My Shares Web Portal Java Projects With Source Code

My shares web portal java projects main aim is to provide online application through which users can get updates on shares they had invested and variations in past few days and current value of the share and detailed information with clear analysis. In present scenario investments in shares and analysis on every share has become important for most of the software engineers. With this application every user will be provided separate panel for maintaining shares information.

This application is implemented in JSF for developing user friendly interface. In this project we provide entire working procedure and step by step procedure for running this application.

download My shares web portal java project source code and executing procedure.

Event Remainder Web Portal Java Project with Source Code

Event remainder web portal java project explains about implementing a source for advertisers and event managers to advertise upcoming events through a website by sending mails to users who had registered with event remainder website.

In present generation reaching interested users is one of the important factors to get success in any field which comes for reaching information to as many users as possible with in less time.

This application will fill the gap between enterprises and customers.

Initially, users should register with the application by providing a username and email address and select the category of their interest. This system comes with basic web portal operations available for every website.

Here you can download entire project code and execute the procedure.

Event remainder java project code and executing procedure.
This project also contains the event remainder admin panel project.

Event remainder admin panel project code and executing the procedure.

Frequently Asked Web Portal Java Project

Frequently asked web portal project explains about implementing a web application which can provide a solution for different category of users to get answers for their droughts on different categories. 

Some of the application we normally see on the web are online forums by Google Adsense or Yahoo answers which are similar to this project.

Here users can create own accounts and log in as the user can select topics and submit questions on technology, online money transaction, software installation, education information, Yahoo related questions and google related questions.

One of the interesting features of this application is under every category frequently asked questions and answers are provided by the administrator.

Here we provide entire project code and executing the procedure.

frequently asked question web portal java project code and executing the procedure.

Account Tracker Android Project with Source Code

Account tracker android project explains about implementing an app for android mobiles which will help users to know about bank balances in different banks and their transactions information.

In present trend usage of apps had become a new trend because of availability of web services on mobiles.

By considering these improvements in mobile technology knowing information of money transactions through mobile in less time can be a useful application for users.

In this application initially, users need to install the app and update details like listing out different banks and adding new bank accounts.

Here you can download entire project code with how to run instructions provided in the document and features of the project in detail.

Account tracker android project source code and running instructions.

SMS Based Home Automation

Project on SMS Based Home Automation”.

Project Description:  The main aim of the SMS Based Home Automation Electronics & communication Engineering project is to develop an electronic application which uses GSM Mobile technology that keeps control of different electronics devices, this system executes clear output according to the message sent by the mobile phone. Just by sending message to GSM Modem interfaced to the microcontroller, here we are able to perform ON/OFF operation. The ranges of appliances that can be controlled through tele-remote systems many in numbers. By this SMS Based Home Automation project we will not only remotely control various electronic appliances but also ensure firm security of these devices. This Project was done at Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology for their final year project submission. The developer was worked on designing of circuits.

Project Tracking System

Project Tracking System has coded with C# and Asp.Net using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. It gives an interface to the project developer and the software office so that they remain updated regarding project development status every time.

This final year project demand and growth on regular basis which keep them updated of the how much work done and the how much work to be done. Here Front End tool is MS-Visual studio and Back End tool is MS-SQL server.

Personal Identity Management ASP.Net Full Project

Personal Identity Management ASP.Net project is used to store Personal information like passwords and files. 

Only authorized user can login into the system and he/she can store the data. Something like a personal data vault.

Nowadays to access any site we have to provide user name and password, for remember different sites our personal usernames and passwords is very difficult and we may forget a lot of times these credentials.

Then we have to register once more with new login id or we have to recover the password. For avoiding this type of problems this site provides solution, on this site you can store the passwords and login names.

If u forget anytime login name and password then you have a chance to collect the user name and passwords from this site. Here updating of login name and password also provided.

Generic Technology: Database, User Interface, Programming

Specific Technology: Asp.Net 3.5, C#.Net, MS SqlServer-05

Project: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing

SDLC: Presentation, Business Object, Data Access Layer

Personal Identity Management ASP.Net final year project full documentation and source code.

SMS Alerting System

Project Title                 :           SMS Alerting System                       

Software Requirements          : .NET, Visual Studio 2010, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript

Hardware Requirements         : Microsoft Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Win7, Harddisk space with 160GB, 2GB

Project Description                 :        

                        The main purpose of this SMS alerting system project is:

  • Customers have the option to subscribe this service where they will be notified with any latest news about their favorite news. By using this feature the users no need to go for any news paper.
  • All users who subscribed this project can save their time with the help of News Alert System.
  • Mainly this .Net final year project used for business peoples and those who are busy in their personal life.

Data Aggression in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Full Project

Data Aggression in Vehicular ad-hoc networks projects main aim is to provide a safety system for passengers and drivers inside each vehicle.

Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are the autonomous and decentralized wireless systems. MANETs consists of mobile nodes that are free in moving in and out of the network.

Nodes are the systems or devices i.e. Mobile Phones, Laptops, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), MP3 players etc., Comparatively Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETS) are the subclass of the Mobile Ad-hoc Networks(MANETS) which consists of nodes such as a cars, buses etc.

Some of the MANET nodes such as mobile phones are completely are infrastructure based which require the base station for the communication between the other nodes, whereas VANET devices such as cars can communicate with the other without the need for any road side infrastructure such as base stations ,which define the purely the form of vehicle to vehicle communication.

Data aggression in vehicular ad-hoc network project report and source code.

Site@Sight Java Project

Project title: SITE@SIGHT


  • Site@Sight project has implemented with Java language, it mainly deals with providing the individuals, the complete information about the particular website. Various facilities like verify, lease details, buyer etc., are provided to the user through this website.
  • By entering the details as asked in the website, user can get the required information. This website also provides a facility to the user who likes to sell his/her site by asking him/her to register regarding his/her site details.
  • This project can be extended worldwide if it is successful in certain regions, so that the buyers are benefited without any misleading by the sellers.