Computer Project on Secured Authentication for Online Banking Using Mobile Phones

Introduction to Computer Project on Secured Authentication for Online Banking Using Mobile Phones :

The Banks now days provide the facility of online banking to their customers to perform financial transactions by the virtual bank or digital bank website. The Proposed system assures the online banking in a very secured and efficient manner. 

The customer of the bank is allowed to perform transactions through ATM’s with the help of personal key security password or token provided by the online bank server to the customer’s mobile. The key token is created by the application of the SHA256 and Base64 algorithm by use of  IMSI and IMEI register number of the customer mobile. The SMS are being sent to the customer after assuring the customer is registered and verified the account owner. 

The customer will be provided a PIN and the Master key after registering to the online banking services.  The customer has option to use the Unique Master Key in case of losing the mobile. Normally the private key token can be applied for the transactions for the easy and secured authentication instead of taking the USB tokens. 

The facility for the customers is more secure and easy to perform the transactions and hacking is avoided. 

The Existing System 

The swipe card and the pin given to the customer to access of ATM’s for the transactions. If the card is lost and may be theft, an unauthorized user access possible. The existing system has no solution for the lost of card. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System has answer to the problem and Online Banking System provides the authentication to the Mobile phone to perform transactions and confirm the transactions to avoid the unauthorized access. The Mobile phone is better option for the Online Banking authentication as compared to the USB flash drivers. The threat free system has a token number to the customer different for every transaction to withdraw money, balance enquiry and the fund transfer. 

 Download  Computer Project on Secured Authentication for Online Banking Using Mobile Phones .

Peer To Peer Architecture Computer Science Project Report

Introduction to Peer To Peer Architecture Computer Science Project:

The advanced technology in the internet now a days is Peer to Peer architecture or P2P that consists of the nodes that are interconnected in a network that is supposed to be peer to other node for the data sharing and communication.

The conventional LAN architecture is depended on the Client / Server principle. The one or more computers act as server for the connected computer clients. The LAN architecture cannot make the communication properly within the computers. The direct communication between two clients is not possible if the server is not in active mode.

The P2P clients can communicate with one another without the presence of any central server.  The current work to develop programs by the programmers are done through P2P architecture because the communication cannot be interrupted and without the need of server.

Purpose of the Project

The aim of this Project to reduce the limitations and the demerits. We developed an Autonomous Agents which has all features of the ideal P2P architecture. The features and focus of the P2P architecture are following.

  1. To develop of community of peers to have direct data communication.
  2. The presence of the Virtual server that connects the peers.
  3. The amazing shifting of the two modes the Virtual and the Pure P2P for the use of the both architecture.
  4. The effective P2P communication to share the services and the resources.
  5. The server free clients for the easy communication.
  6. The Autonomous Agents to help one another in solve the problem.
  7. The Autonomous Agents can bring out the new conclusions.
  8. Supported search.
  9. The Agents can perform the task without the presence of the user.
  10. The Agents can search the resources and the services automatically. 

 Download  Peer To Peer Architecture Computer Science Project Report.

A Question Answering System Based On Verb net Frames CSE Project Abstract

In the preceding years the mode of answering to the query is used as a by hand. Due to enlarge in use of internet this method shifted to internet. This project is mainly implemented to provide question and answer type in the form of internet. This mode is easy to conduct the large amount of free online text. Based on VerbNet frames this project is implemented. It elaborates the syntactic, thematic and semantic information. This is because to filter out unmatched sentences in semantic level and to elaborate answer portion from the respond sentence. VerbNet is applied to our project to detect the verb frames in question and candidate sentence. Using these method syntactic and thematic information as well as semantic information can be therefore obtained.

            Regarding the background information the user raises the question to the system then the system analyzes and raises two are more queries to the user, after getting the feedback from the user the system answers to the question. Charles J.Fillmore has introduced the case grammar and it defines the sentence meaning. VerNet is a hierarchical domain-independent which contains the syntactic information. It contains a 5257 verb senses and 274 frame classes. The way of processing to the query is of four types. Syntactic analysis and preprocessing, word order adjustment, Tense and voice unification, VerbNet frame detection.

