College Information Management System (CIMS) Project Synopsis

The project College Information Management System (CIMS) deals with the maintenance of information over a network within the college. The college system has gone through a vast transformation particularly in the last decade. While adopting, IT seems to be the best choice towards enhancing efficiency, it becomes necessary for college systems to face the challenges imposed by the e-vulnerabilities.

This product ensures instant and secure information maintenance in colleges.

This project is capable of maintaining the following details:

Student: The traditional process of admission requires a student to collect the admission forms, fill them and submit them at the college. CIMS enables the student’s to enroll them in the college. The student’s performance is also maintained and can be securely recovered by the college administration.

Staff: The admission process of staff requires them to fill out the application and submit to the college.CIMS maintains the complete details of the staff like department, attendance, and payroll.

Library: The library management enables the book registration process, book transaction process, to know the book status.

Attendance: CIMS maintains the complete attendance details of the student and the employee

Courses: The course details like presently offering, new courses etc are maintained by the system. Fee details like course wise, subject wise, are also maintained. Individual subject details like date of commencement, maximum marks, pass marks are also maintained.

College information: college information like history, calendar, holidays, timetable, news, and announcements are maintained.

Apart from this College Information Management System project allows the information available over the college internal network and provides information access to the entire spectrum of campus users that includes college staff such as administrators, faculty, librarians, etc. CIMS also avails the web interface to provide the college information on www. This allows the students and other users to search for information about the college online. The web also allows the students to register online for the college. Hence this project helps a college function in a very smart way. Due to the lack of time, CIMS does not enable to work on multi-branched educational institutions. It can be easily be implemented.

Project work description

This project of CIMS addresses all the vulnerable aspects and meets the requirements of various fields like college administration, staff and student enrollment, library management, latest happenings, course details, etc.

The system was developed in Java using swing, AWT packages, exception handling and event handling with interaction to a database in MS Access.


This College Information Management System project is subdivided into the following modules or partitions.

• Employee
• Student
• Library
• Course
• Attendance
• Latest happenings
• Payroll management
• Web page

System Design Phase:



Student Admission:

Student application:

Staff Admission:

Payroll management:

DFD for Employee & Leave:

DFD for Advance and Attendance:

Library Management Systems & Library Transactions

Latest happening:


When the package is started a dialog box is displayed by asking for a password on the correct entry of the password the user is allowed to enter into the main menu frame. A colorful welcome wish is displayed on the front window.

It has the following options:

  1. Employee details.
  2. Student details.
  3. Library management.
  4. Payroll management.
  5. Attendance.
  6. Web Page.
  7. Course information.
  8. Latest Happenings.
  9. About college


This window is used to maintain the Employee details.

On clicking the Employee menu item, it gives a window, which allows the user to add, view, modify and delete the employee details by clicking their corresponding buttons.

This module deals with the input of data from the user and storing the data in the database.

While adding an employee, the employee code is generated. The user has to enter the personal details, select the designation and select the department name etc.


This window is used to maintain the Student details.

On clicking the Student menu item, it gives a window, which allows the user to add, view, modify and delete the student details by clicking their corresponding buttons.

This module deals with the input of data from the user and storing the data in the database.

While adding a student, the student ID is generated. The user has to enter the personal details, select the designation and select the department name etc.


This window is used to maintain the Library details like the following:

  • Transaction [issue, return].
  • New Book registration.
  • Searching for a book.

On entering the Library details, to add the information of a book the user has to enter the book code, book name, author, publication, edition, date. The user also has the options to view, delete the book details whenever required. All the above-mentioned features have been extensively handled.


This window is used to get the monthly Pay slip of an employee.

On entering the Pay slip window, the user has to supply the employee code. The system will calculate the net amount by calculating all corresponding calculations.

The calculations are displayed in their corresponding boxes and now pay slip is ready to take the printout by just clicking the print button.                                                                                        

Course details

This window is used to know the details about the courses, which the college is offering like the course ID, course duration, course fee, and any other information. It also gives the user the freedom of entering new courses, which the college will offer.

