Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB PPT Presentation

Introduction to Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB PPT Presentation:

Digital image processing is a concept which is widely used all over the world to study the image and the type of operations performed on it.

Image and Its Components

                An image is created with the help of many components but the one we will study here are. The elements which are a part of image are picture elements, image elements, and pixels. Each of the points of an image contains number which indicates the color of the image.

Type Of Computerized Process For Image Processing

                There are three types of computerized process for images and they are as follows.

a.)    Low Level Process

Low level processing performs primitive operations on the image. The input to this process is an image and the output is also an image. The examples of low level image processing are noise removal, and noise sharpening.

b.)    Mid Level Process

Mid – Level processing performs segmentation on image. The input to this process is image and output is attributes. The example of this process is object recognition, and classification and processing.

c.)     High Level Process

This process includes applying sensation to image. Input to this process includes attributes and the output given by this process includes the scene understanding. Examples of high level process are recognition and analysis with the vision of the project.

                Let us now study the type of images.

a.)    Intensity Image

In this type of image the intensity of the image are represented as the values in the data matrix.

b.)    Binary Image

Binary image are the one which are represented in the form of arrays of 0’s and 1’s.

c.)     Indexed Image

Indexed image has the two main components of representation they are data matrix and color map.

d.)    RGB Image

RGB are the images with an array of MxNx3 containing color pixels of color red, blue, and green.

MATLAB for Digital Image Processing

                                Now let us study how MATLAB stand for matrix laboratory. For technical computing MATLAB provides high performance. It also provides easy – to – use environment for computer, visualization, and programming. MATLAB can be typically used for algorithm development, data acquisition, modeling simulation and prototype, math and computation, developing application including graphical interface building. MATLAB provides may function to perform operations on image.

                Function used in MATLAB for image processing.

a.)    imread()

b.)    clc()

c.)     size(f)

d.)    whos f

e.)    writing Images – imwrite(f,’filename’)

f.)     to show information of image iminfo

g.)    display image – imshow()

h.)    conversion of grayscale image to binary – im2bw()

In this way MATLB helps to easily work with images and overcome the technical problems for Matrix Representation.

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Rain Technology PPT Presentation for CSE Students

Introduction Rain Technology PPT Presentation:

This document gives us in detail information about rain technology. Rain technology here is the concept used in case of computer system and it is used to manage the networks and to make the ease of data transfer between networks. Let us now understand what the rain technology is all about.


                The main features of rain technology are scalability, dynamic re – configuration  and high availability.  Rain architecture provides us features like accepting multiple nodes, switch failures, and linking. Rain architecture also efficiently uses resources made available by network such as multiple data paths, redundant storage, and graceful degradation if faults are present. Rain technology was given to a start – up company whose main aim was to tom improve the availability of thee internet resources

                To run rain technology successfully we need a distributed system which will help us to count the result for working of rain technology in cases of a network of machines. For this purpose we use a 10 machines using Linux operating system and having network interface to stay connected to network. The components which play important role in distributed computing systems are as follows.

a.)    Communication

Communication acts as on of the main component rain architecture because we need to check that how efficiently rain architecture supports the successful data transfer in case of network failure, switch failure. In rain technology we use switches which provide us an efficient protocol which will provide us instant updates of the link failures. It also implements the MPI standard on the rain technology.

b.)    Fault Management

Fault management uses or indicates a protocol which can efficiently handle link failures and node failures.

c.)     Storage

Since the rain technology is concerned with efficient data transfer for internet users. It is also concerned with distributed system for data retrieval. So it decides to use such a efficient scheme which is provides acquires less space and contains less code complexity.

Application using rain architecture is video server, and web server.

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Owning Antivirus PPT Presentation

Introduction to Owning Antivirus PPT Presentation :

Today the secured data transfer has become the important concern for the computer users. Antivirus is the program which runs your operating system and protects your computer from being infected from other threats spread from internet. Antivirus is a third party product which uses a heterogeneous and layered environment.

Why to Use Antivirus?