            Our approach to this project is verb frames in question and candidate sentences are detected and we will get the thematic information. When the data present in the answer matches to the question chunks it detects the answer. The main theme of this project is to filter not matching sentences and to rank the correct answer as right.

Virtual Network CSE Mini Project Report

Introduction to Virtual Network CSE Mini Project:    

The main aim of this project is connecting of dissimilar unrestricted Internet Protocols (IP) from the systems following the Network Address Translation (NAT) from outer surface. The systems which below the unalike NATs may be contain same personal Internet Protocols.

A server program role under one Network Address conversion should smart to poll client program consecutively under unalike Network Address conversion so that the client program container include the similar personal Internet Protocols. Microsoft includes big maintain for the practical private networking technology, which connect the Internet protocol connection of the Internet to join remote customers and for the distant office.

This technology uses mostly two protocols which are point to point tunneling protocol (PPTP) and Layer two tunneling protocol (L2TP). The virtual private network (VPN) is the count of a personal network that encompasses relationships diagonally public or civic networks like the Internet. The running worried VPN link diagonally the Internet rationally operates as a enthusiastic Wide area network relation.

The major essentials of the Virtual protocol system are VPN client VPN server Tunnel, VPN link, Tunneling protocols, tunneling information and transfer Internetwork. The workplace accept VPN relationships from the VPN customers. And the computer initiates the VPN link to the VPN server.  Tunnel is use to summarize the information. VPN connection’s is used to encrypt the information. Tunneling protocols used to continue the tunnels and the relations.

Tunneling information nobody but transmit the information during point to point link. Remote access of VPN is a remote access VPN link is ended by a remote admission client, or a single customer workstation, to facilitate join to individual network. The router to router VPN links done by a router and join two portions of personal networks. Properties of the VPN network are Encapsulation, Encryption Address, name head member of staff serving at table project and verification. By following all these property and conduct we include to join other dissimilar civic Internet Protocols (IP) starting the systems last the Network Address Translation (NAT) from outer surface.

Verification of Cryptographic Protocols Using Logic Programming Mini Project Report

Introduction to Verification of Cryptographic Protocols Using Logic Programming Mini Project:

Security of the data plays a main role in real time environment to keep the data from illegal users. For giving security here we mainly use encryption algorithms. But still when tough encryption algorithms are used, data is not safe so we select protocols for giving security. It is compulsory to check the protocol there are several functions and tools are present for testing the protocols, which includes the using automata theory, logic programming etc. cryptography methods are mainly used by network security protocols for getting privacy, verification, integrity and non-repudiation.

Logics used in cryptographic protocols have proved to be very useful assist in validating and correcting these protocols they assist to formalize the analysis about useful theoretical belongings of these protocols. The logic require to write down the early security assumptions of these protocols the logics necessitate to write down the original security assumptions of the protocol that might or else be hidden in the implementation particulars.

It has a number of benefits like, useless message exchanges can be spotted easily. Appropriate changes among related protocols get nearer to the outside. Mainly logics are based on assumptions that are not written clearly. For example many assume that the adding of expressions in commutative and that the sender recognizes its own messages.

In this project they think logic is first order logic, or can simply particular as prolog. Two methods used for first order logic verification are, first is using the concept of strand spaces. This advance is based on the DOLEV-YAO intruder model. It is Graphical user Interface based method that is used to show the properties of arbitrary combinations of the protocols organization at the same time. Concept of strand spaces was established conceivably hard.

Download  Verification of Cryptographic Protocols Using Logic Programming Mini Project Report.

A Fully Distributed Proactively Secure Threshold Multi signature Scheme CSE Project Abstract

Introduction to A Fully Distributed Proactively Secure Threshold Multi signature Scheme Project:

The main aim of this abstract is presenting secure and efficient way of Threshold multi signature scheme. The fundamental properties are defined in this scheme consist the all properties of the multi signature and thresh hold group signatures.