Latest information

This window will help the user know about the happenings in the college like the following:

  • Calendar
  • Time-table
  • News and announcements
  • Holidays
  • Notices

By choosing any of the above options the user can know about the related. He is also given the freedom of editing any changes to the data. 


This window will have two options like

a) Student

b) Employee.

When we choose one it will show the details of the attendance of the selected candidate.

Web page

When we click this option the web page of the college will open and it has all the features, which the stand-alone application has.


This will show a window, which has a text field that shows the college history.


This package has established a model for College Information Management.

This package is completely computerized and maintains the details of all students and employees like Student and Employee details, Leave, Advance, Admissions, Course details, Library Management, Attendance Specification, Latest Information, college web page, it also generates reports for all employees and students as needed, like Salary Summary, Department Wise Salary and Total Leaves took by an employee, marks obtained, attendance, library transactions, etc. by a student.

This package is so designed that all calculations are automatically generated for college management system.

Analysing User Behaviour In Social Network At Various Time Intervals


With the increase of internet users and applications like social networks and multimedia sharing websites users are spending much of their time of sharing information with users and even using these applications for business purpose. With increase of this usage there are many advantages of improving services for users by designing effective system for analyzing users behavior. In this system users intention is calculated using intention serialization analysis based on their interaction on social network. In this system each users interaction is calculated by storing each users sessions and respective interest of that user at that point of time and store entire details in to database. Based on the users data at different time intervals using novel algorithm calculation of user behavior is done. User behavior is useful for providing services like advertisements to users at respective time. As user behavior and interest changes from time to time design a system which can accurately analyze behavior at respective time is useful for providing services.


  • Inside any social media network each users behavior changes with time and what type of data is shared on social network. As each user has different roles and view different type of topics each day so finding users behavior and using those details for effective service is a challenging task.
  • There are many previous works which used many techniques to provide better solution for finding user intention one of them is considering surrounding users interests who are friends to specific user and considering common interest and user interest in that circle.


  • Just by considering surrounding users or common friends interest and specific user interest in that group cannot provide accurate result. With time user behavior will change so existing system will not work in all scenarios.


  • In order to get accurate interest and behavior of each user at that point of time there is need to use data related to user behavior of each user in social network. Using this data we can get sequence of interests users is searching on social network and by using users’ behavior pattern analysis and mining algorithm user behavior can be calculated. 


  • By using behavior pattern analysis algorithm it is easy to know each user intention at that point of time.
  • By using this user analysis data it will be easy to advertise or share information to user with specific data.



  • System : Pentium Dual Core.
  • Hard Disk : 120 GB.
  • Monitor : 15’’ LED
  • Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse


  • Operating system : Windows 7.
  • Coding Language : JAVA/J2EE
  • Tool : Netbeans 7.2.1
  • Database : MYSQL

Project Code & Database, Documentation will be uploaded soon.

Securing Aggregate Queries for DNA Databases Project


Efficient scheme which ensures that plaintext data cannot be recovered as long as the adversary has access to at most all but two ciphertext blocks, even when the encryption key is exposed.


  • Owner has to register to get login.
  • File Upload: owner can upload the file to cloud . this file will be visible to cloud-A who will generate private key.
  • View Files: owner can view the uploaded files.
  • Upload to Cloud: owner can upload the files into cloud with a valid privatekey which is generated by cloud A file will be split into two parts and will be stored in two diiferent accounts in Drive-Hq cloud.


  • User has to register to get login.
  • View files and send request: user can view the cloud files and he can send request to cloud
  • Verify keys and download: To download total file User need to verify splited part-0 file from cloud-a with 1st key which is sent to user mail by cloud-a and veirfy part-1 splited fle from cloub-b with 2nd key which is sent to user mail by cloud-b.
  • If both key are matched then only user can download if not he is malicious user.

Cloud A:

  • Cloud has to login
  • View Files: cloud A can view the files which are uploaded by user and cloud can provide private key for respective files
  • Split files: cloud A can view part of splited files which are uploaded by owners.

