Green House Environment Control Projects

Micro Controller Project Description:

Green House Environment Control projects main idea is to implement micro controller based application which can sense environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, moisture, and sunlight. This equipment is used in green house for increasing the growth of plants and continuingly monitoring the variations of parameters and take required precautions.

This project can be implemented with low cost and easy to install and easy maintenance. Micro controller used in this project works with low power, 8k bytes of on chip memory is installed in micro controller. Sensors are used for judging different parameters and information is communicated with micro controller. Micro controller will take decision and it will send information to LCD display where data is displayed.

Implementation of CDMA System Using Gold Code Spread Spectrum

CDMA System Using Gold Code Spectrum Communication Project:

Implementation of CDMA System Using  Gold Code Spread Spectrum is an attempt to implement and compare the CDMA system using gold code algorithms on a Xilinx Spartan-III FPGA. The CDMA transmitter modulates the given input data and spreading, produces the modulated data and gold code as outputs, which demodulates and spreads modulated data to give the given data. This can be observed physically on the FPGA module with the help of the output led’s available. 

Code division Multiple Access mobile technology had become one the widely used mobile communication technology in present wireless communication system. CDMA works on spread spectrum techniques. In this project we use CDMA wireless mobile communication method for changing modulated spread data in to gold code. 


Digital Dice Game Project

Digital Dice Project is a gaming project which works on integrated circuit. This application is similar to that of die game that we play manually but in this game numbers are displayed random numbers from one to nine on seven segment display. In this project we use 555 timer which works on stable mode at a frequency of 50 Hz. Out put form timer is given to decade counter which will produce 4 bit binary adder as out put which is in the form of binary input +1. The resultant binary information is sent to BCD to seven segment decoder through which out put is displayed on display.

In this project we use 7490 Decade Counter, 7483 binary adder, 7447 BCD seven segment display, Common node seven segment Display, 555 timer, different resistors(1k ohm, 270 ohm), ceramic capacitor, open push button, electrolytic capacitor.

Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing From Nuclear Terrorism Project

Nuclear Radiation Detection Project Abstract:

Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing from Nuclear Terrorism Zigbee based projects main idea is to implement a application which can help military or police to track attacks caused by Nuclear Radiation from terrorists. This application works on sensors, GSM system and Zigbee protocol.

Developing this prototype application is a cost effective process. Zigbee is a open source wireless protocol which can be downloaded for a free of cost and we use this wireless technology in this project. And GSM is used as wireless technology for communication purpose.

Motes are small computers which are connected in a ad-hoc network wirelessly. Carbon diode is used as semiconductor.

Inter Integrated Circuit Mini Project

Inter Integrated Circuit Abstract:

The main objective of Inter Integrated Circuit Mini Project is to interface with hosts like EEPROM and that monitor the parameters like temperature, humidity etc. It is used in embedded systems to interface with real time clocks and it has a special advantage is that we can add /remove the peripherals while system is running, which makes system as idle for hot swapping.

 Inter Integrated Circuit works on two lines SDA line and SCL line. This integrated circuit works at a 400 kHz frequency. One of the main advantages of this protocol is there can be many slaves connected to a single master chip. This system work on master slave modes where master will look always check for connected  slaves.

download Inter Integrated Circuit Paper Presentation.


RF Based Servo and DC Motor Controller System for Spy Plane Project

RF Based Robotics Projects 

RF based servo and DC Motor Controller system for spy plane embedded based robotics projects main idea is to implement a embedded system based robot which works remotely on Radio Frequency. Robot motion is controlled using a DC motor.

Using remote control system we can control motion of robots and sensors are attached to robots which is will sense obstacles that appear in front of the robots and sends information to micro controller and micro controller will take decisions and uses motor controlling techniques and send signals to DC motor. 



Linear Induction Motor Used For Two Wheeler Application

Linear Induction Motor Used For Two Wheeler Application is used to devolpe two wheeler using Linear Induction Motor.  In this project initially we will consider how induction motors are used in present automobile systems and  its usage in different fields are explained . And we will cover details of different types of linear motors and there functionality. And each system is analyzed based on its usage.  Finally we will explain how it is useful for our application and implementation procedure.

Main advantages of using liner motors in transportation system is  it has capability to produce direct thrust without any conversion of rotational energy in to translation energy.

These systems are used in high level transport system where braking and speed control are major factors.  This systems mostly used in Railway and automobiles.

IUPQC (Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner) Project

—  The object of “IUPQC (Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner)”to regulate voltage of one feeder while regulating the voltage across a sensitive load in the other feeders. Hence the name IUPQC.  By changing the voltage across different loads in other feeders. This project helps in providing quality of power supply without any problem. 

In this projet we use series of voltage source converters which are connected to each other using a dc bus. In this application we explain how this devices are connected togeather between different feeders to regulate voltage of different feeders and provide quality unified power.

Here you can download project report and paper presentation  on this project.

download IUPQC (Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner) Project project Report and paper presentation.

Automatic Street Light Controller Using RTC

The main aim of AUTOMATIC STREET LIGHT CONTROLLER USING RTC project is to build an Automatic Street Light Controller using RTC. This project explains about reducing power consumption on street lights and lights used for advertising boards.

In general lot of current is wasted because there is no manual maintenance for switching on and off of these lights at night time.

Advertisement board doesn’t require power for entire night so we implement this auto street light controller project which will automatically set off or on the street lights whenever we want them to without any manual interference.

In this project we use AT89S8252 Micro controller Based Energy saver, RTC DS1307 Interfacing where AT89S8252 take decisions.

This application can be used in different fields from business to house hold systems where power consumption is more. This project uses pre programmed timing method for setting on and off of the system.

download Automatic Street Light Controller Using RTC project Report.

Related project Report:

Automatic Street Light Control Using LDR Project Report

Voice Chip Apr9600 Interfacing with 8051 Micro Controller

VOICE CHIP APR9600 INTERFACING WITH 8051 MICRO CONTROLLER is mainly used in mobile communication for recording and replaying the voice message according to the situation need. This application uses APR9600 voice chip for storing and playing recorded video which is integrated with 8051 micro controller.

                             In mobile communication voice recording is one of the primary features for users when they are not in coverage area. If there is any urgent message caller can store message in the form of voice mail box. This application will help to understand how this system works. Program is written in c language and written in to micro controller chip which will communicate with voice chip.