Industrial Automation Project Report

Introduction to Industrial Automation Project:


The proposed design is to provide industrial or home automation is useful for monitoring the devices from any distance. A micro controller is used which monitors are the components according to the given message, with the sensed information sent from the sensors. This paper discusses the working of temperature a heat controlling devices. As the automation is microcontroller based it automatically regulates the temperature changes.

Circuit design and working:

The circuit unit consists of temperature sensors which are connected to microcontroller unit which measures the radiations emitted from hot broilers. A signal conditioning circuit is used for energizing the signal coming from the sensors. A feedback circuit is provided in order to reduce the isolation between the ac line and output. The microcontroller based design are very advantageous in protecting the circuit from leakage currents and high voltages and power losses. We can design the automation circuit by using op-amps or IC voltage regulator but they don’t give quick responses and not that efficient as a microcontroller based design. The keil software is very advantageous in programming flash memories. It provides an interface for connecting target via serial line.

Applications and future scope:

Applications and future scope these type of automation system can used in homes, industries etc. By using this automation design, we can reduce the usage of man power, and the damage of devices can also be reduces.  By using transmission units we can control the equipment from long distances. Thus we can conclude that this kind of devices is very useful for regulating the temperature changes in the equipment.

Download Industrial Automation Project Report .

ECE Project Report PDF on Remote Controlling Of Greenhouse Agriculture System By Microcontroller And Bluetooth

 In previous years, our Agriculture system is depends on only atmosphere, seasons and weather like Temperature, Humidity, Presser, Quality of soil and its Moisture. But from several years the production of crop has been depending on not only these atmospheric quotients but also mainly on fertilizers and some advanced technologies, which are made by human beings. In this project we will make a green house Agriculture system by using Microcontroller and Bluetooth in the region of remote control. So the total green house Agriculture system in our hand only that means we will design a specific system.

                       For this type of system we can use PIC18F4550 Microcontroller, three types of sensors are LM35DZ as Temperature sensor, CYBERSEN CHR101 as Humidity sensor, SPD 100G as Pressure sensor, KELHB2-000 as soil pH and moisture meter,  Motor control is Steeper motor PCB designing software is EAGLE, Bluetooth transmitter/receiver is NOKIA BH204 headset and MAT Lab. These are used for analyzing the program and send the data to the motor control. Other equipments are also used like voltage supply, transformer, op-amps, etc. Watering and spraying of insecticides and pesticides control the quality of soil and its moisture but the temperature, pressure and humidity cannot be controlled anyone or anything.

                       The temperature, pressure and humidity can measure easily and make easily but quality of soil and its moisture cannot measure easily and not make easily. So we have to make a device which is used to control the speed of motor and all sensors in a green house.

                      Now we have to keep the motor control of microcontroller in the field. The device which is made by us is keep at outside. It will take the atmospheric quotients as input and connect the computer in our mat lab. Atmospheric quotients (temperature, pressure, humidity and quality of soil and its moisture) all are in the form of analog signals are send to all sensors which are converted to digital signals by the microcontroller. These digital signals are send to the computer by using Bluetooth RF media transmitter/receiver which is working as medium. Then it is received by USB DONGLE of the computer. Mat lab, this software record analyzes and write a specific program and generate a signal is send to the microcontroller. The microcontroller and motor control are connected by the adapter. So in this way we can control the motor control and get a cultivated off-season crop. By using this type of technology we reduce the human labor, excess water usage, possibility of water pollution and usage of insecticides can be controlling. Finally we will get a good production of crops.

 Download ECE Project Report PDF on Remote Controlling Of Greenhouse Agriculture System By Microcontroller And Bluetooth .