Cloud B:

  • View user request: cloud-b can view user requests and can give public keys to requested user to download files.
  • Split files: cloud A can view split files

Attacker module:

  • Attacker will search for keys and download part from cloud-a but he cant view that data because he can get only partial part-0 of file. Attacker dont know how to get part-1 and where it was stored.

Home page

The above screenshot shows the home page. The header tab includes hospital 1, hospital 2, cloud 1, cloud 2 and the user modules are shown here.

User registration page
The above screenshot shows the user registration page. A new user can register here by filling up their Name, email address, password, and Date of Birth and Contact details.

User login page
The above screenshot shows the user’s login page. An already existing user can login with the user name Password, If not he/ she can register newly.

User main page
The above user main page shows the user’s main page after he logs into his account.

User file request page

The above page shows the user’s file request page. Here cloud will check and respond to the user’s requests of the file.

User file view page

In the user’s file view page, the files that have been uploaded by the Hospitals modules are displayed.

Key Verification Page

In the key verification page, the researcher verifies the decrypted key with the patient name.The Decryption key Is received To registered mail Id.

Display patient information page

In the display verification page, if the decryption key matches, then only the researcher able to view the patient details.

Cloud 1 login page

In the cloud 1 login page, To get Access to cloud home page must enter the valid username and password.

Cloud 1 home page

In the cloud 1 home page, this page shows the functionalities of cloud 1.

View users request page

In the user’s request page, the cloud can view the requests send by users and he can respond and send key to user’s mail.

Cloud 2 login page

In the cloud 2 login page, To get Access to cloud home page must enter the valid username and password.

Cloud 2 main page

In the cloud 2 main page , this page shows the functionalities of cloud 2.

Cloud 2 users view page

In the cloud 2 users view page, cloud can view Researcher who are registered and Cloud can activate the Researchers.

Cloud 2 view files page

In the cloud 2 view files page, cloud can view the files which are uploaded by Hospital and cloud can provide private key for respective files.

Hospital 1 login page

The hospital 1 login page is the official login page for the hospital, to get Access to hospital home page must enter the valid username and password.

Hospital 1 main page
In the hospital 1 main page , this page shows the functionalities of hospital 1.

Hospital 1 file upload page
In Hospital file upload page, Hospital can upload the patient information to cloud.

Hospital 1 send to cloud page
In the Hospital 1 send to cloud page, Hospital can view the uploaded files and can Send files to cloud2 for private key.

Hospital 1 view files page
In the Hospital 1 view files page, Hospital can upload the files into cloud with a valid private key which is generated by cloud 2.

View files Quaternary storage page
In the view files page, The private key generated and uploaded to real time cloud(Drive HQ).

UML Diagrams:

Class Diagram:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Download the Securing Aggregate Queries for DNA Databases Java Project Code, Database, Project Report

Multi Level Marketing Java Project


Now a days the e-commerce website and the study type materials are different so difficult to purchase and time taking process. In this Multi Level Marketing project we are providing both e-commerce and study materials in this project you can buy laptops, mobiles, etc., and also know the study information.

In this Multi Level Marketing project the admin can login and add products, accepting the user requests and also accept the purchase requests, know the purchase history and add the services. Students who are registered can login and see the products and purchase it, and student can also view the services which are added by the admin.

In this Java project there are two modules

1) Admin

2) User

Existing System:

In the existing system the e-commerce website and the study type websites are different so difficult to purchase and time taking process.

Proposed System:

In the proposed system the both e-commerce and study type materials are in the same website and the user can easy to select and purchase.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:

 Software Requirements:

  • Operating System :  Windows
  • Database :  MySQL
  • Technology :  Java/j2ee,JDBC,Servlets,JSP
  • Web Technologies :  Html ,CSS, Java Script
  • Web Server :  Tomcat
  • IDE: Eclipse/ Net beans

Output Results:

Home Page:

Add Items Page:

Add Services Page:

All Output Functionalities:

  • Home:
  • Admin:
  • Admin Home:
  • Add Products :
  • View Users:
  • View Purchase History:
  • View Purchase Requests:
  • Add Services:
  • View Services :
  • Registration:
  • User Login:
  • User Home:
  • Products:
  • Search Services:
  • View Services:
  • View Response

Local Vendor Review System Java Project


Local Vendor Review System is a web based application developed by using Java and MySQL Technologies, this application is mainly for the customers who are interested in food. Now a day there is no proper way to get the Restaurant Information whether which is providing quality food or not, but this application helps to find good restaurants. This project is developed to improve the quality of the services provided by vendors. There is an option to give feedback of the restaurants so that customers can easily find the restaurants.

