ECE Project Report PDF on Remote Controlling Of Greenhouse Agriculture System By Microcontroller And Bluetooth

 In previous years, our Agriculture system is depends on only atmosphere, seasons and weather like Temperature, Humidity, Presser, Quality of soil and its Moisture. But from several years the production of crop has been depending on not only these atmospheric quotients but also mainly on fertilizers and some advanced technologies, which are made by human beings. In this project we will make a green house Agriculture system by using Microcontroller and Bluetooth in the region of remote control. So the total green house Agriculture system in our hand only that means we will design a specific system.

                       For this type of system we can use PIC18F4550 Microcontroller, three types of sensors are LM35DZ as Temperature sensor, CYBERSEN CHR101 as Humidity sensor, SPD 100G as Pressure sensor, KELHB2-000 as soil pH and moisture meter,  Motor control is Steeper motor PCB designing software is EAGLE, Bluetooth transmitter/receiver is NOKIA BH204 headset and MAT Lab. These are used for analyzing the program and send the data to the motor control. Other equipments are also used like voltage supply, transformer, op-amps, etc. Watering and spraying of insecticides and pesticides control the quality of soil and its moisture but the temperature, pressure and humidity cannot be controlled anyone or anything.

                       The temperature, pressure and humidity can measure easily and make easily but quality of soil and its moisture cannot measure easily and not make easily. So we have to make a device which is used to control the speed of motor and all sensors in a green house.

                      Now we have to keep the motor control of microcontroller in the field. The device which is made by us is keep at outside. It will take the atmospheric quotients as input and connect the computer in our mat lab. Atmospheric quotients (temperature, pressure, humidity and quality of soil and its moisture) all are in the form of analog signals are send to all sensors which are converted to digital signals by the microcontroller. These digital signals are send to the computer by using Bluetooth RF media transmitter/receiver which is working as medium. Then it is received by USB DONGLE of the computer. Mat lab, this software record analyzes and write a specific program and generate a signal is send to the microcontroller. The microcontroller and motor control are connected by the adapter. So in this way we can control the motor control and get a cultivated off-season crop. By using this type of technology we reduce the human labor, excess water usage, possibility of water pollution and usage of insecticides can be controlling. Finally we will get a good production of crops.

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ECE Projects for Final Year on Efficient and Economical Solution For Traffic Congestion For Urban Areas

Introduction to ECE Projects for Final Year on Efficient and Economical Solution For Traffic Congestion For Urban Areas:

Now a day’s Traffic congestion plays a crucial role in our day-to-day life activities. Traffic congestion is the most problematic issue for the people especially who are living in urban areas like metropolitan cities. Traffic jam causes health problems, damaging fuel, delay in work, etc. Some of the traffic congestion was being reduced by the bypasses, flyovers, multi-way roads and ring roads. But we did not avoid the problem completely, because of growing the tremendous population in world wide. So we should take alternative solution for this problem.

                 This project mainly concentrates on these type of problems. The best solution is Underpass using Finite Element Approach by BOX Method. These type of problems were occurring because of parking spaces, narrow roads and streets, built shopping complexes, apartments, Fright distribution, accidents and safety, Loss of public properties, etc.

                  We have designed 3-methods they are Manual method, Single beam method and Finite element approach method. Calculation of loads, analysis of fixed end moments by moment distribution method was done by manual method and then designed it. Staad method is used in single beam method and Staad. Pro (plate method) is used in finite element approach method. Finally we compared three methods good results and more advantages are involving in finite element approach method.

This approach is less cost if cost is no problem, because once the underpass ways will be constructed, it will use for a lot of years and no need to repair them when construction is very strong. Maximum 100crore is enough but calculation of box method is somewhat difficult. So there is no long routes are possible.    

                   Advantages of this method is to avoid the uninterrupted traffic, provide the smooth traffic at national high ways, increase the government and public economic and saving the fuel using underpass by avoiding the long routes. 

 Download ECE Projects for Final Year on Efficient and Economical Solution For Traffic Congestion For Urban Areas.

Alcohol Detector Circuit Project

The main objective of Alcohol Detector Circuit project is to detect the alcohol drunken people. For this purpose we have chosen an embedded system. It is a combination of both software and hardware. It was designed for a specific application.

The advantages of this system are reducing size, low cost, more reliable and secure, increasing performance, etc. 8051C is the most popular microcontroller in the world. It has been using KEILC51 C compiler.

This language is extension to C-language; it translates C files into reloadable modules which has symbolic information for debugging purpose with in-circuit emulator.