ECE Projects for Final Year on Efficient and Economical Solution For Traffic Congestion For Urban Areas

Introduction to ECE Projects for Final Year on Efficient and Economical Solution For Traffic Congestion For Urban Areas:

Now a day’s Traffic congestion plays a crucial role in our day-to-day life activities. Traffic congestion is the most problematic issue for the people especially who are living in urban areas like metropolitan cities. Traffic jam causes health problems, damaging fuel, delay in work, etc. Some of the traffic congestion was being reduced by the bypasses, flyovers, multi-way roads and ring roads. But we did not avoid the problem completely, because of growing the tremendous population in world wide. So we should take alternative solution for this problem.

                 This project mainly concentrates on these type of problems. The best solution is Underpass using Finite Element Approach by BOX Method. These type of problems were occurring because of parking spaces, narrow roads and streets, built shopping complexes, apartments, Fright distribution, accidents and safety, Loss of public properties, etc.

                  We have designed 3-methods they are Manual method, Single beam method and Finite element approach method. Calculation of loads, analysis of fixed end moments by moment distribution method was done by manual method and then designed it. Staad method is used in single beam method and Staad. Pro (plate method) is used in finite element approach method. Finally we compared three methods good results and more advantages are involving in finite element approach method.

This approach is less cost if cost is no problem, because once the underpass ways will be constructed, it will use for a lot of years and no need to repair them when construction is very strong. Maximum 100crore is enough but calculation of box method is somewhat difficult. So there is no long routes are possible.    

                   Advantages of this method is to avoid the uninterrupted traffic, provide the smooth traffic at national high ways, increase the government and public economic and saving the fuel using underpass by avoiding the long routes. 

 Download ECE Projects for Final Year on Efficient and Economical Solution For Traffic Congestion For Urban Areas.

Alcohol Detector Circuit Project

The main objective of Alcohol Detector Circuit project is to detect the alcohol drunken people. For this purpose we have chosen an embedded system. It is a combination of both software and hardware. It was designed for a specific application.

The advantages of this system are reducing size, low cost, more reliable and secure, increasing performance, etc. 8051C is the most popular microcontroller in the world. It has been using KEILC51 C compiler.

This language is extension to C-language; it translates C files into reloadable modules which has symbolic information for debugging purpose with in-circuit emulator.

Electronics projects related to detector based microcontroller projects.

AT89C51 Microcontroller is used in this project. Compare to other microcontrollers 8051 has 12 CPU clock cycles, 3level program memory lock, 128*8 internal RAM, six interrupts, programmable serial channel, etc.

Download Alcohol Detector Project Report.

Alcohol Detector Circuit Diagram:

alcohol detector circuitalcohol detector imagesalcohol detector diagrams

Alcohol Detector Project Report

    Introduction to Alcohol Detector Project:

This project is for ECE final year students which explain about a alcohol detection mechanism which is developed in embedded systems using C programming language.

                    So for detecting the alcohol drunken people, we have to use mainly both RF Transmitter and RF Receiver, microcontroller, encoder, decoder, DC-motor, Buzzer, L293D, Alcohol Detector. Software requirements are KEIL-C and Code.

                    The embedded kit is placed in a vehicle and the vehicle is under the control of hardware. When a person enters into the vehicle, the alcohol detector has detected the alcohol drunken person, immediately microcontroller sends the information to the encoder. Encoder encodes the information and sends to the RF transmitter, RF transmitter receives the information and sends to RF receiver, and it sends the information to the decoder. The decoder decodes in the information in the form of serial communication. O/P of decoder gives to buzzer, so immediately the buzzer or alarm will be ring.

                    The dc motor and LM293D are used for future enhancement. Future development will be developing robot for house cleaning purpose by using wireless communication. It is the better communication compare to other communications. In the same way internal operation will be done but some extension is dc motor will be used for moment of robot and LM293D will be give the direction of motion purpose. So finally say that embedded system is better usage for specific tasks. 

 Download Alcohol Detector Project Report.

Implementation of Fuzzy Temperature Control Using Microprocessor

Fuzzy Temperature Control Using Microprocessor project is designed as a system which can control the temperature of the devices using the basic fuzzy logic, this application checks the current temperature and checks weather it exceeds the desired limit, if then the application informs the user about the limit has been exceeded using an message send via SMS. This report discusses about the various components used and how they are been designed in a PCB.