Existing System:

In the existing system we don’t have any feature to find the restaurant, we directly go to restaurant and have some food then only we will get to know the food quality and services of the restaurant.

Proposed System:

In this proposed system the customer has an option to give his/her feedback to the particular restaurant so that the user can easily find the better restaurants.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:



Admin needs to get login by entering valid credentials.  Admin can add the area wise restaurants details.  Admin can view all the restaurants.


Customer needs to enter all the details in the registration form to get a valid username and password. Customer can see his/her profile information and customer can search restaurants by location or area wise. Customer can find the restaurant details and add restaurants as his/her favourites.

Output Results:

Home Page:

Foodie Page:

Add Restaurant Page:

Software Requirements:

Hardware Requirements:

Processor-Intel Core, RAM-2 Gb , Hard disk-500 Gb.

Software Requirements:

Operating System-Windows 7/8/10, Front End-HTML, CSS, JavaScript NetBeans7.4, JDK 1.7, MySQL 5.5, SQLYog, HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

All Other Functionalities:

  • Home:
  • Foodie:
  • Admin Login:
  • Admin Home:
  • Add Restaurant:
  • View Restaurant:
  • Registration:
  • Customer Login:
  • Customer Home:
  • Profile:
  • View Restaurants:
  • View favourites:
  • About Us:
  • Contact Us:
  • Top Reviews:

Farmers Buddy Java Project


Farmer’s buddy is a java based application for farmers to know which season is better for which crop and what soils are used for crops these are clearly known in this application. In this application, the admin will log in, add seasons, season time and what soil suitable for what crop also admin add the all the necessary details. Admin can view the user queries if any registered user sends the query to the admin and admin sends the solution to the user.

There are two modules in the application:

  • Admin
  • User


Admin login into the application by giving username and password, admin can add the seasons, season time and view the queries sent by the user and admin sends the solution to the user.


The user will register and login into the application by giving username and password. The user sends the queries to the admin, the user gets the solution from the admin.


In existing, the farmers don’t have enough knowledge on which soil is better for which crop and they don’t more income.


In proposed system the users get direct information from the admin, the user sends a query to the admin and getting solutions from the admin, the user should know which season is better for which crop.

Output Screens:

Fig: Homepage

This page shows the basic view of how the home page of the Farmer’s buddy application looks showing the modules present in the application.


In this page, admin can login into the application by giving username and password


Successful login the home page of admin shows the basic functionalities of admin.


In this page, admin can add the seasons and season time.

In this page, the user can send queries to the admin.


In this page, the user can send queries by selecting the season, season time, soil to the admin.


In this page, admin gets the queries from the user and admin views it.

In this page, users get a solution from the admin.

Software Requirements:

• JDK 1.8
• NetBeans 8.0.2
• MySQL5.5
• SQLYog

College Election System Java Project


“College Election System” is a web application developed in java. This application provides an easy and simple way to both administrator and voters in the collect election process. In this application, voters can give their votes to college from anywhere and at any time. The administrator can add all the details of the candidates with the selected department. The administrator can view all the details of the candidates and if necessary he can delete the details of the candidate. In this application, all the details of the voters can be view in a graph form which makes the work of the administrator easy in analyzing the votes.

Existing System:

In the existing system, college election process takes a lot of physical effort and needs a lot of paperwork which sometimes may lead to data mislead. All the details of the election are stored in records. Take much time and effort to analysis, calculate and finalize the result. No proper information is available.

Proposed System:

The proposed system all the data related to elections in the college is done online from anywhere and at any time. No physical effort and paperwork are needed. There is no chance of displacement of the data. Analyzing and calculating the results is made very easy and accurate. All the information about voters can be viewed by the administrator and can be accessed easily whenever needed.