                User machine always be tried to attach by the other program when connected to internet. These programs infect the file system in machine and corrupt the processing and working of the machine. So to protect machine from this attacks we use antivirus. These antiviruses are available on different platforms which are being widely used such as windows, Linux, MAC, and Solaris. This was all about why to use antivirus. Now let us see how antivirus works and remover the infected file and protect the machine from getting infected.

How Does An Antivirus Work?

                Antivirus follows some pattern of signatures and has a particular behavior which predicts their action for a particular thereat. The   core components in building of antivirus are IO filters, format engines. Standard features provided by the antivirus are updates provided by the third party to keep you antivirus updated so that it can clean or detect all the programs which can causes threat to machine. Common configuration in an antivirus are scan level, scan size, and scan method. The code coverage of antivirus covers following points.

a.)    Signatures

A signature contains filed values, filed size, strings.  

b.)    Core Utilities

Core utilities of antivirus are easy to locate. They are wrapped in buffers.

c.)     Constructs

Constructors used in code utilities are used to convert the format of data types.

d.)    Audit point Inefficiencies

Issues can rise when the product is not strict than the engine.

e.)    O – day

O – Day measures the number of infected files.

Commonly used viruses are McAfee, Fseucre, trend Micro. 

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Mobile Internet Protocol PPT Presentation

Introduction to Mobile Internet Protocol PPT Presentation:

Mobile internet is the most common and widely used all over the world. This document helps us to understand the mobile internet protocol in detail. While studying mobile internet protocol we will go through following topics.





Let us learn something about Mobile IP. Mobile IP routing is based on the IP address which is stationary in IP Networks. This enables user to retain its IP address while roaming. Retaining it own mobile IP was made possible and this helped the node to change its IP address while roaming.

The protocols used for mobile IP are.




To take care of address there are two methods used foreign acre of address and collated care of address. Let us have a look at the message format used for this protocol. Type, length, data are the most important component used in transfer of the data. The mobile IP works in the following way agent discovery, registration, and tunneling. Agent discovery contains advertisement and solicitation. Tunneling contains general tunneling, packet forwarding, and reverse tunneling. General tunneling takes place from source to encapsulation and from encapsulation to decapsulation to destination. To send data between mobile node and home node there is need of authentication. Hash based authentication is also been supported by mobile.

Let us now learn the IP version used for transfer of data. IPv4 is used for data transfer in mobile. The drawbacks of using IPv4 are inefficient routing, security issues, ingress filtering, and competition with other protocol, triangular routing, and congestion. To overcome these drawbacks IPv6 provided protecting loss of data packets, routing optimization, security, source routing.

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Swarm Intelligence PPT Presentation

Introduction to Swarm Intelligence PPT Presentation:

This document contains detailed description about swarm intelligence. Let us take an overview of the document.

a.)    Real World Inset Example

b.)    Theory Of Swarm

c.)     Form Insets to Realistic Artificial Intelligence example

d.)    Examples Of Artificial Intelligence Example 

A.)   Real World Insect Example

The real world inset example to explain swarm theory we consider the insects like bees, wasps, termites, ants. Bess follow colony cooperation system. Food source are exploited as per the quality and distance of hive. Wasps are insects which have complex nests with horizontal columns, protective covering, and central entrance hole. Termites have cone shaped outer wall, ventilation ducts, brood chambers, spiral cooling events, support pillars. Ants communicate in such a way they build a bridge of their bodies to transfer the food. And the labors are divided in the following categories major and minor ants.

B.)    Swarm Intelligence Theory

Let us learn how swarm theory in brought in picture with the help of real world examples. Implementing swarm theory in real world lead to some hurdles and these are solution to swarm system is difficult to define the problem. There is need of interaction between and among the agents. Solution to this problem of swarm intelligence is designing a biological model and creating a base so that this biological model can be related to the designing of the real world system.

C.)    Form Insets To Realistic A.I Intelligence

In swarm intelligence modeling can be addressed with the help of following things problem solving, algorithm, and real world application. Modeling is the basic thing to build an real world application of swarm system. Modeling can be performed in particular steps which include observing the phenomenon, creating biological model, and then create similar model of real world system. A good model mainly contains three important things parsimony, coherence, and refutability.

