Robust and Efficient Password Authenticated Key Agreement Using Smart Cards

Robust And Efficient Password Authenticated Key Agreement Using Smart Cards For Campus Management project explains about providing security for campus. This application is developed using embedded systems. RFID tags are provided for every person who is part of the campus and while entering to the campus users is authenticated with RFID information, if the information is not matched then users are not allowed in to campus.

RFID reader is connected to micro controller for processing information. When user inserts card in to reader information is send to micro controller and it will request for PIN. If the entered pin is matched with data stored in micro controller then user is authenticated.

download  Project on Development of Advanced Embedded System for Accident Avoidance project.

Development of Advanced Embedded System for Accident Avoidance

Development of Advanced Embedded System for Accident Avoidance projects main idea is to develop a application which can prevent accidents caused by vehicle by providing information about position of the vehicle. This system uses satellite communication for finding accurate point of the vehicle. Information is calculated based on the edges of the road and edges of the other vehicle and data is stored in the memory for further usage. If there is any objects closer to the vehicle warning alarm is initiated.

This project uses distance sensing senor for calculating distance between objects surrounding by a vehicle. Using this sensor distance calculation is done continuously and information is send to micro controller for taking decisions. Based on this information driver can detect movement of other vehicles and drive securely.

download  Project on Development of Advanced Embedded System for Accident Avoidance project.

Real Time Pedestrian Detection and Tracking at Night Time for Driver Assistance System

Real time Pedestrian Detection and Tracking at Night Time for Driver Assistance System project main idea is to develop a pedestrian detection application for drivers to take precautions from accidents. In recent times most of the accident sufferers are pedestrians that too at night time. So this system will provide solution for this problem by providing warning sound to drivers when the sensors sense pedestrians on the road at certain distance.

In order to sense pedestrians from certain distance this application uses PIR passive infra red sensors which can easily detect human beings and send message to micro processor.

There are few more advanced systems used in this application like LPC2148(ARM7) micro controller which are mainly used in mobile systems and Keil is used as software Tool.

download  Project on Real time Pedestrian Detection and Tracking at Night Time for Driver Assistance System project.

New Technology for HVDC Start-Up and Operation Using VSC-HVDC System

New Technology For HVDC Start-Up and Operation Using VSC-HVDC System project explains about a new technology which works on low power in the passive network. HVDC is implemented at receiving end of the passive network. The main motive of this application is to reduce power consumption for passive networks.

This application is developed of starting HVDC by VSC-HVDC da reference frame is used for designing a control system. Before designing this application performance of HVDC using VSC-HVDC is calculated. Simulators are designed using PSCAD/EMTDC software package. HVDC can support passive network by feeding small amount of power.

download  Project on New Technology for HVDC Start-Up and Operation Using VSC-HVDC System project.

Possibility of Power Tapping From Composite AC-DC Power Transmission Lines

Possibility of Power Tapping From Composite AC-DC Power Transmission Lines project explains about procedure to handle high voltage ac lines which are loaded with thermal limits. Basically DC currents are carried by conductors with AC super imposed on lines. This paper covers explanation about how rural areas can access power transmission by using simple power tapping procedure.

This can be done by using a PSCAD/EMTDC software package with a digitally simulated scheme. Using simulators a rapid test is conducted to find out how tapping will affect composite AC-DC transmission line and its effect on total power system. Result from simulator shows there is negligible impact on normal AC-DC power lines.

This paper shows how power system can be modified to composite ac-dc line by changing it from existing EHV lines.

download  Project on Possibility of Power Tapping From Composite AC-DC Power Transmission Lines project .

Enhancing the Available Transfer Capability from Source

The main aim of Enhancing The Available Transfer Capability From Source project is to enhance the Available Transfer Capability (ATC) from Generating/Source area to Sink area in a De-regulated environment system location and control parameter of FACTs Devices such as TCSC or SVC on IEEE 14-bus system and IEEE 24 reliability test system.

Real-code Genetic Algorithm is used to determine location and control parameter of TCSC or SVC. ATC is dependent.Hence, maximum use of existing transmission assets will be more profitable for Transmission System Operators (TSO) and customers will receive better services with reduced prices.

Reliability Test System considering without and with line outage cases, and the results are checked. The new system methodology is applied to find best place and control parameter of TCSC/SVC.

download  Project on  Enhancing The Available Transfer Capability From Source project .

Combined Economic And Emission Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm & Lambda

Combined Economic And Emission Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm & Lambda Project explains a solution to solve CEED problem by using Lambda iteration. 

The harmful ecological effects caused by the emission of particulate and gaseous pollutants like sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) and oxides of nitrogen ( NOx ) can be reduced by adequate distribution of load between the plants of a power system. However, this leads to a noticeable increase in the operating cost of the plants. 

In this work, incremental cost is taken as the encoded parameter of GA and PSO, which makes the problem independent of the number of the generator units and also the total count of iterate for convergence reduces fast. 

download  Base paper on  Combined Economic And Emission Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm & Lambda project .

Base Paper on Fuzzy Field Particle Swarm Optimization

 In  Base Paper on Fuzzy Field Particle Swarm Optimization project an attempt has been made to optimize each objective individually using Particle Swarm Optimization.

Thus conventional minimum cost operation can not be the only basis for generation dispatch; emission minimization must also be taken care of. Power system must be managed in a way that both powers are optimized simultaneously.  Reactive powers should be optimized to provide better voltage profile as well as to reduce system losses.

Now a days large integrated power systems are being worked under very tough conditions which imposes threat to voltage stability. Voltage collapse occurs when a very low voltage profile or collapses.Hence an efficient control which meets all the specified objectives is required.

download  Base Paper on Fuzzy Field Particle Swarm Optimization project .

S-Transform to Monitor Power Quality Project

 S-Transform to Monitor Power Quality project explains about new technique through with problems caused by power quality can be solved. There are many other techniques like Fourier Transform, short-time transform and wavelet transform which are used for power quality. Though each method has its own uses and faults. In order to improve the system new methods need to be developed by considering old system faults. S-Transform system is part of that which can be used for detection and classification of power quality.

Various power quality disturbances are obtained by experimental work and they are analyzed by S-Transform analysis. Degree of sag and swell for power quality problems like sag, swell also calculated by using S-Transform respectively.

 In present system power quality is the main issue that to be monitored. So there is lot of gap in developing applications which can increase power consumption and voltage fluctuvations that are caused in power system. This paper will explain about this problem and solution for this problem.

download  Project on  S-Transform to Monitor Power Quality project .

DC-DC Converter Adequate For Alternative Supply System

 A DC-DC Converter Adequate for Alternative Supply System Application projects explains about new method for controlling output voltage which flows from battery to DC bus. This paper will explain about controlling of energy flow from one source to another source. By installing a simple dc-dc converter with a simple structure design included with battery storage can be useful for power grid systems where power fluctuations can be easily controlled.

This application works in different situations where there is a change in load and grid systems. This system can be used in different applications where power variations are more.

download  Project on DC-DC Converter Adequate for Alternative Supply System Project.