UML Diagrams:

UseCase Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:



Admin can get logged into the application by entering valid credentials. Admin can add candidates. Admin can view all the details and can delete the details of the candidates. Admin can view the details of the votes and result graph.


Voters can need to get registered with the application by entering all the details in the registration form. The voter can get logged in to the application by entering unique username and password. The vote can fill all the details to give his/her vote.


“College Election System “application satisfies all the needs of the administrator and voter. This application successfully provides accurate votes given by users without any loss of time. Provides an easy way to voters to give their votes from anywhere and at any time without any physical effort.


Online Doctor Appointment System Java Project

Project Title: Secure Web Application for Online Doctor Appointment System


Online Doctor appointment is a smart web application, this provides a registration and login for both doctors and patients. Doctors can register by giving his necessary details like timings, fee, category, etc. After successful registration, the doctor can log in by giving username and password. The doctor can view the booking request by patients and if he accepts the patient requests the status will be shown as booking confirmed to the patient. He can also view the feedback given by the patient. The patients must be registered and log in to book a doctor basing the category and the type of problem patient is facing and the location. The search results will show the list of doctors matching patients required criteria and he can select one and send a request the request will be forwarded to admin and admin forward to doctor and if he is available he will send the confirmation request back to admin the admin update the booking request and says confirmed to the patient. the patient can view the status in the status tab and also he will get the mail saying the booking is Confirmed.

The Application has following modules

  • Admin
  • Doctor
  • Patient


Admin needs to login with username and password and in the admin home screen, he can see the basic functionalities of admin. Admin can view the registered doctors and patients. He can also view the patient’s request and doctors requests and he will confirm the patients and doctors requests.


Doctor need to be registered by giving the necessary details like experience, timing, fees etc. After registering he need to log in and in the home screen he can view the basic functionalities. He can view the patient request forwarded from admin and he can accept and he can also view the feedback given by patients.


The patient needs to be registered and log in after logging on he can search for the doctor by giving the location, the reason or problem. Basing on the doctor availability the admin will confirm the booking request and will send to mail that the booking is confirmed he can also view in the status and he can also give feedback basing the performance of the doctor.

Existing System:

In the existing system the patient needs to visit the doctor for booking we need to wait and the booking will be done manually so to maintain everything is always a problem.

Proposed System:

In the proposed system the doctors patients are brought to one platform will allow patients to be more flexible they can register and search for the doctors basing on the location the list of doctors will be shown and patient can book by selecting  the time slots and the admin will confirm the booking so everything is computerized an done very fast which will save time.

Software Requirements:

NetBeans7.4,JDK 1.7,MySQL 5.5,SQL Yog, HTML, JavaScript and CSS


Home Page:

This screen shows the basic view of the application home page and the list of modules.

Admin Login Page:

In this page, admin can log in by giving username and password
Admin Home Page:

After successful login, the application shows the admin home page in which the basic functionalities are shown.
View doctors Page:

In this page, admin can view the list of doctors registered
View patients Page:

In this admin can view the list of patients registered
Patient’s request Page:

In this page, admin can view the requests sent by the user for booking a doctor
View doctor’s request Page:

In this page, the request from a doctor is shown and admin will send the confirmation to the user that the booking is confirmed.
Doctor registration Page:

In this page the can register into the application by providing all the necessary details like experience, fee timings, etc.
Doctor login Page:

In this page, the doctor can login by giving the username and password.

Doctor home Page:

After the successful login, the doctor home page shows basic functionalities.
View request Page:

In this page, the doctor can view the patient requests which are forwarded by the admin and he responds to the request.
View feedback Page:

In this page, the doctor can view the patient’s feedback.
Patient registration Page:

In this page, the patient can register into the application by providing all necessary details.

Patient login Page:

In this page patient can log in by giving username and password
Patient home Page:

After successful login, the application shows the patient homepage with basic functionalities

Search Page:

Search Results Page:

In this page, patient can search the doctor by giving the category, reason, location by selecting on the map.