Fuzzy logic controls are based on the theory of fuzzy set. Since the increased use of embedded system and microcontroller fuzzy logic has become more popular. Fuzzy logic is classified as a high level programming paradigm. Which is more appropriate for the embedded system when digital information processing is been used in case of microcontrollers. The main characteristic of fuzzy logic is that it transforms the binary world of computing into a computation basedon continues intervals of time. These property is been used by the embedded system.

The coprocessor design can be more costly than a software solution on a standard microcontroller. Another technique implemented in fuzzy logic is resolution analysis. The major reason for the fast execution of fuzzy logic in microcontroller is that it lies in identification of intelligent shortcuts during the compilation time itself in the PC. Some of the main advantages of fuzzy logic control are: High level linguistic variablebased control task description; it can beused for linear and nonlinear control, suitable for microcontrollerbased systems, Easy to implement multiinputmultioutput control system. Some of the main devices used in this project are LCD, program counters, Memory control unit, keypad, isolation circuits, power amplifier, ADC (analog to digital converter), buzzer, and LM35 microcontroller.

This paper also discuss about the whole device  with their pin diagram such as ADC 0809 controller IC and their working related to the project. Global system for mobile communication (GSM) are also been related to this project since the report are to be send to the user through the SMS service provided by the GSM architecture. 

Download Implementation of Fuzzy Temperature Control Using Microprocessor.

Voice Enabling System for Blind People Using GPS Project Abstract

If we want to go to a function at a not so known place and we don’t know anything about that place like culture, language etc. what we would do, it would be extremely difficult to reach our desired destination. This is a problem faced by all of us regularly, most of the cases we lose our way which would lead to loss of precious time, energy and money. For most of us, who are normal and healthy at least can reach the destination somehow but for some unfortunates like the blind people finding a location becomes an extremely tedious process. They will be in need of continuous help and companionship till they reach their desired destination.

To overcome all this problems there are numerous global positioning system or commonly known as GPS satellites revolving around the earth, which gives continuous updates on where we are and where we are heading. There will be GPS receivers installed or with a person which will receive signals from the satellite and helps the user to navigate to their desired location.  These receivers are actually embedded systems and are loaded with software to read and display signals in a graphic map format, most of these receivers will also have a sound output where a voice will be telling our exact position and how much distance is to go before the preferred destination.

It would be of extreme help for blind people as they would be navigated with the help of the voice instruction coming from the audio output, now they can go anywhere they can without anybody’s help and assistance. All they would need to do is turn on the device and just say the place to go; the device would then calculate the distance and the route to that specific place:

Voice Enabling System Technology and Architecture of a GPS Receiver

The main component of the embedded system is the microcontroller; there would be an in built GPS antenna which captures signals and give it to the GPS receiver which would be attached to the microcontroller. There would be also sensors determining ultrasonic sounds, obstacles, altitude etc. A power supply unit will be there for supplying energy. The voice output is provided through a built in speaker 

Download Voice Enabling System for Blind People Using GPS Project Abstract.

Electronic House Project Abstract

Introduction to electronic house:

The main aim of this project is to save the power in a house hold environment. We will employ certain techniques to reduce the usage of power. In this we are six major equipments which are use monitor all the devices present. By using this model we can have a monitor control over the devices.  All the monitoring equipments are controlled using a remote controller. The six equipments are

Remote operated gate control;

This is used for opening and closing of the gates, it has a sensor placed in front of the gate which gives us the signal on the remote so that we can operate the gate. By using this we can provide safety to the house.

Auto adjustable timer unit:

By using this timer unit we can set the time control for the working of the devices , after the completion of the time the devices gets off. This is used to set time control for devices like water sprinkler in garden, and bed lights etc.

Remote operated appliances:

This is used for controlling the devices like fan, ac, tv ,washing machines etc. All these appliances made on or off by using the remote control.