Existing System:

For the generation of digital signature more shareholders are required.  The shareholders must contribute equally to produce valid digital signatures.The scheme consist the all properties of the multi signature and thresh hold group signatures. Existing multi signature schemes are single-signed.

Proposed System:

The system proposes new threshold multi signal scheme without Trusted Third party. It is based on the based on a round optimal, publicly verifiable DKG protocol. The protocol can be easily incorporated and maintained.  It is very secure.


The modules that are included in this project are

  •  Signature

 Signature Generation

 Signature Verification

  • Cryptography



  • Message Transmission



Signature Generation: The signature is generated by long-term private key. It is generated for the group of members. The encryption for the protocol participant is performed using an appropriate publicly verifiable encryption scheme. The generated signature is broadcasted to all the members. 

Signature Verification: The member’s group signature is collected for generation of signatures. The individual signatures are authenticated by the clerk. Invalidation can be occurred due to participant’s signatures. The protocol can be aborted due to less number of participants. 


 Encryption: The encryption process is used to encrypt the secret messages and they are converted to cipher form.

Decryption: The original message is decrypted by the key by this the original message can be retrieved.

Message Transmission:

The encrypted message is transferred to the group members. This message will be decrypted at other end by the key.This module having two sub modules they are

i) Unicasting

ii) Multicasting.

Download  A Fully Distributed Proactively Secure Threshold Multi signature Scheme CSE Project Abstract.

Final Year Project Report on Hospital Management System

Introduction to Hospital Management System Project:

The hospital management system was developed using C#, MS visual studio, MS office, SQL server. In this system no of doctors and no of available room and patients admit/discharge are maintained.


  • Records of patients are kept and appointments are made according to schedule so that the patients can meet doctors in right it is convenient for both doctor and patient.
  • Prescriptions provided by doctor are kept in records
  • Medicine department records are kept for patients convince about the medicines that he need.
  • Details about consultants and prescriptions and all details are stored. 


The first module is IPD in patient details. These module compromises of the patient details about his illness and bed allocated to him whether he is admitted in general ward or ICU all the details are collected.

OPD outpatient details. These patients often visit the hospital for regular checkup they are not admitted patients. They are the patients with some fever, muscular pain and some disease.

Billing Module: This module contains information about billing that is amount paid by the patient and the remaining balance amount it contains both IPD and OPD. The billing is made on complete chart of diagnosis.

View Module: In this module details of every patient can be known with single name the details may include his name age sex and the disease from he was suffering. By patient ID we can also Know all his details.

Employee Module:  this module contains information about the staff working in hospital like Doctor, Nurses, Ward Boys, Receptionists, Peon, and Cleaning Staff.


The security is very necessary in today’s world. Because intruders can hack all the information so an ADMIN ID/Password is provided to protect the data safe. These admin rights are given to the Right full person.

Fuzzy-Logic Based Information Fusion for Image Segmentation Project Report

Introduction to Fuzzy-Logic Based Information Fusion for Image Segmentation Project:

The project involves the implementation of Fuzzy based mostly data fusion for image segmentation. Here we have a tendency to 1st perform image segmentation on totally different cues.

The Fuzzy-c-means bunch formula is employed for segmentation of every cue house. In any field, wherever finding cluster of comparable region in a picture is that the task then the bunch technique ought to be used for characteristic the similar regions into single group.

This may have totally different inputs, outputs and alternative parameters that are restrained within the returning section of the report. 


The goal of image segmentation is to group pixels into prominent image regions, regions take pleasure in surfaces, substance, or normal fundamentals of objects.

Segmentation is always used for seeing, occlusion boundary estimation inside motion or stereo systems, compression, image redaction, or image info look-up.

For intensity pictures (i.e., those diagrammatic by point-wise intensity levels) four widespread approaches are: threshold techniques, edge-based ways, region-based techniques, and connectivity-preserving relaxation ways. 