In this page after giving the details for searching the doctor the search results will be shown like as in above screen.
View status Page:

In this page, patient can view the status of his booking whether the booking is confirmed or not.

Feedback Page:

In this page, patient can give the feedback for the doctor based on his performance.

Secure Web Application for Online Marketplace



This Application allows the customers or users to find an easy way for service providers around their locality. Admin will add the categories and features of particular product or service. He will add service providers too based on the prominent locations around the city. Users will register and send the queries or service requests according to the services provided by the admin. the queries will be forwarded to the service provider and the service provider will try to solve by online. If the user is not satisfied with the service provider solution, he can send the feedback to admin and admin can block the service provider.

This Online Marketplace application has enhanced matching of user location and registered serviced provider location.

Existing System:

In the Existing Online Marketplace System, the user or customer has to visit service centers provided by the companies and he has to search his nearby Location and the response from the service provider may not be satisfactory to the user so in that user cannot complain or they cannot give their opinions and feedback.

Proposed System:

In The Propose System, user or customer need not visit the service center they simply can register into the application by giving their location. It is as simple as that the added service providers in that location will receive the user queries whenever the user sends it. Thereafter he can respond over to the user and if the response is not satisfactory he can give the feedback to the admin


Softwares used to develop this wedding Event application below:

Netbeans 8.0.1, JDK 1.7, MySQL 5.5, SQLYog, HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

UML Diagrams:

Sequence Diagrams

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:

The Modules Embedded in the application is

  • USER



Admin login with the valid username and password and after that he can add Categories, Products, Service providers. While Adding service providers the admin must give the location of the service providers and admin can also have the access to view the feedback from the user about service provider and he can also block him.


The user must be registered and log in, after logging in the user will select the category and the service required while sending the query the user needs to provide the location, Based on the location the service provider can the user query. After the query is sent the user will wait for the service provider solution and if he satisfies that is okay if not he can give feedback to admin.

 Service Provider

The service provider will log in and the view the user queries or requests based on his location and he responds and provide a solution user.

Output Screens:

Home Page of the Project:

Admin Login Page:

Admin Home Page:

Admin Add Category page:

Add Services Page:

Add service Provider Page:

View User Feed Back Page:

Block Service Provider:

User Registration Page:

User Login Page:

Select Category Page:

Send Query Page:

View Answers and Forward to Admin:

Service Provider Login Page:

View User Queries:

Send Answer Page:

Secure Web Application on Travel Rating and Exploring Java Project


Travel Rating is a web application developed in java. This Travel Rating and Exploring application enable users to view the information of various places. Admin will add all the information about the various places. The user can search the place details with a category like international and national. Users can view all the details of the places and they can give the description and rating to the place. All the details of places which include the description and ratings can be viewed by guest users.

Existing System:

In the existing Travel Rating system, no proper information is provided. All the information of the location is stored in records which is very difficult to search or make any modification .if the data is once lost can be retrieved. Users need to spend much time in getting the information about places and its details. A lot of time and physical effort is required to get the details of the place.

Proposed System:

The proposed Travel Rating system provides details information about places and enables users to give ration and description. Users can get information about places just in one click by selecting the category which saves a lot of time and physical effort. All the data will be stored in the database without any data loss and can be easily viewed and modified.

UML Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagrams:

Activity Diagram:

Class Diagram:



Admin needs to enter valid credentials to get a login. Admin can view all the details of registered users and need to activate every user. Admin can add all the details of the places.


The user needs to get registered with the application and need to be authorized by admin. The user can get login by entering unique username and password. The user can view all the details of the places by selecting the category. The user can give description and rating to the selected place.

Guest User:

Guest users can search the details of the places by selecting the category. The guest user can view all the details of the place including description and rating has given by registered users.

Softwares used to develop this wedding Event application below:

Netbeans 8.0.1, JDK 1.7, MySQL 5.5, SQLYog, HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

Project Output Screens Description:

  • Home Page

  • Admin Login Page

  • Admin Home Page

  • User Details Page

  • Add Places Page

  • User Registration Page

  • User Login Page

  • Select Category page

  • Travel Rating Page

  • My Places Page

  • Guest user page

  • Place Details Page