Electronics projects related to detector based microcontroller projects.

AT89C51 Microcontroller is used in this project. Compare to other microcontrollers 8051 has 12 CPU clock cycles, 3level program memory lock, 128*8 internal RAM, six interrupts, programmable serial channel, etc.

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Alcohol Detector Circuit Diagram:

alcohol detector circuitalcohol detector imagesalcohol detector diagrams

Alcohol Detector Project Report

    Introduction to Alcohol Detector Project:

This project is for ECE final year students which explain about a alcohol detection mechanism which is developed in embedded systems using C programming language.

                    So for detecting the alcohol drunken people, we have to use mainly both RF Transmitter and RF Receiver, microcontroller, encoder, decoder, DC-motor, Buzzer, L293D, Alcohol Detector. Software requirements are KEIL-C and Code.

                    The embedded kit is placed in a vehicle and the vehicle is under the control of hardware. When a person enters into the vehicle, the alcohol detector has detected the alcohol drunken person, immediately microcontroller sends the information to the encoder. Encoder encodes the information and sends to the RF transmitter, RF transmitter receives the information and sends to RF receiver, and it sends the information to the decoder. The decoder decodes in the information in the form of serial communication. O/P of decoder gives to buzzer, so immediately the buzzer or alarm will be ring.

                    The dc motor and LM293D are used for future enhancement. Future development will be developing robot for house cleaning purpose by using wireless communication. It is the better communication compare to other communications. In the same way internal operation will be done but some extension is dc motor will be used for moment of robot and LM293D will be give the direction of motion purpose. So finally say that embedded system is better usage for specific tasks. 

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ECE Project Report on Breath Alcohol Tester

Introduction to Breath Alcohol Tester:

In previous years to detect the alcohol drunk people, we used many methods like chemical reactions, optical interference, infrared absorption, and embedded kit keep in vehicle. But these methods are very expensive, will take more time to react and give result, not easy to handle and maintain and have a short time life period. But we designed a new technology for detecting the alcohol drunk people. These disadvantages are not in this technology.

                          The main aim of this project is to test the individual’s alcohol level in blood by breath exhaled into our system. This is an electronic device. The name of device is “ENSURE”, which is having Alcohol countermeasures to measure alcohol level in blood and also having a numeric touch pad, which is replaced by a key ignition system. To start the car we have to use keys, which is replaced by a pin number to start the car by using this key ignition system. If the person he/she is not drinks the alcohol then the car will start by pressing the start button , which is in the control of  starter of the car. This blood alcohol test will be done by integrating standard voice chips used in our system. But we should replace “LED’s” because in future will control the cost effect.

                         In this breath alcohol tester we used semiconductor sensor, 7805 voltage regulator, LM324 quad op-amps, resisters, buzzer, capacitors and also two PLDs (Programmable logic device). Actually the legal limit for alcohol is “0.1%”, if it is cross the limit the LED is triggered and an over the limit of alcohol. So the person is too drink and to drive.

Different LED’s will also use for testing different alcohols. First PLD is used for displaying number purpose and second PLD issued for checking the state of the machine and 3-number combination is suit for security code if not code will decrease to 2-number.

                         Finally say that by using this blood alcohol test we can find the blood alcohol content and save many people. This system is robust and more reliable.          

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ECE Final Year Eye writer project Report

Introduction to ECE Final Year Eye writer project:

The main objective of this project is, generally most of the people can read, write, listen, and do anything because of their body communicate with mind. So mind controls every moment of the body. But some of the people can’t do like this because of their body may not communicate with their brain, means brain is active and body is in-active. This kind of people can think but not implement their thoughts. Many scientists were researched and designed “A EYE TRECKER”   for this kind of people. By using eye tracker they can implement their thoughts; this kind of application is called as” AN EYE WRITER”.

                               This eye tracker is used for finding the eye moments and positions from left-to-right, right-to-left and up-to-down, down-to-up and also location of the object. This is used for who are suffering from neuromuscular syndrome. According to the eye moments of the people to write and draw their thoughts and translate these moments into lines on the screen. Eye trackers are three kinds. First one is magnetic field sensor or special contact lenses (which are made by embedded mirror) are attachment to the eye and this sensor or mirror is around with eyeball. It does not slip when the eye rotates. First tracker is used for measuring exact moment and sensitive dynamics of eye.

