification:

Here, the focus is on specifying what has been found giving analysis such as representation, specification languages and tools, and checking the specifications are addressed during this activity.

Download Online Blood Bank Management System ASP.Net Project

Online Examination Test Generator ASP CSE Major Project

Online Examination Test Generator is software that is used to create a test or work with a question bank. Question bank contains large number of questions. You can create a new question bank or even add new questions to the existing question bank. You also have the possibility to view the existing question bank.

The actual task is to generate a test. There are two choices to create a new test. First, you can create a test on your own. Second, you can use an existing question bank to create a test from the available questions in the selected question bank. You also have the possibility to open a test if saved.

This Online Examination Test Generator ASP CSE Major Project contains a complete word processing capability so that you can easily cut, copy, paste, replace, undo or find any selected text. It has an enhanced capability to workout with 8 different questions including   True/False, Multiple choice questions, Yes/No, Essay type, Short Answers, Completion, Problem and other questions.

  Software and Hardware Requirements

 Software Requirements:

Operating System : Windows 2000/xp/Vista

Front End Software:  Microsoft Visual studio 2005, ASP.Net

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Hardware Requirements:

Processor: Pentium 4.0(1.6 GHz)

Memory:  256 MB

Hard Disk: 25 GB

Download Online Examination Test Generator ASP CSE Major Project

Film library Dot Net Final Year Project For Students

Film library is a small windows based application which is developed to give complete information about the movies.

Film Library as its name implies gives complete information about the movies like name of the movie, In which year the movie got released , . who are all the actors involved, who is the director, who is the producer and co-producer ,what is the time duration of the movie,etc.If we have the title of the movie we can identify the entire information about the movie ,in which year the movie was created, who is producer,director,actors what is main theme of the movie.previously like how many movies the director has created and how many got many awards the director has which locations the director shooted the movie what is the time duration of the scenes.when was the movie was last updated. What are all the scenes modified. what are all the scenes got succeeded. what is that reputation the director has got.

The current Film library Dot Net Final Year Project, online shopping is a web based application, which is mainly designed for selling and buying the Electronic devices as the customers are interested to perform their tasks online only. The administrator takes the responsibility to add various items and the users need to register to complete all their purchases online. The users need to provide their credit card number to buy the goods online. The sellers need to contact the administrator to add their items to the site. The user adds the items to their cart and purchases their items depending on their card balance.

The current project gives all the supreme rights to the administrator as the application should not be mislead.

Software and Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements:

Operating System : Windows 2000/xp/Vista

Front End Software :  Microsoft Visual studio 2008

Database : Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Pentium 4.0(1.6 GHz) and Higher

Memory :  512 MB

Hard Disk : 40 GB

Download Film library Dot Net Final Year Project For Students.

Picture Album CSE Project On ASP.Net & SQL

The Picture Album CSE Project mainly deals with storing the photos/images in a local system its nothing but a desktop project. It stores the images in a specified location user can see the images through the browser in a slide show.

This project mainly has the three modules in the name of steps like step1, step2, step3 respectively.

  • In step1 it deals with the select the folder in which you have photos or    images.
  • In step2 it deals with for generate the album and preview.
  • In step3 it deals for save the album in appropriate location.

Using this project user can store the photos by giving a specific name and title to your album so that user can store images like personal, professional etc. in different names.

After storing images into a local system user can generate photos automatically in a different order.

 Software and Hardware Requirements

 Software Requirements:

Operating System : Windows 2000/xp/Vista

Front End Software :  Microsoft Visual studio 2005

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Backend Language : ASP.Net

Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Pentium 4.0(1.6 GHz) and Higher

Memory :  512 MB

Hard Disk : 20 GB

Download Picture Album CSE Project On ASP.Net & SQL

Email Address Verification System C# & SQL Final Year Project

Personalized mail distribution through SMTP is used to send bulk emails. This project uses SMTP protocol to send emails. Here, we can send email for more than one person at a time. In customized mailing system, we can send emails to a particular person by using the search engine administrator can search the email address.Here, we use intra search engine to search for the email address of a person. Even we can use HTML format also for sending mails. If we have the ads or information in HTML file format, we can copy that HTML codes and post here along with the images also. At anytime, we can get soft copy and hard copy backup also. We can customize the soft copy backup as either xls file or text file format.

Software and Hardware Requirements

 Software Requirements:

Operating System : XP

Front End Software :  Visual studio 2005

Database : SQL Server 2005

Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Pentium 4.0(1.6 GHz)

Memory :  256 MB RAM

Hard Disk : 80 GB

Download Email Address Verification System C# & SQL Final Year Project

Library Management System CSE Dot Net & SQL Project


Generally in libraries such as college library, public library, there exist various functions. The head of the library (Librarian) controls all the functions. Students, Faculty, including teaching and non teaching staff, clerks etc are the members in the Library.                       

All the members of the library have some right to use the facility of library depending upon the category. They can issue books, return the books, search for particular one etc. These surveys will be helpful in improving the functionality of the library.


  • Existing System was manual. Manual System was very time consuming.
  • Processes like Searching for Book, checking for availability for a particular book, takes much time.
  • It is difficult to maintain records of issued books, returned book.  
  • Addition and deletion of members, books need lot of maintenance.


This project is aimed at developing a Library Management System that is of importance to either college library or public library. All the members of the library are legally the users of the System. The Administrator can add new members, books and also he can create new category for members and books. Here we computerized the existing manual system.

Software and Hardware Requirements

 Software Requirements:

Operating System : Windows XP

Front End Software       :  Microsoft Visual studio

Database              :    Microsoft SQL Server

Hardware Requirements:

Processor             : Pentium 4.0(1.6 GHz) and Higher

Memory               :  512 MB

Hard Disk            : 10 GB

Download Libarary Management System CSE Dot Net & SQL Project

Address Book Dot Net Major Project With Code

This address book has been designed to stored the contact address with photograph and also provides easy search function. The Data base should collect also the minute details about the users and also photos.

This Slam book has the different modules to get the details of users, store the details, and delete the details and also retrieving the details that are previously existed in the data base

The important modules are

  • NEW  Contact
  • SAVE  Contact
  • DELETE  Contact
  • UPDATE  Contact
  • FIND  Contact

NEW: This module deals with the new user to get the detailed information and get the photograph also.

SAVE: This module deals with just saves the information which is provided by the user into the database.

DELETE: This module deals with delete the information permanently from the database which is existing in the database

UPDATE: This module deals with the data base for updating the information which has been given by the user and made the modifications into the data base and keep the data into the database which gets the recently updations

FIND: This module is used for find the user and gets the information from the database based on search methods with specified column details regarding the user.

Software and Hardware Requirements

 Software Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 2000/xp/Vista

Front End Software:  Microsoft Visual studio 2005

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Backend Language: C#.Net

Hardware Requirements:

Processor: Pentium 4.0(1.6 GHz) and Higher

Memory:  512 MB

Hard Disk: 10 GB

Download Address Book Dot Net Major Project With Code