Touch sensitive burglar alarm for internal security:

This is used for providing internal security to lockers and some cupboards. The sensor placed for these things gives an alarm when touched by a un identity.

Automatic gate light and bell system:

This device is to give  a bell and puts on lights when the person is entering. By this we can the power by reducing the unnecessary use of gate lights. From the automatic bell we can know when any one is coming.

Water level indicator and controller:

By  using this we can know the level of water in the tank and it automatically puts off the pump when the tank gets full. By using these equipments we can save the power.

Download Electronic House Project Abstract.

Microcontroller Based Dc Motor Speed Control System Project Report

Introduction to speed control technique:

There are several techniques for controlling the speed of DC motor. Some of techniques used are rheostat and chopper control technique which are not that much effective. In this project we are going to employ PWM technique for controlling the speed of DC motor. The AT89C52 microcontroller generates required PWM wave.

Working Design;

A step down transformer is used to obtain the required voltage for the dc motor from the given 230V. A bridge rectifier is used to regulate the voltage generated. Capacitor is used to filter the generated voltage an IC7806 is used to bypass the ripples. The micro controller by using the timer 0 it generates the required PWM waveform.  Two switches are connected to interrupt pins of micro controller, when these are pressed it changes the duty cycle of the dc motor. The generated variable pulse is given to drive the circuit which controls the speed of the motor. The PWM pulse is varied in 10 discrete pulses in the software program. The programming is written in c and keil software is used for compilation.

Testing Process:

To obtain the required speed of the DC motor , certain tests are performed to check the speed of the motor. First the PWM circuit is tested the waveform is tested for each discrete pulse of the output voltages so that the changes occurred can be rectified. Then the speed of the motor is tested for varying voltages and the varying speed of motor is noted for every rise in voltages. Thus we conclude that the PWM technique is the most efficient for controlling the speed of the DC motor.

Download Micro controller Based Dc Motor Speed Control System Project Report.

Electronic Wastage’s A Poisonous Soup of 21st Century Seminar Report

Introduction to E-wastage:

This paper mainly elaborates about wastage and harmful effects on environment E-Wastage occurs due to useless electronic equipment’s which are dumped into the soil or thrown into oceans. Some of developed countries make use of undeveloped countries for dumping their E-wastage contains led and plastic which harm the nature. so we mainly stress on the aspects to reduce E-Wastage and recycling methods  to be followed

Briefly into the E-Wastage effects and recycling methods:

All the electronic components contain led in certain percentage levels mainly the batteries contains 50% of led ,monitors contain 29% of led and other product  has the less composition of led. America has been dumping its 80% of the E-Wastege in asia. In order to control this E-Wastage company’s hare to process recyclable products .the use of led and other tonic materials are to reduced and they are to replaced by metals or recyclable materials. The alloys systems have to use for replacement of led, these alloys are to be brought in to extensive use. The availability of these alloys should be more and cost effective so that the companies prefer to use these alloy materials instead of led. the CFA project will work efficient to meet the temperature requirement of the metals because the melting point of metals is more compared to that of led.

Effects of E-Wastage:

Due to continuous dumping of E-Wastage in soil, in that soil area gets effected .in such areas the water gets polluted and that soil cannot be used for agriculture purpose if the people think of that polluted water affected with dreadful diseases .after the recycling process the left out material like plastic board and microchips and other elements are burnt due to which air gets polluted .the cycle workers the point brass has for extracting small remains of toner due to which toner clouds gets formed in such areas. It has a serious effect on the respiratory system of the human beings. Many electronic ports are compromised of tiny amount of gold which is extracted by process called acidic stripping while performing this process several tonic gases are released into environment .the remaining wastage obtained after this process are thrown into rivers affect the aquatic life and humans who use the water for various purpose .thus we can conclude that E-Wastage is serious growing problem which is to reduced by taking preventing measures.

Download Electronic Wastage’s A Poisonous Soup of 21st Century Seminar Report.