Design And Implementation OF a PLL Using VHDL AMS

Design And Implementation OF a PLL Using VHDL AMS projects main idea is to develop a model for a phase looked Loop in a top down Mixed signal design flow and provide a simulated result for a structural level development and to make a betterment of its behavior.  This project will help us to analyze mixed signals communicating with different digital components in a large circuit is same as that of expected.

In basic circuits time taken for simulating a circuit is more but with this new proposed system simulation time is very less. VHDL-AMS is mostly used for modeling mixed signal circuits. Cadence Analog Artist is used for simulations and schematic level development. This tool will be easily available for users for implementing a new design.

download  Project on Design And Implementation OF a PLL Using VHDL AMS  project.

FPGA Implementation of USB Receiver in HDL

FPGA Implementation of USB Receiver in HDL projects main idea is to develop a receiver application which works for all applications. This receiver is implemented using VHDL USB2.0.

We will test this receiver by downloading it in to FPGA.

In this project Universal Serial Bus version 2.0 is used which works as a bidirectional serial bus interface. Main purpose of using USB 2.0 is because of its three types of UTMI implementations.

USB 2.0 provide high data transmission rates with different speed rates like it works as Low speed(1.5MHZ) for (LS) and works at 12MHZ for Full speed and 480MHZ for High speed data transmission. USB 2.0 consists of transmitter and receiver where UTMI transmitter will send signals to different USB devices on D+ and D- lines and receiver will receive on the same lines.

download  Project on FPGA Implementation of USB Receiver in HDL  project.

RF Control System with Robot Car for Spying Operations

         RF Control System with Robot Car for Spying Operations Projects main idea is to develop a application which will provide security for industries, home and offices. In practical scenario there are many situations where human beings cannot deal with touch problems like bomb detections ….etc. In this cases there is need to use Robot application. This project works on a concept where Robot Car is controlled using Radio frequency which will work as a remote application. In this application Camera is connected to Car which will track locations of the surrounding area. Information captured by camera can be seen in TV and robot is captured remotely. This application works as a demo, RF wireless information can work only for smaller distance.

LPC2148 (ARM7) micro controller is used in this project. C language is used as programming language. Keil software is used for loading hex files in to micro controller.

download  Project on RF Control System with Robot Car for Spying Operations  project.

Design and Implementation of PC Operated Flying Robot

Design and Implementation Of PC Operated Flying Robot Projects main idea is to develop a application which can be useful in the areas where human beings cannot tackle the situation, where Robots can be useful. This application will show method through which robots can be accessed remotely using a wireless Zigbee protocol. Zigbee protocol will communicate with other Zigbee protocol, this protocol works with low power consumption. Using this project it will be easy to control multiple flying robots. This application will provide scope for further development by installing camera to the flying robot and monitor different areas.

AVR microcontroller is used in this application which is used for talking and decisions and processing information. This application code is written in C language which will be written to micro controller. Main advantages about developing this application are cost effective and low power consumption.

download  Project on Design and Implementation Of PC Operated Flying Robot  project.

Design And Development Of FPRS, Keypad Based ATM Security System

Design And Development of FPRS KEYPAD Based ATM Security System projects main idea is to develop a application using Embedded System which will help banks to provide security at their ATM machines. At present most of the thefts at ATM machines is because of not providing accurate security system for users while entering in to ATM Machine.

This application will provide a solution for this problem by providing a finger print based login procedure through which only single user can enter in to the ATM Machine. This system will provide single keypad based system through which user will give finger print. Finger print information is compared with the users finger prints in the database and if it is matched user will be authenticated. 

This application is developed in C language and programmed in to embed chip. Data can be modified updated and deleted from the chip.

download  Project on Design And Development Of FPRS, Keypad Based ATM Security System  project.

Real Time Automation of Agriculture Environment

Real time Automation of agriculture environment for social modernization of Indian agriculture projects main idea is to develop a application for farmers to increase their work efficiency in fields. Using this application farmers can easily identify the status of the land whether it is wet or dry, based on the information farmers can use wireless technology to automatically switch on motors. Using this system farmers can save lot of time and analyze their status of the land without going to the fields.

This project is implemented using LPC2148 ARM7 micro controller which is one of the widely used micro controller. Sensors are used to find out the moisture level of the land and send information to micro controller.

download  Real Time Automation of Agriculture Environment project.

Optical Data Transfer between Computer and Micro Controller via Fiber Optic

  Optical Data Transfer between Computer and Micro controller via Fiber optic project will explain optical cable efficiency using micro controller. From Pc information is send to micro controller and it will be send though optical cable and on the receiver end micro controller will receive information and show message on LCD screen.

Optical Data Transfer between Computer and Micro controller via Fiber optic communication projects main idea is to develop a application in which digital information is converted to light pulse signals and transmitted through a thin hair glass fiber. Fiber cable is designed using a outer core and inner core called cladding which has high reflecting index. Light pulse signals are internally reflected inside cable and transmitted without any loss of information, and information is travelled with the speed of light. Comparing to other wired cables designing and implementing fiber optic cables are easy and secure. One of the main features of optic cable is data of different types like television signals, phone signals and packet data can be transmitted on a single optic cable using multiplexing techniques.

When coming to security and tapping issues it is easy to identify the braking and tapping of information in optic cables. Signal booster are implemented in between optic cables for increasing signal strength of the light pulses.

download  Project on Optical Data Transfer between Computer and Micro controller via Fiber optic  project.

Design and Development of Secured Wireless Data Communication

Design And Development Of Secured Wireless Data Communication projects main idea is develop a application which include secure data communication using a wireless technology using Zigbee protocol.

This application is mainly implemented for military organization where data security and wireless communication is the important factors. This system is useful in war scenario.

Zigbee is a open source wireless protocol which can be used for this project. It is a standard data communications system with business and helpful for consumers. One of the main features of this project is it works with less power consumption which will give long battery life. Zigbee provides application security in wireless network which is most important for security applications.

download  Project on Design And Development Of Secured Wireless Data Communication project.

Development of Remote Waste Gas Monitor System

Development Of Remote Waste Gas Monitor System projects main idea is to develop a application which will sense harmful gas leakages released from different sources like factories vehicles and inform the information to pollution control board through message and location of the pollution area.

Air pollution is one of the biggest issues all over the world which is causing serious concerns for environment and humans. Industries and Vehicles are two main areas where pollution is released most. In order to control this issue we are providing a application which will sense information and send data to pollution board for taking actions against them.

This application uses GPS , GSM with Wireless communication technology. GSM technology used to send messages to convey information and GPS is used to trace location of the pollution point and inform it to officials.

download  Project on Development Of Remote Waste Gas Monitor System project.

Multi Sensor Strategies to Assist Blind People Using a Clear Path Indicator

Multi Sensor Strategies to Assist Blind People using A Clear Path Indicator projects main idea is to develop a application for blind people to safely walk in the traffic without any ones help. This application uses multiple sensors and micro controller devices to inform blind people about the obstacles on the road while they are traveling. Sensors will read surrounding information and send data to micro controller and micro controller is connected to buzzer which will give beep sound to convey message to the user. This equipment is attached to stick of blind person which will be easy to use. LPC2148(ARM7) micro controller is used in this project which is mostly used in mobile systems. Keil is the software tool used for developing this application.

download  Multi Sensor Strategies to Assist Blind People using A Clear Path Indicator project.