Rate And Delay Guarantees Provided By Clos Packet Switches With Load Balancing Project Source Code

Rate and delay guarantees provided by clos packet switches with load balancing project is a 2008 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about using clos packet switching to provide efficient load balancing in a network. Multihop fabric provides higher capacity compare to single hob cross fiber for switching elements. In order to maintain traffic load we use clos switching at middle stage where all the traffic will get through this system to control overload problem.            

 Here we analyze tolerable delays that are caused by using fabric utilization and examine various load balancing algorithms and derive general formula for effective load balancing algorithm.

Here you can download entire project report and source code and step by step procedure for executing this project.

download Rate and delay guarantees provided by clos packet switches with load balancing project base paper pdf, project source code in java and project report with PPT.

Minimizing File Download Time In Stochastic Peer To Peer Networks Project Source Code

Minimizing file download time in stochastic peer to peer networks project is a 2008 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. The main idea of this project is to solve issues in download time and packet losses in streaming videos by implementing effective methods.

In this paper we work on spatial heterogeneity and temporal correlations in service capacity which can improve download time in peer to peer network and propose distributed algorithm for removing negative factors.

In existing system calculating download time is based on service capacity which is not a accurate method. Here we use simulators for analyzing performance of both existing and proposed system.

Here you can download entire project source code of four peers, server code, and client code. You can execute entire project using step by step procedures which are provided in how to run file.

Modeling Automated Containment Of Worms Project Source Code

Modeling and automated containment of worms project is a 2008 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. Main idea of this project is to deal with worms like code red, Nimda and slammer by developing branching process model. This model effectively deals with uniform scanning worms and extending to preference scanning worms. This application is further improved to automatic worm scanner which will detect different types of worms at starting stage and restrict at low level. Worms are also called as self propagation codes which had became one of the biggest issues in internet. There are many researches going on to solve this problem. This project can help be part of that research. Here you can download entire project source code, project report and paper presentation with reference documents. download modeling automated containment of worms project base paper pdf, Project source code in java, Project report and ppt.

Online Crime Report .Net project with Source Code

Name of the Project: Online Crime Report .Net project with Source Code

Software Tools: Visual Studio .net Frame Work, ASP.Net, SQL Server, IIS Server, HTML, Visual Studio 2008, VB.Net. ADO.Net

The main aim of this Online Crime Report .net project is to provide all crime management solutions which are easily accessible to everyone. 

The Crime application starts with the common people who want to log a complaint through the website so it can be very useful for the police department to find out the problem in the society without people are coming to the police station every time.

This crime project mainly works with three modules namely administrator module, user module, and police department module.

This Online Crime Output index Screen login page contains a type of the login, Username, Password. The registration screen contains user email id, subject field, department email id.

Download Online Crime Report project abstract, total documentation, source code, database File, How to install file, how to run video file, Paper Presentation.

Distributed Channel Management System .Net Project with Source Code

  • Name of the Project: Distributed Channel Management System .Net Project with Source Code

  • Software Tools: ASP.Net, SQL Server, HTML, Visual Studio 2008, VB.Net.

The main objective of developing this Distributed Channel Management System is to provide efficient interaction between Dealers and management. This software application has implemented on Visual studio 2008 with ASP.Net, and VB.Net Coding using SQL Server 2005 database. The main purpose of this project is to create distribute channel in corporate offices. The advantages included in this project are automating communication, provide company products, etc. The previous system has lots of problems like time consuming process, lots of manual work needed. To develop this project we should provide at least 50GB hard Disk space, Windows XP Professional, 2 GB RAM. The main modules included in this system are Company administrator module, dealer’s module, client’s module where clients can buy different products from the company website; dealers can be the mediators and provide intermediate services to company management and clients.

The output screen contains Administrator module, client’s module, dealer module, sales employee module, products module, dealer details module. Where admin can login with his credentials and he can add all company products, he can delete the product, modify the product information, and delete/modify branches.

Download this Distributed Channel Management System Project Abstract, full documentation with source code, Paper Presentation, How to install project, database Files, Video File for how to execute.

Face Identification Java Project with Source code

  • Project Title: Face Identification Java Project with Source code

  • Software: Java, Swings, Oracle Database.

