Export Management System Project in Asp.Net Source Code

Export management system project Description:

Export management system project is useful for export and import related companies for efficiently managing different activities which are involved while exporting goods and receiving orders from customers, managing customer support and finance ..etc. Using this system customers can order goods from any part of the world and get customer support for every delivery. In order to use this application features users need to register with application and get unique user name and password with different level of authentication for security purpose. Customers can receive goods in different ways through air, ship or road type of support is based on customer package he choose and time of receiving.

Here we provide DFD’s, export management system srs, abstract, export management system classes, screen shots, database tables, paper presentations..etc

download export management system project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Leave Management System Project Documentation and Asp.Net Source Code For Free

Leave management system project Description:

Leave management system project is a intranet based application which can be accessed all over the organization. This application is automated software application for handling leaves related information of employees and approval of leaves, payment cancelations..etc are part of this system. Each employee is provided with unique userid and password for log in to system and send request for leave. Project leader of higher outhorites will look after the proposal and they man accept, reject or keep it in pending. Before approving leave different departments people will look after the request through this system and take decesions. This method will improve the process of leave management inside organization by saving time and resources.

Here we provide leave management system activity class diagrams, screen shots, DFD, ER diagrams, paper presentations, sql restore data…etc

download leave management system project source code in asp.net for free, project documentation(report,abstract) with ppt.

Online Customer Service System Project Source Code in Asp.Net and Project Report

Online customer service system project Description:

Online customer service system project is useful for providing feedback system for telecom companies, other organizations for improving product services and get in contact with customers to improve there business. In present scenario customer service systems are mostly used in telecom companies and software companies. This application is implemented with basic features which are present in all customer service related sites. This is a web based asp.net project developed in C# programming language.

Here we provide online customer service system abstract, SRS, Work flow diagrams, dfd…etc for free download.

download online customer service system project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Employee Recruitment System Project Dfd and Source Code

Employee recruitment system project Description:

Employee recruitment system project is useful for small sized and large sized companies for recruiting new members for company. This is a automated process where candidates resumes are updated and interview details are stored  and documents information are submitted and employee payroll information, joining dates..etc  are part of this system.  For every company recruitment process is a time taking process and large number of resources are required, using this system will save time, reduce cost and accurate method are followed for recruiting genuine candidates.

Employees information are stored in different categories based on their experiences and training are provided for fresher for improving knowledge and skills to make him fit for job.

download employee recruitment system project source code, project report, dfd and ppt.

Vehicle Rental System Source Code

Vehicle rental project description:

Vehicle rental project is a online web portal implemented in asp.net platform using c# programming language. This system is useful for cab organizing companies for efficiently managing and organizing cab service for large number of users through internet. Users can book cab service from any were in the world and take service when they visit that city. There are different services provided based on different level of cab standards.

This application comes with fully automated feedback and customer care system for providing efficient service for users.

download vehicle rental system source code in asp.net and project report (documentation) with ppt.

Courier Information System Project And Source Code

Courier information system project Description:

Courier information system project is useful for small and large scale courier services for improving there service and increasing sales and services by using web based portal. Users can book courier, know about arrival of packages, closing and opening timings, customer support and feedback system for completing work in less time. At present most of the large scale courier services like blue dart..etc use these services. Most of features present on those sites are implemented in this application.

Existing system works on manual methods which is a time taking process but as usage of internet is increasing there are many users who can benefit from this online system.

download courier information system project asp.net source code and project report (documentation) and ppt.

Crime Record Management System Ppt Dfd

Crime record management system project Description:

Crime record management system project is useful for police departments form managing criminal records, pending cases, through online portal. This information is available for citizens and provide information about criminals for catching criminals. This system will improve performance of police departments to solve cases and tackle crimes efficiently in less time.

In existing system manual methods are used for maintaining criminal records which is not a efficient data. There is chances of loosing data. This application will solve these problems and provide a database for storing data.

download crime record management system source code and project report with ppt.

Customer Query Management System Source Code Free Download

Customer query management system project Abstract:

The customer query management system project is implemented in asp.net platform using C# programming language. 

This project is useful for telecommunication service providers and every industry which need to be in regular contact with the customer to provide support and resolve queries. Using this system organization can improve business and get closer to customers.

In a product selling business after installing application at client side there is need to provide customer support under warranty basis. Under these situations this application will be helpful.

Customer Service Management Project Source Code

Customer service management project Description:

Customer service management project is useful for industries where  there is need for customer support for products they sell. This application can be useful in industries, software companies, telecom companies, business solutions..etc. Users can interact through email or over phone. In present scenario many companies are using this customer service system for improving business and getting closer to customers. Telecom companies are on top in using this system.

Here we provide customer care service work flow diagrams, paper presentation, srs, database and source code.

download customer service management project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Water Marking Project

Project Name:  Water Marking Project

  1. Developer Role                  :  Analysis, Design and Implementation 
  2. Front End Requirements        :  ASP.net and C# .net
  3. Back End Requirements         :  SQL Server 2005 

Project Description: The main objective of developing this Watermarking final year ASP.Net & C# project is to provide a effective tool which is going to embed a digital signal in text format, image format, audio files and video files, The main advantage of this application is to we can give ownership to each and every product so that we can easily find out while frauds happened. This project developer was involved in analysis phase and developed most of the modules with asp.net and C#.net with sql server.