Petro Credit Card Management System Project with Source code

Project Title: Petro Credit Card Management System Project with Source code

Software Requirements:  VB.Net, SQL Server.

Project Description: The main aim of developing this Petro Credit Card Management System Project with Source code is to provide efficient and secure credit card payment windows application system in stores. 

This project output screen consists of admin authentication; here it can provide all details of credit card holder, his purchase details, and EMI details, etc. coming to the credit card maintenance system it has details about credit card number, name, the address of card holder, etc.

Franchise details include franchise name, main office name, branch number, manger name, etc.

Petro Credit Card Management System Project with Source code, Project Documentation, Paper Presentation, Abstract, database file.

Examination System C++ Project with Source code

Project Title: Examination System C++ Project with Source code

Software Requirements:  C, C++, Turbo C++.

Project Description: The main aim of developing this Examination System C++ Project is to provide an efficient tool for school and college management to conduct online exams.

This project contains different executed files like fee-related files, admission files, attendance files, search files.  This c++ project helps students to know their marks, pass status, wrong answers immediately without any time delay.

Examination System C++ Project with Source code

Computerized Mobile Store Management System Java Project with Source code

Project Title: Computerized Mobile Store Management System Java Project with Source code

Software Requirements:  Java, Oracle 9i, HTML, Windows XP.

Project Description:  Computerized Mobile Store Management System final year engineering computer science project was developed on Java and Oracle database server.

The main objective of developing this web application is to provide online web mobile store for mobile agencies, the advantages included here are generate efficient reports, mobile billing transactions are accurate, know all previous records.

Refer to Related Project:

Store management system Java project report 

The administrator can login with credentials and add all details about new mobile phones like, mobile model, Mobile company name, date of pick up, number of pieces, Mobile phone identification numbers, IMEI numbers,  Date of manufacturing, other mobile accessories, and many more.

Search engine option available to admin to search products at anytime. When users buy any mobile then admin generate bill reports and give prints directly through this system.

Download Computerized Mobile Store Management System Java Project with Source code, documentation, paper presentation, MS Access database file.

Tech Book Java Project with Source code

Project Title: Tech Book Java Project with Source code

Software Requirements:  Java, MS Access.

Techbook Java Project with Source code

Project Description:  Tech Book Java Project was developed for final year students, this project contains client application folder files, DOS attacks folder files, file server folder files, location Guard folder files, and normal client folder files, MS Access database file. 

Client application explains about books topics on java and server status message can be provided.

Tech Book Java Project with Source code, documentation, paper presentation, MS Access database file.

Extraction Project VC++ Project with Source Code

Project Title: Extraction Project VC++ Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  VC++,SQL Server.

Project Description:  The main aim and objective of developing this Extraction Project using console application are to provide a simple tool for file extraction. 

This project Zip folder contains my database SQL file, speed antivirus folder, integrity checker folder, etc.

Customer Extraction Project VC++ Project with Source Code, documentation, paper presentation, MYSQL database file.

Customer Relationship Management on Vintech Systems and Controls Project VB Project with Source Code

Project Title: Customer Relationship Management on Vintech Systems and Controls Project VB Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Java, MYSQL, HTML, Apache Server.

Project Description:  The main aim and objective of developing this Customer Relationship Management on Vintech Systems and Controls final year project are to provide the best communication between employees and management in corporate companies. 

This CRM project output screen provides login details for admin and employee where customers and service man user registration details provided. The menu bar contains Home page, compose email page, inbox page, sent items page, change password page and logout page for customers.

The main advantage of this Java & MYSQL project is to give effective management strategies in companies where company management can increase the products quality, company share value, this application can reduce the manual efforts, increase the company standards.

Customer Relationship Management on Vintech Systems and Controls Project with source code, documentation, paper presentation, MYSQL database file.

Caterers Management System Project VB Project with Source Code

Project Title: Caterers Management System Project VB Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  VB, VB.Net, MS Access, HTML.

Project Description:  The main objective of developing this Caterers system VB based web application is to make catering system simple and dynamic.

The output of the project contains menu bar with different navigation functions those are master, transaction, report, help, and exit. When we click on the master link on the menu bar it can provide customer details, supplier details, worker details, worker type, raw material, menu category, type.

Transaction module contains customer orders, invoice, worker salary, supplier salary. Report module contains customer invoice, customer order, monthly customer order report, worker salary, monthly supplier order report.

The customer details module provides information about the customer; the details included customer ID, customer name, customer address, pin code, mobile number. The supplier details also same as customer details.

Caterers management system VB Project with source code, documentation, paper presentation, MS access database file.

Effective Personalized Privacy Preservation System Project Source Code

Effective personalized privacy preservation system project Abstract:

Effective personalized privacy preservation system project principles is implemented on hospital management system using and C# programming language. This project is a cse project which explains about a powerful flexible easy to use and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals and clinics. This application is developed for multi specialty hospitals to cover a wide range of hospital administration and management process. It is an integrated end to end hospital management system with effective personalized privacy preservations.

In this proposed system we implement a novel privacy protection called closeness by using tow methods. A base model called t-closeness and other effective flexible privacy model called (n,t) –closeness.

Here we provide entire project report and source code for free download with reference papers, paper presentation, database.

download Effective personalized privacy preservation system project source code with project report and ppt.

Network Capacity Adaptation In Service Overlay Network Objective Project Source Code

Network capacity adaptation in service overlay network objective project Abstract:

Network capacity adaptation in service overlay network objective project is a cse project which is implemented in and C# programming language. Main aim of this project is to improve quality of service by adapting to available bandwidth in internet autonomous systems. Here we use SON links and improve quality of service for every connection. Network operators can mange available bandwidth by changing traffic and SLA cost conditions and improve profit.

In this project we use Markov decision process theory for maximizing routing process. Voice and vide conferencing are routed on separate service over SON Network.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report, reference papers and paper presentations.

download Network capacity adaptation in service overlay network objective project base paper pdf, source code and project report with ppt.

Using Aggregation Profiling In Large Scale Resource Discovery Project Source Code

Using aggregation profiling in large scale resource discovery project Abstract:

Using aggregation profiling in large scale resource discovery project is a cse 2011 project which is implemented in using C# programming language. Main idea of this project is to provide scalability and effective resource guarantees in network. In order to achieve this feature implement two complementary methods: resource usage histograms

We proposed the notion of a resource bundle that employs two complementary techniques to overcome the limitations of existing techniques: resource usage histograms.

Source code consists of database, form1, frm search, login, LPFC, test form, files.

Initially user need to login with username and password and submit will allow to use LPFC form where connected peers information is provided with four cluster fields where user need to enter different ip addresses and insert cluster details will allow to move to form search where resource search and introspection options are provided. Working process can be tested here.

download Using aggregation profiling in large scale resource discovery project base paper pdf, source code and project report with ppt.