Electro active Polymer “Artificial Muscle” Operable In Ultra High Hydrostatic Pressure Environment


Electro active polymers can withstand high present in the deep seas. These polymers are used as skins for devices so that the devices with the pressures in the under water. Electro active polymers have benefits of high coupling efficiency and low cost of availability. The electro active polymer shows good characteristics even under pressures upto 100 mpa. In this paper will see the design and the experimental testing of the polymers.

Brief on electro active polymers:

These are used as transducers for high power sonar’s so as to undergo high pressures. The electro active polymers are prepared from elastomeric actuator. These actuators are formed from two flexible elastic electrodes which sandwich an electrically insulated elastomeric. When the voltage is applied in between the electrodes the get squeezed and expand in area. These have high coupling efficiency because of low visco elastic loss and electrical leakages. It has specific density energy of 21 times that of single crystal peizo electric and can withstand maximum strains.

Experimental testing method:

Here a medium size  water tank is used in which high pressures are generated. Here the maximum pressure can be 159 mpa and has a supply voltage of 2.74 mpa.  It has a flexible transparent membrane which can exert pressure on the polymer. The device is placed in a box and is sealed with silicon oil.  The box is placed in the tank which generates the deep sea conditions. A camera is placed in the tank to monitor the active region. By increasing the pressure levels upto 100mpa the strain a measured. By using a micro meter capler the conditions of the active region for different supplied voltages are measured. As the pressure does not make the polymer to show any changes then we can use it for sonar transducers.

Download Electro active Polymer “Artificial Muscle” Operable In Ultra High Hydrostatic Pressure Environment.

Electricity Generation from Speed Breakers Project Report


In today’s world where every equipment requires electricity for its working, and the demand for the electricity is increasing rapidly. The fossil fuels are getting extinct and there is a need for the search of alternative sources to meet the present electricity demands. In this paper we are going to discuss about one of the available  conventional method for the generation of electricity. All moving vehicles posses kinetic energy, we will use this kinetic energy for the generation of electricity. The entire model is built under a speed breaker and when passes through the speed breaker it generates electricity. We will call this arrangement as power hump. The power generated is stored in rechargeable device for future use.

Working model:

The entire model is placed under the dome of the speed breaker. The springs are placed under the dome and to these spring racks are connected. When the vehicle passes through speed breaker it creates a compression and this makes the springs to move the racks. The racks are connected to the gear unit and a shaft is placed to maintain a uniform motion. A dynamo is used to convert the rotational motion to electricity. The generated electricity gets stored in the batteries for further use.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

This type conventional energy models are very helpful for the generation of electricity with low cost. By the use of fossil fuels the environment gets polluted and by using these conventional methods the nature does not get affected. By using this model we need to look into each time in order to check the disturbances. By using these conventional methods we cannot generate the required power. New methods have to be employed to generate higher voltages. Thus we conclude that these conventional methods can be used for generating electricity to meet the present demands.

Download Electricity Generation from Speed Breakers Project Report.

Reactive Power Static Compensation by Using Condensator Project Report

Introduction to reactive power:

Reactive power does not contribute anything to energy. Due to reactive power the efficiency of the energy systems decreases. The reactive power is the opposition of the load elements. It is consumed or generated by all the elements present in the system. Reactance which contributes the reactive power can be of resistive or capacitive. The paper mainly aims at making the power factor to unity by using the available techniques. If the power factor is more than unity then more power will be consumed by the elements than the required amount which in turn causes power loss which is to be reduced.

Capacitor compensation implementation:

The capacitor compensation method is the efficient method for reducing the reactive power. To overcome the voltage drops and power losses we will use the series and shunt reactive compensation. In the industries all the load elements are inductive so we use capacitive compensation make the capacitor leading and load lagging. In the circuit the capacitor bank is connected parallel to the load and a pic 16f877 is placed to measure the phase difference of the current and voltage. If the capacitor bank is off then there will be a more phase difference between the voltage and current and when it is on their won’t be phase difference which reduces the reactive power.

Advantages of capacitor compensation:

This is the cheapest method for reducing the reactive power.  This is the effective method for keeping no phase difference between the voltage and current. It reduces the power loss in the generation and transmission. By using this we can control the usage of power by the elements which reduce the more power consumption. Thus we can conclude that capacitor compensation method is more advantageous than the synchronous motor method. 

Download Reactive Power Static Compensation by Using Condensator Project Report.

Over Line and Under Line Voltage Protection for Electrical Appliances Project Abstract


This paper elaborates the working of a voltage protection unit for electrical appliances. This circuit provides the power to the appliance from the main power supply. Suppose if any voltage fluctuations occur in the main power supply then the circuit gets automatically switched off, by this the electrical appliance gets protected from voltage fluctuations. The entire circuit works on the signals driven from the op-amps. For obtaining we use relays. Depending upon the voltage fluctuations these relays work. In this project we are going to use an op-amp IC LM324 which serves as a comparator. The IC LM324consists of four operational amplifiers but in this design we will make use of only two op-amps.