Project Abstract: The main aim of developing this Face Identification project is to find out the persons easily without searching with their personal information. This project is mainly useful for police department to trace out criminals, The previous systems are working with personal details matching, fingerprint validation, DNA test, and eye witness but those methods are time consuming and not able to provide exact results and it is a time consuming process, it needs extra manual resources and it will not provide the accurate results, the main disadvantage is losing the data and the admin should have drawing skills to find out the criminal. To solve these problems we have developed a new software application using face reorganization. This project detects the persons with their facial expressions.  The administrator can log in into the project and upload the suspected image to the server and find out the exact matching’s from the database. This final year face reorganization project was implemented on Java swings with Oracle 8i database server.

The output screen starts with the user authentication details depends upon the valid user or not. If the user is valid he can upload images to the database first and he can take some of important clips and store in the database, etc

Download Face Identification Java Project with Source code, Documentation, paper Presentation, Abstract, How to run text file, UML Diagrams, database Tables.

Data Aggregation in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Seminar Topic

Data Aggregation In Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks seminar topic proposes the data aggregation mechanisms, where the records about two vehicles can be replaced by single record with little error, if the vehicles are very close each other and move with relatively the same speed. The main contribution of our work lies in the efficiency of algorithm in aggregating the information with minimum time.  Here we have created the VANET environment for the required length and width of the road. We have divided the full length of the road into many number of fixed sized clusters and determined the cluster head for each cluster based on the mobility. Here the vehicle which is having the least mobility is assumed to be the cluster head which is involved in the aggregation of the different messages received from all the vehicles in the cluster. Similar messages related to the some particular events are aggregated into a single aggregate which has all the information sent by all the vehicles in the cluster, and the process repeats for all the clusters and it occurs in real time.

                  In the future scope of our proposed work we can compare our work with the different available techniques and also include the different performance metrics which helps in achieving better efficiency.

download Data Aggregation In Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks seminar topic paper presentation.

Night vision technology Seminar Topic

Night vision technology, by definition, literally allows one to seeing the dark. Originally developed for military use, it has provided the United States with a strategic military advantage, the value of which can be measured in lives. Federal and state agencies now routinely utilize the technology for site security, surveillance as well as search and rescue. Night vision equipment has evolved from bulky optical instruments in lightweight goggles through the advancement of image intensification technology. The first thing you probably think of when you see the words night vision is a spy or action movie you’ve seen, in which someone straps on a pair of night-vision goggles to find someone else in a dark building on a moonless night. With the proper night-vision equipment, you can see a person standing over 200 yards (183 m) away on a moonless, cloudy night! Night vision can work in two very different ways, depending on the technology used. 

Image enhancement – This works by collecting the tiny amounts of light, including the lower portion of the infrared light spectrum, that are present but may be imperceptible to our eyes, and amplifying it to the point that we can easily observe the image.

Thermal imaging – This technology operates by capturing the upper portion of the infrared light spectrum, which is emitted as heat by objects instead of simply reflected as light. Hotter objects, such as warm bodies, emit more of this light than cooler objects like trees or building.

Download night vision technology seminar topic reference document.

E-Wallet Technical Paper Presentation Seminar Topic

E-Wallet technical paper presentation explains about implementing an embedded system based smart card where different security information and money transactions are maintained in a single card.

This system contains memory and run application using micro controller and update information to this card using java applets. Information like credit card details, passport information, driving license can be maintained in the smart card.

With this system, we can manage our important security information in a single application so if we lose any card or license there is no need to contact different departments.

If we use this application you need to just deactivate the smart card.

Front end application is also implemented for this system where we can update information to the smart card.

E-Wallet seminar topic full documentation full project includes project source code, database, project report, ppt, etc.

Optical Camouflage Seminar Topic

Optical Camouflage seminar topic explains about new technology in which human body will be transparent and we can see objects moving behind the person. This project will be a scientific approach for ancient miracles which we read in many books where people will disappear and appear on there will. In present trend this application is possible with help of advancements in optics and advancements in computing techniques with the use of liquid crystal display.

This application uses camera for capturing background images and display those images of the surface using a projector which will make us to feel as body is transparent. This is possible by using dirt cheap technology which was invented by Japanese scientist.

Detailed explanation of the seminar topic is provided in attached documents.

download Optical Camouflage seminar topic documentation.