About FUZZY Logic

The idea of Fuzzy Logic first comes in 1965 by Lotfi A. Zadeh, faculty member for technology at University of American state in Berkeley.

Actually symbolic logic (FL) may be a multivalve logic that permits transitional values to exist outlined between standard evaluations.

Ideas like quite tall or in no time will be developed accurately and processed by computers, so as to use an additional human-like means of thinking within the programming.

Fuzzy systems area unit are another to ancient notions of set membership and logic that has its origins in Hellenic philosophy.

The exactness of arithmetic owes its success in giant half to the efforts of Aristotle and therefore the philosophers United Nations agency preceded him.

In their efforts to plot a elliptic theory of logic, and later arithmetic, the supposed “Laws of Thought” were posited.

Download  Fuzzy-Logic Based Information Fusion for Image Segmentation Project Report.

CSE Latest Project Report on Mirror Techniques and Load Balancing Techniques

Introduction to Mirror Techniques and Load Balancing Techniques Project:

The download of files by accessing many mirror sites is very common for users. The Project is focused on the installing of mirror to deal with the distribution. The Project also has the proposal of centralized load balancing algorithm for the accessibility of information between the mirrors. 

Problem Specification 

The problem specification is showed for the following.

  1. To identify the mirror technique with the installation of the mirror in a Linux Distribution as Debian.
  2. To analyze the current load balancing algorithms to make a multitasking centralized load balancing algorithm for the duplicated servers and validation of the algorithm by run it. 

The downloading is directly linked with the work capacity of the server. The purpose of the mirror installation is to reduce the more use of server. The load balancing is very important to optimize the server capacity or performance to distribute the information to all clients.

The Mirroring fosters ease the distribution of all assets in a unusual way and peer to peer way to assist the in the growth of the useful information for the community. 

The mirroring technique makes the servers duplication effective integrated with exact load balancing techniques. The different set of duplicated servers and mirrors performance requires the algorithms to load balance between server and the clients.  

Download  CSE Latest Project Report on Mirror Techniques and Load Balancing Techniques.

Peer to Peer Content Distribution System Java Project with Source Code and Documentation

Introduction to Peer to Peer Content Distribution System Java Project:

The Project is based the totally removal of the  Streaming media with the quality transfer of the  Packet data. The streaming media is of highly use in the corporate sector to communicate and send the new clips to employees and the clients. This Packet Switching Technology for high quality Streaming video and multimedia transfer has lot of troubles and technical requirement that leads to the proper data communication. 

Apart from the Streaming video on the IP addresses, the corporate sector aware and regulate their infrastructure and confidential information that are shared. Video Coding and the networking needs the treat free communication. The Video Streaming from the server to client should be the effective and trusted, it should be free from threat.   

The Existing System 

The Existing System is Client- Server File Sharing. The Server provides the document or files to the Client on demand. The Centralized server spreads the files when the Client requests for sharing. In response of the request the Server sends the file to the Client. The Server is aimed to distribute files. 

The Demerits of the System 

  1. The Server is unable to handle the multi- requests at the same time, so the Scalability trouble starts.
  2. The Servers has been made for the high processing speed.
  3. The Clients increases the downloading time increases.
  4. The Server is to be prepared for the high storage capacity for storing multimedia files. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System is Peer to Peer Content Distribution System between the Server and the Clients. The System efficiently and more easily spreads the duplicate files to all the Clients. The P2P content distribution system is possessing the interconnected nodes, each node stores the content and bandwidth and passes to the next node. 

The P2P system is a centralized Server System. The System regulates the files distribution without any problem to the Clients. The Server has the details of the storage location of the Shared files in Directories. The user requests for the file search to the Server. In response the Server provides the systematic representation of the Locations and the peers to access the file and download the file. The System is very effective in terms of the Server stores and constantly updates information to all registered Clients. 

Download  Peer to Peer Content Distribution System Java Project with Source Code and Documentation.