D.)   Examples Of Artificial Intelligence

Examples of swarm intelligence in real world are building a robot or a network free from congestion, shortest route can be obtained, adaptability, flexibility

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Allied Software Project Management PPT Presentation

Introduction to Allied Software Project Management PPT Presentation:

This paper aims at studying applied software project management. To study a particular project it is very important to understand the software requirements and the documentation of the project we want to study. This helps us to understand the behavior of the software before it is being designed.

a.)    Requirement Analysts

Requirement Analysts is a person who studies the requirements of the software. He interviews the group of people from whom this software is to be designed and notes down their specifications for the software and studies it and prepares a requirement document as per their specification. He verify the gathered data with the designing team.

b.)    Use Cases

Use cases are just the functional representation of software. Use cases describe the flow of the software and explain us the working of software. It explains the external representation of the software and not the internal.

c.)     Functional Requirements

Functional requirements define the way in which software will behave. It describes the outer working format of the software. The description of functional requirements contains bullet, equations pictures, and reference to other documents which describes the requirements of the project.

d.)    Non – Functional Requirements

A non functional requirement of software indicates the behavior of software which does not change itself in any case. It describes the working of software when some unexpected conditions occur.

e.)    Software Requirement Specification

A software requirement of a process defines the complete description about the software which is to be developed. It gives a short overview about the development of the software. It describes its functionality in depth of software. It also describes the processing, the data manipulation of the project specified by the user.

f.)     Requirement v/s Design

Requirements specify what working of software to be developed is expected. Design describes the working of the specified requirements and the way in which these requirements will be implemented.

g.)    Change Control

The change and control specifies the changes specified by the user or stakeholder. The stakeholder and the user has authority to approve the changes when the software is under development or many be after development. Change and control are only taken under consideration if it is necessary and not costly for the stakeholders and the development team.

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Congestion Control PPT Presentation

Introduction to Congestion Control PPT Presentation:

This document explains congestion control in detail. When a network is active network failure many geographical conditions causes congestion control. Congestion stops the data transfer and sometime send data. Topics we will go through in this document are queuing discipline, reacting to congestion, avoiding congestion, quality of services.

There are some issues congestion can be avoided in two ways  one is to use pre allotted or available resources to control congestion, avoid congestion or control if it occurs. There are two ways of implementation to control congestion. There are two service models used for congestion control.

Let us understand the framework used for congestion control. Connectionless flow of packets between the destination and the source is necessary so that to avoid congestion. Taxonomy for congestion is router – centric or host – centric, reservation – based or feedback – based, window – based or rate – based. Congestion control is evaluated on the basis of fairness and power is delay caused in sending and receiving of data packets.

Queuing Discipline

First in first out used for queuing discipline is not able to differentiate between traffic sources.

Fair queuing clearly segregates traffic based on the flow of data packets from source to destination. Fair queuing transmits the next packet as soon as the last bit of the first packet finishes its transmission.

Tcp Congetsion Control

TCP determines network capacity of it to send the data packets and then transmits the data it also uses implicit feedback which gives acknowledgement about the status of the packet that is whether it is transmitted properly or not. While transmitting data the challenge faced by the TCP congestion control is to determine its capacity and adjust the data transfer according to the available capacity.

Additive Increase Multiple Decrease

AIMD allows the data packets to adjust according to the available capacity of the network and transmits the data.

Other algorithms used for congestion control are RED Random Early Detection. DEC Bit.

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Cryptography PPT Presentation

Introduction to Cryptography PPT Presentation:

We all have head a lot about cryptography. Let us learn some things in detail about cryptography in this document. Cryptography was long back discovered and used by Egyptians 4000 years back. Let us learn types of cryptography.

a.)    Mono alphabetic Cipher

In this type the message or cipher text is being read or decoded based on the frequencies of the occurrence of the letters or words.

