Implementation of CDMA System Using Gold Code Spread Spectrum

CDMA System Using Gold Code Spectrum Communication Project:

Implementation of CDMA System Using  Gold Code Spread Spectrum is an attempt to implement and compare the CDMA system using gold code algorithms on a Xilinx Spartan-III FPGA. The CDMA transmitter modulates the given input data and spreading, produces the modulated data and gold code as outputs, which demodulates and spreads modulated data to give the given data. This can be observed physically on the FPGA module with the help of the output led’s available. 

Code division Multiple Access mobile technology had become one the widely used mobile communication technology in present wireless communication system. CDMA works on spread spectrum techniques. In this project we use CDMA wireless mobile communication method for changing modulated spread data in to gold code. 


Digital Dice Game Project

Digital Dice Project is a gaming project which works on integrated circuit. This application is similar to that of die game that we play manually but in this game numbers are displayed random numbers from one to nine on seven segment display. In this project we use 555 timer which works on stable mode at a frequency of 50 Hz. Out put form timer is given to decade counter which will produce 4 bit binary adder as out put which is in the form of binary input +1. The resultant binary information is sent to BCD to seven segment decoder through which out put is displayed on display.

In this project we use 7490 Decade Counter, 7483 binary adder, 7447 BCD seven segment display, Common node seven segment Display, 555 timer, different resistors(1k ohm, 270 ohm), ceramic capacitor, open push button, electrolytic capacitor.

Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing From Nuclear Terrorism Project

Nuclear Radiation Detection Project Abstract:

Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing from Nuclear Terrorism Zigbee based projects main idea is to implement a application which can help military or police to track attacks caused by Nuclear Radiation from terrorists. This application works on sensors, GSM system and Zigbee protocol.

Developing this prototype application is a cost effective process. Zigbee is a open source wireless protocol which can be downloaded for a free of cost and we use this wireless technology in this project. And GSM is used as wireless technology for communication purpose.

Motes are small computers which are connected in a ad-hoc network wirelessly. Carbon diode is used as semiconductor.

Inter Integrated Circuit Mini Project

Inter Integrated Circuit Abstract:

The main objective of Inter Integrated Circuit Mini Project is to interface with hosts like EEPROM and that monitor the parameters like temperature, humidity etc. It is used in embedded systems to interface with real time clocks and it has a special advantage is that we can add /remove the peripherals while system is running, which makes system as idle for hot swapping.

 Inter Integrated Circuit works on two lines SDA line and SCL line. This integrated circuit works at a 400 kHz frequency. One of the main advantages of this protocol is there can be many slaves connected to a single master chip. This system work on master slave modes where master will look always check for connected  slaves.

download Inter Integrated Circuit Paper Presentation.


RF Based Servo and DC Motor Controller System for Spy Plane Project

RF Based Robotics Projects 

RF based servo and DC Motor Controller system for spy plane embedded based robotics projects main idea is to implement a embedded system based robot which works remotely on Radio Frequency. Robot motion is controlled using a DC motor.

Using remote control system we can control motion of robots and sensors are attached to robots which is will sense obstacles that appear in front of the robots and sends information to micro controller and micro controller will take decisions and uses motor controlling techniques and send signals to DC motor. 



SMS Based Electrical Billing System

SMS based electric billing system projects main idea is implement a efficient way of sending electricity bill to users from remote system using GSM technology as base in the form of text messages. As we know automatic meter reading is one of the upcoming technology for reading different types of bills using a remote application where there is no need of any human intervention. Same as to that of this technology SMS based electric billing system can be used in every billing systems which will save time and work will be completed in less time.

In existing system manual procedure is used for billing system. Officials will go to every house and print receipt based on the meter reading of the house and submits to the respective person in that person. With this procedure there is need of large number of man power.

download SMS based electric Billing System Project.

IUPQC (Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner) Project

—  The object of “IUPQC (Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner)”to regulate voltage of one feeder while regulating the voltage across a sensitive load in the other feeders. Hence the name IUPQC.  By changing the voltage across different loads in other feeders. This project helps in providing quality of power supply without any problem. 

In this projet we use series of voltage source converters which are connected to each other using a dc bus. In this application we explain how this devices are connected togeather between different feeders to regulate voltage of different feeders and provide quality unified power.

Here you can download project report and paper presentation  on this project.

download IUPQC (Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner) Project project Report and paper presentation.

Frequency counter Using 8051 Microcontroller

The Aim of Frequency counter Using 8051 Micro controller Project is to develop Frequency Measuring Device Which Range from 1Hz to 500 KHz Frequency using AT89S52 Microcontroller and output is displayed on LCD screen.

One of the important uses of this project is we can see the result of the frequency on other equipment. Many of the signal generators are provided with digital display . In this application we will provide a LCD display where frequency will be displayed on LCD screen.

Download Project Report on Frequency counter Using 8051 Micro controller project .

Zigbee Wireless Vehicle Identification and Authentication using ARM Processor

The Goal of Zigbee Wireless Vehicle Identification and Authentication using ARM Processor project is to provide Security to restricted areas such as labs, research centers and VIP Offices. The Vehicle and Driver Identification is performed Using RFID tags given to them and the unique RFID Code is sent to the database through the Zigbee Wireless Communication link for verification.

In this project we use two Zigbee transceivers which work on embedded system and arm micro controller. Both these systems are placed at entrance and inside the vehicle. Zigbee transceiver will sense in coming vehicle information to other system placed at gate which will ask for password. When driver enters password system will send information to security guard at gate. Based on the provided information guard will take decision about the vehicle.

Download Project Report on Zigbee Wireless Vehicle Identification and Authentication using ARM Processor project .

Rate Allocation and Network Lifetime problems For Wireless Sensor Networks

Project Title: Rate Allocation and Network Lifetime problems For Wireless Sensor Networks

Project Description: Nowadays Wireless sensor networks containing huge battery-powered nodes that are covered with altitude of sensing modalities including multi-media sensors and scalar data sensors. Although there have been significant changes, improvements and enhancements in micro processor design and computing, advances in battery technology still lag behind, making energy resource considerations the fundamental challenge in wireless sensor networks. This Rate Allocation and Network Lifetime problems For Wireless Sensor Networks Final Year ECE Project can solve the above problem. The sum of rates of all the nodes in the network can lead to a severe bias in rate allocation among the nodes we advocate the use of lexicographical max-min (LMM) rate allocation.

Download Rate Allocation & Network Lifetime Problem for Wireless Sensor Networks .Net Project, Abstract, Synopsis, Documentation, Paper presentation, ppt, SQL Database.