                               Second one tracker is non-contact optical system, in which infrared light is reflected from the eye which is sensed by the video camera. It is used for measuring the eye motion. And the third one tracker is electrodes, which are placed around the eye uses electro potential is used for measuring the slow eye moment and detecting the gaze direction. Both positive and negative electrodes placed around an eye are called “ELECTROOCULAGRAM” (EOG). Generally there are two eye track techniques, which are Bright pupil and Dark pupil. Difference between these techniques is ON-Axis lighting and OFF-Axis lighting between camera and reflection of light path from eye.

                               Advantages are low cost and are most applicable for cognitive studies, medical research, human factors, computer usability, adult research, in-vehicle, etc. commercial applications are web usability, television programs, advertising media, package designers, both younger’s and  order’s.                 

 Download ECE Final Year Eye writer project Report.

ECE Project Report on Product Counter Display

Introduction to Product Counter Display:                            

The main aim of this project is to display 7 segment digital numbers while power is OFF. In this circuit counter is used for counting purpose. It counts thousands of times. This 7 segment display is mainly used in railway stations, traffic signals, shopping malls, etc. Advantages of this technique are low-power consumption, less cost, and no need of person. In this display only red color is preferred because it has high wavelength, which is visible to long distances.       

                           The hardware requirements for this circuit are 2-ICs (LM311 OP-AMP, CD4033 COUNTER), resistors, LED, LDR, Seven segments display CE C5611, variable resister (47k), and power supply (9v).

                            LM311 is a voltage comparator, which has a input from the ground and the output referred to the ground. It has the input which is thousand times lower than the circuit voltage. So low input and has a temperature range from 0°C to +70°C. It can operate the signals at 5v supply. Resisters are used for only two purposes, for controlling the flow of electric current and providing the desired voltage to the electric circuit. CD4033 counter has 5 stages. It is a Jonson decade counter. It has a advantageous of displaying numbers when power dissipation is low count is important. It has a output decoder, which converts the decode code into seven segment numbers. A variable resistor has 3-terminals, which has a slide for adjustable voltage. If 2-terminals are used, act as rheostat or variable resistor. It is mainly used for directly control the audio signals and significant power. It is also called as potentiometer.

                                 LED is light emitting diode, which is used for light display. In previous years only LEDs were giving only low brightness red color available. But now a day infrared, ultraviolet and visible wavelengths are available with high brightness. This type of LED is used in this circuit. LDRs are photo resistors, which are made up of semiconductors. It is used for increasing the light intensity while decreasing the resistance. It is a extrinsic semiconductor. 7-segment display has 28 LEDs with 7×4 array structure. It is used for displaying the numbers from 3 to 9. All these kind of equipments are used in this circuit. If some modifications to this circuit (may add or remove), it will be used as bugler alarm and count the key presses.

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A Smart Reorganization Of Vehicle Based E-Governance System In Mobile Device Project Report

Introduction to A Smart Reorganization Of Vehicle Based E-Governance System In Mobile Device Project:

Now a day the traffic plays a very important role in our day-to-day life activities. It is the most problem for job holders, business mans, students, etc (the people), Not only in city but also at highway passageways. Now some business persons have provided the toll gate systems at highways. Basically the purpose of tollgates is to recollect the amount from the vehicles, which have been coming from out of city or town. It was provided by the person, who has taken the road contract of that area. Only they will collect the toll payment. In this process if many vehicles are come, they should follow queue and traffic is heavy in that place. So it will take time to reach their destinations. To overcome these types of problems, a new Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) was introduced. It is the technology for electronic payment of toll. It checks whether the vehicle has registered or not and give the alerts. If any violence occurs, debit the related account. So there is no chance to stop the vehicle at the tollgate. This kind of technology was implemented in united -states and other countries. So we enriched the toll collection technology. Now the fast technology in ETC with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is started.

                              RFID is released up to 950MHZ, the main advantage of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) is by using computer technology, electronic technology, and modern communication technology develop the ECT with RFID and vehicle safety. By using this we can avoid the traffic jam problems, can create safety road environment. Etc. The main aim of this project is to design a automatic tollgate system as well as online transaction with vehicle security through mobile by SMS.

                              The software requirements are Windows XP OS, Java framework, MySQL DB and hardware requirements are RFID, GSM, GPS, PC, RS232, Camera, and Microcontroller.

                               Global system for mobiles has been working in global position system. Camera is located at the vehicle position, so it will take the photos of a vehicle and RFID generate the magnetic radiations and frequency on the number plate of the vehicle. If the vehicle has registered already then no problem if not alert SMS has been sending to the owner of the mobile.