Circuit designing and working:

Here the input from the main power supply is given to the regulated power supply. The output of the regulated power supply is fed to the op-amp of IC in which we use only op-amp 1 and op-amp2. The  output of this op-amps is given to the transistor circuit. The transistor driver circuit gives the respective pulse to the relay circuit. The electrical appliance is connected to the relay. If the voltage at the inverting terminal is greater then the non inverting terminal then the op-amps makes the relay off. This process  occurs vice versa for less voltages.


This type of equipment is very useful for protecting the appliances against short circuit. We may not get a constant voltage from the power supply and this device works efficiently for the control these disturbances.

Download Over Line and Under Line Voltage Protection for Electrical Appliances Project Abstract.

Ultra High Speed Low Power Electric Drive System Project Report

Introduction to electric drive systems:

Small and portable power compressors and spindles require ultra high speed and low power electric drives. In this paper we will discuss a drive system which operates at 500000 rpm and output power of 100w. The proposed design has a bidirectional power capability and drive controller. This drive system can be directly connected to mesoscale gas turbines.

Drive system overview and design:

To design such high speed and low power portable models, machine and power electronics are to be considered together other one factor may influence the other factor. Depending upon the size of the design the torque and speed varies. Micro gas turbine systems have an direct connected permanent magnets which generate output power in the range of 10 to 100 watts. The power electronics allow the ac currents of the machine in a bidirectional power flow. A dsp processor is used to implement a drive control system which allows the drive to communicate with the other control systems. For gate drivers dsp and other control drives an additional auxiliary power supply is provided. The drive control is designed by using a position sensor and is monitored in software platform. To achieve the speed of 500000 rpm high speed ball bearings are used and which are of small size and have high robustness. Static air bearings or dynamic air bearings are used to generate air pressure in the rotor and these have very low fiction and a long life time.

Power electronics selection and operation:

The power electronics interface becomes very complex for the drives with low motor inductance of small designs with high fundamental frequency. For such selection the machine design and the number of passive components and position of rotor and speed sensing factors are to be considered. For such drives sensor less position estimation is the best approach because of space restrictions. Synchronous position motor gives the rotor position information so that we can provide proper communication to the phase currents. Thus we can conclude that such small drives are designed by undergoing various complexities.

Download Ultra High Speed Low Power Electric Drive System Project Report.

Electrical Apparatus Controlling By Using Mobile Phones Project Abstract

Introduction to mobile based controlling:

This paper explains the mobile based controlling of various appliances. The mobile act as a transmitter for sending the signal to the micro controller which makes the appliance on or off. The DTMF technique is use for sending message pulses from mobile phone to receiver. To drive the appliances they are connected with relays. The entire circuit works with a 5v dc power supply. A decoder is placed in the receiver unit to decode the signal sent from the mobile.

Brief into the working process:

By pressing the buttons on the mobile phone two tones are generated due to DTMF technique one tone is for identifying the signal and other tone is for identifying the message signal of on or off. At the receiver unit the decoder decodes it and gives the information to the AT89C52 microcontroller. The microcontroller processes it and gives the signal to the driver which drives the relay, by which the respective relay gets on or off. The microcontroller is compiled and run on keil software. Suppose if any error occurs in sent signal then the microcontroller automatically reboots itself. As the microcontroller is a 40 pin configured device we can connect a maximum of 8 relays . if the number of appliances are more we need not change the microcontroller we can connect a multiplexer to the relays depending upon the number of devices.


This can be effectively utilized in household purpose, for controlling the home appliance from any long distances. We can also check the status of the home appliance by using mobile. This can also be used in industrial purpose. Thus we can conclude that by using this model we can monitor the appliances in long distances.

Download Electrical Apparatus Controlling By Using Mobile Phones Project Abstract.

Printed Circuit Boards and Coil Windings Project Report


In this paper we are going to see the construction and working and available printed circuit boards and coil windings and cables which are used in designing electronic circuits. The printed circuit boards are used for arranging of components and the coil windings are used for designing components and cables are used for transmission. We will also look into the types of soldering process available for fixing components on board.


Cables are used for transmission purpose which are prepare by using two or more wires put together or by bonding them or by twisting them depending upon the required output for the transmission purpose. Cables are mainly used to connect computer peripherals like printer, scanner and other hardware devices. There are five types of cables which serve different purpose. The mechanical cables which are also called probes which are used for handling force through tension. The electrical cables are used in power supply lines for flow of current through them. The optical fiber cables are made of protective layers which carry light through them. There are power cables which serve the same purpose of electric cables but its usage is different.

Coil windings:

The coil windings are designed by making the copper wire turns in specified lengths. These windings generate electric or magnetic flux when provided with external power supply. The higher the no of turns the higher the flux generated. The coil windings are prepared on machines which are programmed so the wound the coils accordingly. We can specify the no of turns and the direction of turns for winding of coils. Janatic coils available for which the construction process is same and they are available 30 and 60 watt variants.