It is further classified in

a.)    Stream Cipher

Stream cipher as the name suggests each character is being replaced from the plain text. Stream cipher encrypts one character at a time and decrypts one character one at time. One bit at a time is considered for encryption and decryption in stream cipher.

b.)  Block Cipher

In block cipher block of characters is being considered at a time and encrypted.      Block cipher encrypts and decrypts a block of characters XOR combination of blocks in being considered.

b.)    Vigenere

This method of cryptography is based on shifting of alphabets in plain text.

c.)     One-Time Pad

One time pad contains less repetition of text equally longer to plain text. One time pad helps to maintain perfect secrecy as there are number of combinations can be formed.

d.)    Play Fair

Play fair was invented by Sir Charles Wheatstone. In this method of cryptography a matrix of 5X5 is being considered. If two same letters are found in a same Colum then it is being replaced by the next letter. Or the two letters ate kept at the two corner of the rectangle. Birthday theorem is also used.

e.)    Feistel cipher

Feistel cipher was being developed by IBM developers in the year 1950’s. Luby – Rackoff’s proof of feistel Cipher.

f.)     DES

Des is most popular cryptography algorithm. It was been developed by IBM in 1947. After two years NBS (now called as NIST) made advancements in this algorithm. But there was some drawback of DES to overcome them 3DES was been developed and it is more secure than DES.

g.)    AES

3DES was secure but it operability was slow and to overcome its drawbacks NIST invented AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). After this Rijindael algorithm was also invented and it was more efficient, well adaptable to modern processors, suitable for smart cards, flexible and dedicated in terms of hardware.

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Spatial Domain Methods Basic Gray Level Transformation PPT Presentation

Introduction to Spatial Domain Methods Basic Gray Level Transformation PPT Presentation:

The document aims at in detail learning about linear transformation function and about its types. It also tells us more about piece wise linear. Important and complex transformation can be formatted using some specified methods.

a.)    Contrast Stretching

There are some images that lack the illumination in them. To make these images more clear contrast stretching is used. Contrast Stretching is the easiest method to set proper contrast to such images and make them clear to the others. The image which needs contrast stretching may suffer due to lack of light, range problem with sensors and due to error in adjusting settings of lenses aperture while image acquisition. 

b.)    Gray Level Slicing

Gray Level Slicing is use as enhanced feature application in satellites and find flaws in X-ray image.

c.)     Bit Plane Slicing

Bit plane of every image play an important role in presenting that image. So to study the importance of this bit plane image it is important to study the role played by each bit plane image and bit plane slicing allows us to study that. This process aims at studying the adequacy of number of bits plane used for each pixel. This method is ysed for image compression.

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Distributed Database System Names and Binding PPT Presentation

Introduction to Distributed Database System Names and Binding PPT Presentation:

Distributed system increases the efficiency and ease of software. Software’s and hardware have all things used in them for development have particular name. Naming this are user name, machine name, files names, device name, variables in the programs are named, network services used are named.

a.)    NAME  

Name helps us to identify what we want. We need names for services, nodes, paths, objects within services. To name an object naming convection’s are being followed. To name a variable in a language a naming convention is being followed such as a variable name must start with a capital letter. Naming a object depends on some factors.

a.)      Uniqueness

Uniqueness of the names is most important factor as duplication may lead to    some conflicts.

b.)      Naming Convention

Every naming convention system determines it own syntax for naming. Let us consider following naming system used.

UNIX Naming System

Unix Naming system parses components from left to right.

E.g. / Home/src/gps/gui.c

Internet Domain Names

Internet naming system is ordered from right to left and delimited by (.).

LDAP Names

In LDAP naming convention the attribute value pairs are ordered from right to left and are delimited by (.). E.g. o=Rutgres,c=US

      c.)      Context

Always a particular name is associated to and objects. Naming convention is related to every context.

 d.)      Naming System

Naming system means common contexts are connected to each other along with some common properties.

 e.)      Name Space

Name space means set of names is the naming system.

 f.)      Resolution

Resolution is returning the underlying representation if name. 

b.)    ADDRESS

Address helps us to identify the location of a particular object with a specified name.

c.)     ROUTE

Route helps us indentify the path to a particular object with a specific name.

d.)    BINDING

Binding binds or attaches an name with a object.

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