For data transfer RS232 cable is used and controller is used is for the controlling of those sections purpose. SNMP is one of the protocols, which is suitable for network management of ETC system because it’s easy use and strong expandability. By using this we can develop the highway efficiency, speedup the vehicle passage and decrease the possibility of unsuccessful and mistaken collection. 

 Download A Smart Reorganization Of Vehicle Based E-Governance System In Mobile Device Project Report.

ECE Project Report on A New Single Phase Soft-Switching Power Factor Correction Converter

Introduction to A New Single Phase Soft-Switching Power Factor Correction Converter:

           From several years, the power electronic systems and devices have been playing important role in our day-to-day life activities. By using these electronic devices frequently, they should generate harmonic current because of their destroying or damaging the electricity network.  Receiver should be affected by the harmonics while doing the operation on receiver. To overcome this effect our engineers are creating electronic devices.

             The main role of this project is, by using low harmonic and High-power factor converters with soft-switching (SS) techniques improve the efficiency, high reliability and decrease the cost of components. These converters are used because of the previous used converters (A-D converters) have some disadvantages are low power factor and voltage distortion, slow varying ripples at output dc load, low efficiency and large size of ac and dc filters because of low power  quality in terms of injected harmonics. High-switching frequencies are being required by these converters. High switching losses, increased electromagnetic efficiency (EMI) and reduced converter efficiency all these drawbacks are caused by the operation of high-switching frequency. To overcome these drawbacks we should use those SS techniques.

                        In the working principle, mainly SS has four types of groups are zero-voltage switching (ZVS), zero-current switching (ZCS), zero-voltage transition (ZVT), and zero-current transition (ZCT) with pulse width modulation(PWM) control. In this operation we have switching power loss; it has current and voltage losses during switching period. Power diode’s reverse recovery loss and discharge energy loss of the main switch parasitic capacitance. Compare to previous converters ZVS and ZCS are advanced, compare to these converters ZVT and ZCT are more advanced. So switching power loss is completely overcome.

                        In this we have mainly two switches. One is  Main switch with main diode consists of one parasitic capacitance of main switch and diode, upper and lower snubber inductances, One snubber capacitance. Another switch is Auxiliary switch consists of four auxiliary diodes; One is magnetization inductance, output and input leakage inductances of the transformer respectively. For one cycle twelve stages will be taken by the proposed converter. To achieve this SS there must be four conditions; Main switch is turning ON with ZVT and turn OFF with ZCT. Auxiliary switch is turn ON&OFF with ZCS.

        The features of proposed converter are there is no extra current or voltage stress on the main switch and main diode, all semiconductors and other components work with SS, passive snubber is not required, a common ground is used for both main and auxiliary switches so easily control the converter, by using silicon carbide (SIC) diode’s reverse recovery problem will be recovered, etc.

     Finally by using this new proposed converter (PFC) realized with 200v ac, getting output is 400v dc , It is switched with 100kHz for 300W output load. For full load 98% of efficiency will achieved. Finally 0.99 value of power factor was reached by our new PFC converter with sharp sinusoidal signal.

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Resizing Image Using Bilinear Interpolation Algorithm in MATLAB Project Report

This project deals about the relation between picture and program that is Graphical User Interface (GUI) .using the GUI user can easily interact to system controls like menus preparing the slides, buttons, menu bars and list boxes so for. The GUI lays between user which perform the action and system. Consider one example like interact with start button GUI performs the actions and it is displayed. This project takes input and output to Perform in GUI operations using the algorithm of bilinear interpolation in MATLAB

By using the MATLAB do the process of the Image, development of algorithm, Data is visualization and analysis. This tool is easily solving the computation problems rather than traditional programs like C, FORTRAN, C++..

Normally earl year version of the system had works with command only like MS-DOS, but these days lot of the system working Graphical model. A GUI is graphical model that is used to interact with electronic device using the pictures or images. It is like play station,Mp3 players and portable media.

This tool is logically design and to involve the programs. This GUI depends upon the screen resolution. The screen resolution is changing the picture size. Depending upon the image size GUI resolution can changed. According to the MATLAB it doesn’t need any kind of the Dimension, using the Arrays developed the code. While taking the image most of JPEG and GIF format and PNG format

The System is total depends on the Image size, the image size takes the representation of the Grayscale, truecolorRGB, Indexed, Binary and unit8 .Grayscale indication for image size is M×N and visibility White=1 and black=0.Truecolor RGB is indicated using Matrix size M×N, indexed is indicate using the colour map size k×3, Binary image indicates using the values 1 or 0 and unit8 is taking double size of image

Download Re sizing image using bi linear interpolation algorithm in MATLAB Project Report