Printed circuit boards:

It is made of non conductive material which provides mechanical supports for the electrical components. Here the insulated layers are laminated with proxy resign. The boards are coated with green color and they are also available with blue and green color. To separate the copper areas from substrate photo engraving process is used. Wave soldering process is the commonly used for soldering of electronic components.

Download Printed Circuit Boards and Coil Winding’s Project Report.

Naval Technologies Innovations of World War II Seminar Report

Introduction to New Naval Technologies:

For today’s technological warfare the idea was put forward from the second world war. Many innovative ideas of the scientists of that period laid down a path for todays technological warfare. Many discoveries were made in very low frequency and high frequencies and ultrasonic’s which are used for finding the accelerated path of the ships. The vacuum tube which was invented in 1960s and was replaced by spark transmitters by the time of World War II. The technological development was the path of victory during world war. The most powerful very low frequencies are designed during time of Second World War, which is capable of producing 1000-2000 kwatts used for transmission of signals to submarines. Due to usage steel the system produced an output efficiency of 50%.

Brief into technological developments:

During the time of world war , many ideas are brought up and discoveries were brought up which are being developed in the coming years. There areas were the technological developments are made

Future Naval technology:

Many technological developments are made in naval warfare in the early part of the 20th century. Many inventions made done like ship board radio communication system and vacuum tube radio communication and development of aircraft receivers.

Radio communication:

US navy during 19th century recognized the need of communication, which laid a path for the development of radio communication. They are firs persons to bring the practical usage of radio communication between the ships. They made the invention of surveillance system.

High frequency direction finders:

It consists of two opposed vertical dipole antennas with a receiver in between isolated from the metallic objects. This was used during world war for finding the positions of the enemies up to 200 miles. This was helpful for surprise attack of war ships during the world war.

Download Naval Technologies Innovations of World War II Seminar Report.

Project Report on Digital Phase Selector


This project aims developing a digital phase selector which acts as a back up to the power supply when any of the main lines fails. In single phase lines when any of the line fails the power will available in the other two lines. This device mainly reduces the wastage of power and time. It has the capability of selecting the lines when any of the lines fails. The switching is achieved by using high frequency technology which uses infrared radiation. The switching is done by IC MCT2eE which has a capability to reduce arcing which occurs in three phase lines due to mechanical switching. The required trigger pulses for the switches are obtained by using transistors and mosfets.

 Digital Phase Selector Circuit design and working:

A phase sensing and switching block is used which senses the fault lines and automatically switches to the available phase line or back up lines . A control block is used to which all the phase lines including backup lines are connected. A relay driver  is present which is directly driven from the control logic circuit. The entire circuit is provide with a 6V dc power supply. A inverter is placed in the circuit which acts as line when the fault occurs. Opto isolator is used in the circuit for the transfer of signal between the elements. The optoto coupler is very accurate even a pulse change can make the led to emit radiation by which switch over is possible.

Applications and Future scope:

The digital phase selector is an advanced technique of automation. This technique can also be used in power management. This is the safest method for change over of lines because we use infrared radiation for switching and it does not have any mechanical constraints. This technique can be extended for power switching in power stations and sub stations.

Download Project Report on Digital Phase Selector .

Phase Change Memory As A Secure Main Memory Project Report

Introduction to phase change memory:

Phase change memory technology is used for writing of the memory systems. This appears to be good technology for the design future computer memories. It has advantages when compared to that of normal DRAMs. Today’s phase change memory technology allows the memory to be written up to 107 0r 109 times and research is going on to make it suitable for the conventional technologies. This paper discusses the design of phase change main memories and it’s working.

Brief into Design and Working of phase change main memory:

When compared to that of normal DRAMs it is advantageous in terms of static energy com consumption and integration scalability. Over exceeding the limit of writing can impair its proper functioning. In 1970s the phase change memory was designed using a 256 bit semiconductor and it a non volatile memory which allows a phase change in materials. RAMs and DRAMs are designed using NAND type ash. Whereas the phase change memory storage element consists of two metal electrodes separated by resistive heater and chalcogenide and a transistor which is used for controlling the access. By reducing the wear leveling techniques the more no writes can be achieves. By bit alterable memory we change the written information from zero to one or one to zero without the use of erase step which is used in flash memories. Like DRAMs phase change memories are non volatile memories and exhibited excellent retention results when compared to DRAM.

The bandwidth and latency which supports write speed is a not upto the speed of DRAM. Certain security measures are to be taken for secured transfer of data in phase change based memories. Invisible PA to PCMA translation so that he physical address of the memories is not visible. By employing PA to PCMA translations 4K or 16k address entries can transfer into a single entry. 

Download Phase Change Memory As A Secure Main Memory Project Report.